The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes)

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The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes) Page 11

by Loren, Jennifer

  Nick walks in the room eyeing me with an obvious thirst, “Looking for something, Princess?”

  “Yes, my necklace. You said I earned it.” I say, refusing to go to him and beg for what is mine.

  “I believe what I said was, I am sure you … could earn it.” Nick’s enticing smile appears, instantly sending electric charges racing to my center. Nick lets his shirt slip off his back before undoing his pants and sliding them down over his hardened dick. Standing back, he lets me admire his masculine stature while he holds up my sparkling prize in the light. “I believe you know what I like.”

  “Is this your way to feel powerful over me again? Take back the upper hand with your wife that has forced her way to the top of your organization, despite you specifically telling her not to get involved?” I ask him.

  Nick laughs as he lounges in bed, “Well at least now I know you do hear me. So is it that you can’t stand to be away from me long enough to let me handle things?”

  “Nick,” I hum with a smile. “I was away from you long enough don’t you think?” He nods in agreement.

  “Come here.” He says, waving his finger towards me. I would deny him, but I don’t want to and that is all that really matters here. With a graceful walk, I show off my assets. Sliding my legs one across the other and swaying my hips to the seductive song playing in the background, I take a leisurely bend down to the floor and show him all that he is about to receive. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch his erection twitch in my direction. As I approach the bed, Nick sits back and spreads his legs for me. With ample access, my tongue takes a long taste up his shaft and back down again, swirling around the hardness before placing it deep in my mouth and tasting everything it has to offer me. Nick breathes in deep and his long exhale is labored when I begin humming. My efforts are quickly rewarded when he slides the necklace down his stomach into my view, but before I can reach up to grab it, he pulls it away. “Not yet,” he whispers, encouraging me to roll on my back. Nick holds out the necklace and lets the dangling diamond skim along my bare skin. From the tips of my toes, over my stretched out legs, up my thighs, with a slight smile he drops the heavy jewel slowly down between my legs and lets it glisten its way around my most sensitive areas before he sucks the end of the diamond. Nick’s eyes dance as his seductive game continues its way up my body. The glistening jewel glides over my bellybutton and tickles its way around each of my breasts before touching the tips of my nipples with a glimmering dance. The diamond reflects the mirror images of my breasts a hundred times over, causing a purring desire from Nick’s lips. I take hold of the scintillating jewel and touch its tip with my tongue, earning a longing moan from Nick’s full, wet lips. The rumbling moans increase as he allows me to turn my back to him and lift my hair so he can place my prize around my neck. My reward looks amazing, but obviously my job isn’t done. “Remember what I said I wanted to do when I got this amazing necklace on you?” Nick asks, as I catch sight of his wanting smile from the mirror across from us. Leaning down, I look back as he takes hold of my hips and presses his lips to my bare ass and caresses it tight. Nick doesn’t allow me to move the slightest bit away from him as he slides his dick inside me. Clinching the sheets tight in my fists, my body moves with the pulsating sensations shooting to my core. Nick watches my face in the mirror as he strokes the explosive regions deep inside me. My muscles weaken and my control breaks as he squeezes my breasts and caresses my body up high in front of the mirror, showing my body perfectly and the large diamond dangling between my breasts. “You are so beautiful, Kayla,” he whispers, kissing my neck. My heart beats rapidly with every word he whispers but the sight of his erection moving in and out of me is all I can see. I can do nothing more than groan his name and hold tight to his unyielding hands until he finally releases and allows me to collapse in his arms.

  I never feel safer than when I am being held against Nick’s chest.

  Chapter 21


  Before we go much farther in our quest, there is one person I have to take care of on my own. The pressure in the city has built up on everyone but none more so than the fool that attacked Kayla while she was in prison. Broman is a spineless weasel with fetishes he likes to satisfy. I have taken a little time here and there to watch him. He doesn’t seem to be looking for me. Maybe he believes I have forgotten or maybe that I don’t care … or maybe he is just the stupidest man on the face of the earth.

  “Hello Nick.” Cecelia says, floating her hands around my neck and down my chest but before she gets too far down I take her hand and kiss it. “Always the gentleman,” she sighs, “and I guess no play for the married man today? You got my hopes up when you called.”

  “Sorry sweetheart, the favor I was referring to was about someone else. There is a man I want you to tease a little.” I give Cecelia the details of what I want her to do. I am not surprised that she agrees to do it, considering the large sum of money I offer for the job.

  “Okay, but I liked you much better before you got married.” She says, cozying up to me with a smile. “You know I will do you an up close and personal favor at no cost.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, but for now this is all I need.” I give her a wink before taking off and setting up what I need. Broman is an easy target for me. I make the necessary arrangements and have a driver pick Cecilia up and bring her safely to the dark, seedy place.

  Cecelia, dressed in her sleek black dress and red heels, walks in letting me admire her. “That should work nicely for this job.” I say, trying not to get her hopes up. With a sigh, she sits and begins doing her nails as she waits for our guest.

  “Where did you find this place anyway? It’s kind of a shit hole.” Cecelia mouths off. I am hoping Broman shows up quickly before I have to put up with her expected incessant complaints. She is good at what she does, but there is a reason her relationships never last long.

  Broman saw the sweet personals ad that I placed and he responded eagerly. He must have two pockets full of condoms as he stumbles his way up the walk to her door. “Answer it. And be hopeful, not discouraged, when you see his disgusting ass.” I insist.

  Cecelia does as asked and Broman, blinded by his needs, never thinks twice about coming into a stranger’s home. Cecelia stupidly turns her back to him as he enters. Broman jumps her and at once begins to tie her up. “Don’t worry baby, I brought some lubricant so it won’t hurt too much.” He laughs, already undressing his disgusting self for her. Before he gets too far and disgusts us all, I walk in and shove him into the wall. “Hey! What the fuck is this?”

  He tries to fight me, but stops dead in his tracks when he looks me in the eyes. “Recognize me, do you?” His face goes pale as his hands start to shake. I cut Cecelia loose while my gun stays focused on Broman. “Get out of here Cecelia. The driver will pay you on your way home.”

  Cecelia gets up in a huff and begins kicking Broman, “You sick bastard! I hope you die a slow, painful death asshole!”

  I push her towards the door. “Go!” Once she leaves, I knock Broman in the jaw and send him flying to the floor. “So, you like beating up on women do you? Fondling them and raping them.”

  “Did she tell you that? I didn’t touch her!” He yells at me.

  “Who? My wife … is that who you didn’t touch?” I fume against his ear.

  “I didn’t rape her.” He says, a little calmer and shyer to my focused glare.

  “No, but you would have if I hadn’t sent somebody in to stop you. You are a sick twisted fuck! Can’t get women any way other than tying them up or attacking them in their cells at night.” Before he can deny it again, I send a crushing blow to his abdomen and follow it by crushing his ankles with a bat. His screams are nothing to this area of the world, just a part of the night. I beat him until he passes out and then I wait for him to awake and beat him again. Each time making sure he understands - why. His body is left and used as a statement to the city.

  It is no surprise the police are at my doorst
ep the next morning. “Nick, what did you do?” Kayla holds onto me with clinched fists.

  “Don’t worry Princess, it is part of the plan.” I assure her.

  “The plan? Mind filling me in for once?” Kayla says desperately.

  The police have warrants and take me in, to Kayla’s screaming displeasure. Much like Kayla, they arrest me without cause and lose me within the system hoping I will either be killed or damaged enough not to be a bother any more, which is Kayla’s fear as well. I wish she would have more faith in me.

  Prison isn’t without its enemies, but the opportunities outweigh the problems. I need information on Ellis and this is the best place to get it. I have a few people aiming at me from the moment my cell door closes. Luckily, I have made preparations for this. I allow myself to be a target and walk out of my cell waiting for it. Time slows and I sense the wind changing quickly around me, “Now!” I yell to the guards near me and am tossed a weapon to defend myself. Man one comes flying with a homemade knife and is unable to stop before his neck is sliced open by my own knife. Man two comes right after and tries to take me on while his friend jumps on my back. I feel a couple of punches before knocking the man off my back and jumping up to grab a rail to pull myself up out of the mess. I come back around and kick the other into his friend’s knife. It takes some time battling, but eventually I win over some help, which is all I was wanting. I get another punch of my own in before I have had enough. I back up to step aside and let my new friends take over. I wipe the blood from my face and smile. When the dust settles, a man approaches from between what looks to be his followers. “Thanks for the help.”

  “Don’t mention it. I have been looking for a reason to beat those asses anyway. But, can I ask you why they decided to take you on all of a sudden?”

  “I guess you could say I have made some enemies. And your name is Aiken Graham, correct?” I ask looking the large man in the eyes without fear.

  Graham cocks his head ever so slightly as he looks me over, “Do I know you?”

  “You will.” I say, feeling good about my plan to win over one of Ellis’s key crewmembers.

  Chapter 22


  Ever since Nick was carted away, I have been trying to find a way to get him out and back home. I am told it was part of the plan but I would feel better if I had known about it beforehand. Meeting with our attorney, I find out that Nick is being charged with the murder of Broman. Not that it is a surprise to me but I thought he would at least make it hard for them to make any charges stick. The fool looked happy when he was arrested. I only hope he is prepared for what awaits him.

  I am stressing too much these days. I need to calm down, so I take a break and eat at the café with Nicky, who is enjoying the outdoor fish pond the restaurant has on display. I would enjoy my son’s laughter and enjoyment more if I didn’t have to ask Ryan and Dwayne to stop hovering over me like I am a fragile porcelain doll. It is all becoming too much. On top of being tired I am pissed off, too. Nick promised he wouldn’t leave me again. To make it worse, Welch is lunching at the same place. The man notices me and flashes a bright smile. He for some reason feels the need to come over and talk to me. Fuck Dwayne steps in front of him and stops him with a growl. “It’s okay Dwayne.” I say, allowing Welch to approach me.

  “Mrs. Jayzon, so nice to see you again. And how is your husband? Oh, that’s right, he’s in jail where he belongs. Is he surviving? How many lives could he possibly have left?” Welch laughs.

  “Is there something you need? If not, please leave me to my lunch before I lose my appetite.” I huff, taking another bite of my soup and hoping he walks away after realizing my disinterest.

  “Actually, there is. I thought you would like to meet one of the witnesses that is set to testify against you.” As I look up at Welch, he motions towards a man who has approached Nicky. I watch as his hand runs up Nicky’s back and through his hair. I stand and rush to him as the man looks up at me with an expression I had thought I would never see again. My body begins shaking like it hasn’t in years.

  “Hello, Ugerella.” I feel as if my body is frozen in place, but all I want to do is run. “You look much better than what I recall. Remember our little games we played when you were younger?” Billy Earl Maynard. My mother’s boyfriend from years ago and the man who tortured me until my sister, finally, was able to get me away from him. “Oh, what’s wrong, Ugerella? Miss me? Is this your son? He is so … tempting.”

  I swing Nicky into my arms not even noticing my tears, and my crying screams stun the entire restaurant. My mind retreats to another time. A time I thought I had long buried so deep that I would never recall it again. Holding desperately to Nicky, I search for a place to run with him. I run into Ryan crying, “Nick, I need him! I need him! Nick, oh my God please find him. He is going to hurt our son!”

  There was nothing about that time I wanted to remember, and I hate him even more for bringing it all back. I spent so much time blocking memories of him. Billy walked into our lives like he was going to rescue us all from poverty. He was going to be our Daddy and take care of us, only he never seemed to have a job and he paid too much attention to Braylin. She became uncomfortable quickly and began to take steps to fight him off. She had seen his type before. I, however, thought she was overreacting. He was so nice to me, so kind to try to help me out with my homework, talk to me about my books. He would show up at school to be there to walk us home, holding my hand and cheering me on as we would race the final block. He quickly became my … hope, when my mother was already becoming such a loss cause. I never saw it coming. I never believed Bray when she said he was trouble and we needed to get away from him. “Now, Kayla, we have to getaway now!”

  “No, Bray! I like him. He is nice to me and he loves me, he said so.” I begged her, trying to stop her from packing.

  “No, he doesn’t Kayla. I know you don’t believe me, but you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never lie to you, so please trust me.” She pleaded and pleaded with me, even trying to pack my things for me as I fought her every step of the way. Billy was away for the night, or so we thought.

  “What are you two doing?” Billy asked, surprising us both by his early return.

  “I was just getting Kayla’s clothes ready for school tomorrow,” Braylin said slowly, moving her way to me.

  Billy pushes her away from me, “Really? It looks more like you are trying to take Kayla away from me.” Billy takes hold of my hand. “Honey do you want to leave me?” I shake my head and he smiles. “Of course not. I am only here to help you, teach how to survive in this tough world.”

  ‘She doesn’t need you to teach her anything!” Braylin rushes at him, hitting him and going, what seems to me to be, crazy for no reason. She continues to scream and yell at me to run but I simply watch as Billy pushes her down.

  When he turns I begin to understand her fears, “Come here Kayla.” I shake my head and he laughs. “Don’t say no to me, you ugly shit. Do you know how hard it is for me to look at you every day? You are so damn ugly and disgusting that every time you smile I just want to shoot myself.” Billy grabs me by the shoulders, and all I can do is cry while Braylin continues to scream for me and fight Billy to get to me. Billy sighs, “Now I am going to do you a favor and teach you a skill that will help you later in life. No one is ever going to want you, not unless you know how to fuck, Ugerella. Maybe how to suck a dick or learn how to take it in the ass so no one has to look at your disgusting four eyed face. I am crying so loud I barely recognize Braylin’s screams anymore. Billy begins taking his clothes off and pushes me down on the bed. “Now to do this the right way Ugerella, you have to …” Taking my glasses from my face he throws them on the ground and steps on them with a sharp laugh. Billy forces my face into his crouch and holds me still, smacking me hard if I deviate from anything he wants me to do.

  Braylin pushes me away, “Fine, I will do whatever you want. Just leave my sister alone.” Braylin cries and
pleads with him as he rips my clothes off my body, leaving marks and cloth embedded in my skin. With her final plea, he smiles and pushes me down into a corner and forces Braylin to act as his personal whore for the night. Her cries and screams from the pain send chills through my whole body. I am thankful I can’t see as I hold my ears tight and scream for our mother to save us. He raped her over and over in every way imaginable, all the while calling out my name he created for me Ugerella, a takeoff of what was my favorite fairy tale. “Ugerella watch – this is how it is supposed to be done,” he said with pride. When he is done he kicks me several times, as he laughs, “You’re next Ugerella, get ready.” He leaves us behind to join his equally disgusting friends at the bar.

  I crawl to Braylin feeling the blood on her body, “Bray, I am so sorry!” I cried over and over hoping she isn’t dead and left me alone. “Bray, please get up.” When my mother returns, I approach her trying to get her to help Braylin.

  “What did you do?” She says to me.

  “I didn’t do anything, it was Billy. He hurt us, you have to …” I plead with her.

  She grabs my arm, looking down at me, “You little whore, are you trying to steal my boyfriend too? I know your sister has been after him but for you to even try … He can’t even stand looking at you. I hope you are as smart as your father because you look as disgusting as he was. You have no hope of ever getting a man. You wish you could be as beautiful and as wanted as I am. Billy would never notice you. Stop being so jealous of me and just be respectful for once.” Mother huffed before leaving us vulnerable again.

  “She hates me,” I would say to Braylin. I always believed it was my fault that she became such a bitter drunk. I had seen pictures of her happy and beautiful when Braylin was little, so something had to change her. It seemed reasonable to believe it was me since she would hardly look at me or even acknowledge my name.


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