Aquarius (Guardians of the Stars Book 2)

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Aquarius (Guardians of the Stars Book 2) Page 11

by Kim Faulks

  I shook my head and placed the bowl on the cupboard. Water slapped the edges, and then slowed. I turned and searched her beautiful amber eyes. My chest seemed to swell, taking more air than I needed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I’m a wolf. I…I want to be part of this pack, Victor. I have…things I need to answer for, things I’ve done.”

  I tried to keep the sting from my voice. “You have nothing to answer for, Odessa. If anyone needs forgiving it’s them, not you.”

  She dropped her head. “You don’t understand—no one does.”

  I crossed the room to grab her hand. Her fingers were so thin, bones and skin—that was all she was. “Then tell me, let me be the person who listens to you. Let me be the person that tells you, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”

  A tremble raced through her body and into my hand. She lifted her head and pierced me with a steely gaze. “Rowen hates me. Abrial hates me. I don’t want to carry this anymore. I don’t want to be the outsider. I don’t want to be forced to leave.”


  The word was a punch to my gut. Odessa was a lone wolf, belonging to no Alpha. Now that Abrial and Marcus were Alphas, they could force her to take fealty and be subject to pack law—their law.

  “You are not a monster, Odessa. There’s good in you, I’ve seen it.”

  “There’s bad in me too and some days, it outweighs the good. I’m tired of running, Victor. I’m tired of not belonging and more than anything—I’m tired of being alone. So I’m going. I’m going to stand with the wolves and I’m going to smile and howl. And when the time comes I’m going to give myself to an Alpha this world needs. I’m going to drop to my knees and shift like the others and I’m going to be part of a family.”

  The steel in her voice clamped around me. I opened my mouth, but there was nothing I could say—no part of me that would hurt her. “I think you’re going to have a wonderful time, any pack should be honored.”

  Her smile reached her eyes, turning chocolate to honey. Her wound crumbled as her cheek dimpled. I hadn’t noticed that before. Hadn’t seen her…smile.

  I stilled. My heart thundered. The thought so powerful it rocked me where I stood. I’d never seen her smile. Her smile froze, her brow narrowed, something passed across her face—an awareness of what lingered between us.

  “If you’re going, then I best get you some food. You must be starving.”

  Her grin widened as she nodded. “I must admit, scrounging in a winter’s forest yielded me more to eat than this place.”

  Food. When was the last time I brought her something to eat? I searched my frantic thoughts. The old woman brought her food yesterday, but I’d neglected her.

  “Don’t look so worried, Victor. You don’t have to fuss. I’m capable of scrounging for food if I need it.”

  I nodded and dragged my fingers through my hair. I’d forgotten the basic functions, eat, drink, sleep…sex. My fist tightened around the strands of my hair. She shifted, moving from one foot to the other and suddenly I was aware of her.

  Aware of the space between us.

  Aware of the scent her body left on my skin.

  Aware of how easy it would be to give myself to her.

  Like falling.

  Just falling.

  I’d never look down.

  I’d never see the bottom.

  For me, there was only her.

  I plunged headlong into that thought. The ocean rocked and rolled. A low growl rippled from somewhere deep inside. Her eyes widened at the sound. She searched my eyes, my hands, and my body. Her nostrils flared, scenting.

  Not anger. Not fear.

  Her breathing hitched. I took a step closer, pulled by something far bigger than me, and reached for her. My calloused fingers brushed perfect skin. I wished I was more—more man, more dragon. I wished I could move mountains and grow horns. I wished I could show her just how perfect she was.

  She dropped her gaze, breaking the connection. But I wouldn’t let it be. I couldn’t let it be. This was more than a glance, more than the heat pumping through my veins. This was real, more real than anything I’d ever known.

  “Look at me,” I whispered, catching her flinch. “Look at me.”

  Shy, conflicted emotions filled the void as she raised her head.

  “Never look away from me, woman. Never hide yourself. I see you. I. See. You.”

  A keening sound filled the air. Mine, it whispered. The dragon had staked his claim. Mine.

  “Mine.” I echoed back, taking my time to make sure he understood. “Mine.”

  Waves slapped the sides of my mind. My dragon took a step out of the shadows. White teeth glistened as his lips peeled back from his teeth. Hate rippled from electric blue eyes, hate and something else. Fear. My dragon was afraid of me.

  I tore my focus from his gaze and lowered my head. This time there was no backing down. The dragon would have to share.

  She tilted her mouth toward me. Her nose brushed my lips. Her crusted wound scraped my cheek. She flinched, dragging those perfect eyes to meet mine. She was so fragile and yet so powerful. How could anyone not be mesmerized?

  Need moved in like a riptide, sweeping over me in one second, only to drag me under in the next. She closed her eyes. The kiss so light it was barely there.

  But I knew. Energy coursed through her mouth and into mine, drawing me deeper. Her lips were so soft, softer than anything I’d ever felt before. My useless fingers fluttered against her jaw. I lifted my hand, rising to capture the base of her head.

  Don’t move.

  Never move.

  Her mouth was mine. I wanted more, more of this captivating woman. My movements were frenzied. I tried to stem the flow, tried to ease the rush of desire. But my body obeyed a new master. Her tongue snaked out, sliding against my own. The motion drove me to madness. I was moving, barreling her backward. I shoved my left hand out, slapping the wall as I cradled her head with my right.

  She was more than what I touched, more than flesh, more than blood. I pressed against her, mashing her breasts into my chest. Tremors rocked her. Her heart thundered, racing to catch up with mine. Or was it mine?

  Senses mingled, entangling and entwining like lovers’ fingers. I took her mouth. I swallowed her cries. I drank down every drop of her—and still I wanted more.

  I needed more.

  Her touch skirted my shoulders, moving to capture my arms. The pull was greater than any current, wrenching me harder against her.

  Don’t hurt her. Don’t you dare hurt her.

  I fought a battle, the need to consume, the need to have and take and ravage ripped me apart. I moved my thigh between hers, tilting my hips. My cock was alive, pulsing with the same frantic predatory longing.

  If I could only…

  She lifted her hand and scraped the back of my neck with her nails. The sting followed, marking their way through my hair, unleashing a pure panic driven force.

  A knock on the door ripped through my head like thunder. I dropped my hands and stumbled away, staring at her reddened lips, her lingering hands, still hovering in the air where my head had been.

  I smelled blood. I tasted blood.

  The door shuddered, vibrating with the sound. I lunged and tore the door open. Maddy recoiled, clutching her baby. Her gaze swept over me. I lifted my hand, smoothing my disheveled hair from my face and forced myself to breathe.

  Maddy turned her head, catching sight of Odessa against the wall.

  The tiny shifter took a step out into the open. I winced at her tender lips and fought a primitive ache to mark what was mine.

  “I’m s-so sorry. I sh-should’ve…” Maddy stuttered. Her gaze bounced from me to Odessa and back again.

  “It’s fine. This is fine. How are you? Is there anything you need?” The words were rushed. I sounded like a damn fool.

  Just back away slowly.

  Two sets of eyes followed me and suddenly I felt less like a predator and more like prey.

  The crack of a smile widened. I couldn’t help but stare as Odessa dropped her head back. The light chortle danced through the air. My stomach tightened as Maddy took one look at me and lifted her free hand to hide the smirk.

  “What’s so funny?”

  The painful croak only incensed their laughter, which filled the room with two different sounds—full-bellied laugher turned to gasping sobs of delight. I shifted from one foot to the other; neither was comforting.

  Maddy ended the torture. The laughter died mid-flight. Suddenly the spark dulled in her eyes, turning hard, turning dangerous. Her tongue skirted her lips. She forced a smile, but I could see this was not for me, but for Odessa. “Victor, I was hoping you could spare a minute. There’s something wrong with the baby’s cradle. I’m hoping you can have a look for me.”

  Her head titled slightly. The movement unnatural and forced. Unspoken words were held there, carried with a glance to my blonde haired beauty. “It’ll only take a second.”

  “Of course,” I muttered and took a step toward her. But inside I was searching, scrambling to figure out the damage before the storm had arrived.

  My steps slowed near the doorway. I turned, reaching out to grasp Odessa’s hand and dropped my head. Her lips burned against mine, soft, swollen, so pliable under my own. I could spend all day exploring her mouth, tracking a path to her whimpers and moans. I could spend weeks here, months even.

  But loving her was one thing, and protecting her was another.

  “I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t go anywhere without me, okay?”

  She dropped her head. I grazed her jaw, lifting her chin. “Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  Her words were a whisper and then I was gone, closing the door behind me, shutting off my emotions like the man she needed me to be. Maddy’s footsteps echoed. I followed the sound, as my thoughts drifted. We bypassed the crowed lounge room. Her movements turned quick, her steps became quiet.

  She lingered at corners, shielding her baby before moving. Tension grew, scattering sparks of fear through me. Why were we sneaking? Maddy turned right and gripped the door for the garage. I scanned the stairs to the upper floor and my older brother’s bedroom. Was Marcus up there? Was that why the sneaking?

  The garage door howled. Maddy froze, and then eased it open an inch at a time, which only dragged out the sound. Her baby mewled and kicked in her arms. Maddy’s hushed voice stilled her cries as I followed, closing the door behind me.

  Shadows clung to the outer edges. Soft midday light spilled from the high window above the cars. I stared at the empty space where Marcus’s Chrysler once waited. It seemed like yesterday when the old woman knocked on our door and turned our whole world upside down.

  In the blink of an eye, we’d seen our brother in a human hospital, we’d been attacked, fought a pack of wolves, and lost our brother. Part of me wanted to turn back the clock, to stop Marcus from walking out that door when I had the chance, and maybe…maybe our lives would’ve continued on the same…and maybe they wouldn’t have continued at all.

  Or, maybe I’d nod as Marcus strode past on his way to the black sedan and spun out of the driveway. If I knew I’d meet Odessa then, maybe I would’ve nodded and stepped aside. Death, destruction, loss…love.

  The word lingered as Maddy leaned in close.

  “You can’t let her go to the initiation tonight.”


  She moved and swayed, holding her baby tight. One quick glance to the door set my teeth on edge. “I overheard… I dunno what it was. But I overheard her name with some of the new wolves. I think they’re going to do something.”

  My stomach hardened. I stared at the door, and then back at Maddy. I’d left her alone.

  Stupid. Stupid.

  “Are you sure you heard them say her name specifically?”

  “Yes. I was feeding Storm when Isaiah went to get me more food. He said I wasn’t eating enough, said he’d be back, and that’s when I heard them behind me, whispering. One of the men said, ‘What’s the plan with that lone wolf, Odessa?’ and then another answered. ‘Tonight. No one will notice—not until it’s too late’.”

  “Did anyone see you listening?”

  Her long hair scattered as she shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. Stay away from them. Stay away from everyone. I won’t let anything happen to her, Maddy. I’ll keep her safe.”

  “She was there when I needed her, and I love her for that. I don’t understand what’s going on with the others—and I don’t care. I know what kind of woman she is. She’s a good person, Victor, and she needs us.”

  She moved fast, lunging forward to grasp my shoulder. But it was the fear in her eyes which pierced like talons. “Promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. She has no one else, Victor. She has no one else.”

  “I promise.” The words sounded flat, but inside my head, they were deafening.

  The panic dulled as she lowered her gaze. “Good…good. I love Abrial. She’s the kind of Alpha this world needs. But she’s headstrong, and she doesn’t always listen to reason.”

  “You went to her didn’t you?” I stared at her baby’s tiny feet as she kicked and wrestled, letting out a half-howl in frustration.

  “Yes. She told me to stay out of it. That none of this concerned me. She has her family back now—family she said, that’s most important. But I thought that’s what we were. I thought that’s what a pack is…family.”

  Her anguish wrapped around me. Family. Pack. Loyalty. Love. Which one mattered more than the other? “It should be, but in this case it isn’t. You keep yourself safe, Maddy. I’ll take care of Odessa.”

  I made for the door, taking one long stride before I stopped. “Isaiah is a great guy. I’m happy for you.”

  Her words spilled out in a rush. “He’s just a friend, nothing more.”

  I smiled, understanding the heady panic and this time it was my turn to chuckle. “Sure. Well in any case, I’m glad you found a friend.”

  I left Maddy behind. No one would harm her, not with the lion by her side, but Odessa was a different story. It seemed the entire world was against her. What had she done that was so terrible? What had she done to turn a friend into such a callous enemy? I left the garage door open, moving fast. Panic drove my steps, lengthening my stride until the closed bedroom door was in sight.

  I gripped the handle and shoved. The sun streamed inside, blinding me for a second. My heart thundered, drowning out the words.

  “Did you hear me? Is it okay?”

  Odessa moved closer, blocking the rays. Yellow and gold lingered, bathing her in the most beautiful hue.


  “The cradle, is it okay? Don’t tell me that kiss rendered you speechless.”

  The cradle. The damn cradle. I shook the shadows from my mind. “Yeah…no…it’s fine. Just needed a little muscle to get it rocking again.”

  She lifted a hand, hiding the smirk.

  The more I looked at her the more beautiful she became. “What’s so funny?”

  She dropped her hand and shook her head. “You are the world’s worst liar.”

  I stepped inside, listening for the click of the lock. “I am not. I take offense to that. I think I’m a pretty good liar.”

  “Had plenty of experience, have you?”

  I shook my head. “Sadly, no. Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong. Maybe I need the practice. I think you look atrocious standing there with the sun around you like a damn halo. I don’t think you’re an angel at all. I think you’re a weredevil, one who’s come to take me straight to hell.”

  Her chuckle followed a shake of her head. “Weredevil?”

  I shrugged. “It was the best I could do. The pressure was too great.”

  She closed the distance, moving silently like a predator. “And I look atrocious?”

  Her fingers scraped against my arm. I could still feel the sting of her nails on my neck; still f
eel the bite of her desire. Heat followed her touch all the way along my forearm, then my shoulder until she pressed her flattened palm over my chest.

  I opened my mouth to lie, to say something…anything. Words failed me. But my body didn’t. She dropped her hand, sliding over my nipple. A current raced, following the fault line from my chest to my belly and into my cock.

  I exhaled with a shudder. She stepped closer. Her hand skirted my ribs, tickling as she lowered her head. Her lips…oh Goddess. I dropped my head back as the heat of her breath warmed my shirt.

  Her tongue probed the fabric, finding my tight peak underneath. My cock twitched, there was no going back. I slammed my palm against the door. The handle rattled, shuddering as I searched for the button.

  This wasn’t how I wanted this. It was too rushed, too quick. Her teeth grazed the tip as she dropped her hand and cupped my balls. It was too…

  “One fucking sided.”

  I stabbed the lock and grasped her waist, wrenching her mouth from my chest as I lifted. The shirt stuck against my skin, soaked through from her mouth, the cotton peeled free as she wrapped her legs around me. I trailed my hand along her leg, skirting the outside of her jeans and lingered at the hard mound of her ass.

  I rocked against her with each slow step until I hit the bed. She fit perfectly as she curled her spine to cup my body and slid her arms around my neck. I held her close as I lowered her, finding the soft crumpled comforter. “Is this too soon? I don’t want you to think…”

  Her brow furrowed, a breathless whisper followed. “I don’t want to think at all.”

  My scattered thoughts backed away, silenced by the look of determination in her eyes. Her arms tightened around my neck, drawing me down. I turned my head, kissed her arm, and slid my hands from under her.

  There was no thinking, no wondering, no second-guessing. There was just her. My fingers fumbled with the buttons on my shirt, tearing it from my body to cast it toward the floor. Her gaze lowered, slipping silently over my torso. She raised her hand, tracing the wound at the rise of my chest with her finger.

  The wound that would’ve been the killing blow, if not for her. I glanced at her face, at her ravaged cheek and gouged nose. She suffered for me. This would forever remind me how powerful her love was and how determined she could be.


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