All is Lost (All Series, Book 2)

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All is Lost (All Series, Book 2) Page 22

by Marie Wathen

  “Breesan,” Marcus says softly against my neck, “there's something I need to tell you.”

  I freeze from the heaviness I suddenly feel hearing him say these words. I'm scared because every time he’s told me something after saying these words it has been bad news.

  “Please don't tell me anything bad because I seriously don't think I can take much more.” Sitting up, I drape my legs over the edge of the bed, placing my feet on the bed frame while nervously running my fingers through my tangled hair.

  “Well it's actually good news this time. At least it's probably good news to you more than me, but no, it's not bad news. Morgan is on his way back home. He's probably back at the mansion by now.”

  Turning around excitedly, I practically jump on him as I grab his shoulders and stare down into his eyes.

  Truth. Finally, my embedded lie detector is functioning again.

  “I'm telling you the truth Love. He's really back so you can relax a little, yeah?”

  Familiar with my ability to tell when someone is lying, Marcus grins devilishly at my aggressiveness, but I remain focused, needing to know so badly that he really is telling the truth.

  “Really?” I say shocked, unable to force belief into my brain fast enough.

  “I wouldn't lie to you. He's really back...” Mumbling the last part, his smile completely fades away, “but he doesn't know you're here.” Confused, my eyes narrow in on his while I try to understand his meaning.

  Noticing my perplexed expression he explains, a tad bit crestfallen. “He believes the lie everyone else believes because that's what Sam told him.”

  “Ohgod Marcus.” A sinking feeling plummets to the bottom of my belly and I struggle continuing, “he is probably freaking out. He needs to know the truth. I can't do that to him.”

  “It's too dangerous Breesan.”

  Shaking my head furiously I refuse to believe this excuse and press on expressing my feelings. I blurt out anxiously, “It's bad enough that I'm lying to Anna's parents by hiding out here with you and living under the disguise of Beatrice at the bar. I refuse to betray Morgan too.”

  “It's safer for him and you if he believes what everyone else believes. Morgan knowing about our plan won't bring Anna and Waverly back. So we must keep him in the dark.” Marcus explains and I hate his reasoning.

  A terrible pain squeezes my heart and it is an ache for Morgan. I miss him so much. After everything that has gone on, being so close and not being allowed access to him is too much.

  I whisper, “It's too much.” Dropping my face into my hands, I fight the urge to cry.

  “Shit!” Holding me against him, Marcus strokes my back with a gentle touch. After several minutes the guilt ebbs away. Determined to be strong I shrug out of his hold so I can catch my breath. Normal is what we need. If we have to pretend that everything is okay around everyone else then I need to do it with him too. Marcus is suffering just as much as I am, he just doesn't show it.

  “I'm okay,” I mumble weakly.” My stomach rumbles loudly, “Maybe just a little hungry. Let's get out of this room. I'll cook breakfast and we can discuss this more after we eat.” I command, avoiding eye contact with him.

  “Anything you want Baby,” he promises. Tipping my face up he glides his fingers along my forehead moving the stray hairs away, tucking them behind my ear. “Just know that I'm here and I'll do anything to help you get through this.”

  Towing me behind him we walk into the empty kitchen. Once inside the burden of my dilemma lessens and I begin rummaging through the refrigerator for the ingredients to make my favorite breakfast meal. After offering his assistance, Marcus sits on a chair at the island waiting for my instructions and guidance.

  “How hungry are you? Because I'm literally famished,” I convey by rubbing my stomach dramatically.

  “I'm right there with you,” He says with hooded eyes. “Famished, in more ways than one.”

  I grin while running my hand over his chest. Matching his hunger exactly, I would love nothing more than to make love to him, but we're just not there yet. Winking playfully at me, Marcus kisses the tip of my nose, turns me back around to the stove, and then lightly swats my backside.

  “Ouch!” Feigning pain, I scowl playfully while rubbing my butt cheek. “It appears that those idle hands will get you in trouble. We better remedy that right now.” Smiling at him, I am relieved we have managed to disconnect from all the bullshit, even if it is for just a short time. “Beat these eggs lightly and pour in just a little milk. I'm going to make you my special breakfast feast.”

  Being like this with Marcus stirs something inside my mind. I feel a familiar connection and it takes me back to my childhood. Cooking breakfast with my dad every Saturday morning was a special tradition and normally the memory would sadden me with his absence, but today Marcus' presence revitalizes me.

  Am I becoming too dependent on him? Fear begins to grip me as I ponder the possibility of him leaving me. I'm not naïve. If they get a lead on Julia or Dr. A, he'll have to leave me. I suddenly remember that I haven’t taken my medication in over a week. God, please let me keep it together. I must not let him see that I'm barely containing that weak, pathetic girl he is more than familiar with. Forcing my negative thoughts away before he becomes aware of my minor freak-out, I start working on our meal.

  Greasing the waffle pan, I hear Sam's melodic, but mildly edgy voice call out for Marcus, followed by the close of the heavy front door. Happy having her back from her recent overnight trip, I glance at Marcus noticing his expression mirrors mine. He really loves her. Surprisingly she has become a source of companionship for me too, not one that replaces Anna, but fills a void that I didn't even know existed.

  Practically living under the same roof we're getting along like sisters. Literally, borrowing stuff and bitching about all things, including the guys. With a shared love of scary movies, we stayed up late one night vegging out on an all day marathon. Marcus felt the need to skip it, stating we needed some girl time, and adding how he cannot understand our obsession, since we have enough real life drama that keeps him more than satisfied.

  Movement in the doorway catches my attention and I see Sam pause before she walks through the doorway. She scrunches her forehead watching us. My smile falls quickly seeing the person behind her as he pierces me with a harsh glare. Gasping deeply, I struggle to remain standing when I notice his eyes soften as he rushes toward me. Dropping whatever is in my hands, I meet him in the middle of the room and leap into his arms.

  “Ohgod, you're alive.” Morgan grips me so tightly against him that all of my breath whooshes out, but right now I don't care, because I am so happy to see him. “Oh thank god.” He continues to chant his thanks for me being alive. His emotions conjure my tears, burning briefly in my eyes before streaking down my cheeks. I tuck my face into his neck and release hard sobs while softly mumbling my thanks too.

  Lowering me back to my feet, Morgan strokes both hands down my face from my forehead down, moving away lose hairs and wiping away some of my tears with his thumbs. He searches my face, like he can't believe that I'm really standing here in front of him. Wiping my drenched face with my shirt sleeve, I notice Morgan glance over his shoulder at Marcus briefly, giving a small nod. Leaning forward again, he places warm lips on my forehead, sighs and then tenderly wraps his arms around me. We stand silently swaying fully engrossed in our reunion. A loud demanding throat clearing reminds me that Marcus and Sam are watching our exchange. Before I have a chance to pull away Morgan steps back, but continues staring.

  “Breesan?” Morgan whispers my name accusingly, forcing a shiver down my spine and I mirror his retreating action, stepping away too.

  Without hesitation Marcus crosses the room, wraps an arm around my waist and places a sweet kiss against my cheek. His claim on me causes Morgan's body to go rigid. Folding his arms tightly over his chest, Morgan narrows his eyes and glares between me and Marcus. Seeing the anger in his expression scares me, but I need him t
o understand what has happened since his disappearance. I reach out for his arm hoping he will allow me to explain everything and wanting to sooth his hostility, but he isn’t having it.

  “Show me where I'm sleeping,” he snaps at Sam, turning away from me.

  She stares harshly at him in utter disbelief. Without argument she slips out the doorway with Morgan following behind.

  “Oh hell no,” I yell, needing to make things right and pissed at his reaction. “Are you kidding me? You're just going to walk away from me and think that I'm okay with that shit.”

  Ignoring me completely, Morgan follows Sam down the hallway disappearing up the stairs. Defeated by his total disregard, my shoulders sag and I release a loud sigh. Warm arms engulf me from behind causing an odd nervousness to flair under my skin.

  Give him time,” Marcus murmurs, dropping his face into my hair. “He'll get over it.”

  “No, I'm not waiting.” Pushing away from his hold, I spin around. “Waiting has gotten me nowhere, ever. I owe Morgan an explanation. More importantly, I'm pissed that he took off without a damn word to anyone. All of this bullshit has gone down that has crushed everyone around him, but he is still so damn self-righteous.”

  “Some things will never change. He's got some explaining to do, but for now just let him stew. If you go up there and demand that he listens to you he will only piss you off. And I'm not going to let him be an asshole to you,” Marcus growls irritably. Needing contact with me he laces our fingers together before placing a kiss on the back of my hand.

  “It's fine,” I say. “The last time I saw him was when I walked away from him without a word, after he kissed me. I never got a chance to explain about the things between you and me. I just don't want him to hate me Marcus.” Taking my hand back, I sit down at the island and drop my head onto my arms now crossed over the counter top.

  “He doesn't hate you. Far from it,” Marcus mumbles the last comment painfully.

  Jealously of his brother is not a good color on my sexy Marcus, but I refuse to acknowledge it. Instead, with my face still buried, I roll my eyes at his over-protective side dominating him at the moment. Clearing his throat, Marcus briskly rubs his hands together as if the action will massage out his hostility over Morgan's behavior.

  “If it will make you feel better I'll speak with Morgan. It's so damn unfair for him to be angry with you over the lie Rhys created.” Keeping my head down, I nod satisfied with his eagerness to help rectify the situation.

  Completely embarrassed and defeated, I fear being overtaken by my emotions again. I haven't experienced an episode for a while now, but if my past has taught me anything it is that after a series of events like what I have endured lately, crying is just the gateway to my breakdown. Peeking up from under my lashes, I see Marcus storming out of the kitchen taking the same path as his brother and sister.

  A low growl echoes in the hallway as I hear him say, “Fucking Morgan.”

  Swallowing the nausea I feel forcing its way up my throat, I understand this can't be easy for him, and I know that he's definitely only doing it for me. For now that is good enough. Fixing things are at the top of my priorities list, along with finding Anna and Waverly. Very soon I will have it all; them back, Morgan forgiving me and Tristan healthy. Then I'm finally going to do this friendship thing right. Making up for every lost moment due to my selfishness, I am going to have them begging me for space when all is said and done.

  Clicking heels on the tile floor brings me out of my deep thoughts. Lifting my head, I see Sam staring at me, concern impairing her beauty. Walking around the large island, she approaches me slowly then draws me into a deep hug.

  “How are you doing honey?” she asks. The familiarity of her concern inundates me and I rest my head weakly against her shoulder.

  “Why did you tell him I was abducted then bring him here Sam?” I beg, pulling out of her embrace. Smirking only moments before, her face drops at my question and she takes the seat next to me.

  “Well, the truth is I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock ordered me to keep him in the dark until we get the other girls back, but the hard place is spoiled and always gets his way, which is why he's upstairs now. Honestly, I wasn't sure if you would be awake yet, and I hoped to prepare you and Marcus first. I sure as hell was not expecting domestic bliss in the kitchen when I walked in.” She explains softly. Remorseful for my shitty disposition, she diligently wrings her hands before I see tears begin pooling in her slate colored eyes, triggering an ache in my soul.

  “Sorry. I've never been able to tell him no and stick to my guns,” she whispers remorsefully, “and this time someone could get hurt from me giving into him.”

  Maybe she didn't mean for him to find out so harshly, but it's too late now. The damage is done. All I can do is pray that no one else gets hurt or taken from me because of her decision. I refuse to focus on what could happen because the present offers me enough bullshit to deal with. Upstairs Morgan is pissed at me, or Marcus, or both of us because of our new relationship; and only because of me, Marcus is up there taking the brunt of his anger and hopefully quelling his fury. At least I hope he is because I'm foreign to resolving issues like this.

  Never having a meaningful relationship, let alone several like now, I honestly don't know what I'll do if Morgan doesn't find a way to forgive me. Refusing to stay mad at Sam for something she clearly feels guilty over, I pull her hand into mine squeezing delicately hoping that it expresses my understanding. Whether he can get over it or not doesn't matter. Getting Anna and Waverly back safe is my only focus, but I don't want her feeling guilty either. Seeing this simple gesture brighten her face instantaneously, my uneasiness noticeably subdues.

  “Don't feel bad,” I say. “He is a real dumb ass sometimes. Hopefully Marcus will talk some sense into him for both of us.”

  “Oh Breesan,” Sam shakes her head while lightly chuckling and squeezing my hand softly. “You have so much to learn about those boys.”



  Slamming the door to the bedroom Sam escorted me to, after storming away from Breesan, I cross the room feeling the agitation course through my body. Obviously, she has chosen Marcus over me.

  “Obviously!” I shout to the empty room, continuing to pace, like a caged animal.

  Why did I insist on coming back here with Sam? I knew Marcus would be here and part of me wanted to see if he was affected as much as I am by the disappearance of Breesan. However, another part, a very small part, hidden very far away for a long time, wants to be with my brother and sister after what happened to Tristan. Now that I'm here and he's won her I'm not so sure this was a good idea.

  Sam tried talking me out of coming here on the drive from the airfield, but I refused to give in. I set my mind on being with them throughout this ordeal and I wasn't about to let anything Sam said change my mind. If she would have just mentioned this shit I would have gone straight to Granddad's.

  Or would I?

  “For fuck sake, I'm more confused than I've ever been.” Am I upset because of our ongoing rivalry? Waverly owns my heart. So why am I acting like a fucking douche?

  A demanding pounding on the door alerts me that Marcus is on the other side, and I can only imagine what the fuck he wants to say about the way I left his…his what? What is Breesan to him? I haven't been gone that long, but clearly with his protective arm wrapped around her and kissing her in front of me, he was definitely letting me know she is off limits. I got his message loud. Another loud banging on the door, and I cross the room in several quick steps, jerk open the door, and find Marcus glaring at me with bitter hatred.

  “I'm going to talk and you're going to listen,” he says taking several determined steps into my room while I take a few steps backward.

  “What the hell could you possibly have to say to me now?” I snap, completely enraged by the commanding tone he took with me. “I tried speaking with you when Elise showed up at Granddad's, but you wouldn't e
ven give me one minute of your time. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to just let you talk to me. Yeah, that sounds about how this shit always goes.”

  “I didn't come up here to make this about you and me Morgan. There are a helluva lot more important things besides some stupid sibling rivalry happening. Since you manipulated Sam's feelings for you, and forced her into agreeing to let you stay here, we'll need to get some shit straight.”

  I flinch at his callous tone and at the way he says I used my sister. Marcus shuts the door and takes a seat on the small bench at the foot of the bed. Standing several feet away from him, I turn my back and walk toward the large picture window overlooking the military looking backyard, complete with an obstacle course and a small shooting range. Now my curiosity gets the better of me.

  “What in the hell has been going on around here since I left?” I ask exasperatedly, turning my head and looking over one shoulder. I stare momentarily, really looking at my identical twin brother, looking like he has aged several years in just the short amount of time that I have been gone. Marcus lets out a heavy breath while scrubbing a hand over his face then pierces me with a harsh glare.

  “Dammit Marcus, if you're not going to tell me anything then just get the fuck out of my room.”

  “Morgan, what I'm about to tell you will put your life in danger. This is not a joke and once you know there is no unknowing this shit!” He growls glaring at me with unbridled determination, but there is something more in his eyes. An emotion I have never seen before flickers there, but he looks away too quickly for me to study it. “So forgive me for filtering this cluster fuck of the past two weeks for you. I am trying to make this easy to understand.” Nodding my head, I silently accept whatever he has to say and decide that this deserves my full attention. I turn away from the window and lean my ass against the seal.


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