The Koda Files Boxed Set - Books 1 & 2

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The Koda Files Boxed Set - Books 1 & 2 Page 21

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Right then, Kathy walked in the door. Hearing my comment, she openly started laughing. She must have been looking into my memories, because her face suddenly went tense, and she went from laughing to pissed in a split second. "What the hell were you thinking of?" she snapped. "Do I have watch you like a child?"

  "I'm feeling kind of dead right now. Can we discuss this later?" I asked.

  "That's not funny," noted Lisa.

  "Should I note that he saved the lives of a lot of people?" Koda asked.

  Kathy just stood there for a moment fuming. Then she turned, and walked back out of the room.

  After a few seconds, Koda looked at me, and said, "You're in a lot of trouble! She kills people for a living ya know!"

  "Yes! I got that!" I agreed as I shifted my weight off the bed, onto the floor. My feet touched down, and my legs burned for a second, as if I had run for miles. Then the sensation passed, and I felt fine again. I could sense my body reaching out, drawing energy from its surrounding. The sensation had an almost narcotic effect.

  I've always avoided narcotics. I'm a natural self-control freak. Drugs don't work in my personal lifestyle. Especially the more hardcore stuff.

  Now I’d be forced to second guess myself. My senses might give me false data, and get me killed. I stood up, away from the bed. For a moment, I could feel the energy flux up from the Earth's core. Almost instantly, it seemed to settle down, but it was an odd sensation, to say the least.

  Madias quietly said, "I'm sorry for exposing you to the ring. I must go tend to other issues, but I will be monitoring what happens regarding this."

  "I'll up channel my medical reports to you through the Chosen," Lisa commented to Madias.

  Madias nodded to her, turned to look at me again, and said, "I'll return as soon as I can." Then he folded space, and was gone.

  "Old Madias is quite a character," noted Koda.

  "The old fart makes me a nervous wreck," Lisa observed under her breath.

  "I'm going to get some rest," I said. "Wake me up in about a week." I staggered out, and went straight to my room. Inside five minutes, I was sound asleep.

  I woke up hours later. It was dark in the room, and the alarm showed two in the morning. I could instantly sense another person in the room, and a quick scan showed me that Kathy was sitting in a chair, watching me sleep.

  "Why don't you get some sleep?" I asked.

  "Why don't you take better care of yourself?" she responded. "I go out to run an errand, and you almost get killed on another world, in a distant galaxy. I talked to Koda about what happened. Don't you give a shit about any of us? Do you realize how it would affect us, if something happened to you?"

  "I'm sorry," I responded to her disembodied voice in the darkened room. "You're right, I reacted without thinking."

  I felt the bed shift as she laid down next to me. "Go back to sleep!" she said, "I don't want to talk!" She wrapped her arms around me, laying spooned up behind me. In seconds, I heard her breathing settle down, and could sense she was slipping off to sleep.

  I was aware I was messing up here. As a warrior, and a leader. In my youth, I had trained a strike team of deadly killers. In my old age, I had taken to simply going from one mess to another. Kathy was right. Other people were depending on me. I needed to be more careful. I went back to sleep, thinking I would need to try harder to show better judgement.

  When I awoke again, I was alone in the room. My alarm had been shut off, and I had overslept. I got up, got a shower, and went looking through the house for other signs of life.

  I found Harold in the kitchen, eating lunch. He was having a chicken sandwich, and it looked pretty good. I soon found myself eating a sandwich, and getting caught up on current events. Kathy was in town, getting groceries. Koda was out of the house on personal business. Lisa, Tim, and Bugs, were all attending a meeting hosted by the Chosen. Something about Medical evaluations being given to new members of the group.

  As we talked, I became aware that Harold was pretty depressed. It seemed slightly odd that he was in such a dark mood. We had been through so much, both good and bad. It seemed to be hitting Harold harder than the rest of us. I believe it was the loss of Shooter that had pushed him so far. The constant flow of strange events had left Harold feeling disassociated with the world he considered normal.

  "Koda told us at breakfast, she wants to see a dragon up close," Harold said. "I can see in her head she's serious. I can see in your memories, that the dragons are real. My mind just can't wrap itself around all the changes."

  "I know," I agreed. "It's definitely overwhelming at times. If the world around us was made aware of what was happening, can you imagine the panic?"

  "I don't agree!" Harold said emphatically. "I think we should have known this was going on. It's as if the entire world I thought I lived in was a lie. I don't know what to believe any more"

  "I can understand your point," I said. "I just question how much information the general population could handle."

  "I guess you’re right," Harold finally agreed. "I guess it really doesn't matter. Shit just falls apart."

  "Entropy rules the Universe!" I confirmed.

  "When I first met Shooter, he was married. Did you know that?" Harold suddenly asked.

  I shook my head, and said, "I never knew he was married."

  "I had just enlisted, and Shooter and I took desert survival training together," Harold said. "He introduced me to his wife, and two months later I married her sister. Those were some great times!" He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. I almost felt he had forgot I was there.

  "What happened to them, Harold?" I asked. I knew right away it was a bad question to ask.

  He took a deep breath, and then told me, "They were killed in a car accident. It was out in California, on the coast highway. The car went off a cliff. They were going to look at a house Shooter wanted to buy. He never forgave himself for letting them go." Harold's voice dropped to a whisper, as he said, "I think I died that day when she went off the cliff, and I'm in Hell now!"

  I felt so bad for the guy. "I've been there." I told him. "You just got to keep moving forward. Don't look back buddy. There's nothing but pain back there."

  "Everything I love was back there," he said, almost to himself. "I wish I could wake up, and be back in California, with my wife." He started to choke for a moment, and then blurted out, "God, I miss her!" He caught himself, and looked up, actually making eye contact for a split second. He appeared slightly embarrassed, and said, "Just ignore me, I talk too much."

  Then he got up, saying, "See ya later!" with a slight smile, and walked out.

  The conversation had left me on edge. I don't know why. I sat there for a minute. I reached out, scanning for Kathy. I found her buying food at the local Grocery. I folded space to a discrete location behind the store, and walked into the place, looking for her. It had been my intention to sneak up on her, but she sensed me before I got close, and stood smiling slightly at me as I walked up.

  She stood looking at shampoo, and ignored me after the first glance. As I walked up, she asked, "What do you want?"

  "Peace on Earth," I said jokingly.

  She was wearing sunglasses, and peered at me over the top of them for a moment, before saying, "If you're just going to play stupid, go home!"

  "Okay! I came to say I'm sorry for being such a jerk," I responded.

  "What brought that on?" she asked. She sat the bottle of shampoo back on the shelf, and focused on me, saying, "It's not like you to hunt me down. Are you feeling alright?"

  I thought for a moment, and then said, "I was talking to Harold about the old days, and thought of you. Is that so bad?"

  "No, I guess not," she answered. She smiled warmly for a second, and then asked, "Are they pleasant memories?"

  "Yes, I suppose they are," I agreed after a second or two of thought. "We had some good times together."

  "Yes, we did," she acknowledged. There was an awkward pause, and then she said, "
Of course, that was then, and this is now!"

  I gave her the look, and said, "Yes! That was then, and this is now!"

  She dropped her eyes, and dropped the subject just as quickly, saying, "I need to get a few more things, and then we're out of here."

  She picked up what she needed, and we left, running a few more errands. We had stopped to pick up some electrical supplies at a hardware store about two hours later, when the frantic call came in from home.

  It came across the link as a frantic scream from Lisa. Kathy and I instantly headed for the store's door. Just a few minutes later we were on the way home as the images started to come in from Tim in the link.

  Lisa, Bugs, and Tim had come home, and went looking for Harold. They found him, hanging from a rafter in the back of the house. He had been dead for at least an hour when they found him. We were all in total shock. Kathy and I drove out to the house in silence. By the time we arrived, several Sheriff's cars were on the scene, with their flashing lights going. As we started getting out of the car, an ambulance was coming up the road.

  Koda was the first person I saw, as she came out of the house. Her eyes were bloodshot, and I could tell she had been crying. She ran up to us when she saw us, and hugged us both for a second, as she said, "I can't believe he did this!"

  I was heavily stressed, and said, "I was just talking to him a few hours ago! I knew he was upset, but I never dreamed he would do something like this." We stood there talking for several minutes, and then the gurney came out. As soon as the covered body came into sight, we all started to freak out. Kathy was openly crying, and I was on the verge of joining her.

  Koda just said, "Oh my god!" over and over as they loaded the body into the back of the ambulance, and drove off.

  As the vehicle drove out of sight, the front door to the house opened again, and Dona stepped out. She saw us standing there, and headed straight over to us. As she stepped up to us, she said, "I'm sorry to be out here for this. I liked Harold. He seemed like a nice guy."

  "He was a great guy!" noted Kathy emphatically. "He was one of the best!" That was all she said, too emotional to continue.

  "My people are about done out here," Dona said. "They are all members of the Chosen, so there will be no investigation to speak of. Again! I'm sorry for your loss!" The comment trailed off, and after a few seconds, she said, "Well! I need to go! I'll talk to you later." Then she got in her car, and left.

  My mind was reeling. I’ve been around several suicides over the years, and I've never understood what drives a person to this extreme. Harold had so much to live for, but I guess he couldn't see past the pain. The worst part to me, was that any hope of a better day for Harold had now been erased by this one simple act. There was no going back on this mess. His pain might be over, but we would suffer for this for years to come. Perhaps, for the rest of our lives.

  We went in the house to find Tim, Lisa and Bugs sitting quietly in the kitchen. It's safe to say, that for the next five minutes, we took turns being hysterical. Anger, guilt, pain, and a dozen other feelings were commonly expressed. But mostly, loss was the overwhelming emotion.

  I can't help but wonder if I should have seen this coming. I had known Harold for decades. We had talked just before I left the house. Did I miss a clue that might have stopped this from happening? I kept going over what we talked about, but I just didn't see it coming. I felt I had failed an old friend. I should have seen what he was planning.

  As we all talked, it became obvious that it was Tim who found Harold, and his emotions were very raw over the whole thing. He was extremely pissed at Harold, and at least twice, repeated the phrase, "He could have talked to me!"

  A short while later, Koda said, "I don't feel good! I'm going to go lay down, and rest." She got up, leaving without another word.

  The rest of us sat there a short while longer, and then Tim said, "Well! I'm going to go get drunk! I've had a shitty day! The sooner I'm too drunk to remember it, the better!" As he got up, Bugs and Lisa stood up as well, each announcing they were on their way to bed. That left me sitting there with Kathy.

  We must have sat there for at least a minute or two, before she said, "Do you remember in town, when you said we shared some good times back when we first met?" When I nodded yes, she started to cry, and said, "I wish we could go back. Back to a happier time, before all this began!"

  It's funny! All the powers I've been given, and I just felt so helpless. There was no way to fix this. No way to bring Shooter or Harold back. It was horribly depressing.

  Kathy looked me in the eyes, and said, "I know you don't love me. But would you just lay down with me, and hold me for a while? I really could use a hug about now."

  Ten minutes later, we were in bed, and I was curled up behind Kathy, holding her. Her back was to me, and it took me a while to realize she had cried herself to sleep. I laid there holding her, feeling useless. I'm failing these people! The world around me is unraveling, and no matter what I do, it just falls apart a little faster.

  I have to toughen myself into a killer capable of stopping monsters, or everything I love is going to die. Every man, woman, and child of Earth is in danger. I must find a way!

  Chapter 5

  Baby Dragons

  The next two weeks are a blur in my mind. I don't know what to write here, except that they were dark days. We were in training most of the time. We attended Harold’s funeral. If we hadn't, nobody would have been there. We lead lone lives, and tend to die that way.

  Late one afternoon, we were training in hand to hand combat, when Madias showed up. I was on my back, looking up, when he appeared. Koda's judo abilities were improving, or mine were failing. I couldn't decide which was occurring. Let's just say, she was kicking my butt.

  He looked down on me as I laid there, and said, "It appears you have trained your new apprentice well. She is standing, and you are not."

  "I needed practice at falling down and groveling," I responded sarcastically. "Koda was just giving me a refresher course."

  "She is very effective," he agreed. "Perhaps she is overdue for a reward for all her hard work."

  "What did you have in mind?" asked Koda.

  "You expressed a great deal of interest in dragons in the past," Madias noted. "Eggs are hatching on Drevins Spraug. I thought you might wish to see such a thing.

  "You're kidding!" screeched Koda. "I get to see a real dragon!"

  "I believe you deserve a 'break,' as the Earthers would say," Madias observed as I stood to join him.

  "I'll be right back!" Koda yelled as she bolted, and ran toward the house.

  Tim and Kathy were standing there with us. Kath looked over at me, and said, "I wonder where she's off to?"

  Apparently Madias has scanned Koda, because he said, "For a camera, of course."

  After about one minute, the door burst open, and Koda came running out. "I'm back!" she blurted out, as she ran up to us.

  Madias looked around at us closely, and asked, "Are you all going, or would some of you rather stay here?"

  Smiles appeared as everyone prepared to fold space. Madias looked around at all of us, and then said, "Follow me!"

  We did, and in a heartbeat, we were on a different world.

  Drevins Spraug is difficult to explain to a person sitting safely back on Earth. It reminds me of descriptions I've read of Hell. I guess if you're a dragon, it's a piece of Heaven. All a matter of perception I suppose.

  Madias returned us to the spot we had visited before. As soon as we arrived, Madias said, "Follow me!" and took off walking. He led us to the face of the cliff behind us, and into what reminded me of a lava tube. The entrance was as polished as glass. The tunnel itself was just as finely shined smooth. We entered the tunnel, and traveled about a hundred yards, before I saw the first dragon.

  The creature was about the size of a football back on Earth. It flew up to us and hovered, looking at us quizzically. Then it reversed course, and headed back into the depths of the cave. We wat
ched as it disappeared into the shadows, and after a few seconds, we heard something far larger stir down deep in the dragon's lair.

  "Oh shit!" exclaimed Koda. "Is it too late to change my mind?" She waited a second before starting to giggle. Then said, "Just kidding!" seemingly to herself.

  Right then, the head of a full grown dragon leaned into the tunnel. The monster could have eaten a small bus in one bite. It slid out into the tunnel, and appeared ever larger as it approached us.

  Unlike the white dragon I had seen before. This beast was black, with red markings around its face. As the thing stepped up to us, it stopped, and in a deep male voice, said, "It is the time of hatching, Madias. Much joy is here this day! Why have you brought these others with you?"

  "Your Queen is aware I was bringing them here," Madias responded. "These Earthers are Koda and the Deathdealer!" he exclaimed, waving at us. "Bitsy said to bring them now."

  "Very well," the giant creature said, smiling slightly. "Follow me."

  The beast stepped back slightly into the opening it had exited from. Then it turned, and headed deeper into the warren of tunnels that now appeared before us. We traveled for some time, and then came to an opening in the tunnel wall that appeared darker than the others had. The adult dragon stood by the entrance, and said, "This is what you seek!"

  "Thank you, Yousha," said Madias. The massive beast smiled, and started past us, returning up the tunnel in the direction we had come from.

  "Do you know all the dragons by name?" I asked Madias.

  "Just the older ones," Madias replied. "There are too many to keep up with the young ones." He had started moving forward slowly, as he watched his footing. My eyes were still adjusting, and as they did, I could sense motion around us.

  "Okay! This is a little creepy!" Kathy observed. There was suddenly a bright flash, as Koda took a picture. In that split second, the area we were in, came into instant focus. I realized the floor was covered in broken egg shells, and all around us were sitting dozens of baby dragons. Their eyes were huge as the flash went off, and I suspect they were all blinded on the spot. I heard several of them squeak in obvious surprise.


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