This Isn't Fair, Baby (War & Peace Book #6)

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This Isn't Fair, Baby (War & Peace Book #6) Page 13

by K. Webster


  I crack my neck and clench my jaw. “I’ll relax when that fucker is dead.”

  Vee pulls away from their kiss and darts her gaze to the camera again. She’s playing the part of fearful girl, but I see the fire in her eyes. With one simple look, she assures me she knows exactly what she’s doing. I have to trust her.


  He walks over to the bed, pulls a knife from his belt, and lies down. Then, he motions for her. “I’ll show you.”

  She takes his hand as she climbs onto the bed with him. He urges her to straddle his waist. It takes some maneuvering in her fancy dress but she sits on him, her garter belt barely covered by the fabric. If he finds her knife, that could be a problem. I rise from my chair to ready myself to intervene if necessary.

  “Use this knife,” he instructs. “Put it under your pillow like this.” He shoves his knife under the pillow. “Now, when you’re fucking, lean in to kiss him but pull the knife out. Then, stab him. So easy, Vee. You can do this.” His palm slides up her thigh.

  “Wait,” she blurts out and threads his fingers with hers before he notices her knife. “He’s usually the one on top. What then?”

  He smiles and flips her onto her back. His mouth finds hers as he kisses her hard. The motherfucker’s hips are moving as he grinds against my wife’s cunt.

  Trust in Vienna.

  Don’t fuck this up by being a hothead.

  “Mmm,” she moans out in pleasure. But it’s fake. When my sweet woman moans, it doesn’t sound like that. Her moans are more ragged, more breathy, less controlled.

  “If I had more time, I’d make love to you right here in this bed, Vee,” he coos. “Just like I should have done all those years ago. It was supposed to be us. I’ve made so many mistakes.”

  “Rape is more than just a mistake, fucker,” I snarl at the screen.

  “But,” he continues, “we can get past those. I wasn’t in my right mind then. From here on out, I’ll show you how good we can be together.”

  “Okay,” she agrees. “Just us. Now show me how to kill Diego.”

  He holds her wrist with the knife in it and brings it to his chest. It would be so easy for her to kill him but that isn’t part of the plan. At least not yet.

  “You can do this, baby,” he tells her and kisses her sweet mouth. He grinds against her again. “God, I wish we had more time.”

  “Soon,” she promises.

  When he pulls away, her dress reveals her hidden knife. She discreetly covers herself when he gets distracted by cupping her tit.

  “Tonight,” he reminds her in a gruff voice. “End this tonight and you can come home. We’ll finish it together. Just you and me, baby.”

  She sits up and smiles at him. False and transparent. But only to someone who sees her genuine smiles each day. “You’ll be waiting for me?”

  “Just outside of the compound. If you’re not out by morning, we’ll know something went wrong. I’ll come back for you if that’s the case,” he assures her.

  Such a fucking hero.

  She slides off the bed and launches herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I know you have,” he agrees as he strokes her hair. “I have to go.”

  Her hand slides to his front and she gives him one of those sexy as fuck pleading looks she gives me sometimes. I’m unable to tell her no. The girl always gets what she wants. And this chump isn’t immune.

  “This isn’t fair, baby,” he groans. “You know we can’t fuck right now and yet you’re going to send me out of here with blue balls.”

  She pouts but releases his cock. “Fine.”

  He laughs and gives her a smug grin. “Soon, baby. I promise.” He shoves a small piece of paper into her palm. “If shit gets too hard, this is how you can reach me.”

  Their mouths meet in a heated kiss and then he tears himself from her. He slips out of the room and down the hallway.

  “Keep an eye on him,” I growl at Jorge as I watch Vienna.

  She walks into the bathroom and proceeds to immediately brush her teeth. I wish there were time to haul her into the shower with me to wash that man’s stink off her, but there’s not. We have a party to attend.

  “He’s at the tree line,” Jorge tells me. “A car is waiting.”

  “Are there any others here? Any of his men?”

  “Not as far as I can tell.”


  I stalk from the room on a mission to find my wife. Once I’m in her old room, she throws herself into my arms.

  “Oh, Diego,” she murmurs, her voice quaking. “Why is this so hard?”

  I kiss her neck. “It’ll get harder before it gets easier. You did great, mi diablita.”

  She pulls away to regard me with guilt in her eyes. I hate that she feels guilty for what we both know had to be done. “It’s hard to turn off love for someone. Even when you move on. Even when you hate that person.”

  I kiss her soft lips. “I know. It will all be over soon.”

  “Come here,” I growl as I tug her to me in the hallway. I sway on my feet because my sweet wife has taken it upon herself to get me plastered at our celebration. She, on the other hand, is quiet and contemplative. She’d nursed the same glass of wine all night.

  “No,” she teases.

  This girl loves it when I chase her down and fuck her into the next day.

  “Now,” I order.

  “No!” she screeches as she bolts down the hallway.

  I’m uncoordinated as I run after her, shedding my coat along the way. I see a flash of red hair dart into her old bedroom, so I charge after her. Once inside the room, I rip off my vest and begin working on my tie.

  “Get naked,” I bark, meeting her gaze with a heated one of my own.

  “No,” she challenges. “Leave me alone.”

  I smirk as I jerk the tie away from me. “I’ll never leave you alone. In case you’ve forgotten, you bear my mark. Now take off your goddamned dress before I cut it off you.”

  She screams and backs herself into a wall. I stalk for her as I tear through the buttons on my shirt. When I’m near, she goes to dart past me, but I’m able to easily snag her into my arms. She wiggles in my grip, but I manage to rip the zipper down her back. My wife fights the entire time as I pull off her dress. The garter belt remains but the knife has long since been put someplace else.

  “Get away from me,” she hisses, her green eyes flaring with fury.

  “Fucking never,” I snarl back at her. “Take off your panties.”


  “Goddammit, woman!”

  It takes some wrestling, but I manage to pull off her undergarments as well. I toss her onto the bed and drop my pants in the next instant. She starts to crawl away, but I snag her thigh in my brutal grip.

  “Ahhh!” she cries out when I drag her back to me.

  I pin her wrists at her hips. She wriggles but doesn’t fight me when I start kissing the inside of her thigh toward her pussy.

  “Stop,” she breathes. “Don’t do this.”

  Her cunt begs me to, though. It drips with her arousal. I run my tongue along her seam and lap up her sweet taste. She shudders in my grip.

  “You’re mine,” I growl and tug at one of her pussy lips with my teeth.

  “Never,” she lies.

  I suck on her clit until she starts convulsing with pleasure. Before she can recover, I climb over her body and press the tip of my cock against her wet opening. Her body accepts me despite her clawing on my shoulder and screams. Our eyes meet and an emotion I love dances in her eyes.

  “I love you,” I murmur softly against her lips.

  She starts to cry, and I fucking hate it because it sounds so real. My fierce Vienna doesn’t cry. “Please,” she sobs. “I can’t do this.”

  I nip at her lip. “Yes you can. We’re doing this.”

  As I thrust into her, I lift up so I can watch my dick slide into her wet cunt. Her fingertip runs along
my chest and she makes a cross motion.

  “X marks the spot,” she says sadly. Then, her hand disappears under the pillow. Everything happens so quickly. One minute I’m fucking my wife and the next, she’s plunging a shiny knife into my chest.

  “Mi diablita,” I hiss in shock.

  “I am not yours,” she chokes out as she shoves me off of her.

  I roll onto my back and stare down at the knife that sticks out of my chest. Her green eyes are fixated on the wound that now gushes with blood. She’s frozen in horror, and I’m in too much pain to move.


  I hiss the nastiest words I can muster. “So help me, cunt, you’re going to die for this.”

  She snaps out of her daze and throws on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I clutch my chest but don’t dare remove the knife.

  “Vienna,” I croak out. My eyelids grow heavy. Last time I got stabbed this deep, I nearly died on the lawn on the side of this very house. Back then, it was a demon who tried to kill me. This time, it’s mi ángel.

  The door clicks shut and I know she’s gone.

  The pain in my chest is from something altogether different than the knife stuck in my flesh.



  A crack in my soul.

  Blackness floods in around me. I hear voices, two in particular, but I tune them out so I can chase the vision in my nightmares. She’d abandoned me when I’d married Vienna. But now she’s back. My ángel wears all white, but her gown drips with blood as she beckons for me to follow her.

  I know wherever she wants me to go is going to hurt.

  But I’d follow her anywhere.


  The voices call to me, but I don’t like them. The soft whisper of my angel is sweeter. It’s more alluring. It drags me away from all of this.

  I’m coming, ángel …







  Tears stream down my face as I bolt out the front door barefoot and down the gravel drive. Rocks bite into my flesh as I run as fast as my legs can carry me.

  They wanted me to kill him.

  And they got what they wanted.

  What about what I want?

  I sob and swipe at my tears to clear my vision. It doesn’t matter what I want. If I got what I wanted, I wouldn’t be soaked in my husband’s blood and running without a backward glance. My ankle rolls, and I nearly stumble face first into the rocks but I quickly recover.

  Don’t look back.

  Don’t look back.

  I do look back, though. The house, giant and imposing—a castle to a fire-breathing dragon queen—mocks me. It practically hisses its hate at me. I’m a traitor.


  The sound of a gun behind me scares the shit out of me. It wouldn’t be the first gunfight I’ve been in, but I don’t have Diego and Jorge trying to protect me this time. This fight has Jorge firing at me rather than with me.

  Pop! Pop!

  The gravel near my feet kicks up as a bullet ricochets. I scream and run harder. The property is huge and it feels like the run down the driveway is the longest mile I’ve ever run. My lungs are seized up in pain and my calves scream from exertion.

  Don’t stop.

  If you stop, you’ll lose.

  If you stop, everything you worked so hard for will be gone in a poof of smoke.

  “Get back here, you bitch!” Jorge bellows from behind me. He’s getting closer because now I can hear his grunts as he runs. With him wearing shoes, he’ll catch up to me soon.

  The sound of a car engine blares to life and then a car squeals from its spot on the road ahead, heading right for me. I wave my hand, hoping it’s Oscar. The last thing I need is to run right into the arms of yet another monster. The monsters I know are the ones I’ll keep.

  “Stop!” Jorge roars from behind me as he gains speed.

  The car slows to a stop at the end of the driveway and the passenger door gets flung open. Just like he promised, Oscar waits behind the wheel. A bullet whizzes past me and pings the metal of the car.

  So close.

  A few more feet.

  I dive into the seat and Oscar wastes no time peeling away even before I manage to close the door. When I turn to look at him, he’s grinning. His palm slides over my shirt and he cups my breast. Diego’s blood has soaked through my clothes.

  “You did it, baby,” he says, pride in his voice. “We’re getting you the fuck out of here.”

  I start to cry and he pulls me as close as he can to him with the console between us. My heart is hammering in my chest and the sense of loss is crushing.

  I can’t do this.

  But I already am.

  Of all the villains in my life, Oscar is the easiest to handle. I’ve known him since I was five. I can interpret his every expression. Every lie he tells, I can sense. For these reasons, he’ll be both the hardest and the easiest man to beat. I’ll know how to hurt him but in turn it’ll hurt me because of the past we shared.

  “Where are we going?” I question as the trees whiz by in the darkness.

  His hand settles on my thigh and he squeezes. “Buenaventura.”

  “I thought Diego took over there.”

  He grins at me. “Diego has been distracted. I think he took on more than he can handle. Esteban and I rounded up some men. We were easily able to take it back over. Some of the men turned on him to spare their lives and fed Diego false information. Others, we’ve needed to torture to get what we want. But it’s ours and it’s only the beginning.”

  I frown as I frantically try to figure out what this means for me. I’d expected to encounter Oscar and Esteban. Not an entire branch of the cartel. I’m about to ask more questions when Oscar’s phone rings.


  I can’t hear what he’s saying but I recognize Esteban’s deep voice on the other end.

  “I have her. It’s done.” Oscar pauses to give me a chaste kiss. “We should be there by breakfast.”

  They hang up and he lets out a sigh. “We can’t let him know about us at first.”

  I refrain from rolling my eyes. There will never be an “us,” buddy. “Okay,” I breathe and then let fear filter into my voice. The fear is real. With Esteban, there’s no faking the emotion. “I’m scared he’s going to hurt me. I don’t want him to drug me again.”

  Oscar lets out a growl. “I’ll do my best to not let that happen.”

  We drive several hours through the night without stopping. Eventually, Oscar pulls off onto a side road. Dawn has breached the horizon, but it’s still fairly dark out due to a storm that’s rolling in.

  “I have to take a piss,” he tells me as he climbs out.

  I get out as well. My fingers go to my earrings and I rub them. They’re so beautiful and important. The ring Diego gave me no longer resides on my finger, which makes my chest ache. It is sitting on the end table in the room he and I shared. Safe. Unlike me.


  You’ve got this.

  You knew it would be hard.

  I’m jolted from my thoughts when Oscar hugs me from behind. A chill races down my spine as he gropes my breasts.

  “All these years and we’re just now getting together,” he murmurs as he kisses my shoulder. “How stupid were we to wait this whole time?”

  I let out a gasp when one of his palms slides to cup me between my legs. I know what needs to happen. What will happen. It just doesn’t make it any easier.

  “We better fuck now before we get there. Esteban is going to make things difficult for us until we carry out our plan,” he tells me as he starts working to unfasten my jeans.

  I grip his wrist to stop him. Distract him. Delay the inevitable. “What is our plan?”

  He works my jeans down over my hips and rubs at my pussy. “We kill him.”

  “I know, but how,” I demand, a little too harshly and out of chara
cter. I soften my words and lean against him as he massages me. “I want us to think of something before we get there.”

  His finger pushes into my dry opening, drawing a whimper from me. “I’ll stab him in the back.”

  How appropriate…


  He works his finger in and out of me as if he’s actually bringing me pleasure and not discomfort. “Next time he’s balls deep inside you. That’ll be when he least expects it.”

  “Maybe we should go then,” I suggest, my teeth gritted in pain every time the edge of his fingernail scratches inside of me. “Get it out of the way.”

  “Soon,” he assures me. “Your pussy is dry, baby.”

  I shudder. “It’s been a long night.”

  He eases his finger out of me, and I let out a sigh of relief until he pushes me down over the hot hood of the car.

  “Oscar,” I start, disgust overwhelming me to the point I might throw up. “Maybe we should do this later.” His belt jangles behind me, and I hear the tear of a foil. “Ozzy,” I whimper. “Ozzy, why don’t we—” Pain burns through me as he enters me dry from behind. Hot tears leak from the corners of my eyes as I clutch the hood. “Ahhh!”

  “I know, baby,” he coos as he thrusts into me hard and pets my hair. “Feels so good for me, too.”

  A sob catches in my throat, but I refuse to let it escape. My mind drifts to Diego.

  “Mi diablita, these are bad men. They’ll rape you,” he hisses. Despite his horror-filled words, he’s cupping my face in a gentle way that makes my heart flutter.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” I clip out.

  His expressive light brown eyes seem to flicker with his pain. “I don’t know if I can allow this.”

  I lean forward and kiss his soft mouth. “It’s the only way.”

  He rolls me over to my back on the bed and he starts pressing kisses all over my face. “I can’t part with you.”

  I swallow, fighting stupid tears. “You can.”

  “What if they hurt you?”

  “I’m stronger than you think.”

  He pushes his thick cock into my body, that is always wet for him, and makes love to me slow and sweet. Once he’s come deep inside of me, his mouth finds my ear. “I want to trust in you, mi reina.”


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