Boogeyman's Dream

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Boogeyman's Dream Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  When I pull back he sets the bottle on the coffee table behind him.

  As the water settles on my stomach I take him in as he seems to be doing the same as his eyes study mine.

  His smoky eyes are lighter than they were before. Softer. Warm even.

  Tattoos cover his hands and travel up his arms, disappearing underneath the sleeves of his black t-shirt. The name on his patch is scrolled over his left hand in a cursive font. A closer look at his ink reveals an eerie scene. His name is shaded onto a tombstone and the graveyard scene plays out on his forearm complete with a grim reaper and his scythe. It’s mesmerizing and scary. Whoever did the artwork is talented.

  There is a light scar over his top lip matching another on his right temple which is hidden slightly beneath the unruly mane that needs a good trim. His unkept beard could use a shave as well.

  Glancing around the room, I realize this must be his place. The room resembles what should be a living room but this a room of mismatched furniture and garbage.

  It smells too. Like rotting food.

  Raising my brow at him I ask, “So, what are you going to do with me?”

  “Haven’t decided yet.” He grins and strokes his beard.

  “You ever think about shaving that thing off?”

  He looks at me stunned. “Shave my beard?”

  “Yeah. It is kinda gross.”

  He rocks back, resting on his calves. “My beard’s not gross.”

  “It totally is. I can’t tell what you look like under that scruff.”

  He swallows and lets out a breath. “Chicks dig the beard.” He beams with pride, rubbing his fingers through the wirey whiskers.

  “Maybe the desperate ones,” I say with a grin and rub my wrists together, wincing when the pain registers from the rope burning my skin. “Could you?” I hold my hands up.

  “I could but I won’t.” He chuckles with a shake of his head and gets up from the floor that I can’t tell what it looks like there is so much trash.

  “If it’s money you want I have it. My dad will pay…”

  His eyes darken. “Money. I don’t need your rich daddy’s fuckin’ money,” he says with an offended snort.

  “If not money then what do you want with me?”

  He shrugs. “Trying to figure you out.”

  “Thought you already did that. Said I was spoiled and what was it I needed…my pussy spanked. I believe those were your words. But you aren’t the man for the job or did you change your mind?” I smirk.

  A low growl vibrates from his chest before he glowers at me and stalks off down the hall of what I realize now is a trailer and slams a door shut.

  “Someone has a temper,” I mutter to myself and begin searching the room for anything I can use to free myself.

  I go to get up from the couch and immediately fall to the floor. He fucking zip tied my ankles. At least he did it on the outside of my pants. My face is stuck to something on the floor. I roll from side to side trying to work it loose but there is no luck.

  A figure shadows over me and when I look up he bursts out laughing.

  “What?” I snap.

  “You um seem to have gotten yourself in quite the predicament, sugar tits.”

  He squats down and puts a hand to my face, turning me so that I am on my back and staring straight up at him. His fingers brush under my eye. “Shits gonna hurt, but least it didn’t get in your hair.”

  “What’s going to hurt?” As soon as I say the words he rips the sticky paper away. Tears sting my eyes as the pain of him ripping off the peach fuzz hair on my cheek nearly blinds me.

  “Holy hell!” I cry out, wanting to hold my palm to my cheek protectively but unable to. Feels like someone just waxed my jaw.

  “Mouse trap.” He chuckles under his breath and holds up the glue trap.

  My eyes bulge. “You have mice?”

  Rolling his left shoulder, he offers a soft, “Don’t know. Don’t live here.”

  Grabbing my bound wrists, he hooks my arms over his head and around his neck before scooping me up from the floor. My body slides down his as he stands upright, keeping me against him.

  His minty breath tickles my forehead as he gazes down at me, looking deep into my eyes.

  “Why haven’t you screamed or begged me to let you go?”

  “Would it do me any good?”


  I give him a pointed look. “Didn’t think so.”

  “You’re different, princess.”

  “Don’t call me that. I have a name.”

  “Okay, Shelly. You’re different.”

  “I told you my name is Michelle.”

  His tongue darts out and licks my bottom lip and I chomp my teeth like I am going to bite the damn thing off.

  He laughs, and his smile stretches wide.

  “You got spirit, Shelly. Shit turns me on.” Tilting my chin up he holds my gaze. “Why aren’t you afraid of me? I could kill you and no one would ever find you.”

  “I think you’re kind of sad. You live alone in a nasty ass trailer with your scuzzy beard and you kidnap and torture women.”

  “You left out the part where I kill them.”

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”

  Him saying this only makes me do it again to which he holds my face still and presses his mouth to mine. This time he doesn’t demand entrance into my mouth, he simply presses his lips softly against mine before releasing me. I’m just glad his lips aren’t furry like his beard. He’s wild looking but I can tell he takes care of himself apart from his hair and his beard.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I can read every single person I have ever met but you…I can’t read you. You’re a challenge. A complication.”

  “You don’t want to kill me. You don’t want money. What do you want, Boogeyman? You know what I think…I think you do want to spank my pussy.” I say the word pussy in a barely there whisper against his lips, taunting him.

  I know he should scare me. In a way he does, but I think if he really wanted to kill me he would have already.

  Chapter Four


  Fuck me, this bitch is driving me crazy. I can’t get a read on her. She’s the one fucking assessing me. I don’t like it, but I’m intrigued. My dick strains against my zipper, demanding release from the confines of the denim prison holding him at bay.

  What I wouldn’t give to do just that…spank her little princess pussy into submission.

  Bitch knows I want her.

  Trying to use the fact against me.

  I look around my shitty trailer knowing it isn’t good enough for a rich brat like her. Fucking John Tuddy sure did a damn number on the place. Should have blown his guts out. Would have served the lousy fuck right.

  I don’t know what in the hell I am doing with her. If I let her go she’ll bring down my club. I can’t bring myself to kill her. She’s got me in knots. I’m all twisted up inside. I don’t know how to deal with these feelings.

  I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never given a shit what anyone thought of me. Especially not a bitch I just wanted to fuck.

  But I want more than to fuck her.

  Want to make her mine.

  I can’t tell her that though.

  “You couldn’t handle it, sweetheart. If I take that pussy, you’ll fall in love.”

  Throwing her head back she lets out a musical laugh. A sweet, tempting melody. “I think we both know that won’t happen. If anyone is falling in love…it’ll be you.”

  I lick my bottom lip, wetting it, remembering the sinful taste of her tongue.

  “What do you really want from me?”

  “What do I want?” I repeat her question. Sliding my hand down her back to her ass, I cup her cheek and pull her firm against me. Her eyes widen as her body presses into mine, getting a good feel of my erection.

  “Yeah,” she challenges, holding her ground.

p; “Still trying to figure it out,” I tell her as I fight like hell to resist the urge to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the bed. Hell, I’m afraid to see what kind of bed is in the bedroom. I haven’t lived here in six months.

  Fucking thing isn’t fit for her but that can change.

  I can break her.

  She is playing tough right now, but eventually I will wear her down.

  “So what, you’re gonna fuck me then kill me?”

  “Nope. I won’t fuck you unless you ask me to.”

  “Okay, Boogeyman. I’ll bite.” Her eyes narrow on mine as she rubs against me. “Maybe I’d want you to fuck me if you hadn’t brought me to a dump.” She makes a disgusted look at the garbage around us.

  I admit the place is a shithole. I never stayed here. I only came here when I needed to collect the rent payment. I live at the clubhouse, but I couldn’t fucking be taking her back there. I had to act fast. I never planned on taking her. I swore I was going to do it. I was going to pull that damn trigger and never look back, but I didn't and here we are.

  “Fine, I’ll be back.” I bring her arms over my head and separate us, pushing her back down on the couch. “Don’t even think about trying to escape. My dogs are hungry.” I grin. I don’t have any dogs, but she doesn’t know that. “There’s no phone and I don’t have any neighbors. Least not for fifteen miles.”

  She scowls at me and I go out the door, not bothering to lock it. I can guarantee she will make a run for it if she can get out of the rope and zip ties.

  I’ll be waiting.

  Chapter Five


  Letting out a shaky breath, I come back down to reality. That man does crazy things to me, but I have a plan. If I can get him to fall for me…maybe, just maybe, I can survive this and gain my freedom.

  I have no idea if he was telling the truth or not, but I’m tired and most of all I need food. I’m not stupid. The minute I break free and make for the door that smug bastard will be waiting for me. Any smart person would attempt to escape but Boogeyman is far from average. He knows I’m attracted to him, but I can’t allow that to get in the way. I have to use it to my advantage. It will make my wanting him all the more believable.

  A squeaking sound comes out of the kitchen and I can hear the damn rodent navigating through the garbage. I fucking hate mice. I know if we are as in a remote area as he said, then it is probably a field mouse but it’s still nasty.

  How can anyone live in such filth?

  I shudder as I think about what has been on this couch he has me sitting on. Eventually sleep wins and I doze off only to be awakened sometime later by my captor’s return.

  His hands are around my throat, but he isn’t choking me. He’s fitting me with something. A collar. A fucking dog collar.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure you don’t escape. Figured you might want to use the bathroom or something.”

  The collar is uncomfortable but not too tight that I feel like I can’t breathe.

  “I’m not an animal!” I snap.

  He shrugs with a lazy grin. “That remains to be seen. Haven’t gotten you naked yet.” He shoots me a wink and pulls my bound wrists up, cutting the rope. He’s already freed my ankles while I was asleep.

  “You’re crazy.” I rub my sore wrists, grimacing at the raw pink skin.

  “Buddy of mine amped up the voltage. I wouldn’t try to go past the front door if I were you. Got you some supplies. Breakfast too.” He hands me a white bag from the coffee table.


  “Yeah. Cleaning shit. You said you didn’t want to fuck in a nasty trailer. Figured you needed something to do.”

  “You want me to clean up your dump?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me, princess. You can do it or not. I can fuck you or not. Got plenty of women desperate to take my cock.”

  “I’m sure you do.” I sneer, peering into the bag as my stomach rumbles.

  “You like orange juice or coffee? I got you both.”

  “You’re a fucking contradiction.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That colorful language doesn’t suit you, Shelly.”

  “Why do you care? And you’re one to talk.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “See. Fucking contradiction.”

  His hand flies up and I think he’s going to strike me, but he doesn’t. He runs it through his dark unruly hair that is as wild as his beard.

  “Whatever. I got shit to do. Clean this place up,” he barks and takes the bag back from me. “You’ll get this when you learn to watch your mouth.”

  The jerk takes my food, sits down in a nearby chair, and starts eating it.

  My head may pop off, but I get a hold on my temper.

  “Like I could stomach eating anything in this shithole,” I sass as I move past him in search of the bathroom.

  He’s up in a flash and grabbing my arm, being mindful to grab me above the raw spot.

  “What did you say?”

  “You heard me. I didn’t stutter.”

  “Neither did I when I said to watch your mouth.”

  “You gonna wash my mouth out with soap?” I stick my tongue out at him. The move is childish but effective.

  “No. Gonna teach you a lesson though.”

  “And what’s that?”

  Chapter Six


  Goddamn her smart assed mouth is driving me up the damn wall. I ought to take her sassy ass over my knee and spank her till she can’t sit down.

  I don’t do it even though my palm is twitching to do exactly that.

  Instead, I jerk her toward the front door and push her through it. She will learn to do as she is told.

  “Walk,” I order.

  She gives me a funny look, but does as she is told until a jolt of electricity hits her. She drops to her knees and falls backward on her sassy ass. When she stepped forward I tasered her in the back of the neck right above the collar. She could take the damn thing off if she wanted to. She is letting her fear control her. I told her it was juiced, and she believed me immediately. As I knew she would.

  Tears sting the corners of her eyes and I believe I have made my point.

  “Come on.” I put my hands under her armpits and lift her off the entrance of the trailer.

  “You suck,” she mutters under her breath.

  “No, but I bet you do.”

  “You put your dick anywhere near my mouth and I will bite it off,” she growls.

  “Sounds like a challenge.” I smirk and shove her back through the door.

  She was right though earlier about the trailer. This place fucking stinks.

  While Shelly is in the bathroom probably trying to get her collar off, I go through the place opening up the windows to let some fresh air in.

  A few minutes later my captive returns to the living room. The red marks on her throat are a dead giveaway. “Only way that collar comes off is with my key,” I inform her as I bite into another of the sausage biscuits I bought. All she needs to do to get it off is twist the buckle to the front. Mind control is a funny thing.

  “Figures.” Those sexy caramel eyes roll back in hear head, but she doesn’t comment further. I watch as she grabs the box of trash bags, takes one out, and begins shoving shit in it.

  That’s more like it.

  I watch her for a while, getting a kick at the various disgusted facial expressions she is making.

  “I bet you’ve never put in a hard day’s work in your life.”

  Annoyance flickers across her face. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “So, enlighten me.” I fold my arms over my chest and lean against the side of the fridge, watching her work. By this time she has cleared the floor and is ready to sweep and mop.

  “If you knew anything about sororities you’d know that we do a lot volunteer work and fundraising. Last year we hosted
a benefit for the pediatric intensive care unit. We raised five thousand dollars to give every kid in that wing a good Christmas. This past Valentine’s day I went to three different nursing homes delivering cards and flowers to all their residents. Do you have any idea how many years it had been since some of them had even had a visitor?”

  Her words are surprising. I had her colored as a spoilt rich bitch whose biggest concern was what shade of lipstick to wear.

  “How special.”

  I move from where I was standing and grab the five bags of trash she has collected and toss them outside. Gonna have to get a damn dumpster at this rate.

  When I come back inside she has started running water in the kitchen sink for the mountain of moldy dishes. I’m a dick but I’m not going to make her wash that shit even if it would bring me joy just to see how gross she’d think it was.

  “Stop. Toss that shit. I’ll buy new.”

  “And you call me spoiled.” She slips on the rubber gloves I bought, over her what were delicate manicured hands. Now her polish is chipped, and she could use a shower or a bubble bath. My mind and my dick both instantly go to visions of her naked surrounded by a blanket of bubbles all hot and soapy. Fuck, what a sight that would be to see her perky tits covered in soap suds, teasing me. Goddamn the shit a motherfucker wouldn’t do to watch.

  My ass is about ready to go scrub that damn tub myself. I would if I thought she’d let me get in the water with her.

  Shelly don’t appear too happy with me right now. Can’t fucking blame her after I shocked the bitch. She left me no choice.

  For the first time in my life I don’t know what the fuck to do with a chick. I thought for sure she’d refuse to clean the place. Hell, I was ready to fuckin’ burn the place down and start over but had nowhere else to take her.

  Putting the dishes in the sink to soak she does her best to disguise her discomfort.

  I know she’s tired, thirsty, and hungry.

  I should have saved her a biscuit.

  Opening the fridge all I find is some old cheese and two beers.


  I pop the caps off both and hand her one.

  Shelly shrugs, but as she takes a swig her face sours and she nearly spits it back out.


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