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by Slezkine, Yuri

  Koltsov (Fridliand), Mikhail Efimovich, xv; apartment of, 382, 498, 865, 986; arrest/interrogation/trial/execution of, 853–56, 865, 870; as celebrity guest, 517; on class aliens, 273–74; clothing styles of, 498–99; collectives and, 275, 446; as cultural liaison, 595, 602; description of, 233; on Lenin, 212–15, 724; marriages/lovers/family life of, 232–34, 382, 383, 560, 602–3, 606, 855; on Moscow city, 357; on murder of Nicholas II, 156–57; personality of, 605; photographs of, 123, 233, 605, 854, 856; on Reisner, 245; on the state reflected in family life, 278–79, 345, 531; teaching assignment of, 660; on trials and purges, 815–16; as witness of the revolution, 123–25; Works: “Courage,” 640–42; The Day of the World, 593–94; “My Crime,” 232; “October,” 137; The Spanish Diary, 606–9, 611, 853; work schedules of, 497–98

  Koltsova (Ratmanova), Elizaveta Nikolaevna, 382, 603, 986

  Komarova, Maria Filippovna (“Mara”), 555–56, 645

  Komsomol (organization), 275, 522, 525, 530, 620, 888, 952; purge of, 810–11

  Komsomol “honor,” 666–67, 906

  Kon, Feliks Yakovlevich: apartment of, 381, 986; dacha stays of, 547; death of, 936; friendships of, 28, 31; government assignments of, 381; marriage/lovers/family life of, 381, 513, 555–56, 560, 645, 820; photograph of, 25; political awakening of, 25–26; in prison, 43–44; on socialist proselytizing, 37

  Kon (Grinberg), Khristiana Grigorievna (Khasia Girshevna), 381, 556, 986

  Konchalovsky, Petr, 518, 521

  Kondtratiev, N. D., 456

  Kork, August, 539, 748, 820

  Korkmasov, Erik, 880–82

  Korkmasov, Jelal-Ed-Din, 880–81

  Korol, Mikhail Davydovich, 1073n63

  Korol, Miron Iosifovich. See Mironov, Sergei Naumovich

  Korostoshevsky, Isaak, 699

  Korshunov, Mikhail (“Misha”), 390, 536, 658–59, 674, 677, 681, 683

  Korshunov, P. S., 658

  Korzhikov, Ivan Stepanovich, 537–38

  Kosarev, Aleksandr, 811

  Kosior, Stanislav (Stanislaw), 524, 741, 755

  Kosterin, Aleksei Evgrafovich, 904–5

  Kosterina, Anna Mikhailovna, 904

  Kosterina, Nina Alekseevna, 905–8, 915–20

  Kozlova, Lydia Aleksandrovna. See Bogacheva (Kozlova), Lydia Aleksandrovna

  Kraiushkin, Vasily Stepanovich, 829

  Krasikov, Petr, 499, 547

  Krasin, Leonid, 215–16

  Krasovsky, Tikhon Nikolaevich, 890

  Kraval, Elena, 652, 660, 986

  Kraval, Ivan Adamovich (Jānis Kravalis), 309, 386, 440, 494, 510, 533, 560, 863, 986

  Kreindel, Fanni Lvovna. See Moroz (Kreindel), Fanni Lvovna

  Kremlin (Moscow), 582; residents of, xi, 145, 147, 186–88, 727; services provided in, 188–90

  Krestinsky, Nikolai, 183

  Kristson, Misha, 894

  Kritsman, Lev Natanovich: Agrarian-Marxists and, 293, 455–56; apartment of, 385–86, 986; on class aliens, 273; government assignments of, 293, 385–86, 440, 600; health of, 221, 482; on how to live, 341; marriage/family life of, 261–62; photograph of, 262; on revolutionary progress, 272, 275; Works: The Heroic Period of the Great Russian Revolution, 209–12, 260–61, 263–64, 275, 341

  Kritsman, Yuri, 263–64

  Kritsman (Soskina), Sarra Lazarevna, 261–63, 262, 986

  Kron, Aleksandr, 396, 464

  Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 184, 217, 235, 248, 294–95, 333, 335, 547, 939

  Krzhizhanovsky, Gleb, 235, 260, 547

  Kuchmin, Ivan Fedorovich, xv, 630–31, 647–48, 803, 987

  Kuchmina, Elena, 630–31, 890, 987

  Kuchmina (Revenko), Stefania Arkhipovna, 630, 803, 987

  Kuhlmann, Johann, 409

  Kuibyshev, Valerian, 34, 41, 309, 519–21, 536, 552, 560, 574, 889

  Kuibyshev, Vladimir, 661

  Kukharchuk, Nina. See Khrushcheva (Kukharchuk), Nina Petrovna

  kulaks, 422–23, 455

  Kuliabko, N., 612

  Kulkov, Aleksandr, 880–81

  Kulman, Maria Nikolaevna, 496, 987

  Kun, Béla, 797, 847

  Kurella, Alfred, 345

  Kuriatov, John, 891

  Kursky, V. M., 758, 765

  Kutuzovsky Avenue (Moscow), 926

  Kuusinen, Ainu, 938

  Kuusinen, Otto, 687, 939

  Kuzmin, N., 340–41, 344–45

  Lakhuti, Abulkasim (Abulqosim Lohuti), 476, 483–84, 488, 816, 987

  Lakhuti (Banu, Bakaleishchik), Tsetsilia Bentsionovna, 483–84, 987

  Lakota (Sioux), 99

  Lande, Efim Zosimovich, 893, 987

  Lande (Yusim), Vladimir (“Volodia”), 893–94, 987

  Lande (Yusim), Maria Aleksandrovna, 893, 987

  Lander, Karl Ivanovich (Kārlis Landers), 37, 185, 195, 221, 385, 482, 987

  Larin, Yuri, 247, 250–51, 261, 340, 345, 508, 546

  Larina-Bukharina, Anna Mikhailovna, xiv, 247–51, 261, 596–97, 720, 727, 747, 801, 883–87, 987

  Lavrenev, Boris, 197; The Forty-First, 201–2, 214

  Lebedev, Platon. See Kerzhentsev (Lebedev), Platon Mikhailovich

  Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret), 341

  Left Communists, 150–51, 742

  Leftists, 298, 301

  leisure entertainments: of children, xii, 510–15, 650–51; dancing as, 532–33, 543, 545, 648; museums, 610; public holidays, 527–34; radio/newspapers as, 509; reading and study as, xii, 509–10, 513–14, 610, 659–60; recreation facilities for, 393–407, 495, 536, 648; socializing in homes as, 515–22, 552, 650; special occasions, 522–27; theater as, 350–51, 395–407, 512–13, 610, 615–17. See also dachas; rest homes

  Lelevich, G., 281, 306, 784

  Lengnik, Fridrikh (Fridrihs Lengniks), 553–54

  Lenin, V. I.: April Theses of, 131, 135; attempted assassination of, 158; Bolshevik takeover and, 144; death and preservation of, 212–17, 410; family life of, 260; on governmental/political organization, 58, 149; intelligentsia and, 24; leadership of, 131–33, 137–38, 142, 283, 468; on Marxism, 115; millenarian outlook of, 150–51, 297; on morality/ethics, 227; murder of Nicholas II and, 155; names of, 724, 738; on proselytizing, 36; reminders of the old regime and, 186, 266, 290; return of, 130; Russianness of, 288; sculpture of, 219; Sverdlov praised by, 164–65; on violence and coercive measures, 151–52, 154

  Leningrad (USSR), 908–9

  Lenin Mausoleum, 217, 337, 353, 409–10, 441, 529, 582

  Leonov, Leonid, 473–74, 476, 599, 609–10, 629, 631, 934, 947–50; Works: The Badgers, 280; The Pyramid, 947–50, 961; The Road to Ocean, xv, 629–40, 642, 947–48, 978, 987; The Sot’, 363–65, 368–69, 371, 375–76, 411, 474, 948

  Leontiev, Yakov, 462–63

  Lepeshinsky, Panteleimon, 657, 936

  Lesskis, Georgy, 657–59

  letter-writing, 554–55

  Levidov, Mikhail, 640; A House on Prechistenka, 616

  Levin, Boris, 234, 377

  Levina, Elena Borisovna, 377–78, 991

  Levina-Rozengolts, Eva Pavlovna, xiv, 234, 377–78, 549, 632, 943–44, 945, 991

  Lezhnev, I., 732

  L’Hoste, Hubert, 603–6, 657, 669, 856, 986

  Libedinskaia, Lydia, 891–92

  Libedinsky, Yuri, 245, 281; A Week, 195–96, 201, 204; The Birth of a Hero, 269–70, 337

  linear time, development of, 75–77, 79

  List, Gustav, 14

  List Metal Works, 14–15, 18, 140, 389

  literature, Soviet: apocalypse stories in, 196–97, 201–2, 206; Babylon stories in, 195–97, 201–2, 364, 366, 606; collectivization in, 446–48; construction/building plots in, 362–76, 402, 446, 969; creation stories in, 122, 124, 365, 372, 403–4, 446, 701; crucifixion stories in, 196, 197–98, 201–2, 206; exodus stories in, 77, 193–94, 202–5, 208, 369, 606; ideological conversion and, 279–89, 403–4, 456–58, 472–78; inferno stories in, 205; as leisure entertainment, 510, 610; long journey, 449, 452; love/marriage/family and, 264–71; as myth, 19
5–209; proletarian writers and, 19, 281, 285; socialist realism and, 475–77, 611, 616, 639, 656, 848

  Litovsky, Valentin (“Valia”), 891, 920

  Litovsky (Kagan), Osaf, 664, 891

  Litvinov, Maksim, 387, 464, 936

  Liubchenko, A. P., 524

  Liushkov, G. S., 715

  Loginov, Zhenia, 827, 834

  Lohuti, Abulqosim. See Lakhuti, Abulkasim

  long journey literature, 449, 452

  Lopatin, German, 125–26

  love, faith, and revolution, 66–72, 75, 227–28, 236, 251, 259–60, 887–89, 904

  Lozovskaia, Milena, 235, 260, 383

  Lozovskaia, Vera, 235

  Lozovsky (Dridzo), Solomon Abramovich, 235, 260–61, 383, 499

  Lubotsky, Vladimir, 28

  Lukacs, Georg, 954–55

  Lukina-Bukharina, Nadezhda Mikhailovna, 248–49, 251, 727, 747, 801, 870, 987

  Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 23, 136, 138, 143, 146, 335, 341, 353, 359, 478

  Lundberg, Evgeny, 242

  Lunts, Lev: “In the Desert,” 204–5

  Lurye, Evgenia Abramovna. See Trifonova (Lurye), Evgenia Abramovna

  Lurye, Pavel, 776, 778

  Luther, Martin, 90, 92, 111, 299

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 198, 203, 244

  Maeterlink, Maurice: The Blue Bird, 236, 248, 646–47, 980

  Magidov, Boris, 462

  Main Electric Tram Power Station, 11–12, 140, 329

  Malashkin, Sergei: Moon from the Right Side, 268

  Malia, Martin, 121

  Malkov, Pavel, 158–59, 186–87, 215, 931

  Maltsev, Nikolai, 441, 550, 552, 554, 612

  Malyshkin, Aleksandr: The Fall of Dair, 195, 196–97, 201–2, 204

  Maly Theater Studio, 395, 397, 610

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 245

  Mann, Klaus, 605

  Maria Women’s College, 13, 389, 657–58

  Mark, Gospel of, 81, 82

  markets, 5, 12–13, 15–16, 319

  marriage and family life, 96–97, 116, 180, 228–31, 235–36, 243, 259, 335–41, 508–14, 555, 560, 620–21, 647, 952–53

  Marshak, Nina Semenovna. See Rykova (Marshak), Nina Semenovna

  Marshak, Samuil, 476

  Martirosian, Suren. See Avanesov, Varlam

  Marx, Karl: as “architect,” 333–34; on family life, 335–36; on modernity, 74, 276; A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 110–13; “Critique of Modern German Philosophy…,” 117; “Critique of the Gotha Programme,” 117; Manifesto of the Communist Party, 114–16; On the Jewish Question, 109–10, 112–13

  Marx-Engels archive, 494–95, 596

  Marxists and Marxism, 23–25, 109–18; economic determinism of, 952; millenarianism of, 73, 109–18, 151; one-generation Bolshevism and, 951; political awakening to, 31; proselytizing by, 36; reading/study of, 276, 618; religion and, 73–75, 951–52; us-and-them thinking and, 57

  Matiukhina, Tamara, 649

  Matusov, Yakov Naumovich, 883, 931

  Matveev, Mikhail Rodionovich, 861

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 68–69, 70–72, 219, 246, 255, 271, 341; The Bedbug, 271; A Cloud in Pants, xv, 69, 255, 992; Mystery-Bouffe, 193–95, 198

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, 109

  Medvedev, S. S., 831

  Melanesia, 101–2

  Melnikov, Konstantin, 340

  memoirs and biography, 645

  memory and ritual, 192–93, 195, 222

  Mensheviks, 19, 24, 57, 58, 131, 467

  Mercurians, 88, 95

  Metro construction (Moscow), 409

  Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 397, 513, 870

  Mezhlauk, Charna Markovna, 538

  Mezhlauk, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, 537–38

  Mezhlauk, Valery Ivanovich (Valērijs Mežlauks), 537–38, 740–41

  Mgijima, Enoch, 100, 108

  Miagkov, Volia, 573–74

  Miagkova, Feoktista Yakovlevna, 62, 387, 566, 573, 592, 828–29, 933, 990

  Miagkova, Lelia, 573

  Miagkova-Poloz, Tatiana Ivanovna (“Tania”): apartment of, 387, 491, 990; arrest/exile/interrogation, and execution of, 309–12, 365, 562–81, 784–88, 857–61; as a child, 62, 309; confession of, 615; daughter’s development and, 647; documentary sources for, xv; photographs of, 309, 311–12; reading and study by, 611; views on Chelyuskinites by, 574–75, 592

  Mickiewicz, Adam, 109, 244

  Mikhailov, Vasily Mikhailovich, 323, 325, 409, 486, 488, 490–91, 524, 546, 611, 621, 863, 987

  Mikhailova, Margarita, 492, 987

  Mikhailova (Ushakova), Nadezhda Ivanovna, 409, 490–92, 494, 499–500, 987

  Mikoyan, Anastas, 425, 544, 755, 831, 936

  Mikoyan, Sergo, 879

  Mikoyan, Vano, 878–79

  Milinis, I. F., 343

  Miliukov, Pavel, 124

  Miliutin, N. A., 336, 344

  Miliutin, V. P., 886

  millenarianism, 180; in American society, 96–99, 103; during collapse of USSR, 947, 951; in European society, 89–95, 103–9; gender attitudes and, 246; Israelites and, 77–82, 88, 104, 180, 711; Jesus and, 82–87, 89, 115; marriage/family life and, 96–97, 229, 952–53; of Marx, 73, 109–18, 151; Muhammad and, 87–88; in non-Christian societies, 99–103; private property and, 952; revolutions and, 121; scapegoats and, 710–12. See also “Real Day” expectations

  Miller, P. P., 415, 418

  Miller, William, 97–98, 273

  Mironov, Filipp, 160–61, 167–68, 168–79, 205, 864, 976

  Mironov, Sergei Naumovich (Miron Iosifovich Korol): accusations against/trials of oppositionists and, 755–63, 765–67, 769–70, 790, 792, 816, 866; apartments of, 772, 988; arrest/interrogation/trial and execution of, 866–70; collectivization enforcement and, 430–34, 436–40; documentary sources for, xv; government assignments of, 257–58, 429, 437–38, 507, 767, 769, 771–72, 809, 866; Kirov’s death and, 700; marriage/family life of, 256–59, 261, 505–7, 515–16, 522–24, 562; photographs of, 258, 439, 544, 758; rest homes stats of, 543–45; rest home stays of, 540–41

  Mironov (Kagan), Lev, 759–60

  Mironova (Argiropulo), Agnessa Ivanovna: apartments of, 772, 988; dacha stays of, 766; documentary sources for, xv; Kirov’s death and, 700; marriages/family life of, 256–59, 261, 505–7, 515–16, 522–24, 562, 622, 866, 1073n63; Mironov’s assignments and, 430–32, 436–39, 755–59, 765–69, 771–72, 866–69; photographs of, 258, 437, 439, 544; political education of, 257–58; rest home stays of, 540–41, 543–45

  Mitskevich, Olympiada, 221–22, 385, 482

  Mitskevich, Sergei, 26, 47, 221–22

  modernization, 17, 95, 276, 597

  Mogilny, A. M., 539

  Molochnikov, N. V., 939

  Molotov (Skriabin), Viacheslav Mikhailovich: accusations against/trials of oppositionists and, 719, 728, 737–40, 755–58, 794, 797, 844, 846; apartments of, 925; collectivization and, 426; dacha stays of, 550–51; friendships of, 28–29, 552; government assignments of, 183; marriage of, 613; name of, 152; photograph of, 30; political awakening of, 32; return from exile of, 126; Soviet literature and, 55; speeches of, 611–12

  Monchadskaia, Elena, 897–98

  Mongolian Revolution (1921–22), 272

  morality and ethics, 227–32, 259

  More, Thomas, 582–83

  Mormons, 97, 180

  Moroz, Aleksandr, xiv, 388, 789, 874, 988

  Moroz (Kreindel), Fanni Lvovna, xiv, 388, 789, 878, 988

  Moroz, Grigory Semenovich, xiv, 187–88, 296–97, 299, 388, 546, 559, 789, 988

  Moroz, Samuil (“Mulia”), xiv, 388, 655, 659, 789, 830, 876–78, 988

  Moroz, Vladimir (“Volodia or Vova”), xiv, 388, 789, 874–78, 906, 988

  Morozov, Savva, 215

  Morozova, Zinaida, 215, 216

  Morozovka rest home, 535–37

  Moscow: bombing of, 918; map of, 591; Metro construction in, 409; physical geography of, 4–5; policing in, 18; rebuilding of, 357–62, 582, 589–92; state government in, 16–18r />
  Moscow Art Theater, 397, 610

  Moscow Exemplary School, 657, 890–91

  Moscow Sailing Club, 7–8

  Muhammad, 87–88, 97, 299, 953

  Mukhina, Vera: Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, 502

  Muklevich, Anna Yakovlevna, 829, 840, 988

  Muklevich, Irina, 499, 541, 654, 817, 829, 831–32, 834, 882, 988

  Muklevich, Romuald Adamovich (Romuald Muklewicz), 489, 510, 522, 533, 541, 829, 863, 988

  Müntzer, Thomas, 91–92, 108, 110, 114, 122, 848

  Muralov, Nikolai, 140–41, 296, 817–18

  Murzin, Pavel Gerasimovich, 484–86, 988

  Murzina, Maria Stepanovna, 485

  Musrepov, Gabit, 433–34

  Mussolini, Benito, 587

  Nakoriakov, Nikolai, 460

  Narkomfin House, 343–44

  nationalists, 24–25

  New Delhi (India), 586

  New Economic Policy (NEP, 1922–1928): disappointment under, 266, 468; impact on officials of, 188, 222; industrialization and, 279; Lenin’s description of, 297; revolutionary progress during, 212, 224, 275–76, 279

  New Theater, 350–51, 395–407, 615–17

  New Year’s Eve celebrations, 524–27

  New York City housing, 347

  Nicholas II, Tsar, murder of, 155–57

  Nicolaevsky, Boris, 597

  Nikiforov, Georgy, 473

  Nikitin, Nikolai, 281

  Nikolaev, Ivan, 342

  Nikolaev, Leonid, 715

  Nikolaeva, Klavdia, 547

  Novgorodtseva, Klavdia. See Sverdlova-Novgorodtseva, Klavdia Timofeevna

  Novitskaia, Mikhalina Iosifovna. See Bogutskaia (Novitskaia), Mikhalina Iosifovna

  Novitsky, Pavel Ivanovich, 406, 664, 837–39

  Nowicka, Michalina. See Bogutskaia (Novitskaia), Mikhalina Iosifovna

  Obolenskaia, Svetlana. See Osinskaia (Obolenskaia), Svetlana Valerianovna

  Obolensky, Valerian. See Osinsky (Obolensky), Valerian Valerianovich

  Obraztsov, Sergei, 521

  October Revolution (1917), 135–38, 142–45, 193, 209, 527, 530

  Ogarev, Boris, 408

  OGIZ (Association of State Book and Magazine Publishers), 457–58

  Okhitovich, Mikhail, 333, 338–40

  Olberg, V. P., 718–19

  Old Believers, 94–95

  Olesha, Yuri: Envy, 277, 362, 366–68, 374–75, 383

  oppositionists, 292–97, 716–17, 789

  Ordzhonikidze, G. K. (“Sergo”), 419, 467, 728, 733

  Orekhov, Vasily Andreevich, 38–39, 43, 183–84, 220–21, 223, 385, 482, 988


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