Adam's Thorn

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Adam's Thorn Page 27

by Angela Verdenius

  Deepening the kiss, Adam swept it from tender to more carnal, tasting her with growing heat. He could feel her heart beat against his chest, feel the rhythm fasten, knew from not only that but the way she arched into him, her legs shifting restlessly, that her arousal was growing.

  Just what he wanted.

  He slid one hand down her thigh to hook behind her knee, bending it up before gently pushing it outwards, opening her to him.

  Ah God, there it was. Open to him now, his shaft between their bellies but his sac nestled against her moist heat. Cream from her body moistened his scrotum where it rested against her and he couldn’t help but thrust slowly, decadently, against her.

  Heat sluiced through him at the feel of skin sliding against skin, his hardness cushioned by her softness. Dropping his head, he kissed her more carnally, licking deep, ravaging her mouth in slow sweeps, not allowing her to deny him anything, knowing she didn’t but nevertheless enjoying the mastering.

  Knowing she enjoyed it, too, when her nails dug into his shoulders. Laughing darkly when he realised that she was too far aroused to even think of apologising.

  Yeah, just what he wanted.

  Capturing her hands, he linked their fingers, bringing her hands down each side of her head, holding them down. The sensation of her hands pushing against his in a bid for freedom sent another jolt of heat through him, and when she gave up, ah well, that was a sweet victory. It was even sweeter when she pushed suddenly in an attempt to make him release her hands.

  Her other knee lifted, smooth leg gliding against his hair-roughened one, ankle sliding along his thigh in a slow, sensuous move that had the fire inside him flaring. Now her moist heat cupped his sac, the labia opening to nestle around it.

  Christ, he nearly saw stars, especially when she rocked her hips against him. The tip of his shaft leaked a warm, slick patch between them on her belly.

  Barbie laughed huskily in combined ardour and humour. “Feeling a little out of control, lover?”

  Answering humour, dark, hedonistic, slid through him. “I’m all about control, baby.”

  “It looks to me like you’re not doing a very good job at it.”

  “It looks to me like you need something to occupy your mind.” He rocked against her, one long slide up and down, his hips and loins gliding over hers, his chest rubbing against her hard nipples.

  Now it was his turn to laugh when her breath caught, the heat flaring hotly in her eyes, the slight flush of arousal that filled her cheeks, her fingers tightening in his.

  “Now who’s feeling a little out of control?” He licked across her full lips.

  Immediately she opened to him, letting him inside without hesitation, and the sensation of her welcoming moistness was a stark reminder of the hot moistness against his sac.

  The moistness from her body, brought forth by his coaxing, their closeness. Moistening her body for him.

  Just for him.

  All humour fled, replaced with the carnal hunger that always lurked below the surface when Barbie was around.

  He wasn’t sure how he managed it, some little sane part tapped his brain in warning. Pushing up onto his knees, he reached across to the bedside drawer, opening it to grab a condom. As he sheathed himself, his gaze dropped to her womanhood, displayed in all its sweet, feminine glory.

  God, he liked a woman’s body, liked a lush one, but he loved this lush woman’s body. Craved it like he’d never craved a woman before, and he knew he never would again. Barbie Declan was who he wanted, now and forever.

  Lowering himself onto her, Adam captured her hands once more, resting on his elbows as he flexed his hips. Poised on the very edge of entering her, he ordered huskily, “Look at me.”

  She obeyed, locking her gaze with his, the fire within her matching his as she whispered, “Adam.”

  Yeah, he loved sliding into her heat, feeling the tightness of her body at first resisting his girth and length before giving, letting him in, letting him slide deep inside, but he also loved watching her face, seeing her eyes go slightly unfocused, the way those lush lips parted, the way she stopped breathing as he slid inside, then the slow, erotic exhale as he settled in deep.

  Buried in to the hilt, Adam stopped, needing to taste her lips again, needing to be close to her in every way possible.

  Lips on hers, almost biting at her mouth in hunger, he started pumping his hips, keeping the rhythm slow, steady, drawing out almost to the brink before sliding back in again.

  Yeah, he loved hard, fast sex, loved the carnality of it, the harsh satisfaction, the mind-blowing end that rushed so fast towards them. But he also loved this, the slow loving, being above to watch every expression that crossed the face of the woman he loved, seeing every reaction, watching for what brought her sexual joy, what turned her on. Just loved the feel of her soft body against his, her cushioning hips, the way she both cradled his body above hers, but was also held prisoner beneath him, unable to do much more than take what he gave. He controlled the pace, controlled her, gave his all.

  Missionary position had its good points.

  Changing the angle of his hips, he sought her sweet spot, nudging it unerringly over and over as soon as he saw her bite her lip, felt the ripple through her sheath clutched so tightly around his shaft.

  He could have gone on forever like this, buried so deep inside her, their own little carnal world, locked together so tightly, but his body had other ideas. As her desire swept through her, his own fire started to burn hotter, searing, going from a steady flame to an out of control burn.

  The slow, controlled glide of his hips changed pace, became faster, harder, his fingers holding hers tightly.

  Sparks skittered along his skin, hot embers that flared and burned deep in the pit of his belly, a hot lap of molten craving that flowed through him, centred, pooled low in his sac, drawing him up tight, his shaft thickening even more, feeling as though it would burst if he didn’t get release soon. Very soon.

  Like right bloody now.

  His hunger for her was insatiable, his body wanting to release into her, his mind wanting the joining of their bodies to go on forever. The sensation of her even through the condom was mind-blowing, he could only imagine what her slick heat would feel like if - when - they did this without a condom.

  But for now she gripped him tightly, her moist heat burning through the protective layer to lick along his shaft, the walls of her sheath shivering as the first flutterings of orgasm started to grow.

  Gladly he pushed her onwards, coming up onto his hands, pressing hers into the mattress as he bore down into her, shoving her hips into the mattress with the force with which he pumped into her. Hips thrusting, teeth clenched, he felt the fire surge down his spine, collide in his sac, burn up his shaft.

  Still not enough. Never enough.

  Harder, shorter, shoving and pumping, feeling the gathering of the fire, the sensation of her vaginal walls clamp, spasm, heard her scream out his name as she came, and it triggered his own violent release.

  Short, sharp, hard pumps, straining so hard, arching back, buttocks clenched as he sought to empty himself inside her. His orgasm shook him, seed erupting into the protective condom, hips jerking convulsively as he shattered, swept out in a tide of prurience, rolled back under in glorious agony that finished on a shower of sparks as he completely splintered apart.


  Freshly showered and dressed in her own clothes, Barbie felt a lot more confident to face the world. Voices came from the kitchen and she made her way there, a small ‘oof’ escaping her when Ali jumped her, grabbing hold and hugging hard.

  “Oh man, are you okay?” Ali demanded, looking her over. “You poor bugger. It must have been frightening.”

  “I’m fine. Adam came for me.” Barbie glanced across the kitchen to see him pouring four glasses of iced coffee. He glanced up at her, smiled with a glint in his eyes that had her blushing, and returned his attention to the glasses. Before Ali could catch onto her blush, Barb
ie added, “Thanks so much for bringing my suitcases around.”

  “No bother.” Ali flapped one hand. “Ghost went in with Brandon and got them. No way could you run around naked all day.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Barbie saw Adam’s eyebrow arch, a small smirk on his lips. Oh yeah, he was imaging it right now, she could tell, and going by the hot gleam that showed briefly in his eyes when he pushed one of the glasses on the counter in her direction, he approved.

  Deviant. Lucky her. Smiling, she moved to the counter and picked up the glass, slanting him a knowing frown even though she knew she couldn’t hide the amusement in her eyes.

  Adam winked before picking up two of the glasses and taking them to the table, placing one before Ghost and the other where Ali had been sitting.

  Barbie crossed the room to sit on a third chair, while Adam took the fourth chair opposite her. The remaining two chairs were already taken up by Fred and Barney, who had made themselves right at home, so much so that Fred kept snoring a little in his sleep.

  “Thanks for getting my stuff,” Barbie said to Ghost.

  “No worries.” He smiled placidly. “Just glad you got out okay, honey.”

  “Yes, well…” She grimaced. “It’s not going to be pleasant going back but-”

  “Back?” Adam almost barked it out, startling them all.

  She looked at him. “What?”

  “You’re staying here.”

  “Staying here? But I can’t-”

  “You’re staying here where I know you’re safe.” He took a deep breath, steadied himself.

  Wow, she could almost see him centring himself, regaining control.

  Quieter, definitely in more control, he continued steadily, “You’re not sleeping over at that house alone. In fact, you’re not sleeping over there full stop.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Uh-oh,” Ghost muttered.

  Ali watched avidly, making no effort to even pretend.

  “You can’t tell me-” Barbie began indignantly.

  “Yeah, I can. And will. Am, in fact.” His dark eyes locked onto hers. “It’s too dangerous.” When she opened her mouth, he added, “You were terrified. Seriously, do you expect to stay there? Even contemplating it?”

  “Hell no,” she retorted truthfully. “But I don’t like you ordering me what to do.”

  His gaze practically drilled holes in her head. “What you like is irrelevant right now.”

  Ghost grinned. “Dead man walking.”

  Ali leaned her chin on one hand. “It’s kind of like watching a catastrophe about to happen and being unable to stop it.”

  “Or want to,” Ghost added. “Because, really, where’s the entertainment in that?”

  Ignoring them, Barbie focussed on Adam. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Your safety is paramount here, not your likes.”

  “You are such a jerk sometimes.” Indignant anger spiked through her.

  Yep, there went that arrogant arch of the eyebrow followed by the equally arrogant, “Doesn’t matter what you think, Barbie, it’s what is going to happen.”

  Her dander was well and truly up now. “And just what do you think is going to happen?”

  “You’re staying safely at my house. No sleeping over at Penny’s old house, no being there alone while whoever tried to hurt you is running free.” Nice even tone, nice level gaze, nice reasonable voice.

  No, not reasonable. Expectant. He expected her to just obey. Now she wanted to hit him. Maybe not literally, but in her fantasies…

  “Maybe you should try bargaining,” Ghost suggested. “Works for me.”

  “Because you get your own way,” Ali pointed out. “You talk me to death.”

  “Like I said, works for me.” He blew her a kiss.

  Ali rolled her eyes.

  “Are you setting boundaries for me, Adam?” Barbie asked angrily.

  “I’m setting safety boundaries,” he corrected. “I know you have to be at the house to sort things out, even though I don’t like it.”

  “So you’re not going to stop me? How co-operative of you.”

  He didn’t blink, just continued in that calm way that made her want to smack him. “You can be there when the workers are there, or if I am with you. No being there alone for any reason. You-”

  “And what about my clients?’ she interrupted him a little gleefully, because truthfully, she was relieved at his suggestion, it was just his attitude that annoyed her. “My massage room?”

  “Book clients only during the week when the workers are there.”

  “What if they want a massage on the weekend?”

  “Yeah.” Ghost grinned widely. “What about then, Adam?”

  “If I’m off work, I could go with you,” Ali offered brightly.

  “What?” All hilarity left Ghost’s face as he swung his gaze to her. “Not bloody likely.”

  “During the day, honey.”

  “No. Neither of you are going up there without a man around.”

  “Oh, because being a man makes all the difference?”


  “That’s chauvinistic.”

  “Don’t care.”

  Ali rolled her eyes. “Big ego.”

  “Sticks and stones, honey, sticks and stones.”

  “Yeah, well keep that up and I’ll break your bones.”

  “Ooohh, violent little thing, aren’t you?’

  And just like that, Ali was laughing, Ghost smiling, and everything was okay.

  Well, between them, Barbie thought sourly, because right now she was glaring daggers at Adam, who, in his usual calm manner, was gazing right back at her. Calmly. Bloody calmly, making her teeth almost grit with pressure when she clenched them.

  “If you have clients who want a massage on the weekend,” Adam stated quietly, “Then I’ll go with you.”

  “And if you’re working?”

  “Then I’ll shift the stuff from my spare room and you can use that.”

  Barbie’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “I’ll shift the stuff from my spare room and you can use that,” he repeated.

  That floored her. “You’d do that? Really?”

  He nodded.

  “You’d really have people come here?” Ali asked in astonishment. “Adam, you don’t have visitors much. You value your privacy, everyone knows that.”

  His gaze didn’t shift from Barbie’s face. “To keep Barbie safe, and to keep her happy, I’ll do anything.”

  Stunned, Barbie could only stare at him.

  “Wow.” Ali subsided in the chair, her eyes wide before a calculating gleam came into them.

  “Is - is that true?” Barbie asked. “You don’t like visitors?”

  “Not ‘don’t like’ full stop, I just don’t like having my door run flat. Give some people an invite and they’ll practically live at my house. Only a few come around here.”

  Ghost waved airily.

  “But if I booked massages on a weekend…” She blinked. “Really? You’d really tolerate people coming here?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah.”

  “But it’ll annoy you.”

  “But you’ll be safe, and that’s what’s important. Being happy is a bonus.”

  Geez, he’d actually give up a lot of his privacy that he valued just to keep her safe and happy. That had her speechless. All she could do was get up, come around the table, bend and wrap her arms around his neck, dropping a kiss on his cheek even as his arm came around her waist.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

  Turning his head, he looked her directly in the eyes. “I’ll do anything for you, but your safety will always come first. Please don’t fight me on this. You won’t win, and I’ll do what I have to, to keep you safe.”

  From anyone else it would have sounded like a threat, but from Adam it was a promise, a heart-warming one now that she realised what he was willing to sacrifice in turn.

  She hugged him, her m
outh near his ear, feeling his hold tighten a little on her waist. “I understand, and in this case I’ll do as you…request.”

  He gave an unexpected chuckle accompanied by a light whack on her bottom.

  Smiling, she straightened. “And because you requested so nicely, Adam Moor, Officer, Sir, I won’t make any bookings on a weekend unless you are free to come with me to Great Aunt Penny’s house. No bookings for here.”

  “‘Sir’. I do like the sound of that.” Ghost slanted a look at Ali. “How about-”

  She flipped him the bird.

  “No it is, then.”

  Resuming her seat, Barbie smiled at Adam, warmth filling her as his eyes crinkled at the corners, an answering smile curving his lips. The man had a way of both infuriating her and making her feel cherished all at once. Weird feeling, but ultimately a good one.

  Draining the last of the iced coffee, Ghost looked at her. “So, you think the house is haunted and Adam thinks it’s a human culprit. How about letting me snoop around?”

  “Not on your own,” Adam stated. “For everyone’s safety, not one of you goes to the house alone.”

  Ghost gasped in delight, placing one hand on his chest. “Oh my! The big protector!”

  “Here we go,” Ali said. “Drama queen.”

  “You just - you just make my heart pound, you big, overpowering cop, you.” Grabbing Adam’s hand, Ghost slapped it onto his chest. “Feel my heart pound, big boy!”

  Adam just looked blandly at him, pulled his hand away, and wiped it slowly down his shirt front.

  Ghost faked a shudder. “Oh, stop undressing me with your eyes, you naughty boy.”

  Adam switched his gaze to Barbie. “Remember how I feel about my privacy?” He jerked his thumb in Ghost’s direction. “Do I need to explain any further?”

  She laughed.

  Resting her elbows on the table, Ali leaned forward. “What do you say, Barbie? How about me and Ghost snoop around? Set up some cameras?’

  “Actually,” she replied slowly, “that doesn’t sound too bad. Maybe you’ll catch something on camera. Proof.”

  “Proof of the spirit world.” Ghost nodded. “Hauntings. There’ve been stories around the Declan house. Gus-”


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