Mystery: Missing Rita: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery)

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Mystery: Missing Rita: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery) Page 11

by James Kipling

  Tracy sensed the fear and shame that suddenly overwhelmed him and she cupped his cheeks in her hands.

  “I still love you, Ryan, I always have,” Tracy said. “You do not have to say anything right now.”

  “Thank you,” Ryan said. “I have so much going on.”

  “It's okay,” Tracy said and placed a hand on his lips. “It's okay, I understand.”

  Tracy got to her feet and started heading for the kitchen. She did not bother to dress as she walked and Ryan liked how her naked body gyrated across the room.

  “I know you have not had a decent meal in ages,” she said. Ryan could hear a few pots and pans clanging in the kitchen and knew she was about to make him something to eat.

  He relaxed in his seat and reached for his glass of scotch. He sipped from it and thought of what he had just done. A knock on the door got his attention and he decided not to answer it this time. He was still stark naked on the living room sofa and both his clothes and Tracy’s were on the living room floor.

  It rang again for the second time and he again did not bother. He settled in his seat and a turn in the doorknob caught his attention. He sat up quickly and wondered who else other than his children and Yvonne had the key to his apartment.

  It was not until Yvonne walked in with her handbag swung under her arm that Ryan remembered Yvonne had promised to check in earlier in the day.

  “Ryan,” she called as her soft footsteps walked towards the living room.

  “Ryan, are you still in bed? I tried ringing the bell and decided to let myself in,” she went on to announce. “Ryan…”

  Ryan was perched in his seat not knowing what to do; he wanted to move his position but knew there was nothing he could possibly do. He instead took a long gulp of his drink and prepared himself for the worst.

  “Ryan, why on earth are you naked?” Yvonne walked in and looked at him before looking at his surroundings. Her gaze landed on the heap of clothes on the floor but mostly concentrated on the bra and panties that lay on top of Tracy’s dress.

  She turned her attention to the kitchen but did not have to ask any questions with Tracy emerging from there stark naked.

  “Ryan, I heard someone ring the bell,” she started but was interrupted by the look of disgust Yvonne threw her way.

  “I see we have company today,” she said and offered Yvonne a hand. “I am Tracy.”

  “Yvonne,” she replied but did not bother to shake her hand. “Ryan, who is this?”

  “I thought I just introduced myself,” Tracy butted in.

  “I was not talking to you.”

  “I could tell but I was only saving him the time.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I was actually making something to eat. Should I make something for you too, will you be joining us?”

  “The nerve of you!” Yvonne said and took a few steps towards her. She had a murderous look on her face that forced Ryan to get on his feet and stand between the two women.

  “Now ladies, there is no need to fight,” he said.

  “Look who finally got his tongue,” Yvonne turned to him with the same look on her face, and she stared at both Tracy and Ryan with disgust as they stood in front of her naked.

  “Yvonne, please.”

  “Please what?” she barked back.

  “Oooh, Ryan, you always get the feisty ones,” Tracy said sarcastically from a distance.

  “Shut up, whore.”

  “Careful there, ma’am, you do not paint the street corner I stand on,” Tracy answered. “If you do, then you can call me a whore.”

  “Ryan, for God’s sake, your wife just died!”

  “What the hell has that got to do with anything?” Tracy went on to say. “If you ask me that gives him more reason to screw around.”

  “Ex wife Yvonne,” Ryan corrected.

  “But that still does not give you the right,” Yvonne added. “We were together, didn’t that mean something to you?”

  “Come on!Please don’t tell me you are one of those whining little bitches. Really Ryan, you used to screw that?”

  “Bitch, say one more word,” Yvonne said and started charging in Tracy’s direction. “Say one more word and I will cut your tongue.”

  “I would like to see you try,” Tracy roared sarcastically.

  Ryan was now in between the two women trying to stop a cat fight between naked Tracy and angry Yvonne.

  Yvonne then took an unexpected step back and threw a dirty look at both Tracy and Ryan before turning on her heel and heading for the door. Ryan thought of going after her but knew it would be futile. He watched her walk away and tried to feel remorse towards the whole situation but could not. He turned his attention to Tracy who was still naked and let out a smile.

  “Did that turn you on or what?” he asked and moved closer to her.

  “Like hell it did,” she answered and pulled him closer. They were lost in a heated session on the living room sofa with Tracy knowing she had him right where she wanted.


  “Where are we on the case, Sam?” Lohan walked in the office and straight to his desk without giving Sam as much of a glance.

  “And good morning to you to,” Sam answered. “Someone is fired up today.”

  “I am,” Lohan agreed as he settled well in his seat before letting out a slight heave.

  “We have made a lot of progress on the case.”

  “Any news on the body?” Lohan asked.


  “Okay, so where were you planning on going to investigate today?”

  “I was actually working on a court order that will give me access to Rita’s files from therapy,” Sam answered.

  “How far are you with that?”

  “I am waiting on a phone call from the court clerk. He said he would keep me updated.”

  Lohan took out his cell phone and immediately made a call to the court room. He talked to someone on the phone in a friendly manner and hung up after a few minutes.

  “You can go pick it up at 2:00 today.”

  “That was fast.”

  “It comes with experience and knowing people in the town for a long time,” Lohan answered and could not help but gloat.

  “So where do we go before heading over to the court at 2:00?”

  “I was thinking the morgue perhaps.”

  “No,” Lohan shook his head with disapproval. “Rodney would have given us an update if there was anything worth looking into.”

  Lohan sat up in his seat and looked into Sam’s direction. “Did you get any feedback from the rookies you had asked to look into disappearances of bodies from morgues?”

  “They will hand me the research this afternoon.”


  Lohan then got to his feet without warning and started walking out of the door.

  “Where are you headed?”

  “Let's go, Sam,” he said once he was out of the door. “Try and keep up with an old man will you.”

  Sam was both impressed and amused with the fire Lohan had walked into the office with that day. He wondered what had brought it up and how long it would last. He walked right behind him and watched as he headed for the car. He took his usual passenger side and waited on Sam to take the driver’s side.

  “How come you never want to drive?”

  “Old age,” Lohan answered. “Something about my blood circulation.”

  “I don’t believe that for a minute.”

  “Ask your grandma.”

  Sam took the driver’s seat and chose not to ask any more questions until they were both securely strapped in and staring at the road ahead.

  “So where are we heading?”

  “Crime scene,” Lohan answered. “Where Rita Sutter was supposedly murdered.”

  Sam felt excitement sear through him and threw Lohan a side glance. He wished he was always this focused on a case and secretly compared him to the previous days.

  “What did you get from Rita�
�s sister?”

  “You are going to love this,” Sam answered. “She was lovers with Ryan first.”

  “Ryan Sutter? Rita’s husband?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “So Rita was a husband snatcher?”

  “You could say that,” Sam nodded.

  “Don’t you think that makes her an automatic suspect; there is motive enough to investigate her.”

  “I think so,” Sam cleared his throat. “But I think there is something else she is after and Rita’s death must have inconvenienced her.”

  “Keep an eye on her,” Lohan said and turned all his attention on the road ahead. He looked outside his window and loved how carefree the children were playing on the playground; he envied how their lives were trouble-free and wished his was the same way.

  “So did you do it?”

  “Do what?” Lohan was interrupted from his daydream.

  “Did you sort out your issues with Gina?”

  “There was nothing to sort. I actually wish I could have left things to be the way they were,” Lohan answered bitterly.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because things have now escalated from bad to worse,” Lohan vented. “Gina is an evil woman.”

  The silence that befell that car thereafter was awkward and Sam wished he had not brought up the topic at all. He wanted to completely change the topic but his gut told him not to.

  “How did it get to that?” Sam probed on. “What would you say is the reason for Gina being the way she is today?”

  “I cheated on her.”

  Sam did not expect Lohan to be bluntly honest with him and this answer sent him into a worry roller coaster. He did not know what to say next and thanked his lucky stars when Lohan went on to explain his story.

  “It was a long time ago,” he shrugged it off so easily with his hand and had a nostalgic look on his face. “I had gone for a bachelor party, had too much to drink and slept with one of the strippers.”

  “How did she find out?”

  “I told her.”

  “Why the hell did you do that?” Sam asked with a shocked look on his face. “I have always known you to be smart.”

  “I have no idea why I told her, I felt guilty I guess,” he answered. “But she has used that as an excuse to cheat on me with every other man in her act of vengeance.”

  “Have you cheated again since?”

  “Of course and this time was wise enough not to tell her.”

  “Any advice for the single men out there?” Sam asked sarcastically.

  “Marriage is a sacred institution. Please get married, it is a thrilling experience,” Lohan answered unexpectedly as he let out a wide grin.

  They were now approaching the neighborhood and Lohan got lost in his own world again. He went on to stare at the kids in the neighborhood and let out a slight resigned sigh. Sam knew where the crime was located and he drove towards it slowly. He parked right in front of it and looked at Lohan who was still daydreaming.

  “We are here,” he announced.

  “Let’s go,” Lohan said and stepped out of the car slowly and walked towards the crime scene. The yellow tape the police had kept around the house was still visible and the place looked deserted.

  “We only have about a week more to make this our crime scene before the realtors are on our case,” Lohan said and got under the tape. He walked slowly to the house with Sam right behind him and stopped right at the front porch.



  “Did we put surveillance in place?” Lohan asked.

  “We did, buy only for the night time. Why?”

  Lohan lowered his voice and pointed towards the house. He placed a finger on his front lips as a way of asking him to keep mum. He then moved closer to him and whispered to him softly:

  “There is someone in there.”

  Sam knew the drill he nodded slightly and slowly started heading to the back of the house. He heard Lohan call out from the front of the door and he stood silently waiting for his cue.

  “Open the door! Police!” Lohan shouted.

  There was no noise coming from the inside and Sam heard Lohan open the door himself. It was not locked due to the fact that it was already a police crime scene. Sam could then hear slight movements coming from inside the house and he instinctively took out his gun. His senses were more alert when he heard someone head for the back door and he stretched his foot to make him trip.

  The door swung open and out walked out a hooded man in a hurry. He did not see Sam’s outstretched leg and this act reminded him a lot of the Tom and Jerry cartoon. The man landed on his knees after tripping over Sam’s leg, this was something he had not anticipated. Sam pinned him down on the ground before he could think of his next move. He then moved closer to him and from behind pulled back the hood from his head. He could only see a mass of dirty blonde hair and immediately turned him to the front.

  “Dr. Mathews,” Sam exclaimed as soon as he recognized the familiar face.

  “Small world, ain’t it?” he answered and let out a wicked grin.

  Sam then got him to his feet with one hand pinned on his back and pushed him to the wall. He heard his partner walk out the back door and let out a smile when he saw Sam had caught the culprit.

  “Do you know the guy?” he asked as he moved closer to them.

  Sam had now cuffed him and was reciting to Dr. Mathews his Miranda rights. He then looked at Lohan and nodded in his direction.

  “This,” he answered, “was the late Rita Sutter’s therapist.”

  “What the hell was he looking for in her apartment?”

  “I would also like to find that out,” Sam answered and started pushing him towards the police vehicle that was only a few feet from them.

  “This should be interesting.”

  “What are you charging me for?” Dr. Mathews asked as he was being directed to the back of the police car.

  “Trespassing on a police crime scene,” Lohan answered. “You might want to call your lawyer once we get to the station.”

  Sam took the driver’s seat and stole a glance in Lohan’s direction. They had made great progress on the case and he couldn’t wait to start questioning Dr. Mathews.


  Tracy sat in her apartment and stared at her bedroom ceiling. It was her day off and she only had her night job to attend to later. Her thoughts raced back to the lovemaking session she had shared with Ryan and tingly sensations ran up her spine. She tried to push it out of her mind but could not and chose to sit up on her bed. She pulled out a wooden box from under her bed and flung it open. She then emptied all the contents on the bed before spreading them evenly.

  There were photos of her back in the day when she had started modeling, a few news paper clippings and magazines in her rise to stardom and other magazine posts that glorified in her shame once her modeling career started taking a different turn. There were pictures of her checking into rehab and that was the last time the press ever reported about her.

  A different photo however stood out from the pile. It was of her and Rita standing side by side with their arms around each other. They looked happy and as far as Tracy could recall they were happy. They had not had the best upbringing and being close to each other was the only normal thing in their lives. She picked up the photo and took another look at Rita, she was younger and thinner in the photo and she could remember how much she loved to laugh back then.

  For the first time since Tracy had heard the news about her sister’s death, a sense of loss began settling on her. She was not moaning for Rita the sister who stole her man and got married to him, she was not moaning the sister who was mean to everyone and had a raging vendetta with everyone. She moaned her loving big sister who would go above and beyond to make ends meet for her. She moaned the sister who would shield her from her mother’s drunken blows and sometimes would get the courage to fire back a few insults to her mother.

  A tear escaped her
left eye and she immediately wiped it with the back of her hand. Being weak was something Tracy deeply loathed and the thought of moaning for Rita made her pull herself together. She placed the photo back on the bed and was just about to return the rest in the wooden box but was distracted by the ringing of her doorbell. She threw a glance at her wrist watch and wondered who it could be. She never had any visitors and had not ordered any pizza on that day. The doorbell rung again and she slowly got to her feet, she walked over to it and swung it open without looking through the peep hole.

  “Hello,” a young man stood on the other side of the door and let out a bright smile.

  “I am not interested in whatever you are selling,” Tracy answered and started shutting the door.

  “Tracy Evans,” the man caught his attention just before the door shut. “They told me you would be this rude.”

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Jack Adams.”

  “And you are here because?”

  “May I come in?”


  Jack paced around Tracy’s front door for a few seconds which gave time for Tracy to look him up even closer. He had on a navy blue designer suit and the shoes were designer too. He looked wealthy and she especially wondered how much the wrist watch on his hand had cost him.

  “Miss Evans,” he started. “I am not here to waste your time I have better things to do than to park my Rolls Royce at this part of the town. Whatever I have to tell you will interest you and you had best let me in.”

  Tracy was slightly turned on by the way he took charge and reluctantly moved back to let him in. He strolled into the house and from the look on his face was much impressed with how neat it was.

  “What do you want?”

  “You are not even going to offer me anything? I know I would modestly refuse but that is what normal people do.”

  “Mr. Adams, I have better things to do with my time.”

  “Okay okay,” he answered. “I have proof that your sister has been found.”

  “You mean the body that is good news.”


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