Tortured Soul

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Tortured Soul Page 15

by Julia Laque

  Evangeline stared hard at him. She wanted to believe he was a stand up guy, vampire, whatever, but every time she was near him she wanted to scream.

  Maxwell came over to her. He bent down and felt her forehead, then turned her head to the side to inspect her neck. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, Max.”

  A vampire named Florena had been there when Evangeline woke up. Apparently she’d worked as a nurse before she came to work for the king. Florena examined her and aside from telling her she had a slow heart beat, which could be from the loss of blood, she said she was fine.

  After checking her vitals she’d made Evangeline eat a chicken sandwich, five chocolate chip cookies, and two glasses of cranberry juice. Florena had sat the entire time watching her, not saying a word. When she’d finished, she’d grabbed the tray, told her to relax and left.

  Maxwell looked at her closely, then nodded. “Ok. I’m staying the night too and I will take you home in the morning. I’ve called your father, but he still wants to speak to you.”

  She nodded vaguely. Evangeline felt Cyrus’ eyes on her and she turned. He simply stared at her with his hands in his pockets. “Is there something you wanted?” she asked him coldly.

  He smirked and trailed his eyes over her. “Are you offering?”

  “You pig—”

  “Evangeline—” Maxwell started before the king cut him off.

  “Not to worry, Max, I’ve grown used to her insults.” His eyes seared hers. “I’ve been advised to issue an apology and swear to you I will never hurt you or take anything from you by force ever again.” He sounded as if he’d rehearsed the words for Max’s benefit.

  “Apology not accepted.” Evangeline glared now.

  Maxwell took her elbow. “Evangeline, please don’t make this harder for yourself. You’re going to have to look on the bright side here. Yes, I know there isn’t one, but find something, because this is the course we are on and it’s not going to change.”

  Evangeline froze. He was right. Hell, she’d known it all along. Why was she still fighting it all?

  She just looked away, her teeth clenched.

  “Gives us a minute, will you, Jones?”

  She felt Max stiffen next to her.

  “Trust me, Jones. I’ve gotten it out of my system, or in as it were.”

  “Your Grace, this is not a joke. She is a human being and my best friend’s daughter. You had your chance today and you blew it.”

  Cyrus’ brows drew down and his shoulder’s tensed. “Watch yourself, Jones.”

  “I won’t apologize for this. I consider myself responsible for her and I will return her to her father in one piece. So you will have to physically throw me out, but I’m not leaving you alone with her tonight. Not when…”

  Cyrus waved a hand at him. “Fine then.” He snapped. “Just quit your whining.”

  Evangeline felt the king’s eyes on her again. “I can seal those for you, if you like?” He referred to the puncture wounds at her neck.

  She glared at him. “I don’t need anything from you.”

  “Eva,” Max warned.

  Cyrus went on, ignoring her rude remark. “Then, you’ll have a nice reprieve before we meet again. We are meeting the dogs on Wednesday for a summit.”

  Evangeline jerked, her expression changed swiftly, stunned. She’d almost forgotten about the summit.

  He continued. “As my future wife and queen, you will be there. It is necessary for you to learn our ways. I don’t think keeping my bride in the dark is very wise considering all that’s happened.”

  Nodding, Evangeline fought a sense of gratitude toward him for including her.

  He paused, his eyes somber on hers. The way he was looking at her gave her an odd feeling. “I will never hurt you again, Evangeline.” His voice was stern. “I swear it on my coven.”

  And for a fleeting moment, she believed him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next day passed with very little excitement and it felt as though her life had gone back to normal. She had breakfast with her sister in the kitchen then helped Katherine pack her things for school.

  After a year at the University of Illinois, Katherine said she’d had enough and wasn’t returning. She was now going into culinary arts at Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Chicago. This perfectly suited her sister, who was very talented in the kitchen and heaven knew she’d gotten herself into some questionable situations the previous year. The family only hoped she focused her ever-wavering attention on food, not trouble.

  As she helped Katherine fold her laundry, she was thankful her sister did not mention Cyrus or Adam or any part of the supernatural world. Instead, her sister rambled on about the apartment she was renting and how she hoped classes didn’t last too long so she could go out and meet new people.

  It felt nice to just complete a simple task like folding clothes in her home. It was comforting to know their mother was in the next room on the telephone with a friend, while their father was at work.

  It hit her so suddenly. One moment she was feeling okay and then it was as if grief came and punched her in the stomach.

  She was going to miss this. She was going to miss the normalcy of her life. God, she hadn’t even begun to think about marriage until the king dropped this bomb on her. Was she even old enough to marry? Twenty-two was beginning to feel like twelve to her.

  Evangeline shook her head and forced herself to come out of her reverie.

  It was going to happen. This was life. She didn’t get to choose what hand she was dealt, so she’d better suck it up and roll with the punches.

  Later Evangeline took a long hot bath soaking up the chance to just be. As she toweled off, she felt the hairs on her nape raise as if someone were watching her.

  Grabbing the white cotton nightgown she rarely wore, she threw it on, afraid there was something or someone waiting for her in the bedroom. As she stepped out, she realized she was just being paranoid. Her room was completely dark, except for the glow of the…


  Evangeline’s entire body froze as she glanced toward the window, a shudder running down her spine. Slowly, she turned and walked in a complete trance toward the blessed window Adam had taken her through. Her legs felt as heavy as tree trunks as she moved. When she reached the glass panes, she inhaled sharply.

  The great orb consumed the night sky with its yellow glow. It was as if Adam had made the moon full for her alone and placed it low in the sky for her viewing pleasure.

  Memories swam through her mind. There were so few, but she found herself thinking of his sexy disheveled jaw and the gorgeous muscle on his shoulder she'd clung to as he moved inside her.

  Her eyes were fixated on the bright sphere that transformed her man into a wolf, and recounted every single conversation they'd had, dissecting everything he’d said to her in a new perspective, not as a prisoner now, but as his companion or babe as he liked to call her.

  Before her mind reached the inevitable question Where was he now? Instinct told her she already knew.

  She felt the pull of the moon and cast her eyes down to the thicket of trees near the bridge.

  He was there.

  “Adam.” Her whisper was strained and she pressed her hands to the glass.

  Adam stood in full wolf form, his eyes glowing in the dark as he stared up at her, his chest heaving as though he’d run a marathon to get there.

  She took off.

  Evangeline sprinted toward her bedroom door without hesitation. She only wished she had on running shoes to get her there faster and was only dimly aware her nightgown was a bit too short and flimsy to wear outside.

  She didn’t care. Adam was there and nothing in this crazy, hectic, manipulated world was going to stop her.

  She flung the back door open and sprang out into the summer night. Her hair fell loose from the bun she’d put it in before her bath. Her feet hit the stone walkway hard, then the grass as she ran toward the bridge.

  Adam paced on all fours, watching her with searing yellow eyes, his back arched. As she came over the bridge, he paused and stood to his full, impressive height.

  Evangeline slowed and came to an abrupt stop on the other side of the bridge. She had seen him in his wolfman form before, but somehow he appeared different to her now. He stood magnificently among the trees. He was over seven feet tall with imposing wide shoulders, blanketed in dark black hair. He was absolutely and incredibly, beautiful.

  She gazed at him, nonplussed. Why didn’t he reach for her?

  Adam broke eye contact and stared at the ground. He seemed to be hesitating and began breathing harder than before.

  “No.” Evangeline spoke and shook her head at him. “Look at me.” He couldn’t phase back tonight, not during the full moon and she knew he worried he might frighten her. When he complied, she said, “I’m not afraid.”

  She took a step toward him and he tensed.

  With a sad smile, she whispered again, “I’m not afraid,” and closed the distance between them at a run. Before she could leap on him, Adam bent low and scooped her in his massive arms. Holding her close to him, he turned and headed into the woods, walking on his hind legs, his snout clamped shut as his eyes focused far off in the distance.

  Evangeline didn’t know where they were going, and she didn’t care. She was in his arms and nothing else mattered. She knew he just wanted to get away from her house where her family could see them through a window or God forbid, anyone else who might be lurking about. Although, Adam would sense if anyone else were around.

  Slowing, he walked her over to a fallen tree trunk. Adam looked at her for confirmation and she nodded. He brought them down on the ground and sat with his back against the bark. She felt his thick legs under hers as she sat cradled in one enormous arm.

  The warmth from his body was soothing. Evangeline curled up closer into the crook of his arm and fixed her eyes on his powerful wolf face watching her so closely. Lifting her hand, she rubbed his chest, fascinated. “You’re beautiful.”

  Adam took a long deep breath and then shook his head slowly, his yellow eyes never leaving hers.

  “Yes, you are.” She rested her head on his arm and smiled up at him. “I think it’s a good thing one of us can’t speak. Not just because it will make saying goodbye harder, but now you can’t argue with me.” She gave a short laugh and then her voice became tense. “God, I’ve missed you so much.”

  His thick, dark chest seemed to swell in accord. Adam reached up with his free hand and froze. He looked as though he was about to caress her cheek or hair and stopped himself, looking from her to his hand, now a sharp claw. Quickly, he moved it away, settling it on the ground.

  “Give me your hand.”

  Adam gave a low rumble, but she ignored him, reaching for his arm and pulling it toward her. She took his claw, delighted at the feel of his other cupped around her waist beneath her and held it in her hands for a moment, studying it carefully. His palm alone had become larger than her face and long, pointed claws had sprouted from each finger. The palm was black leather and smooth while the top was covered in dark fur.

  “You can touch me,” she said and put his paw over her cheek.

  Closing his eyes briefly, Adam gave a soft guttural groan.

  They sat together quietly. Evangeline could not quite describe the feeling of being in love with a wolf. It did not seem odd to her on any level. In fact, it felt like they had done this a million times before. It was as if she’d seen him phase into a wolf a hundred times and this was the normal way they spent their moonlit evenings.

  She could do this every day and feel completely content with her life. She was in love with the man and the wolf. It was who he was and she was proud of him.

  Evangeline had closed her eyes, loving the way his warm paw felt against her cheek, when she heard him groan again. He felt where her thoughts had gone.

  She opened her eyes and smiled warmly at him. Good. She wanted him to know she loved him no matter what.

  His eyes moved to her hand, holding his. He let go of her face and gently turned her wrist.

  Oh no!

  After checking her right arm he moved to the left and inspected the inside of her wrist.

  Please don’t, she thought and instantly became nervous.

  He looked at her. Damn it. Adam could feel her panicking and a low growl began to rumble deep in his chest.

  Evangeline shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Don’t worry…” Too late, she gave it away by tilting her head slightly to cover the marks on the left side of her neck.

  Adam’s fur stood on end and his growl grew louder as he pushed her hair back and carefully turned her face with the back of his paw.


  The puncture marks were faint, but were clearly visible in the moonlit night, as once again, Cyrus had not healed her wounds and she’d refused his late offer. Her ability to mend completely hadn’t stood a chance when he’d clamped down as hard as he did and it was taking longer than usual to heal.

  “I’m okay, Adam.”

  His big burly chest pumped up and down and his breathing grew shorter and shorter. His lips curled up to reveal sharp, glistening fangs.

  She put her hands on his chest in an attempt to calm him, but his entire body was vibrating beneath her and she was afraid he might explode.

  Adam grabbed her and squeezed her tight against him. She was pressed hard against his chest as his neck angled back. The shudders and growling instantly stopped and an agonizing howl ripped through the air.

  Evangeline felt the sound tear through her heart and tears stung her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. The tortured sound seemed to last forever. She didn’t want him to hurt, and she wished he had never seen the marks.

  When it was over, she felt his head lower and his chest relax. He bent low and nudged her cheek with his snout. Turning her head slightly, she felt velvety wet strokes on her neck. Adam lapped at the puncture marks and Evangeline could not remember if werewolves had healing capabilities.

  He came up and their eyes met. This time she put her hand on his elongated, anguished face.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She felt the ripple of remorse run through him. “Please. Just hold me.”

  And he did. Adam held her in the comfort of his arms all night. She woke up some hours later in the same position, at the feel of fur running over her skin. It was still dark out and clearly Adam had not fallen asleep. Instead, he seemed to study her every curve. He ran the back of his paw down her neck and shoulder, over her arm and further down. It carried over her belly and onto the tops of her thighs, to the tips of her toes and back again.

  Evangeline felt goose bumps rise over her skin. He carefully avoided any private area, undoubtedly afraid she might become uncomfortable. On the contrary, however, Evangeline stirred in his arms and found herself becoming heated at his touch.

  He froze in mid stroke and looked at her. Dropping his hand, Adam pushed himself back against the tree behind him, attempting to break closer contact.

  “I’m sorry.” She snuggled into dark fur and patted his chest. “It felt so nice…I couldn’t help myself.”

  Adam simply sat ramrod straight, gazing at her.

  She sighed. “I want to be with you again.”

  He stiffened, impossibly more.

  “I know we can’t, but it’s the truth. I hate to think the last time I’ll see you will be with him.”

  He shifted under her and she looked up, his gaze intent.

  She hesitated, “He invited me to the summit on Wednesday.”

  Adam snarled and cut the earth with his claw.

  “Please, calm down. I know what you want to say. You don’t think I should be there because it might be dangerous, but listen…you and your pack won’t hurt me, right?”

  He gave a quick nod.

  “Okay, and neither will his coven so I don’t think there is any danger. At least I get to see you, even though I’ll be with…
you know.”

  Adam calmed down, but looked away.

  “Adam.” The foolish thought suddenly popped in her head and she couldn’t believe she was about to blurt it out. “This may sound completely insane and the more I think about it, the more I think you’re going to hate it, but,”—she took a deep breath—“after I’m married…” She closed her eyes at the sound he made. “Will you let me come to you?” She left it to him to fill in the blanks. Referring to what they had as an affair didn’t seem right.

  Adam stared and she knew he understood.

  “Ok, well, clearly you can’t give me an answer and the more I think about it the more insane it sounds. What we have is so much more and I couldn’t leave you every time. You know what? Forget I asked.”


  He couldn’t believe his ears.

  Evangeline wanted to step out on the king after she was married?

  The instant she said it a part of him wanted to say hell yes, but the logical and more rational side of him thought this was nuts. There were a hundred factors against them.

  If the king found out his queen was having an affair with a werewolf, he would go ballistic and start a war with his pack, not to mention he would undoubtedly kill Evangeline for betraying him.

  Adam’s chest stung at the thought of Evangeline being hurt or worse killed because of him.

  No. Absolutely fucking no.

  He’d rather die of blue balls at a late age than live without her in this world.

  Adam looked her up and down for the thousandth time tonight. She was the most amazing creature on the face of the planet. The love emanating from her set his body on fire. There was no way he could be with her once in a while and then send her back. He wasn’t built that way.

  Evangeline leaned her head further back on his arm. They couldn’t seem to take their eyes off each other. They simply sat quietly, listening to the wind rustle the leaves on a nearby tree.

  Evangeline let out a long breath before she spoke. “Being with you was the most incredible experience of my life.”

  Adam felt his groin tighten, but made sure nothing moved. He knew she was talking about the amazing sex they’d shared. His eyes pierced hers, reading her like a book.


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