Adam's Thorn

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Adam's Thorn Page 22

by Angela Verdenius

  His smile was pure hedonism. “Such full lips, baby. Full lips that held my shaft while that hot little mouth of yours sucked me dry.”

  Oh yeah, she wasn’t going to forget that. Barbie couldn’t help the blush in her cheeks, but nor could she hide the pleased smile, either. She knew she’d given him a mind-blowing orgasm, and she wasn’t going to hide that knowledge.

  “I’m going to return the favour.” His teeth were a flash of white, his grin more that of a predator than a potential lover.

  A predatory lover? Hell, yes. Her eyes widened just a little nervously. But having him go down there? Uh…

  Lowering his head, he trailed his lips across her jaw line, the tip of his tongue leaving a damp trail. “Ever had a man go down on you, baby?”

  Seriously? He wanted to know that? Her hands clenched involuntarily in the doona when he nipped the pulse in her neck.

  “Tell me.” He nipped her throat again, making her squeak. “Now.”

  “N - no.”

  “Then you’re in for a treat.” Adam lifted his head to gaze down at her. “You’re going to cream, baby. I’m going to make you cream, lick you dry, and have you screaming.”

  Heat pounding, pulses dancing wildly, Barbie stared at him. She was creaming now, never mind later. The thought of him…oh geez.

  “But first,” he said softly, “I want you out of these clothes.” Rolling off the bed, he held out a hand to her.

  Swallowing, Barbie took it, warmth surging through her when he enclosed her hand in his larger one and pulled her up from the bed. Then he totally unnerved her by leaning back against the post and crossing his legs at the ankle, arms folded across his chest. Waiting.

  She plucked at the buttons on her blouse, an unaccustomed shyness enveloping her.

  His gaze fell to her fingers.

  She undid one button, swallowed, undid the next, dry mouth, a third button, finger starting to shake a little, fourth button. Bodice gaping open. Fifth button. Sixth button. Seventh button.

  Peeking at him through her lashes, she saw that his hot gaze was still on her movements. Calm, controlled, but the carnal desire had brought a slight flush to his chiselled cheekbones, a slight flare to his nostrils.

  It should have made her feel empowered, knowing she could arouse him like this, but instead she felt a little nervous, a little excited, a whole lot unsure, and damned hot inside and out. Her skin fairly prickled with heat.

  She wasn’t aware that she’d halted until he ordered quietly, “Don’t stop.”


  Shrugging her shoulders, she slid the short sleeves back and down her arms until the bodice of the dress bunched above her hips, leaving her upper half clad only in the red satin camisole with the black lace cupping her breasts, thin black straps across her shoulders.

  Another peek at him. Oh boy. His nostrils had flared a little more as though scenting the air for her, and when his gaze lifted to ensnare hers, he had the definite look of a hungry predator. And she was the prey. Oh yes. Thrill factor one thousand and escalating fast!

  “Keep going.” Regardless of his expression, his voice remained controlled. Already deep, it had lowered more, the only sign of his growing arousal. Well, that and his shaft which had stiffened even more.

  Hooking her fingers in the dress, she edged it down over her hips, hesitating at the knowledge that he was actually going to be viewing her body without anything to hide the dimples, the fullness, the roundness of her limbs. Biting her lip, she glanced towards the window. Maybe if she pulled the curtains-

  “Barbie.” One word, curt, dark.

  Jumping, she looked back at him. “Adam, I-”

  “My way.” His tone brooked no argument, was almost ruthless. “Take the dress off. Now.”

  No man had ever taken such command, told her what to do. She’d never have taken it, either, so she had no idea why she obeyed Adam.

  Yeah, she did. Adam taking command was hot, was right, because he was the kind of man to take control naturally.

  It had her hands shaking, her breath coming unevenly, her nipples behind the camisole peaking shamelessly.

  It didn’t mean she was weak, though.

  With a slight toss of her head, a lift of her chin, she fixed her gaze on his and pushed the dress down over her hips. It dropped, pooling on the floor at her feet.

  The silence in the room was almost deafening, or maybe it was just the pulse pounding in her ears.

  Adam didn’t move, just remained leaning back against the post, silent, not giving his thoughts away.

  For several seconds they remained like that, the silence lengthening, Barbie with her chin raised and Adam in watchful contemplation.

  “Are you being defiant, Barbie?” he finally drawled.

  Every nerve inside her shivered in decadent delight at his words. “What if I am?”

  His lips curved a little, just the slightest of movement at the corners of his mouth, his gaze dropping slowly, deliberately, sliding down over her shoulders, further down to linger on her breasts, further down to - oh God, her generous hips.

  She wondered what he was thinking as he took in the matching panties, the red satin with black lace, the little bow at the front. Her heart hammered, her stance growing uneasy as his gaze went lower still, over her plump thighs and lower to where the dress lay covering her feet.

  “Step out of your shoes and dress.” He kept his gaze on her feet as she obeyed, and then he slowly lifted his gaze again, studying her, lingering on her panties, her waist, her breasts before looking her directly in the eyes.

  Oh God, she’d never felt so exposed, even though the camisole skimmed just below her hips. Partially dressed, yet she felt so naked. Nerves had her clenching her hands, fear that he’d find her too fat, too much, too round to meet his tastes after all. She might have had the hourglass figure, but it was a whole lot fuller, a whole lot more overblown.

  If he looked at her with disgust, she’d die. Right then she knew that Adam had the power to destroy her confidence, to shatter everything she’d built up over the years. He could crush her like a flower, leaving her bruised and wilted, and she doubted she’d ever recover.

  Not from Adam’s scorn, not from his disgust, not from his abhorrence.

  Adam held everything that she was in the palm of his hand.

  Her heart quaked at the realisation, making her teeth clench to stop them from actually chattering.

  When his dark eyes locked with hers, the heat in them, the naked lust, almost had her sagging at the knees in relief. He still wanted her, still desired her.

  It gave her courage, her hands going to the camisole hem.


  She froze, dismay filling her. She couldn’t have been mistaken. Could she?

  Pushing away from the post, Adam straightened to his full height, closing the small space between them. Slowly he moved around her, one finger on her shoulder trailing around, leaving a burning path in his wake. Behind her, he stopped, his finger running slowly, deliberately, down her spine, making her arch at the sensation.

  Only now he’d see her dimpled thighs from the back, he’d see - her thoughts tangled, squirmed, lost when his hands suddenly cupped her buttocks, squeezing, the heat of his body against her back such a delicious feel as he leaned over her.

  Firm lips tracing the curve of her shoulder to her neck.

  Moaning, Barbie angled her head to the side to give him access, the scrape of his tongue as he licked up the side of her throat causing a shiver of goosebumps to course down her arms.

  His hands lifted and fell, the combined light slap to both her bottom cheeks at once making her jerk, causing a rush of moist heat to dampen her panties.

  “That’s for the defiance.” Adam scraped his teeth across her skin.

  She couldn’t think let alone reply, didn’t actually care, not with his long fingers spreading out across her buttocks, flexing, shifting, sliding up to dip beneath the waistband of the satin panties to lie flat agai
nst her naked skin.

  His hands were so hot, slightly calloused palms kneading her flesh, thumbs sliding along the crease where her bottom cheeks met, probing gently, parting slightly, making her breath catch. Lower his hands went, thumbs sliding, then back up until he pressed lightly with his thumbs at the base of her spine.

  Delicious, so good.

  Sucking gently at the pulse pounding in her throat, Adam slid his hands up under the camisole to cup her hips, fingers kneading gently, then up higher to spread his fingers on each side of her waist, rubbing, almost seeming to test the softness of her flesh. Fingers flexing, he dragged his short, clean nails lightly across her belly, fingering her belly button and making her squirm with the sensations, the tickle and the erotic drag.

  His laugh was low, dark, his mouth sliding further along her throat until he was nuzzling under her ear. “Beautiful.”

  Hot sparks skittered under her skin, every nerve coming to searing life beneath his knowing touch.

  The big palms slid higher, dragging up each side of her under the camisole, coming around to cup her breasts.

  Finally, finally…she couldn’t help but arch into his touch, her eyes closed, bottom lip caught between her teeth as she bit back the moan of pure ecstasy at the heat of his palms seeping into her breasts.

  He massaged, palms circling, fingers kneading, until she was whimpering, her cry escaping unbidden when he plucked gently at her straining nipples, working the over-sensitized peaks.

  Every pull, very press, every roll of her nipples between his finger and thumb had sensation shivering along an invisible thread to her secret feminine places, stringing her taut, making her insides vibrate with delicious, torturous heat.

  Needing to feel him, she lifted her hands to press over his, only to have him order huskily, “Hands down.”

  “Adam…” It was almost a whimper.

  “You had your time earlier. This is mine.”

  Reluctantly, she obeyed, curling her fingers into fists to stop herself from reaching for him once more.

  He continued his slow, heady exploration of her breasts, weighing the heavy globes, fingering her nipples, learning what made her gasp, what made her breath suck in, what had her writhing.

  When his hands left her breasts, they ached. Restless, seeking to ease the ache between her thighs, Barbie pressed her bottom back into his groin. The hard shaft that pressed back into her was clear proof of his arousal, but he obviously had better control.

  That was damned frustrating. It meant he wouldn’t hurry, he’d take his time, while she was ready to flop onto her back and demand he take her and-

  All thought left her then, her body stiffening, her breath catching when one of his hands flattened on her belly and in an unerring, slow, sensual slide, glided under the waistband of her panties, through the curls of her mound and lower.

  Leaning down, he bent over her, resting his strong jaw on her shoulder. Barbie could see him from the corner of her eye. He was watching the glide of his hand, his gaze fixed steadily on where his hand disappeared from sight beneath the waistband.

  His other hand was on her belly, holding her firm against him.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered softly.

  Heart pounding, she obeyed, biting her lip to force back a moan when his hand slid lower, fingers gliding through the curls atop her womanhood to trace the lips of her labia. Touch gentle, he rubbed, massaged, just dipping the tip of his middle finger between the sheltering lips, making her squirm.

  His hand firmly against her belly, holding her, his laugh low, seductive.

  “I do like a woman’s response, baby.” Turning his head, he pressed a soft kiss to her throat, then her chin when she looked at him. It didn’t take much for him to lift his head a little and capture her mouth, his kiss firm, tongue stroking in to taste her at the same time his finger delved between her labia.

  He swallowed her gasp, catching her against him when her legs weakened, his finger pressing flat against her perineum, thumb seeking and finding her clitoris, teasing the little nub.

  Lifting her arm, she curled it around so that her hand was at the back of his head, fingers twining in his hair, finding the dark strands as thick and silky as they appeared.


  A whimper slipped from her when he circled the entrance to her body with the tip of his finger before he slipped inside just a little, gently pulling at the opening, stretching it first one way then the other in tiny little tugs. The whole time he kept flicking her clitoris, making her legs tremble, her heart thunder and her secret places weep with need.

  Releasing her mouth, he looked her directly in the eyes. “So wanting.”

  “Yes…please…” She could almost fall into the dark pools of his eyes and drown in the prurience luring her into the depths.

  Straightening, he didn’t answer, his hand withdrawing from between her thighs, leaving her empty and aching.

  Hands on her hips, he turned her to face the bed, using his body behind her to bend her over, placing her hands on the mattress. Chest to her back, his groin snugged against her bottom, his shaft, so hard and demanding, cradled between them, his breath hot and moist on her ear. “Keep your hands flat on the bed.”

  Heat coursed through her, a thrill of apprehension combined with anticipation, ardour prickling down from her breasts to her secret places.

  Adam lifted away, his hands sliding down her back until his fingers hooked into her panties, slipping them off her hips and sliding them down her thighs, dropping them to her feet and off with a simple touch of his finger on her instep that had her lifting first one foot, then the other.

  His breath was on the backs of her thighs, drawing a shuddering breath from her when she realised that he knelt behind her, able to see - ohhhh…. She jerked sharply when his finger traced down the crease of her derriere right down to where her body wept for him.

  “Spread your legs.”

  If his voice hadn’t been so dark and husky with obvious arousal, Barbie doubted she could have done it, but knowing he was as turned on as she had her obeying. The fact, however, was that he was in more control of his desire, his touch steady as he trailed the fingers of both hands up the insides of her thigh.

  “Such pretty legs,” he murmured softly. “So soft and round, made to slide against a man’s body. And here…” His fingers traced the edges where her bottom cheeks met her thighs. “So soft and round again.”

  When he slid his finger lower, her fists clenched in the doona as a flash of heat speared through her, but before she could do or say anything beyond a half aroused gasp, she froze.

  Adam’s thumbs on each side of her labia pulled the lips gently apart, the cool air invading the heated places that had been protected until he'd opened her. Unexpectedly, the flat of his tongue licked up the length of her, making the bottom of her belly drop clean away.

  Her elbows almost buckled, only her desire, her need, keeping her upright. Arching her back down, she didn’t know whether to push back against him or try to clamber up on the bed away from the torturous sweep of his tongue.

  Hot breath on her flesh, his tongue disappearing, making her relax just a little, until firm lips closed over her clitoris and tugged gently.

  “Ahhhh!” The cry exploded from her, cutting through the air, followed by a low keening as he sucked firmly on the little nub, bringing it to hard, nerve-tingling life.

  Back arched, head up, Barbie could only shake, shiver, every thought, every nerve zeroed in on Adam’s mouth on her. Colours started to explode before her eyes, sparking as her arousal intensified, the erotic pull on her clitoris drawing rapacious ardour through her with carnal claws of sweet, sharp desire.

  Almost there, almost… She teetered on the brink of the orgasm crawling relentlessly through her, only to almost sob when Adam’s mouth left her.

  “Adam, no!” She almost wailed it in frustrated agony.

  He laughed, low, dark, the sudden tap of his finger on the engorged litt
le nub making her jump. A second tap had her almost mindless, and then she could only whimper and push back into his hand when he cupped her womanhood, pressing hard, holding all that delicious heat inside her, her cream coating his palm but not allowed to go further. “Not yet.”

  He kept her orgasm inside her, her arousal, the heat of his hand controlling her.

  As the urgency faded, leaving her unfulfilled and aching, her nerves sputtering, he recommenced licking, teasing, flicking the clitoris, and within seconds she was climbing the peak again, faster this time, sharper.

  Again he stopped, again he held her.

  When Barbie dropped her head between her arms, breath coming from her in shuddering gasps, she saw part of Adam from between her legs. His shaft was thick, hard, glistening at the tip. Throbbing and angry, it demanded relief. How could he possibly maintain control? Was he made of iron?

  When he licked her a third time, she swore.

  Adam nipped her bottom cheek.

  “Please, Adam.” She’d beg him on her hands and knees if she had to. “Please. Please.”

  His hands left her, the sensuous slide of his body going up along her thighs, his shaft lodging for several hot seconds between her legs before it slid angrily upwards as Adam leaned over her, his arms each side of her, his hands braced on the mattress each side of hers.

  His cheek rubbed alongside hers. “Poor baby. Have you been crying?’

  “What? No.” She blinked.

  “Your cheek is wet.”

  Oh shit, she had been crying. “Your fault,” she managed to gasp.

  “Yeah, baby, all my fault.” He chuckled.

  He sounded so pleased, so satisfied. “You’re a conceited jerk.”

  “And you’re a little harpy.” He kissed her cheek, licked the tear away. “You loved it.”

  Yeah, there as no doubting the tears were from frustration all right, but also from pure desire, the need for him to take her.

  She opened her mouth to tell him so, to demand he do something - anything - when he placed his hand on her bottom. “Get up on the bed.”

  Oh, thank God! Thank you thank you thank you! Barbie crawled up on the bed, was ready to roll on to her back when his arm around her waist stopped her.


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