Actually Love - Jessie & Zach (The Crossroads Series)

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Actually Love - Jessie & Zach (The Crossroads Series) Page 18

by Melanie Shawn

  Jessie closed her eyes and let herself feel the smoothness of his skin beneath her fingertips. Zach was hot, literally, to the touch. Heat radiated off the smooth skin of his sculpted body. Her fingers spread as she began exploring him, grazing over the hard planes of his abdomen. As she did, his towel slipped from his body.

  Zach’s warm breath fanned against her mouth a moment before his lips touched hers. His soft, firm lips kissed hers with authority and demand, sending a wave of passion flowing through her. First he concentrated his attention on her lower lip, then her upper, building a desire for more to rise up inside of her like a tsunami. Without hesitation, she parted her lips in an open invitation. His soft, velvety tongue swept inside her mouth. Jessie’s knees buckled beneath her at the seductive invasion.

  Her hands moved to his shoulders for support as his hands moved over her backside down to her thighs. Zach effortlessly lifted Jessie off the ground, her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as her arms encircled his neck. She whimpered with need as her core pressed against his rock-hard length. Through the damp fabric that covered her aching center, she could feel Zach’s erection pulsing with need which sent shockwaves of pleasure rioting through her.

  The sting of strong fingers dug into Jessie’s hips as Zach’s kisses swallowed her moans. Urgency consumed her as she rolled her hips against his engorged flesh. Her arms and legs clutched around Zach even tighter. She wanted to get closer to him. She needed to feel more of him.

  Fear bubbled up inside of her that more with Zach would never be enough. That her need for him was a bottomless pit deep in her soul. That desperate feeling just made her hold on to him even tighter and kiss him even deeper.

  * * *

  As Zach sealed his lips over hers, his tongue moved inside the silky warmth of her mouth in languorous licks. With every sweep of their tongues, their tantalizing kiss became more and more insatiable. Hot. Hungry. Aggressive.

  Never breaking their passionate kiss Zach stalked across the bedroom, carrying Jessie in his arms. Every fantasy he’d had of what her lips would feel like against his own, paled in comparison to reality. His jealousy over straws, forks, even her own thumb had been totally warranted.

  Jessie’s arms and legs squeezed around his body, causing a primal need to roar inside of him. Zach’s entire being was strung tight with pent-up lust. He’d wanted women before. But he had never been so turned on that he felt like Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk.

  Every moment since he’d met her had been foreplay. Every look. Every innocent and not-so-innocent touch. Every word they’d spoken had led up to this. To the moment when they gave themselves over to their base desires.

  Zach’s manhood was slick with the arousal seeping through Jessie’s panties as she ground seductively against him. His engorged flesh pulsed with an aching throb, growing heavier each time she ground into him. He felt the all-too-familiar tug of his balls tightening against his body, and he knew that, if he didn’t pump the brakes, this would be over before it started.

  Laying her down beneath him on top of her soft, pillowy down comforter, he hovered above her, purposefully taming their frenzied pace with slow, deliberate kisses. Soft, needy sighs escaped her as he languidly rocked his hips, rubbing the entire length of his shaft against her throbbing core. His heart beat erratically as the soft lace fabric that covered Jessie’s hardened nipples brushed enticingly against his chest.

  Zach knew he could kiss her for hours and never get tired of it, but there was so much more of her body he needed to explore. His hand roamed down the sides of her breasts, past her ribs. Breaking their kiss, Zach pushed up, sitting back on his heels between her parted legs. Sliding his fingers beneath her knees, he pulled her legs up to rest on his open thighs.

  When he’d seen her standing in the doorway of the bathroom wearing the things he’d seen hung up on the clothesline, it somehow felt more intimate, more personal than if he’d seen her naked. Not that he wasn’t looking forward to studying every inch of her naked body, but Jessie in stockings and a garter had to be the most erotic thing he’d ever had the pleasure of seeing. His mental paper doll dress-up hadn’t come close to touching the real thing.

  Looking down at the erotic male fantasy splayed out before him, he ran his index finger along the top of her flesh-colored stockings. When his touch reached to her inner thigh, her legs trembled. His gaze rose up her body, past her hipbone, which rose and dipped into her waist, up her taut torso, over the black-lace-covered mounds of her breasts.

  When his eyes met hers, she bit down on her bottom lip, which was swollen from his kisses. Need surged in him at the sight of her body branded by his claiming kiss. Urgency roared inside of him.

  He needed to see her. All of her. After moving his hand up her body, he unsnapped the center of her bra, freeing her lush flesh tipped with tight, dark-pink nubs.

  His mouth watered to taste them, but he restrained himself and turned his attention lower as his fingers quickly and efficiently unclipped the garter that was holding her stockings in place, first on the top of her thigh and then the bottom. Scooting down the bed, he rolled the soft nylon down each of her toned legs. Then, slipping his fingers beneath her panties and garter belt, he removed them as well.

  Zach looked at her lying before him. Her long, toned legs stretched out and only slightly parted, giving him only the tiniest glimpse at the bare flesh between her thighs. The small patch of damp, dark curls that sat at the top of her sex. Her hourglass center that narrowed above her hips. Her creamy breasts, which rose and fell with each labored breath.

  “Damn, you’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” Zach knew that the moment he touched her again, now that they were both free from any barriers, things would escalate quickly. He wanted to take this moment to memorize every line, every dip, and every curve of her breathtakingly perfect body.

  “You’ve been thinking about me?” Jessie asked coyly.

  Not in the way that some girls asked to fish for a compliment. This question was clearly a flirtation.

  “Every second of every day since I laid eyes on you.” Zach wished that were an exaggeration, but he knew that it wasn’t. He had not been able to stop thinking about her.

  Jessie’s pink tongue slipped between her lips as she moistened them with a seductive lick. Her golden-brown eyes drifted down Zach’s body as she asked, “Do you think about touching me?”

  His dick jumped at her bold question. “Yes.”

  Her mouth turned up in a small, seductive smile as she moved her hands down her body. Zach watched as her thin fingers dipped between her thighs. His arousal skyrocketing as she shamelessly spread her legs apart, her eyes locked with his. “Do you think about touching me here?”

  Zach’s jaw clenched at the tantalizing sight she revealed. “Yes.”

  “Show me.” Her voice caught in a sensual breath.

  Hot lust whipped through him at her provocative request. He moved up the bed, lowering his head down so that his mouth was positioned at her feminine folds. Using his finger, he traced down the seam of her core, which was slick with desire, then up again to her sensitive nub, circling it twice. At his touch a soft, needy sigh escaped her.

  As his finger caressed the satin-soft folds of her delicate flesh, he breathed in her feminine scent and his mouth watered instantly. When Jessie began moving her hips beneath his touch, he lowered his mouth, covering her mound. His lips kissed her swollen sex as he licked her pleasure button.

  “Oh yes! Your tongue feels so good!” Jessie exclaimed as her fingers found his hair, tangling in it as she tilted her hips, pressing her silken warmth into his mouth with deeper pressure.

  Zach continued pleasuring her with his tongue, his lips, while he slipped his fingertip into her tight heat. Her body clenched and shuddered around his digit as he sank farther in, illicitly stroking her inner walls as he sucked and licked the hood of her sex. Zach had never tasted anything as sweet as Jessie’s feminine juices.

ng his tongue in slow swirls around and around her clit, Zach felt Jessie’s body begin to shake. Picking up the pace of his suckling kisses he pressed his flat tongue against her nub as he moved his finger erotically inside of her tight sheath.

  Jessie’s inner thighs trembled against his shoulders as she convulsed in a chain of spasms. Her hands fisted tightly in his hair, and a rush of moisture covered his finger.

  He stayed with her through her climax. When he felt her limbs go limp with satisfaction, Zach softly kissed her dewy flesh as he slowly removed his finger from the warmth of her contracting muscles. His lips pressed firmly against her soft skin as he began trailing kisses over Jessie’s hips and across her belly as she recovered from her orgasm, the sweet taste of her juices still on his lips as he peppered her with tender affection.

  Slowly, methodically, he continued his journey up and over her ribs, his hands curving around her brazenly exposed breasts. Tingles filled Zach’s palms as he gently massaged her full mounds. Needing to have her in his mouth once again, he moved his hands pushing her fullness together so that the tight peaks of her nipples touched each other. Lowering his head he pulled them both into his mouth, biting down on them lightly between his teeth before soothingly running his rough tongue along their flat surface. As he continued suckling her breasts in open-mouthed kisses, her hips rocked violently against his throbbing member.

  “I love your mouth, it’s amazing,” she moaned, softly arching her back, pushing her chest even farther into his mouth as his teeth nipped and licked at her pebble-hard nipples. Zach felt her hands move to his shoulders, gripping him tightly as her nails dug into his skin.

  His shaft ached with need as it slid against the moist folds of her feminine center. Jessie’s hips bucked against him, and even through his lust-fogged brain, he knew that, if he didn’t put protection on soon, they would be heading into dangerous territory. Ignoring every cell in his body screaming for him to stay where he was and just let nature take its course, he forced himself up.

  “What are you doing?” Jessie asked, sounding not too pleased as she clung possessively to his shoulders.

  The strength in her grip took him by surprise. “Getting protection.”

  “Oh.” She looked a little dazed by his answer.

  Just as he was deciding whether or not to pick her up and take her with him to his room—that way, the second he got jimmy’d up, he could be inside of her—she reached over and pulled out a condom from the nightstand.

  As happy as he was that he wouldn’t have to make the trip to his room, he still heard himself asking, “I thought you said you weren’t seeing anyone.”

  Jessie tilted her head to the side with a you-can’t-be-serious expression on her face. With the hand that held the condom, she gestured between them, scrunching her nose. “Do you really think this snuck up on us? I’m a planner.”

  Zach smiled with relief. It shouldn’t matter to him if she had those there for some random guy she might bring home. But it did. The thought of her being with someone else made Zach want to—

  The sound of crinkling foil snapped Zach out of his small detour to Jealous Junction. Taking the condom—that Jessie had so kindly removed from the wrapper—he sheathed himself and moved his hips so that he was positioned at her opening.

  Propping up on his elbows, his arms framing Jessie’s face, he ran his hands through her hair. He loved the silky feeling of the strands running between his fingers as he grazed her scalp.

  “Hi,” he said as he looked down into her soulful, brown eyes, connection sizzling between them. As much as Zach wanted to drive himself into her, he hesitated. Being here, with Jessie, like this was so perfect he didn’t want to rush this moment.

  “Hi,” Jessie repeated with a hint of a smile as she widened her legs and pushed her hips up, taking him in slowly.

  Zach sucked in a harsh breath, shutting his eyes as his entire body clenched at the tight fit of her sweet warmth. White-hot bursts of pleasure exploded through him as he pushed slowly into her snug womanhood inch by inch, stopping only when he felt his hips press against her inner thighs. He stilled, waiting for her body to accommodate his size, trying to rein in the overwhelming emotions that were flooding him at just how right and perfect this felt.

  Hearing a soft whimpering sound Zach opened his eyes. He looked down to see Jessie’s head turned to the side, a tear falling down her smooth cheek.

  “Jessie?” Panic rose in him at the sight of her tears.

  Zach’s first instinct was to get off of her as fast as he could, but he didn’t want to hurt her more than he already had, so he pushed up on his hands and gently began pulling his hips back. Beads of sweat formed on his back as her inner muscles milked him with a firm grip. Without permission from his brain, he felt himself swell inside of her.

  Through gritted teeth, he apologized. “I’m so sorry.”

  He felt like the biggest asshole in the world. The second the head of his swollen erection had pushed into her snug walls, he should have stopped and made sure she was okay. Instead, it had felt so damn good that he’d shut his eyes and kept going.

  Jessie’s hands reached up, gripping his back, and her legs clamped around his hips pulling him deeper inside of her core.

  “Sorry?” Her eyes flew up to his as she breathlessly asked. “For what?”

  “For hurting you.”

  “You didn’t hurt me.” She insisted as tears still filled her eyes.

  “You’re crying,” Zach pointed out, feeling totally confused.

  Jessie sniffed and shook her head slightly back and forth. “Not because it hurts. It’s just… It feels… It’s a lot.”

  Zach felt Jessie’s hips begin moving beneath him, seductively rocking against him.

  Trying to keep a level head, Zach searched the depths of her golden brown eyes. He saw in them that she was telling the truth. He hadn’t hurt her. Zach knew exactly what she meant by “a lot.” He felt it too.

  Threading his fingers through her silky hair, Zach leaned down and kissed her damp cheeks as he rolled his hips, thrusting in and out of her. Each time, going deeper and slowly building his speed.

  Zach lost himself in the rhythm their bodies instinctually fell into, like they’d made love hundreds of times before. Jessie’s hands roamed up and down his back as she moaned and whispered into his ear how good he felt, how good he made her body feel, how much she loved him being inside of her.

  Just as Zach felt himself reaching the edge, Jessie hands clutched his arms and her body shook beneath him. Surging into her one last time, Zach went up and over the peak, groaning in blissful agony as lightning bolts of fulfillment shot through him.

  As he was coming down from his jarring climax, he opened his eyes to see Jessie looking up at him, a small smile on her face as she panted, “That…was…incredible.”

  Just hearing those words and seeing the satisfied look on her face, already had him coming back to life.

  “How many condoms did you buy?” he asked. If she said one, they were moving this party to his room, where he had full supply.

  Her grin turned into a full-blown smile as she answered, “Twelve-pack.”

  “I can work with that.”

  She giggled as he lowered down and began kissing his way down her neck. He was going to make sure that, if he only had tonight, it would be a night neither of them would ever forget.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “It just drove me crazy that that there were no patterns, no structure. I couldn’t be a part of that, so I had to remove myself.” Jessie’s voice was filled with conviction.

  “But you stopped helping to decorate the tree at three.” Haley shook her head with a look of disbelief on her face. “At three years old, you went on strike because you didn’t like how we put up the decorations?”

  “Pretty much.” Jessie nodded as she passed the large, white ceramic bowl of mashed potatoes to Zach. This conversation had been going on for almost twenty minutes and Jessie did not look
happy about it.

  Zach felt bad since he’d been the one who’d asked the question to spark the debate. He also felt bad because he was in the presence of her entire family and he was not just wondering about what Jessie was wearing beneath her black skinny jeans and cream-colored sweater, he was also thinking about how badly he wanted to strip her out of them.

  “Wow.” Jessie’s mom Sandy, who was seated across the large table from Jessie, stared at her daughter. “I always suspected that was the reason. I wish you would have said something. We could have gotten a little more organized.”

  He glanced to his right at Jessie. She raised her dark-brown eyebrows and stared directly at her mom with a look on her face that led Zach to believe that was not actually the case.

  “Well…” Sandy’s hands turned in an I-give-up gesture as she sighed and said, “We could have tried.”

  There was laughter around the table as Jessie’s sisters and cousins all chimed in on the many examples of how organization was not Sandy’s strong suit. Zach leaned back and just tried to soak it all in. He had no idea if all of the people here today knew how lucky they were to be a part of this family, but in Zach’s mind, it felt like he’d won the lottery just to be able to spend one holiday with them. It was Thanksgiving, and he and his mom were surrounded by a huge, loving family—that’s all he’d ever wanted as a kid.

  After adding some of the potatoes to his plate, Zach passed the large bowl to his mom, who was seated to his left. She looked up at him and smiled as she took them and Zach’s heart squeezed. Since they’d picked his mom up at Avalon this morning, she hadn’t stopped smiling.

  The drive to Harper’s Crossing had been one of the most entertaining car rides he’d ever had. Not just because every time he’d looked into his rearview mirror he’d seen Jessie—who’d been seated between Mabel and Margie—in the reflection, but also because those two women had been a walking, talking comedy show.


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