The Proposal & Solid Soul

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The Proposal & Solid Soul Page 12

by Brenda Jackson

  She glanced over at Jason who was lying beside her and smiled faintly. “Did you really expect that it would?”

  “No and it really doesn’t matter. They’ll just have to get over it.”

  She snuggled closer to him. That was one of the things she liked about Jason. He was his own man. “What time do we have to check out of here?”

  “By noon. And then we’ll be on our way to Jason’s Place.”

  She had to restrain the happiness she felt upon knowing they would be going to his home where she would live for at least the next twelve months. “Are there any do’s and don’ts that I need to know about?”

  He lifted a brow. “Do’s and don’ts?”

  “Yes. My time at your home is limited. I don’t want to jeopardize my welcome.” She could have sworn she’d seen something flash in his eyes but couldn’t be certain.

  “You’d never jeopardize your welcome and no, there are no do’s and don’ts that will apply to you, unless…”

  Now it was her turn to raise a brow. “Unless what?”

  “You take a notion to paint my bedroom pink or some thing.”

  She couldn’t help bursting out in laughter. She calmed down enough to ask, “What about yellow? Will that do?”

  “Not one of my favorite colors but I guess it will work.”

  She smiled as she snuggled even closer to him. She was looking forward to living under the same roof with Jason.


  She glanced up. “Yes?”

  “The last time we made love, I didn’t use a condom.”

  She’d been aware of it but hadn’t expected him to talk about it. “Yes, I know.”

  “It wasn’t intentional.”

  “I know that, too,” she said softly. There was no reason he would want to get her pregnant. That would only throw a monkey wrench in their agreement.

  They didn’t say anything for a long moment and then he asked, “Do you like children?”

  She wondered why he was asking such a thing. Surely he had seen her interactions with Susan and Denver enough to know that she did. “Yes, I like children.”

  “Do you think you’d want any of your own one day?”

  Was he asking because he was worried that she would use that as a trap to stay with him beyond the one year? But he’d asked and she needed to be honest. “Yes, I’d love children, although I haven’t had the best of childhoods. Don’t get me wrong, my parents weren’t monsters or anything like that but they just weren’t affectionate…at least not like your family.”

  She paused for a moment. “I love my parents, Jason, although I doubt my relationship with them will ever be what I’ve always wished for. They aren’t those kind of people. Displaying affection isn’t one of their strong points. If I become a mother I want to do just the opposite. There will never be a day my child will not know he or she is loved.” She hadn’t meant to say all of that and now she couldn’t help wondering if doing so would ruin things between them.

  “I think you would make a wonderful mother.”

  His words touched her. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “You’re welcome, and I meant it.”

  She drew in a deep breath, wondering how he could be certain of such a thing. She continued to stare at him for a long moment. He would be a gift to any woman and he had sacrificed himself to marry her—just because he’d wanted her land and Hercules. When she thought about it she found it pitiful that it had taken that to make him want to join his life to hers.

  He lifted her hand and looked at the ring he’d placed there. She looked at it, too. It was beautiful. More than she’d expected and everyone had oohed and aahed over it.

  “You’re wearing my ring,” he said softly.

  The sound of his deep, husky voice made her tummy tingle and a heated sensation spread all through her. “Yes, I’m wearing your ring. It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  Then she lifted his hand. Saw the gold band brilliantly shining in the sunlight. “And you’re wearing mine.”

  And then she found herself being kissed by him and she knew that no matter how their marriage might end up, right now it was off to a great beginning.

  FOR THE SECOND TIME IN two days Jason carried the woman he loved over the threshold. This time he walked into his house. “Welcome to Jason’s Place, sweetheart,” he said, placing her on her feet.

  Bella glanced around. This was the first time she’d been inside Jason’s home. She’d seen it a few times from a distance and thought the two-story dwelling flanked by a number of flowering trees was simply beautiful. On the drive from town he’d given her a little history of his home. It had taken an entire year to build and he had built it himself, with help from all the other Westmorelands. And with all the pride she’d heard when he spoke of it, she knew he loved his home. She could see why. The design was magnificent. The decorating—which had been done by his cousin Gemma—was breathtaking and perfect for the single man he’d been.

  Jason’s eyes never left Bella’s as he studied her reaction to being in his home. As far as he was concerned, she would be a permanent fixture. His heart would beat when hers did. His breath was released the same time hers was. He had shared something with her he had never done with any woman—the essence of himself. For the first time in his life he had made love to a woman without wearing a condom. It had felt wonderful being skin to skin, flesh to flesh with her—but only with her. The wife he adored and intended to keep forever.

  He knew he had a job to do where she was concerned and it would be one that would give him the greatest of pleasure and satisfaction. Her pain was his pain, her happiness was his. Their lives were now entwined and all because of the proposal he’d offered and she’d taken.

  Without thought he turned her in his arms and lowered his head to kiss her, needing the feel of his mouth on hers, her body pressed against his. The kiss was long, deep and the most satisfying experience he could imagine. But then, he’d had nothing but satisfying experiences with her. And he planned on having plenty more.

  “AREN’T YOU GOING TO work today?” Bella asked Jason the following day over breakfast. She was learning her way around his spacious kitchen and loved doing it. They had stayed inside yesterday after he’d brought her here. He had kept her mostly in the bedroom, saying their honeymoon was still ongoing. And she had been not one to argue considering the glow she figured had to be on her face. Jason was the most ardent and generous of lovers.

  Her mother had called last night trying to convince her she’d made a mistake and that she and her father would be flying into Denver in a few days to talk some sense into her. Bella had told her mother she didn’t think coming to Denver was a good idea, but of course Melissa Bostwick wouldn’t listen.

  When Bella had told Jason about the latest developments—namely her parents’ planned trip to Denver—he’d merely shrugged and told her not to worry about it. That was easy for him to say. He’d never met her parents.

  “No, I’m not going to work today. I’m still on my honeymoon,” Jason said, breaking into her thoughts. “You tell me what you want to do today and we’ll do it.”

  She turned away from the stove where she’d prepared something simple like French toast. “You want to spend more time with me?”

  He chuckled. “Of course I do. You sound surprised.”

  She was. She figured as much time as they’d spent in the bedroom he would have tired of her by now. She was about to open her mouth when his house phone rang. He smiled over at her. “Excuse me for a minute while I get that.”

  Bella figured the caller was one of his relatives. She turned back to the stove to turn it off. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he wanted to spend more time with her.

  A few moments later Jason hung up the phone. “That was Sheriff Harper.”

  She turned back around to him. “Has he found out anything?”

  “Yes, they’ve made some arrests.”

  A lump formed in her throat. She cr
ossed the floor to sit down at the table, thinking she didn’t want to be standing for this. “Who did it?”

  He came to sit across from her. “Your uncle Kenneth’s twin grandsons.”

  Bella’s hand flew to her chest. “But they’re only fourteen years old.”

  “Yes, but the footprints outside your window and the fingerprints on the rock matched theirs. Not to mention that the kerosene can they used to start the fire at your ranch belonged to their parents.”

  Bella didn’t say anything. She just continued to stare at him.

  “Evidently they heard their grandfather’s grumblings about you and figured they were doing him a favor by scaring you away,” Jason said.

  “What will happen to them?” she asked quietly.

  “Right now they’re in police custody. A judge will decide tomorrow if they will be released into the custody of their parents until a court date is set. If they are found guilty, and chances are they will be since the evidence against them is so strong, they will serve time in a detention center for youth for about one or two years, maybe longer depending on any prior arrests.”

  Jason’s face hardened. “Personally, it wouldn’t bother me in the least if they locked them up and threw away the key. I’m sure Kenneth is fit to be tied, though. He thinks the world of those two.”

  Bella shook her head sadly. “I feel so bad about this.”

  A deep scowl covered Jason’s face. “Why do you feel bad? You’re the victim and they broke the law.”

  She could tell by the sound of his voice that he was still upset. “But they’re just kids. I need to call Uncle Kenneth.”

  “Why? As far as I’m concerned this is all his fault for spouting off at the mouth around them about you.”

  A part of Bella knew what Jason said was true and could even accept he had a right to be angry, but still, the thought that she was responsible for the disruption of so many lives was getting to her. Had she made a mistake in moving to Denver after all?

  “Don’t even think it, Bella.”

  She glanced across the table at Jason. “What?”

  “I know what’s going through your mind, sweetheart. I can see it all over your face and you want to blame yourself for what happened but it’s not your fault.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  “No. You can’t hold yourself responsible for the actions of others. What if you had been standing near the window the day that rock came flying through, or worse yet, what if you’d been home the day they set fire to the house? If I sound mad it’s because I still am. And I’m going to stay mad until justice is served.”

  He paused a moment and then said, “I don’t want to talk about Kenneth or his grandsons any longer. Come on, let’s get dressed and go riding.”

  WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM riding and Bella checked her cell phone, she had received a call from her parents saying that they had changed their minds and would not be coming to Denver after all. She couldn’t help wondering why, but she figured the best thing to do was count her blessings and be happy about their change in plans.

  Jason was outside putting the horses away and she decided to take a shower and change into something relaxing. So far, other than the sheriff, no one else had called. She figured Jason’s family was treating them as honeymooners and giving them their privacy.

  When her cell phone rang, she didn’t recognize the caller but figured it might be one of her parents calling from another number. “Yes?”

  “This is all your fault, Bella.”

  She froze upon hearing her uncle’s voice. He was angry. “My grandsons might be going to some youth detention center for a couple of years because of you.”

  Bella drew in a deep breath and remembered the conversation she and Jason had had earlier that day. “You should not have talked badly about me in front of them.”

  “Are you saying it’s my fault?”

  “Yes, Uncle Kenneth, that’s exactly what I’m saying. You have no one else to blame but yourself.”

  “Why you… How dare you speak to me that way. You think you’re something now that you’re married to a Westmoreland. Well, you’ll see what a mistake you made. All Jason Westmoreland wanted was your land and that horse. He doesn’t care anything about you. I told you I knew someone who wanted to buy your land.”

  “And I’ve always told you my land isn’t for sale.”

  “If you don’t think Westmoreland plans to weasel it from you then you’re crazy. Just mark my word. You mean nothing to him. All he wants is that land. He is nothing but a controller and a manipulator.”

  Her uncle then hung up the phone on her.

  Bella tried not to let her uncle’s words get to her. No one knew the details of their marriage so her uncle had no idea that she was well aware that Jason wanted her land and horse. For what other reason would he have presented her with that proposal? She wasn’t the crazy person her uncle evidently assumed she was. She was operating with more than a full deck and was also well aware Jason didn’t love her.

  She glanced up when Jason walked through the back door. He smiled when he saw her. “I thought you were going to take a shower.”

  “I was, but I got a phone call.”

  “Oh, from who?”

  She knew now was not the time to tell him about her uncle’s call—especially after all he’d said earlier. So she decided to take that time to tell him about her parents’ decision.

  “Dad and Mom called. They aren’t coming after all.”

  “What changed their minds?” he asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

  “Not sure. They didn’t say.”

  He caught her wrist and pulled her down on the sofa beside him. “Well, I have a lot to say, none of it nice. But the main thing is they’ve decided not to come and I think it’s a good move on their part because I don’t want anyone to upset you.”

  “No one will,” she said softly. “I’m fine.”

  “And I want to make sure you stay that way,” he said and pulled her closer into his arms.

  She was quiet as her head lay rested against his chest and could actually hear his heart pounding. She wondered if he could hear the pounding of her heart. She still found it strange how attracted they were to each other. Getting married hadn’t lessened that any.

  She lifted her head to look up at him and saw the intense look that was there in his eyes. It was a look that was so intimate it sent a rush of heat sprinting all through her.

  And when he began easing his mouth toward hers, all thoughts left her mind except for one, and that was how much he could make her feel loved even when he was pretending. The moment their lips touched she refused to believe her uncle Kenneth’s claim that he was controlling.

  Instead she concentrated on how he was making her feel with the way his mouth was mating with hers. And she knew this kiss was just the beginning.


  DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS Bella settled into what she considered a comfortable routine. She’d never thought being married would be such a wonderful experience and could only thank Jason for making the transition easy for her.

  They shared a bed and made passionate love each night. Then in the morning they would get up early and while he sat at the table drinking coffee she would enjoy a cup of tea while he told her about what horses he would be training that day.

  While he was away she usually kept busy by reading her grandfather’s journals, which had been upstairs in her bedroom and so were spared by the fire. Because she’d been heavily involved with a lot of charity work while living in Savannah, she’d already volunteered a lot of her time at the children’s hospital and the Westmoreland Foundation.

  Hercules was now in Jason’s stalls and Jason was working with the insurance company on the repairs of her ranch. He had arranged for all the men who’d worked with her before the fire to be hired on with his horse training business.

  Although she appreciated him stepping in and taking charge of her affairs the way he’d done, she hadn’
t been able to put her uncle Kenneth’s warning out of her mind. She knew it was ludicrous to worry about Jason’s motivation because he had been honest with her from the beginning and she knew why he’d made the proposal for their marriage. She was well aware that he didn’t love her and that he was only married to her for the land and Hercules. But now that he had both was it just a matter of time for him before he tried to get rid of her?

  She would be the first to admit he never acted as if he was getting tired of her and still treated her as if he enjoyed having her around. In the afternoons when he returned home from work, the first thing he did after placing his Stetson on the hat rack was to seek her out. Usually he didn’t have far to look because she would be right there, close by. Anticipating his return home always put her near the door when he entered the house.

  Bella couldn’t help noticing that over the past couple of days she had begun getting a little antsy where Jason was concerned because she was uncertain as to her future with him. And to make matters even worse, she was late, which was a good sign she might be pregnant. She hadn’t told him of her suspicions because she wasn’t sure how he would take the news.

  If she were pregnant, the baby would be born within the first year of their marriage. Would he still want a divorce even if she was the mother of his child, or would he want to keep her around for that same reason; because he felt obligated to do so? But an even more important question was, did he even want to become a father? He had questioned her feelings on motherhood but she’d never questioned his. She could tell from his interactions with Susan and Denver that he liked kids, but that didn’t necessarily mean he wanted any of his own.

  Bella knew she should tell him about the possibility she could be pregnant and discuss her concerns with him now, but each time she was presented with the opportunity to do so, she would get cold feet.

  She walked into an empty room he’d converted into an office and sat down at the desk to glance out the window. She would finally admit that another reason she was antsy was that she knew without a shadow of doubt that she had fallen in love with Jason and could certainly understand how such a thing had happened. She could understand it, but would he? He’d never asked for her love, just her land and horse.


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