Field Study Page 16
Grateful thanks to Toby Eady and his Associates, and to all at Orme Court. To my editors Ravi Michandani, Goerg Reuchlein, Claudia Vidoni and especially Dan Frank. To Willy Maley for always having time. Also to the many people who helped me in the research and writing: Agnieszka Latakos, Siobhan Edwards, Paddy Lyons, Paul Welsh, Gretchen Seiffert, Hedi Röhl, Getrud Waageman, Harald Heinrich in Beelitz, Dieter Tannenberger of the Dachverband der privaten Bauernverbände in Dittmannsdorf, Herr Nienhaus from the Landesarbeiteramt in Berlin, Terry Thomas and his bees, and the British Beekeepers Association.