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Grown & Sexy Senior (Love 101 #4)

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by J. Nichole

  "Sorry to hear that. I was calling to see if you could sneak up here this weekend. I just found out I have a work event, and it won't be right without my main girl with me."

  "Main? I better be the only."

  Josh laughs.

  "If I can get my classes figured out today I may be able to make a trip up."

  "Wait, what's going on with your classes and why are you having a bad day?" Christy nudges my elbow as the line begins to move. I mouth thank you to her and move forward.

  "My classes were canceled, and I'm standing in the forever long financial aid line."

  Josh coughs and then says, "You know if you went to the better HBCU you wouldn't have these issues." I roll my eyes at his comment. "But really, anything I can do to help?" My phone beeps and I look down at an unrecognized number. I send the call to voicemail.

  "Unless you know a faculty member in financial aid I don't think there's anything you can do."

  Someone taps my shoulder and says, "Damn, I told you I'd call you." I look up at Tre as I hold the phone and hope Josh isn't listening too hard. "I bought you a couple of bags of chips." Tre looks down at me as I shake my head. Then, as if he realizes what's going on, he whispers, "Damn. Sorry."

  "Who's that?" I can hear Josh telling someone in the background to give him a minute. "I have to run, but before I go, call me if you think of something I can do?"

  "That's Tre. Call me when you get off of work?" Tre smiles as I end the call with Josh.

  "My bad. I assume that was your dude?" Christy confirms with a mumble and Tre looks at her as she stares ahead.

  I call out to Christy and she turns around. "Tre this is Christy." They shake hands and Tre offers her the second bag of chips.

  She's completely smitten with his offer and tries to chat him up but he doesn't show much interest. "I should get out of here. I need to go register for classes before they fill up." I thank him again for the chips and his time. "Anytime. Save my number and hit me up sometime, old lady." He winks as he walks away.

  Christy looks at me with her mouth agape. "I'm going to start saying I have a boyfriend." She nods her head. "Yup, seems to work." I dismiss her crazy talk and clap my hands as the line moves and we finally reach the door.

  Before we make our way to the staff counter Christy says, "I hope you'll feature an article about this mess in the paper. Expose them for this nonsense." The paper was the last thing on my mind while standing here, but she's right. It'll take some research to determine how this happened, but then I can draft an article to submit to the student editor. She's open to submissions but we typically work on assigned topics.

  "Great idea." Christy smiles then crosses her fingers before taking her place in front of the third window. "Wish me luck," she yells over her shoulder.

  The lady at the first window summons me. I give her my student I.D. and explain my situation. While she types my information into the computer, I ask, "What happened? Was there a glitch in the system?" She looks over her shoulder at the staff behind her, manning the phone lines. With each ring I'm reminded that calling is not effective for this office.

  "I have only been with the financial aid office for a few years." She grabs a paper from the printer sitting beside her. "This is the first time I've ever seen lines like these. They are investigating the issue. Could have been a hack." For my article, I can use witness statements, but I'll have to tell her my intent. I'd rather have something more concrete. "Alright your classes have been restored. But some of your professors may have changed." She circles the details on the paper then hands it to me. "Confirm everything looks right."

  I glance over the paper and confirm. She turns her attention back to the computer before printing another page. "If you have any other issues, come back by." I look at her and before I can stop myself I'm rolling my eyes. "I know." She smiles. "Have a better day."

  On my way out, I detour to the Office of Student Affairs where I can find more details about this supposed hack. I see one of my favorite faculty members, Mrs. Green. When she looks up from her computer she stands up and opens her arms wide. I embrace her and I almost forget my time wasted with financial aid.

  "How are you, baby?" I met Mrs. Green when I started writing the article about Professor Douglas. Because of my close relationship with him and his position in the Journalism department, I was assigned to write about the scandal surrounding him. The sexual assault scandal that ended his tenure at the university. I hesitated with the article because of my respect for Professor Douglas, but when I had to come to Student Affairs to confirm what I learned in the victim interviews, Mrs. Green consoled me.

  "Oh Mrs. Green, I can't get any of the time I just wasted in financial aid back." She laughs and hugs me again. "What is going on in there?"

  "On the bright side, you can come in here and give me my hugs." I smile and take a seat in front of her desk. "I don't have many details yet. I haven't had a chance to catch up with them as they are trying to get everyone cleared before meeting to discuss it with everyone." She glances at me over her reading glasses, "But I'm sure you want details for the paper, right?"

  "The students want to know.” I lean forward, "and I do too."

  She puts her elbow on the desk and says, "Don't we all?" A gentleman walks through the door and she points at him. "He may have more details." She waves him over. "Jacobs, know anything about financial aid?"

  "Just came from over there. They think a student hacked the system, but can't confirm yet." He walks over to his desk and takes a seat. "Dang kids should be using their talents elsewhere. I'm sure they could be solving real issues. Instead, they'd rather slack off in school then correct their issues on the computer." He shakes his head. "Just a damn mess." He covers his mouth and then apologizes to Mrs. Green.

  Mrs. Green and I finish catching up and she asks to see a picture of Josh. I show her a few of us from Christmas and she looks on in awe. "He's a handsome man. Just wish he was a Tiger." Mrs. Green is a loyal alumna, from generations of loyal alumnus. "Don't let your issues be the only reason I see you, dear. You'll only be on campus a few more months. Make sure I get all my hugs before you graduate."

  She squeezes my neck one more time and I promise to visit again soon. My phone buzzes a few times on my way to the car.

  Josh: still in line?

  Josh: need more chips?

  Laila: passive aggressive much? Call me when you're free

  My phone rings and when I see Josh's name I let it ring a few times to make him sweat. "Hey there. My classes are back, but I have a different set of professors."

  "Good to hear. Still hungry?"

  "No, that bag of chips hit the spot." I laugh as I listen to Josh adjust in his seat. He's never shown his jealous side. I didn't think it existed. He was calm when Chris came back around, and if he were the jealous type, then that would be the time it should have roared its ugly head.

  "Glad Tre was able to deliver." Someone in the background asks him if he wants lunch, but he declines. "Where'd you meet Tre?"

  "I met him in line. Half the line was there because they had a hold on their account and couldn't register. Faculty came out and dismissed them, and he offered to bring me back snacks to help with the wait."

  "Wow. That was nice of him. Especially since you just met." He clears his throat. "How'd he get your number?" Of course, he heard Tre say he tried calling me.

  "Are you jealous?" My jovial spirit about the situation has turned into annoyance. "You don't have to worry about Tre or anyone else."

  "You're right. I am tripping. It's just that I have been sitting on the sideline as your exes try to make a comeback, and I never considered I also have to worry about new dudes cozying up to you."

  "Do you trust me to be honest with you? To not disrespect you or our relationship."

  "I..." he hesitates, for a breath too long. "I do. I only hesitate because I have to think if you've ever indicated that you'd do me dirty. And you haven't."

  "I hope I can expect
the same from you." I park in front of the apartment and realize I was so engaged in the conversation I made it here on autopilot. "I trust you will give me the respect to let me know if you're thinking about being interested in someone else, or if you aren't happy with me."

  "You can expect that from me." He breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm glad we got that out of the way."

  "Me too, Josh. Me too." I make my way up the stairs as we hang up.

  Chapter Three

  I collide with a guy leaving our apartment. I look up to make sure I'm on the right floor, and I am. He looks down at me and says, "My bad. You coming in here?" He holds the door open for me as I navigate myself around him and his physique. He's built like a football player, and before he leaves I ask him whom he was here to see. I can only assume he was with Monica. She has an affinity for big guys.

  He looks back at me and says, "Monica." He walks away with an extra pep in his step. After I shut the door I yell for Monica.

  She comes to the living room in a pair of baggy pants and a t-shirt. "Why are you yelling like my momma?" Monica has been my roommate since freshman year. She's younger than the rest of us, but easily the most intelligent. Although young, she's shaped like a grown woman. Curvy in the hips and has breasts for days.

  "I just bumped into your boo in the hallway." I grin as I watch her fidget. "Is he on the football team?"

  She flicks me the middle finger. "Asshole. No, he isn't on the football team." She grabs a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "And he isn't my boo."

  Nicole walks out of her room, dressed in a snug sweater dress with her hair pinned up. She applies a few coats of lip-gloss and looks between Monica and me. "Boo?" She stops applying her lip-gloss and stares at Monica. "Didn't we agree no boos this year?"

  Nicole and Jennifer were roommates freshman year and we all moved into this apartment sophomore year together. Of all of us, Nicole would rather date many and settle down with none. Ironically, she's a preacher's daughter and certainly lives up to the stereotype of preacher's kids being wild.

  Monica pops her lips. "First of all, none of us agreed to that nonsense. Second, if you were fully listening as you eavesdropped you'd know I told Laila that he wasn't my boo."

  "Well excuse the hell out of me." Nicole turns to walk back to her room. "Glad you are still single though." She winks at Monica then disappears.

  "Where are you going anyway?" I shout at Nicole's back. "It's the middle of the day and you look like you're headed to the club or a date."

  Nicole responds from her room. Talking over running water she says, "I have a photo shoot."

  Monica spits her water out all over the table. "Photo shoot?" We say in unison.

  "For a party promo. I'll explain later. I'm going to be late, messing around with the two of you."

  I sit across from Monica at the kitchen table and turn my attention back to her boo. "Anyway, who was this dude leaving the house if not your boo?"

  "If you weren't my roommate, and like a sister to me, I'd tell you to mind your damn business." She taps her fingers on the table. "I've known him for a while, but nobody serious."

  "Alright, youngin." Nicole walks out of her room with her hair flowing and her face fully made up. She waves at us before she runs out of the door. "Do you still have connects with student government?" Monica served as our junior class president but decided to focus on wrapping up her classes this year so she didn't run for senior class president.

  "Of course. What do you need?" She eases into her seat and waits for me to respond.

  "After spending my morning in the financial aid line I hear that it could have been a hack that caused my classes to be canceled and others to have a registration hold."

  "Wow. Let me call around and see what I can find. You want to talk to someone directly, I assume, right?"

  "That would be best." She stands up from the table. "Thanks, youngin'."

  I toss my bag on my bed and open my laptop. With the shake up to my schedule, I'm familiar with all but one of my professors. Dr. Dorian is new to the department, and I haven't heard much about him. I log in to Rate My Professor and search for Dr. Dorian. Only one result, and it's a match. I open his page and his profile picture shocks me. His resemblance to Common is uncanny. He even rocks the bald head well. There's always a silver lining. Thank you, Jesus, for this schedule change.

  I feel myself getting excited. It's been a while since I've been aroused by appearance alone.

  I peruse the reviews, and they are all positive. All the reviews are from chicks and I'm sure they've all been as mesmerized as I am now. If his class is interesting, and his lectures as thought provoking as the reviews state, this semester will end my four years of college with a bang.

  A loud knock comes from the front door and I jump. I yell, "Who is it?"

  The person at the door responds, "Delivery." We don't have many deliveries at the apartment. I crack the door open and see a man holding a basket.

  I open the door fully, and he asks for a signature before handing over the basket. "Thanks." I close the door and place the basket on the kitchen table. Searching for a card, I find it, and it reads, "Laila, In case you need more snacks later."

  I open the cellophane and find a basket full of candy, chips, and cookies. I grab a bag of Cheetos and sit on the couch to call Josh. He answers after a few rings, "Hey beautiful."

  "Hello handsome." I open the bag of chips and take a few bites. "Excuse me. I'm just snacking on a bag of Cheetos."

  "Oh yeah, sounds like a good snack. You have a thing for chips now?"

  I laugh because I don't usually eat chips. "Funny you say that. These chips are the best chips I've ever had. Definitely hitting the spot."

  "Better than those you had this morning?"

  "Those were different. I ate those to survive the wait in line. These Cheetos, these are what I want to eat."

  "I can get with that. I wish I could see you devour them right now."

  "I wish you could just be here. I'd like to thank you for this beautiful basket." My legs begin to fan as I feel myself getting hot between my thighs. Having a long distance relationship is the worst. I thought I quenched my sexual hunger over the Christmas break, but now I'm sitting here like a dog in heat.

  "There's always this weekend. We'll have better food though." I haven't put much more thought into going home for the weekend. I'm sure I'll have homework or articles to write, but I could use some personal time.

  "Yes, always this weekend. I should get back to preparing for my classes tomorrow." I shift on the couch. "I have to get my mind off of you. My body is uncontrollable right now."

  Josh laughs out loud. He then whispers in a deep voice, "Are you thinking about me devouring you like you are devouring those chips?" I move from the couch, close and lock my door, and then lay across the bed.

  In my well-practiced sexy voice I say, "I'm imagining you rubbing your fingers between my thighs, and caressing my clit." I can hear him jump up. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, just need to close my office door." I hear the door close and lock. "Now what were you saying about my fingers? While you imagine me are you touching yourself?"

  "I wasn't, do you want me to?" I scoot my dress up my thighs and expose my panties.

  "I have ten minutes before my next meeting. Before I hang up I want to hear you moan." He takes a deep breath. "Whatever it takes."

  I push my panties to the side and slide a finger over my clit. The wetness makes it easy for me to caress myself. "Right now I'm rubbing myself, and my fingers are sliding around easy in all the moisture."

  "If I were there I wouldn't move from between your thighs until you were dripping wet and your legs quivering like they do when you are about to climax." I close my eyes and listen as he describes each of his moves. My nipples are rubbing against my bra and the pain from their hardness is making my pleasure more intense. "I know how you like me to rub you and taste you. Imagine my mouth closing over your clit right now."

p; My hand moves faster and I begin to moan. I can hear Josh's smile through the phone. "How are you able to contain yourself?"

  "Believe me, each second of this conversation is embedded into my memory and tonight it'll replay." My legs begin to shake and I bite my lip to quiet my moan. "And that right there will live in my memory forever. Always remember, your pleasure before mine." I can't form words but I acknowledge him with whimpers. "I better get ready for this meeting. Go prepare for your classes. I'll talk to you later." Again I mumble inaudible words and hang up.

  I lie with my eyes closed for a few more minutes before I hop off the bed and into the bathroom to cleanup. Although I'm satisfied, I'd much rather have Josh here.

  Back at my computer, Dr. Dorian's photo is still on my screen and I look forward to whatever assignment he will throw my way this semester. My phone rings, and it's Jennifer calling. "What's up?"

  "Laila, I've been knocking at your door for the past few minutes. Where are you?" I clearly didn't hear her knocking at my door, but of course, I was in a state of euphoria.

  "I'm in here, hold on." I hang up the phone and open the door. "Hey girl."

  She looks at me and cocks her eyebrow. "What were you doing?" She looks at my bed. The comforter is wrinkled and my pillows are in disarray. "Never mind. Long distance relationship. I already know what the hell you were doing." She leans against the door. "We have an L.O.S. party this weekend, and I need to sell tickets. You interested?"

  "Where's it at?" I sit back at my desk and roll around in the chair to look at her. "I'm supposed to be going home for an event with Josh."

  She rolls her eyes and smiles. "You could buy a ticket as a donation then."

  "You're right. I could do that. And if I don't go home I'm at the party." I do a shimmy with my shoulders and Jennifer laughs.

  "Not with that dance." I can't hold a torch to Jennifer's dance skills. L.O.S. is a dance troupe where they do choreographed dances at different events on and off campus. "Remind me to give you a few lessons before we graduate. I can't have you go into the world without knowing how to dance. Especially, if you ever mention that we were roommates."


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