DADDY'S PRINCESS: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (The Horsemen MC)

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DADDY'S PRINCESS: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (The Horsemen MC) Page 25

by Sophia Gray

  Kimmie grinned, shaking her head furiously. “You won’t believe it, Nyssa. You got the job!”

  “The job?” Nyssa asked, her mind still too foggy from sleep to figure out what Kimmie was talking about right away. But after a few moments, it all clicked. Katrina. The audition. “I got it?” she whispered.

  Kimmie nodded and wrapped her arms around her, forcing her into an oppressively tight hug. “I knew you could do it!”

  “Thanks,” Nyssa said, forcing a smile for Kimmie’s benefit. “When do I start?”

  “Right now!” Kimmie said, tugging on her wrist and pulling back toward the door. “Come on, we’ve got to get that money, girl!”

  Nyssa resisted, planting her feet so Kimmie couldn’t force her out of her apartment. “Wait, what? I need time to prepare. I can’t just go now. I haven’t even showered.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Kimmie said, waving Nyssa’s concern away. “Some of the clients like girls with a little stench on them if you know what I mean. Come on! If you don’t show up as soon as possible, Katrina might change her mind about you. We were already late once. You don’t want it to be a pattern.”

  For the final time, Nyssa had second thoughts. I could just stay here, where I belong, she thought to herself, feeling bile crawl up her throat at the thought. I don’t have to do this.

  But Kimmie’s face was so bright, beaming with energy and pure belief that Nyssa could do it. That was what it came down to, ultimately. She couldn’t let her friend down, not when she was looking at her with so much pride and hope.

  “Okay,” Nyssa said. “Just let me change into something less hideous than my ratty pajamas, and then we’ll…”

  “No time!” Kimmie said. “They’ll give you something to wear at the brothel. Come on! We’ve got to go!”

  Nyssa let herself be tugged along this time, barely remembering to grab her phone off the table near the door before leaving her apartment, running along with Kimmie toward the building where Katrina waited on them.

  Kimmie led her to the same entrance as she did a few days earlier and dragged her quickly down the hallways until they got to Katrina’s parlor. “We’re here, we’re here, we’re on time, right?” Kimmie panted out as they ran into the room, where several girls dressed in gorgeous black gowns were already lined up.

  “You are barely on time, yes,” Katrina said, getting up from her throne-like chair in the center of the room. “Go stand with the other girls.”

  Nyssa moved along with Kimmie, but she froze when Katrina spoke again, this time addressing her specifically. “Not you. You come here.”

  Nyssa looked at Kimmie, who nodded at her encouragingly and gestured for her to follow Katrina to the other side of the room. She cleared her throat and resisted the urge to bow her head as she crossed the room to meet with Katrina. I have to be strong, she reminded herself, rolling her shoulders back and straightening her spine. I can’t show any weakness. Not here. Not to her.

  “What’s your name?” Katrina asked, crossing her arms tightly as she waited for Nyssa to respond.


  “Nyssa,” Katrina repeated, licking her lips and the bottom row of her perfectly white teeth. “That’s a pretty name. Where did you get it from?”

  “My mom,” Nyssa said honestly, aware that Katrina probably thought she was lying. Lots of girls had “stage names” when they did sex work, but not Nyssa. She was pretty sure Kimmie’s legal name was something different, but Nyssa could never get used to being called by the wrong name.

  “Hmm,” Katrina said, sucking on her teeth for a second. “Interesting. Well, welcome to the family, Nyssa. We treat all of our sisters with respect here, but first you have to earn it. Since you’re the newest addition to the staff here, you’ll have to do several chores on top of the work with the clients who come in here. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Nyssa said without hesitation. Katrina might have been incredibly intimidating, but the concept of hard work wasn’t, at least not to Nyssa.

  “First, you’re going to hand-wash the negligees that the girls used last week. Come with me this way. I’ll show you around,” Katrina said, putting a perfectly manicured hand on Nyssa’s back and lightly pushing until she followed her out of the parlor.

  Katrina led Nyssa across the hall and through a couple of luxuriously furnished rooms before coming to a stop in a messy room full of dirty clothing. “Here, get to work on these while I fill you in on the details of the business. Hurry up.”

  Nyssa did as she was told, filling up a tub full of soapy water and beginning to soak each of the lingerie pieces one by one, scrubbing them gently with a washcloth. Katrina gave a long speech, and honestly it was so boring that Nyssa zoned out for several minutes until Katrina mentioned a word that got her attention.

  “…It is true that many of the clients use drugs. However, none of the girls here are to partake in any drug use. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Nyssa said.

  “Another thing,” Katrina said, her tone becoming strangely hard and cold. “Never call me ma’am again. It makes me feel old.”

  “All right,” Nyssa said, filing that information away for later. It was strange, finding an insecurity in a woman who seemed so impervious to criticism. Katrina was absolutely gorgeous, not to mention rich and powerful. It was weird thinking that anything could make her feel less than perfect.

  Katrina stared at her silently for a long moment, making Nyssa’s skin heat up as she forced herself to continue the washing work, keeping her eyes glued on the clothes in her hands. Finally, Katrina cleared her throat and spoke again. “Do you know anything about drugs, Nyssa?”

  Nyssa shook her head reflexively, keeping her gaze down on the tub, ignoring the growing ache that was forming in her knees as a result of staying in the same position for too long.

  “I only ask because we have demand for responsible drug runners, as well,” Katrina said, reaching into her pocket for a cigarette and lighting up. She blew out the smoke in delicate, perfectly formed rings before speaking again. “You could make a little more money if you’re interested…”

  “No,” Nyssa said as firmly as possible. A wave of heat crawled up her back, probably turning the base of her neck red with embarrassment. She didn’t want to be rude to her spanking-new boss, exactly, but there was no way in hell she was getting involved in drugs. Not again. She’d spent too much time involved in the muck of the city’s underground, slinging cocaine and heroin to addicts who couldn’t stop hurting themselves. It was a sick, twisted lifestyle, and Nyssa wanted nothing to do with it.

  “That’s unfortunate, for you, at least,” Katrina said, sucking on her cigarette some more. “Anyway, finish up in here, and then come back to the parlor. I’ll assign you your first client later today. That’s all.” With that, she turned and walked out of the room, leaving Nyssa alone with the suds and the dirty lingerie.

  Nyssa let out another sigh of relief as soon as she was sure that Katrina was totally gone. She had been a little afraid that her boss would pressure her into drug-related work, but luckily for now, at least, she was safe. I’m safe here, she said to herself as she worked faster on the clothes, scrubbing out dried stains. I’m safe.

  But still, in the back of her mind, a little voice resisted: If I’m safe, why am I still so afraid?

  Chapter Four

  About a week later, Nyssa was in the middle of mopping the parlor during the day, a few hours before any of the clients were due to arrive, when she heard Katrina’s voice pierce through the wall from somewhere out in the hallway. “You are a piece of fucking shit!” she screamed.

  Nyssa paused in her mopping movements, looking around to see if any of the other girls waiting around in the parlor had heard the same thing she did. A few girls looked up in the vague direction of the scream’s origin, but a second later they turned back to their books or notebooks, resuming whatever task they were doing to distract themselves before work. Nyssa decide
d that she should just ignore the noise, too, and focus on her job. I’ve got to make this parlor totally spotless before Katrina walks back in here, she reminded herself, pushing her body harder to cover more ground with the mop.

  “You’re such a sick asshole!” Katrina screamed again, louder this time, like she was closer to the parlor than before. Nyssa’s heart jumped up into her throat, her defenses going on alert in response to the sound of anger. Nyssa had enough experience with clients to know what people sounded like when they were considering violence. In this moment, judging from what she’d just said, Katrina fit the bill to a T.

  “Oh, come off it, Ms. Moral High Ground,” an unfamiliar male voice said. “You act so high-and-mighty, marching around here, spending your daddy’s money…”

  “Don’t you ever talk to me about my father, Sebastian! Ever!”

  Nyssa placed the mop back in the bucket, balancing it against the wall before quickly crossing the room to talk to Kimmie. “Hey,” she whispered, gesturing toward the sounds on the other side of the wall. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, it’s just Sebastian,” Kimmie said, flipping through the pages of her magazine, not looking up to face Nyssa directly.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Katrina’s boyfriend.” Her eyes remained glued to the magazine even when a loud crashing sound rang out from somewhere in the hallway. “They fight like this at least once a week.”

  “Wow,” Nyssa said, straining her ears to try to make out any more noises from the hallway. “Sounds brutal. Are they in the process of breaking up or what?”

  “Nah,” Kimmie said, shaking her head. “He’s too important to the business, I’m pretty sure. He runs drugs for her father, so it’d be pretty awkward if they broke up.”

  “Huh,” Nyssa said, walking back over to resume mopping the floor.

  “You know what, go fuck yourself! Because you’re sure as hell not going to fuck me anytime soon!” Katrina screamed.

  “Oh, what a fucking tragedy! Like I give a shit!” Sebastian yelled back, right before the heavy sound of a door slamming shut rang out through the air.

  There was perfect silence for several long moments, but finally the door to the parlor swung open and Katrina stepped inside. “What are you all sitting around doing nothing for?” she barked at the girls gathered in the various seats in the center of the room. “Get to fucking work!”

  The girls jumped to their feet at once, rushing around each other to grab cleaning supplies from the other side of the room, all suddenly committed to helping Nyssa transform the parlor into pristine condition. Meanwhile, Nyssa was distracted, unable to stop herself from continually looking over her shoulder to see what Katrina was doing. After a few moments where Katrina just muttered to herself under her breath, she watched her pull out a phone from her purse and dial a number, tapping her foot impatiently as it rang.

  Nyssa didn’t know why she was so curious all of a sudden, but she brought the mop closer to Katrina, hoping to hear what she was fighting with her boyfriend about.

  “Papa?” Katrina said into the phone a moment later. “Papa, you have to do something about Sebastian. I can’t deal with this anymore!”

  Nyssa strained her ears as hard as she could, trying to pick up on the noise from the other end of the phone, but luckily Katrina’s phone volume was turned all the way up, so she could listen without appearing too conspicuously curious.

  “What now?” an older male voice said. “You can’t be calling me every time you get into a little spat, Kat.”

  “It’s not a fucking little spat, Papa!” Katrina shouted. “He’s a piece of shit, and I’m sick of him. You have to punish him, Papa. Like, right now.”

  “Be careful ordering me around,” Katrina’s father said in a warning tone of voice. Nyssa looked across the room to meet eyes with Kimmie, whose expression informed that she was listening along to the phone conversation, too. “Remember who you are here.”

  “You should remember who the fuck I am!” Katrina shouted back. “I’m your daughter, for Christ’s sake, and now this fucking loser is demanding that I let him fuck the girls whenever he wants! How can you just let him disrespect me like this?”

  “Because he’s the biggest earner in the organization!” Katrina’s father yelled on the other end of the phone. “So what, he wants to fuck some other girls? You know how many women I’ve bedded, even before your mother died? It’s a part of the business. Get fucking used to it.”

  All of the color drained from Katrina’s face, leaving her looking a little sick as she listened to her father’s tirade. “You’re forgetting what your role in all this is, Kat. You have to keep the earners happy. That includes Sebastian. Let him pick out a girl to fuck, and you’ll both be happier, believe me.”

  “Papa…” Katrina said softly, her tone pleading. Despite herself, Nyssa felt a surge of sympathy shoot through her chest, just from looking at her boss’s sad face.

  “You wanted to be a part of the business, remember?” her dad said sternly. “Well, congratulations, welcome to the family. All you’ve got to do is be professional and keep your mouth fucking shut. You should be more like your mother, you know. She always knew when to close her mouth and open her legs. Anyway, I’ve got to go. Take care of it, and stop bothering me with this bullshit.”

  With that, Katrina’s father hung up on her. All the girls looked down to their feet at the same time, not wanting to make eye contact with Katrina after she was so thoroughly, publicly shamed by her father. Nyssa moved the mop back and forth over the same spot on the floor, too nervous to keep going and get even closer to Katrina. She berated herself for trying to overhear the conversation. Her stupid curiosity had gotten the better of her once again, and now she was right in the line of fire.

  In the awkward silence that followed, all of the girls could hear Katrina’s heavy, labored breathing, her lungs working overtime like she’d just run ten miles. Don’t fucking look at her, Nyssa told herself, continuing to mop the same spot on the floor over and over again. Don’t fucking do it, idiot.

  But she couldn’t stop herself, her eyes glancing up for a second to meet Katrina’s. Nyssa realized that she’d expected to see her eyes full of tears, but instead they were hard and mean, her piercing blue irises looking like two shards of impossibly sharp ice. Nyssa dropped her gaze right away, but the damage was done.

  Katrina slowly walked over to Nyssa, stopping mere inches away from her. “What are you looking at?” she hissed in Nyssa’s face.

  “Nothing. I’m not looking at anything,” Nyssa said quickly, moving her mop faster across the floor, wanting an excuse to step away from her boss.

  But Katrina stepped in front of her, stopping Nyssa in her tracks. “You think you’re so gorgeous, don’t you?” she whispered, her eyes narrowed into thin slits.

  Nyssa felt like her skin was crawling, all of her cells trying to escape Katrina’s penetrating gaze. But she held her head up high, swallowing her fear and meeting Katrina’s eyes head on. “I think all the girls in this room are,” she said, avoiding directly answering the question.

  Katrina scoffed and reached forward to brush some of the hair back from Nyssa’s face, making Nyssa feel like her skin was on fire. “You’re a smart one,” Katrina said as she placed the strands of hair behind Nyssa’s ear. “Hold on to that, but don’t let everyone know. Smart girls sometimes meet stupid ends.”

  With that, she turned and marched out of the parlor, slamming the door behind her so hard that everything in the room trembled for a second with the force of her anger.

  Katrina was a hurricane of a woman, all storm wrapped up in deceptively elegant clothing. Nyssa made a mental note of that as she resumed mopping, trying to push all of her worries out of her mind. She didn’t mean anything by that, she said to herself. It wasn’t a veiled threat. She’s just upset. Everything will be fine. Absolutely everything is going to be perfectly okay.

  But no matter how much she repeated that mantra to hersel
f, she couldn’t quite force herself to believe it.

  Chapter Five

  “What’s going on?” Nyssa whispered into Kimmie’s ear. Ten minutes earlier, Katrina had called them all down to the parlor, where they were waiting in a strict line for her instructions.

  “Don’t know,” Kimmie whispered back. “Katrina gets in some bad moods sometimes. We just have to wait it out.”

  The next moment, Katrina walked through the door, slamming it roughly behind her before walking in front of the group of working girls, her face looking strained and exhausted. “Good evening, ladies,” she said, but there was no hint of warmth in her voice. Her eyes darting back and forth between each one of them, her lips curled upward in a half snarl.

  “Good evening, Madam Katrina,” the girls all said back, except Nyssa, who hadn’t got the memo about how to refer to her boss. She filed away that information for later, but for now she concentrated on keeping her head perfectly straight to avoid showing any sign of nervousness or fear.


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