Aquarius (Guardians of the Stars Book 2)

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Aquarius (Guardians of the Stars Book 2) Page 17

by Kim Faulks

  Sobs filled the room. I pressed my fingers to the pane. I could feel her sorrow, feel her hopelessness.

  Take me… The thought took flight. Take me instead.

  My hand slipped from the window. I turned to the door as the demon traced a line down the child’s face. Her mouth contorted, eyes bulged so wide I thought they’d burst. I reached for the handle and felt it give as a male roar ripped through the alley.

  “Get your hands off her!”

  My fingers skimmed the metal and fell free. I didn't want to turn my head—didn’t want one last look at the child in the room. But I couldn’t leave without understanding. The piercing scream ended, the deep rush of breaths filled the space. She thrashed against the binds and the demon dragged one finger along her face.

  Brown pupils disappeared. The whites of her eyes were all I could see.

  “Who are you?” The demon traced her hairline with the bone of its finger. “What’s your name?”

  “Bella.” The name mingled with a moan. “My name is Bella.”

  Under the cloak, the demon stiffened. “Really? Bella is it?”

  Its finger touched her head. She bucked and convulsed. Sweat glistened under the dim light. A cry slipped from my lips. The demon raised its head toward the window and stared at me.

  Courage turned to fear as the second lingered and blended into another. The creature never moved—only waited until the child whispered. “Bella. My name is Bella.”

  The demon slowly lowered its head. “Then, let’s see if we can rectify that.”

  Its touch burned something inside. She wrestled, wrenching her tiny arms against the binds. I stepped backward. It didn’t see me.

  Hurry wolf! My dragon’s snarl wove its way through the alley to me. I turned from the window and took a step. Spurred on by the desperation in his voice I left the child behind.

  Rows and rows of lit windows called. Behind every pane, cries filled the darkness. All the girls…all those little girls came here. What were these demons doing to them?

  “I said get your filthy fucking hands off her!” The roar rocked the air.

  I surged toward the sound, clawing my way through the entangled filth. The ground dipped, falling from under me. I shoved my hand into the air and pitched forward. Thorns snagged my skin. The sharp lash of pain made me hiss.

  “Touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you!” The roar rocked me. I grasped vines and tangled webs and inched closer.

  “Zadoc! Zadoc!”

  The woman’s shrill scream ripped though the hall. Thick webs in front of me flickered with faint orange flames. The glow illuminated rows of dank, disgusting cells. I stared into the empty pens as I passed, then turned toward the voice.

  “Hurt me, fuck you! You rancid piece of shit!”

  A door stood open. The scuff of boots filled the air. Low grunts followed, followed by a slam against the metal bars. Something slipped in the darkness as I neared. The slow slide of something heavy ended with a thud. I stilled at the sight of the demon. Its black cloak brushed the ground as it drifted out of the cage.

  “Fuck you!” Movement blurred. An animal. A man filled with rage slammed against the bars as he stared at the demon. Thick fingers gripped the bars and yanked. His corded muscles threw shadows against his filthy skin as he pulled and heaved. “I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

  The steel door swung. A boom thundered through the air as the gate slammed shut. The demon never turned. But the slow, sickening chuckle said enough as the demon slid a key into the lock and twisted.

  I caught a weak whimper. “Zadoc.”

  The shifter was moving, dropping to his knees as the demon moved away, slipping from the alley into darkness.

  “I’m here,” Zadoc snarled.

  I came closer, dropping to the floor beside his cell. I stared as she speared her fingers through the bars. He captured her small hand in his, dwarfing her palm.

  “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” His tortured murmur filled the space over and over, until he stilled. “The baby?”

  A second followed, and then another. Zadoc pressed his head into the bars. I’d only seen him a few times. His bald head was now darkened by the stubble of dark hair, but I’d recognize him anywhere. He had the same hands and the same tortured smile—a fake smile—a heartbreaking smile.

  “He’s okay.”

  The sound of his exhale filled the space. “Thank you, God. Thank you. We…we have to be more careful, Joslyn. We have to…”

  Her cold words stilled him. “Fuck them. We’re dead anyway.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t say that. I’m getting you out of here. I’m getting you out, Joslyn.”

  She turned her head and transfixed him with a sorrow-filled gaze. “Just don’t leave me, okay? Promise… Promise you won’t leave me.”

  His words were a whisper. “I promise you. I’ll never leave.”

  I reached through the rusted bars toward him, moved by the pain in his voice. I had to try to get him out of here. I had to try to find a way.

  He stiffened as my fingers came closer and jerked his head toward the bars.

  “Zadoc.” I tried to speak his name, but there was nothing but silence. “Zadoc. Can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me.”

  His brow furrowed and his predatory gaze scanned the bars, sweeping over me.

  “Zadoc,” Joslyn whispered. “What is it?”

  He waited for a long while before answering in soft, hushed tones. “Nothing… I just thought I felt… Nothing. It’s nothing. Talk to me. Tell me about your brother again. Tell me about the time you went fishing.”

  A moan followed, and then the soft drone carried through the air. Zadoc rubbed her fingers and her hand. His constant movements were more comfort than anything else. He stared at the space where I sat, searching the lit hall and murmuring words of encouragement.

  I had to find a way to get to them. I had to find a way to break them free. But this was the world in between—the demon world where only the damned could tread. His haunted gaze suggested he understood this.

  Exhaustion crept into her words.

  He rubbed her hand and murmured. “And what happened then? I love this part…it’s my favorite.”

  She kept talking. Even when her voice drifted, he held her hand and watched the shadows. He was alive, that was what counted the most. An echo came from the end of the hall. A voice, barely audible. I turned my head, staring into the shadows as that sound sharpened.

  I went for the bars, but my hand passed straight through. I gripped my body, forcing myself to stand. My knees trembled. My body shook. I knew that voice… Oh God, I knew that voice. He came from the shadows at the end of the hall, moving like the predator he was. He lifted his hand, and combed back the straight silver band through his inky hair. The red jewel from his ring sparkled.

  Don’t move your head. Don’t look him in the eyes. My mind whispered as his touch came back to me. His hands were everywhere, burrowing deep under my skin. He took from me…he stole everything…

  You belong to me, remember? You belong to me.

  He branded not just my body…but my mind.

  He never slowed, moving swiftly past the lower cells. Blue on black behind him drew my gaze. A demon followed silently.

  “They can stay here until she says otherwise,” the sick sonofabitch snapped.

  The demon behind him stared into the cells as it passed—heading right toward me.

  Run, screamed that voice inside. For God’s sake, run!

  I stumbled backward as the monster of my nightmares lifted his head. The sudden inhale filled me with dread. Silver hair sparkled as he turned his head. His steps slowed to a stop. I cowered at the sudden drag of air through his nose. A slow smirk crept over his foul lips as he scanned the bars. “It seems we have a visitor.”

  A hiss tore from the demon. The sickening sound was a scream inside my head as it spat. “How?”

  The wolf stepped closer with a s
low shake of his head. “I don’t know. But I’d sense her anywhere.”

  He stepped closer, hovering on the other side of the human woman’s cell.

  Run. The child in me begged, but I was caught on the cruel sneer. I was held captive by my past as he took one slow step toward me.

  “Have you come back to me, little wolf? I knew you would… I knew you’d find me, and now… I’ve found you.”

  I opened my mouth.

  Fire lashed my chest.

  My steps were silent, as were my screams.

  I spun, stumbled, clawing the web and the vines and ran.



  Smooth scales brushed the back of my hand as the dragon turned. Don’t let it get to her, Victor. Do whatever it takes, but don’t let the wolf touch her.

  I never moved. A flash of white teeth against an obsidian world held me captive, and in an instant, they were gone. Frantic wings beat in place of my heart. “What happens to me if I die down here…inside her mind?”

  If you die, then we’ve lost—consider that for a moment.

  “The shaman said she could be our greatest ally…”

  Alabaster shimmered, slick with spit as black lips curled from her teeth. The sound of panting echoed. She was closer this time, so close I could almost feel her. The sudden gnash of teeth made my belly quiver. The rattle of chains made me flinch. Deep dragging breaths stilled the rattle of chains.

  My finger trembled as the beast sniffed She could scent me…did this beast know who I was?

  Are you ready to take that chance? You’ve seen what she can do, Victor, or are you forgetting the demon?

  The slight shake of my head resurrected her savagery and in a second, I was back at the mountain with the demon blade in full swing. She’d descended like a killing machine. The demon’s bones snapped like sticks. The sickening wet sound of tearing flesh followed.

  Nothing could kill a demon—not like that—not like her.

  See the wolf for what it is…all her pain…all her anger…all the cruelty she’d endured, wrapped up in the most powerful dark mage we’ve ever seen. Do you think she could control her wrath? Do you think this animal could tell right from wrong?

  I turned my head, following the jangle as the wolf slowly circled us. “No.”

  Then we fight and we give Odessa time.

  The slow slide of chains clinked. Closer…closer. A bloodthirsty growl raised the hairs on my arms. “And if she can’t find her way back to us?”

  Then we battle her wolf and keep her safe and if that means forever…well, I’ve no other place to be. How about you?

  It seemed so simple…love…death. The smell of death washed over me as the wolf’s breath blew against the back of my neck. I wouldn’t die for this woman—I’d live, I’d fight, and I’d never give up. “No, I’ve no other place to be.”

  A blur of black was all I saw as the void came to life. Fire danced in her wild eyes. Fangs shone, long and sharp. I took the brunt in my side and spun. My fingers grasped air as the wolf came once more.

  Pain burned like wildfire, cutting and cleaving—tearing through my side. My feet left the ground as it clenched tight and lifted. Teeth grazed bone. I screamed and swung my fist, beating black wisps of smoke as though underneath somewhere there was…substance.

  My world turned blue as the dragon reared. Energy pulsed, stealing my pain as I gripped my side. The black beast mingled with the Tormentor in a flurry of claws and teeth. Flames exploded from the dragon’s mouth, lapping tendrils of black. The burn swept away my pain. The wolf howled and screamed, lunging to where Odessa lay.

  I clutched my side and felt the darkness sway.

  Get back! My dragon roared. Wings flapped, sending me sprawling. The attack was a blur. I scurried to my knees and felt something give in my side.


  My dragon screamed as the wolf leapt. I clenched my fist and swung. The blow was off center, too feeble to save her…too damn feeble to save anyone. A snap in my chest speared agony through my veins. My fist connected with something hard, something white, and a sickening crunch followed. The black blur fell end over end. A whimper slipped free, piercing the void.

  My heart thundered as I stepped closer to Odessa. Something lapped at my feet. Water slipped between my toes, drenching the bottom of my pants. I lifted my head to the dragon as the tide came in.

  He moved slow…too slow…something was wrong. The wolf climbed to her feet and shook the blow from her jaw.

  “Dragon,” I whispered as her merciless snarl came once more. There was evil in that sound. A sickening evil I’d never heard before. A sudden thought filled me as the dragon whipped his wing low, sweeping through the water. The thought was blinding…filling me with fear as the wolf charged.

  The old woman was wrong…

  Power rippled. Water whipped into the air and froze mid-flight. Icicles stood like pointed spears, dividing us and the wolf.

  Don’t let it get to her, Victor.

  His voice was inside my head, blending with the gut-wrenching snaps and snarls behind the barrier. The darkness blurred. I whipped my head along the divider. She came for me like death, hunkering down. The slaps of paws against the ground made my knees weak.

  Ice shattered like glass. Wild eyes sparkled with hate as it opened its massive jaws.


  Wind hit me, followed by hard bone. My feet left the ground as the sickening crunch of bone tore through the air. Blue and black blended until they were one. I couldn’t tell one from the other. Both beasts raged, shredding and tearing. Something splattered my face. A howl grazed the air like razor claws followed by the brutal sound of my beast…my beast…dying.


  The scream scalded my throat as the dragon’s roar ended with a whimper. Harsh breaths drowned out the thunder in my ears as the wolf slunk into the shadows.

  A snapped talon flopped against shattered bone as he dragged the limb close. Blood oozed from savaged flesh, but instead of thick red tears, they wept black. A shiver raced through his muscles. Blue scales shimmered. “Can’t…hold the beast forever.”

  I eased onto my side and gripped the ground. Agony ripped through my body with the motion, and the darkness swayed. An inky trail ran from the gash under my arm to trickle through my fingers. Not my blood. That was not my blood. I licked parched lips and forced a whisper. “No choice. Heal yourself, and then for God’s sake heal me.”

  A warning growl echoed in the darkness. The wolf limped, clanging shackles and chains. I swiped my mouth, stared at wisps of black smoke on the back of my hand and grinned. “That’s right wolf. You fucking bite us, and we’ll bite you back.”

  Behind me, Odessa lay silent and fear plunged me into despair. We couldn’t hold the beast forever—we could barely hold it for now. A slow charge of power stung my skin. The dragon shook and shuddered. The slow trickle of blood stilled, and glistened. I clenched my fist as cold inundated me.

  I dragged one foot underneath my body to stand, followed by the other. Pain savaged my side. The sharp breath froze midflight. No air…there was no air. Cells hardened, snapping and crackling as the ice raced through my body. I tried to force my head up, but I couldn’t move. Odessa…don’t take me from her.

  Dragon…dragon. No!

  My insides hardened.

  Fear stole my final second as darkness crept in. Blue glinted in the murkiness of my mind, shimmering like a tear. Blue turned to twilight as the sparkle dulled.

  The tear brightened, forcing back the darkness, and then ebbed. A ripple of power raced through my mind, followed by another…and then another. Energy coursed through my veins, black blended with blue, sweeping thoughts from my mind. And in a rush my senses came alive.

  I pitched forward and hit the unseen ground. The energy pulsed. My heart slammed inside my chest. Each deafening boom rocked me. The night sharpened as I raised my head and stared at my dragon.

  His scales no longer shone. Blue eyes no lo
nger called me. Black smoke danced and swirled, filling the space where he’d been. With a surge of power black turned to blue, glinting like the darkest depths of the ocean.

  I followed the sweeping bulge of his chest to his wing. Straight bones swept the air. His taloned limb was perfect and the water at my feet was gone. “What the fuck dragon?”

  “No. Don’t…don’t touch me. Abby… Abby!”

  I spun at the sound of Odessa’s scream as the wolf howled behind me.

  Her hand slipped from her stomach and hit the ground. Blonde hair lashed the ground like a whip. Her beautiful face contorted, wracked with agony as she whimpered. “Abby! Abby come back! Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me!”

  The wolf was at my back. Its paws thundered. I felt its need, rising and swallowing me. Yet, I was transfixed by the unseen pain and horror. I scrambled to her side, dropping to my knees.

  Her fingers twitched and danced as I grasped her hand. “Baby I’m here. I’m right here.”

  “She’s leaving me…she’s leaving me.”

  I shook my head at her feeble cries and turned to glare over my shoulder. “What’s happening to her?”

  Her hand slipped from my grasp. I jerked my head toward her as she shuddered and shook. Shoulders rose from the ground, and then slammed down. I felt the shudder…felt her terror, and stared helplessly as a trickle of blood slipped from her nose.

  “Don’t leave me…don’t leave me again,” she whimpered, kicking against the ground.

  I spun, turning on the beast that did this. “Do something!”

  His blue eyes were sickening—staring at her as though he didn’t know her at all.

  I shoved myself from the ground and stumbled. My feeble blow slipped over blue scales and hit with a thud. There was no movement, not even an acknowledgement. I craned my neck, following his chest, to his throat and the hard line of his jaw. “Do something!”

  Shadows fell as he lowered his head. I saw myself in the shimmering reflection…saw the helplessness…saw the fear. Behind me, her hand rose once more and hit the ground with a thud.


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