Rising Bounty

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Rising Bounty Page 5

by K. D. Jones

  Her mother whispered back, “That man is very macho for someone wearing a skirt.”

  “It’s a kilt, actually.” Abe winked at her mother and took the seat next to Lauren. The lawyer turned to Roxanne.

  “Mrs. Hadley—”

  “Call me Roxanne.” She never wanted to be called Mrs. Hadley again.

  “Roxanne, tell me how you first met Darryl Hadley.”

  It was a slow start. She hesitated, unsure what the lawyer was looking for. As Roxanne told her story, Lauren took notes and asked a lot of personal questions. An hour later, she stood up.

  “I think I have enough to go on. I’m traveling to New Earth and will be questioning the witnesses that testified, and I will also seek out those who were supposed to testify on your behalf. Traveling will take about two days and then I’ll need a few more before I can figure out our best option. Give me a good week. I have connections with a federal judge so it’s possible we can get this whole case reopened.”

  “I can’t lose my daughter.”

  Abe reached out and took her hand in his, squeezing it to give her comfort. She looked at him. Their eyes met and she felt an immediate connection with him. For some reason, she felt like everything was going to be okay.

  “I’ll do everything I can.” Lauren started to leave.

  “Let me see ye out.” Abe stood up and left the apartment with Lauren.

  Roxanne turned to her mother. “What do you think?”

  Her mother reached over and grasped her hand in hers. “I think that we have done all that we can do and now we need to put our trust in others.”

  “What if this draws attention to us here and Darryl comes and tries to take Cici?”

  “Then we’ll leave again.”

  She sighed. “I don’t want to keep putting you guys through that.”

  “Then let’s give this Lauren a chance to fix it and send Darryl where he belongs—hell.”

  Roxanne couldn’t help but snort. “She’s a lawyer, not a miracle worker.”

  “She seems to know what she’s talking about and Abe trusts her.”

  The mention of Abe’s connection with Lauren had Roxanne looking toward the door. He hadn’t come back yet. “What’s taking them so long?”

  “You sound a little possessive, dear.” Her mother gave her a knowing look.


  “Honey, you can’t fool me. The way you look at that man…you have never looked at any man that way before. Reminds me of how I felt about your father. I couldn’t keep my hands off that man.”

  She started to protest that she didn’t feel anything like that for Abe but her mother stood up. “I’ll make you a sandwich for lunch.”

  The door opened and Abe came back inside. She felt relief to see him again.

  “Abe, I’m making us sandwiches. Would you like one?”

  “Aye, I would love that ma’am.”

  “None of that ma’am nonsense. Call me Sandy.”

  “Sandy, I would love a sandwich.” He sat back down at the table.

  “Did Lauren say anything else? What did you guys talk about?” Roxanne asked, trying not to sound like she was trying to pry into things.

  “I wanted to make sure she didn’t leave for New Earth without the bounty hunters we are sending with her for protection.”

  “Is she in danger? I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.” Roxanne worried.

  “She’ll be protected and I’ll make sure that ye and yer family are safe.” Abe rubbed her hand in a comforting way. She couldn’t help but respond to his touch.

  Her mother cleared her throat behind her. “I’ve got the sandwiches ready.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  The three of them sat and ate their lunch, keeping their conversation light. She liked watching him interact with her mother. He was definitely a charmer. He teased and winked and even had her mother blushing at times. Whenever he looked Roxanne’s way, her heart rate picked up and she shifted in her seat. The time flew by. Abe suddenly looked at his watch.

  “I’ve got to go to the office for a few hours to clear out some of my paperwork. Do ye need me for anything?”

  “No thank you. I’m going to do a few things to get the club ready for tonight since I’m off. Then I’ll go pick up Cici from school.”

  “Isaac will be by later to install the alarm for your apartment. Call me if ye need me.”

  “Thanks, Abe.”

  Chapter 8

  Abe sat at his desk, staring at the report Isaac had pulled on Darryl Hadley’s background. It was just basic information about his school achievements, jobs he had held, personal relationships. None of that really looked suspicious or helpful, not until he opened the second report, the police record that was supposed to be sealed. He snorted. There wasn’t any file Isaac couldn’t break into. Of course, it was illegal to open a sealed report.

  He opened the report and frowned. He whistled. “Hadley, ye had to have paid a lot of money to bury all this shit.” He had a long list of crimes that started at the early age of fourteen. Assault and battery was a theme. He was arrested for hitting his own mother, who ended up dropping the charges. In fact, all the charges brought against him were eventually dropped.

  He came from money, and his father’s lawyers were the ones handling each of his arrests. Then, around eighteen years of age, the reports stopped. Abe wasn’t fooled. No reports filed didn’t mean Hadley didn’t commit any crimes — it was likely that he had only become really good at keeping them from being reported to the authority. Darryl had covered his tracks rather well. He was good but Abe and his team were better.

  Abe stood up and walked to Isaac’s computer central. He knocked on the door, and saw Isaac, who was looking at a picture of some woman on the computer monitor. Isaac quickly lowered the window on the monitor.

  Abe raised his eyebrow. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “No, just doing some research.” Isaac’s voice trailed off as he pulled up something else on his monitor. “What do you need?”

  “I looked over the reports ye gave me. I wanted to see if ye had any of the financial records yet.”

  “I’m working on it. Hadley has opened multiple accounts. Two personal ones, a joined one he shared with his wife—”


  “Right — ex-wife. He also has accounts for his political campaign. I take it you are looking for signs of him paying people off?”

  “Yes, especially the judge involved in the child custody case and maybe the witnesses in the trial, too.”

  “He inherited a little bit of money from his father, but his father left the company shares to the board of trustees so he has to be getting his money from his campaign funds.”

  “Let me know if ye find anything. I am going to call the hospital that treated Roxanne all those times that she was hit and needed help. Maybe the doctors will give me some information. Don’t forget to set up the alarms at Roxanne’s apartment.”

  “I’ll leave right now to take care of it.”

  “Thanks Isaac.”

  “No problem. I hate to see a good person like Roxanne treated so badly.”

  “Aye, me too.”


  A few hours later

  Roxanne stood outside the school, waiting for Cici to be released, when her phone vibrated. She checked it. Someone was calling her but she didn’t recognize the number. She declined to answer the call. She got the oddest feeling, as though someone was watching her. She looked around her and spotted a black van with tinted windows parked not too far away. She could make out the shadow of the driver but that was all. It gave her the creeps.

  “Hi, Mama!” Cici called as she came out of the front entrance of the school. Roxanne pushed aside her uneasy feelings and smiled widely as she bent down and swooped her daughter up in her arms.

  “Hi baby, how was your day?”

  “Great! I learned how to write my name.”

  “Really? I can’t wait to get you
home so you can show me. Come on, let’s get to the bus stop.” She lowered Cici to the ground and looked up at the van. A man was getting out of the passenger’s side. He looked at them, then quickly glanced away. Every alarm in her body went off, signaling that danger was near.

  She grabbed Cici’s little hand and started walking at a quick pace. Glancing back, she saw the guy from the van was following them. Damn it! The bus wasn’t there yet. She looked around and spotted one of Cici’s teachers.

  “Mrs. Flann, could you do us a favor and give us a lift?”

  “Of course…is something wrong?” Mrs. Flann unlocked her car and reached for the back seat door.

  “No, we’re just meeting someone and didn’t want to have to wait ten minutes for the next bus.” She put Cici in the back, buckled her up, then went around to the front passenger’s side and got inside. She checked again and the guy who had been heading toward them flagged the other guy in the van to pull around.

  She put her hands on her knees and began squeezing to keep from freaking out. “You know, Mrs. Flann, I hate for you to take us all the way across town and out of your way. I have a friend who works close by. Could you drop us off at his office.”

  “No problem.”

  She took out her phone and texted Abe to let him know they were coming to the bail bonds office and that someone was following them. He responded that he was waiting for them. She kept an eye on the van as it followed them.

  About ten minutes later, Mrs. Flann pulled in front of the building. Roxanne felt relief when she spotted Abe.

  “Are you sure about this?” Mrs. Flann looked at Abe and the building with suspicion.

  “Yes, that’s Abe. He’s a bounty hunter and a good friend of mine. Cici, wait for Abe to open the door for you. Thanks for bringing us.”

  “No problem.” Mrs. Flann blushed when she caught sight of Abe in his kilt.

  “Afternoon, lass.” Abe winked at Mrs. Flann.

  “Wow.” Mrs. Flann was rendered speechless.

  If there hadn’t been two creepy guys parked not far away, watching them, she would tease the married woman. She didn’t have time for that. She needed to get Cici to safety. “Thanks again.”

  She slammed the door shut and took Abe’s hand. He was carrying an excited Cici in his other arm.

  “What do we do?” She could feel hairs on the back of her neck rising.

  He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Abe, I learned to write my name,” Cici told him excitedly.

  “Ye did? Ye’re going to have to show me, sunshine.” He opened the door and had Roxanne go inside first. As he closed the door, he turned to look back down the street.

  By the frown on his face, she knew the van was still parked there. Fear renewed inside her. What were they going to do?

  Jagger approached them. “Daniela’s in my office and she brought some cupcakes.”

  “Cupcakes? I love cupcakes!” Cici jumped up and down.

  “I’ll take you to my office while Abe and your mother talk for a few minutes.” Jagger took Cici’s hand and led her to an office where a pretty brunette with a large pregnant belly was waiting. They went inside and closed the door.

  She turned to look at Abe, who was talking to someone on his phone. She hadn’t heard the phone ring so he must have called someone. She listened to his side of the conversation. “What are they doing, Isaac? Just one man? Has the van come back yet? Keep a watch on it and run the plates. Thanks.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “A man with a leather jacket left the passenger side of the van and began walking around the area across the street. The driver has moved the van. Isaac believes he is circling the block.”

  Roxanne’s heart sank. “So they are following us.”

  “Yeah, they’re probably waiting to grab one or both of you. We can’t call the authority on them because—”

  “The authority would arrest me instead. What am I going to do?” Her voice cracked.

  He took her into his arms and rubbed her back gently. “I’m taking ye and Cici to my place, I have a cabin located in the hills with very limited access. It’s kind of off the grid and no one but my friends know where it’s at.”

  “My mother…she’s all alone.”

  “When ye texted me I sent Vic and Lexi to get your mother. They are probably already at my place waiting for us.”

  “How are we going to leave with these guys following us?” She tried not to shake, but it was hard when fear seemed to be taking over all of her senses.

  “We have a back exit we can take that leads us through some alleys and we’ll come out three blocks away. Don’t worry. I’m not going to let anything happen to ye or Cici.”

  “I don’t know what to say. You have been so wonderful. I hate that I am bringing such chaos into your life.”

  He gently tipped her chin up so that her eyes met his. “Ye have nothing to be sorry for. I want to help you.”

  “Why? Why get involved with me and all my baggage?”

  “Ye’re brave and strong. Ye remind me of my grandmother who had to make hard decisions in order to give me the best life possible. Ye’re just trying to do that for Cici. I admire ye and I think ye’re an amazing woman.”

  He was saying such wonderful things, and it was making her feel better. For the first time, she didn’t feel like she was by herself anymore.

  “How can I thank you for all that you are doing for us?”

  “Ye don’t have to thank me. Just let me help ye.”

  She nodded her head, her eyes trailing to his lips. It was not the right time or place to notice how totally kissable his lips were. She had to fight herself not to get on her tiptoes to lean up and kiss him.

  His phone beeped. He looked down at the text message. “Isaac says that the van came back and is turning around the block. This is the best time for us to leave.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  Chapter 9

  Abe glanced over at Roxanne sitting in the passenger side of the black SUV. She was biting her lower lip nervously. He could sense that she was ready to flee with Cici at the drop of a hat. He wanted to reach over and comfort her, let her know everything was going to be okay. He hesitated, not sure if she would accept his comfort. She was a strong woman and she wanted to find a way to protect her daughter on her own. She had done an incredible job of hiding them for years. Now, he was determined she would not have to do it alone any longer.

  Going with his instinct, he reached over and took her hand in his. She glanced up at him with those beautiful big eyes of hers.

  “Abe, thank you for doing this. I know it must be a big inconvenience for a bachelor to have his place invaded by a bunch of girls.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Besides, I get to live with three bonnie lasses. That’s got to be every bachelor’s dream right?”

  She laughed and some of her tension left her. “You’re going to go crazy if you only have one bathroom.”

  He smiled as he winked at her. “Good thing I have two and a half baths then.”

  “How big is your place?”

  “I have a two-story log cabin. Three bedrooms, with an open floor plan including the kitchen and main living space. In the basement, I have an office.”

  “Wow, sounds pretty big for just one person.”

  “I bought the property from an old friend of mine who wanted to move closer to his family. The original one-story cabin is still on the property and I rent it out to hunters sometimes. I looked for a different location to build my own place. I wanted it higher on the mountain with a view of the lake. There’s only one way on and off the property when you’re traveling by vehicle. It’s kind of off the grid but I do have solar power and running water.”

  “Why so remote?

  “I deal with a lot of bad people, and sometimes I have to travel to pretty seedy places. When I come home, I like to smell fresh air and hear the sound of nature. I’m part Bazinoid so I long to be ne
ar large bodies of water. The lake is the closest I could find. At my cabin, I am able to distance myself from others and relax.”

  She frowned. “Now you’re having to bring people into your home, disturbing your peace. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. I admit I have enjoyed my solitude, but I look forward to sharing my mountain and my home with someone else.” Someone he hoped would stay a while. What was he thinking? He couldn’t really want to keep them permanently. Or did he? It was true that he had always enjoyed being a bachelor living a secluded life, but the idea of having someone to share it with, someone to come home to was very appealing. Especially if that someone was Roxanne.

  “Look Cici, there’s the lake. The cabin is on the other side.” He pointed to the large body of water ahead of them as they traveled on the rough dirt road around the lake.

  “It looks so pretty, doesn’t it, Mama?”

  “It’s breathtaking.” Roxanne gave him a bright smile and he felt like he had been punched in the gut with strong emotions. When she smiled, he felt like she was the sun — she was so bright and warm it hurt to look straight at her, but if he turned away, he would miss her warmth.


  Roxanne started to open the SUV door but Abe told her to wait. He got out first and circled around the vehicle, checking the perimeter of the yard as he walked. Then, he opened her door for her. A man with manners was so fucking hot. He did the same with Cici and gave her his hand to help her down. Cici beamed from all the attention.

  Roxanne looked up at the front porch of the cabin and a tall man walked out and stood by the top of the stairs. It was Vic, Lexi’s boyfriend and the co-owner of the bail bonds business that Abe worked for.

  “It’s about time you got here. I thought you left the office an hour ago.”

  “We did, but I took a longer route to make sure that we weren’t followed.” Abe held Roxanne’s elbow, helping her up the stairs while she held Cici’s hand.

  “Were you followed?” Vic asked.

  “No, we managed to leave at just the right time.”


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