The Panic Virus

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The Panic Virus Page 46

by Seth Mnookin; Dan B. Miller

  “The Faces of Autism.” Oprah Winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Harpo Productions, April 5, 2007.

  “Interview with Jenny McCarthy.” Larry King, Larry King Live, CNN, September 26, 2007.

  “Jenny McCarthy’s Autism Fight.” Larry King, Larry Ling Live, CNN, April 2, 2008.

  “Jenny McCarthy Speaks About Autism.” Greta Van Susteren, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, June 6, 2008.

  “Jenny McCarthy’s Warrior Spirit.” Oprah Winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Harpo Productions, September 24, 2008.

  “Medical Mystery: Morgellons Disease.” Nightline, ABC January 16, 2008.

  “MMR: Every Parent’s Choice’.” Sarah Barclay, Panorama, BBC, February 2, 2002.

  “Morgellon’s Disease Remains Controversial.” House Call with Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN, September 30, 2006.

  “Mothers Battle Autism.” Oprah Winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Harpo Productions, September 18, 2007.

  “A Mother’s Journey: Star Fights for Son.” Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, ABC, September 24, 2007.

  “A Mother’s Mission: McCarthy and Carrey Search for Autism Answers.” Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, ABC, June 4, 2008.

  “Mysterious Skin Disease Causes Itching, Loose Fibers, Morgellons Has Plenty of Skeptics.” Cynthia McFadden, Good Morning America, ABC, July 28, 2006.

  “The Vaccine Wars.” Frontline, WGBH (Boston), Public Broadcasting System, April 27, 2010.

  “What Is Your Body Telling You?” Oprah Winfrey, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Harpo Productions, January 1, 2006.


  “Asperger’s Officially Placed Inside Autism Spectrum.” Jon Hamilton, Morning Edition, National Public Radio, February 10, 2010.

  “David Kirby Interviewed by Don Imus.” Don Imus, Imus in the Morning, WFAN-AM 660 and MSNBC, March 10, 2005.

  “Measles Resurgence Tied to Parents’ Vaccine Fears.” Richard Knox, National Public Radio, April 5, 2010; Web, May 17, 2010.

  “Vaccines and Their Link to Autism.” Jon Hamilton, Morning Edition, National Public Radio, November 11, 2002.

  Web Video

  “Chicago Anti-Vax Rally—Andrew Wakefield 5-26-10.” Bruce Critelli, Vimeo,

  “David Kirby Interviews Katie Wright!” David Kirby, Foundation for Autism Information and Research, April 19. 2007,, dHYsK_MP7w, tTVoJIVqu2Q, and l_lPuYf98uF.

  “Frontline Interview: J. B. Handley.” Frontline, WGBH (Boston), Public Broadcasting System,

  “Frontline Interview: Jenny McCarthy.” Frontline, WGBH (Boston), Public Broadcasting System,

  “Frontline Interview: Paul Offit, MD.” Frontline, WGBH (Boston), Public Broadcasting System,

  “Frontline Interview: Robert W. Sears, MD.” Frontline, WGBH (Boston), Public Broadcasting System,

  “Jenny McCarthy’s Webcast.”, September 26, 2008,


  With Author

  Bernard, Sallie. “Analysis of the Danish Autism Registry Data Base in Response to the Hviid et al Paper on Thimerosal in JAMA (October, 2003).” SafeMinds, October 2003.

  Blaxill, Mark. “Danish Thimerosal-Autism Study in Pediatrics: Misleading and Uninformative on Autism-Mercury Link.” SafeMinds, September 2, 2003.

  Hargreaves, Ian, Justin Lewis, and Tammy Speers. “Towards a Better Map: Science, the Public and the Media.” Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.), 2003.

  Without Author

  “Acrodynia, a Form of Mercury Poisoning in Childhood, and Its Similarities to Autism and Other Neurological and Learning Disorders of Children.” SafeMinds, 2001.

  “Autism and Vaccines Around the World: Vaccine Schedules, Autism Rates, and Under 5 Mortality.” Generation Rescue, April 2009.

  “Celebrities vs. Science.” American Council on Science and Health, 2007.

  “Fourteen Studies.” Generation Rescue, 2009.

  “Global Elimination of Measles.” World Health Organization, report by the Secretariat, April 16, 2009.

  “Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media. Scientific Achievements Less Prominent than a Decade Ago.” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, July 9, 2009.


  “Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders).” National Institute of Mental Health, July 22, 2009.

  “Childhood Vaccines: Ensuring an Adequate Supply Poses Continuing Challenges.” U.S. General Accounting Office, GAO-02-987, Washington, D.C., September 13, 2002.

  “Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine.” National Vaccine Compensation Program, November 3, 2009.

  “Compensation for Vaccine-Related Injuries: A Technical Memorandum.” Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment, November 1980.

  “Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making: Majority Staff Report.” Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, August 21, 2000.

  “DRAFT: Brief SWOT [Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats] Analysis and Vaccine Safety Communication/Media Strategy.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008.

  “Fitness to Practise Panel Hearing.” General Medical Council (U.K.), January 28, 2010.

  “Group Concluded No Reason for Change in MMR vaccine Policy.” Medical Research Council (U.K.), March 24, 1998.

  “Measles and Crohn’s Disease.” Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (U.K.), 1995.

  “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Disease.” Health Resources and Services Administration, November 3, 2009.

  “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Post-1988 Statistics Report.” Health Resources and Services Administration, April 1, 2010.

  “Number of Influenza-Associated Pediatric Deaths by Week of Death: 2006–07 Season to Present.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.

  “Parents’ Guide to Childhood Immunization.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.

  “Report of the Strategy Development Group Subgroup on Research into Inflammatory Bowel Disorders and Autism.” Medical Research Council (U.K.), 2000.

  “Review of Autism Research.” Medical Research Council (U.K.), December 2001.

  “Some Common Misconceptions About Vaccines and How to Respond to Them.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.

  “Vaccine Injury Compensation: Program Challenged to Settle Claims Quickly and Easily.” Government Accounting Office, Washington D.C., 1999.

  “Vaccine Injury Table.” Health Resources and Services Administration, n.d.


  With Author

  Fisher, Barbara Loe. “Statement to the IOM Immunization Safety Committee,” January 11, 2001.

  Ford, Gerald. “Remarks Announcing the National Swine Flu Immunization Program,” March 24, 1976, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum.

  Halsey, Neal, and Susan Hyman. “Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.” Childhood Immunizations Conference, Oak Brook, Illinois, June 12–13, 2000.

  Hilleman, Maurice R. “Vaccine Task Force Assignment Thimerosal (Merthiolate) Preservative—Problems, Analysis, Suggestions for Resolution.” Memo to Gordon Douglas, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, 1991.

  Wakefield, Andrew. “Handout to Parent(s)/Guardian.” Royal Free Hospital (U.K.), September 16, 1996.

  Without Author

  “Joint Statement of AAFP, AAP, ACIP, and the USPHS on Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines.” Institute for Vaccine Safety, June 22, 2000.

  “The Limited Support NAAR Has Rece
ived from Pharmaceutical Companies That Make Childhood Vaccines.” National Alliance for Autism Research, March 11, 2003.

  “New Research Links Autism and Bowel Disease.” Press release from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine (U.K.), February 26, 1998.

  “Poliomyelitis: Fact Sheet #114.” World Health Organization, January 2008.

  “Responding to 7 Common Parental Concerns About Vaccines and Vaccine Safety.” American Academy of Pediatrics Practice Management Online, April 2005.

  “Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information.” Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia, July 7–8, 2000, unpublished transcript.

  “Something Is Rotten in Denmark.” SafeMinds, May 2004.

  “299.00: Autistic Disorder. Proposed Revision.” DSM-5 Development. American Psychiatric Association, n.d.,


  “Are we over-vaccinating our kids?” Generation Rescue. The Oregonian and Orange County Register, September 25, 2007.

  “Are we poisoning our kids?” Generation Rescue. USA Today, February 12, 2008.

  “Autism and mercury poisoning: not a coincidence.” Generation Rescue. New York Times, June 8, 2005.

  “Autism is preventable and reversible.” Generation Rescue. USA Today, May 24, 2005.

  “If you caused A 6,000% Increase In Autism.” Generation Rescue. USA Today, April 6, 2006.

  “A Little Boy Shouldn’t Have To Take on an Entire Industry Alone.” Generation Rescue. USA Today, February 23, 2009.


  A number followed by an n refers to a footnote on that page.

  Aaronovitch, David, 237

  Ackerman, Lisa, 229, 252–53, 256, 258

  at AutismOne conference (2009), 16, 263–64

  adrenaline (epinephrine), 93

  Ageless (Somers), 269

  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 124

  Age of Autism (blog), 217–18, 248, 292, 304

  Allen, Arthur, 34, 38, 165–66, 285–86

  aluminum, 218, 214

  American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 81

  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 34, 70, 195, 257, 281, 305, 308

  1999 recommendations on thimerosal and, 6, 124–127, 129, 130, 140

  Geiers’ 2003 paper and, 209–10

  vaccine compensation system and, 147

  American Medical Association (AMA), 10, 34, 45, 47, 53, 72, 128, 308

  ethics guidelines of, 175–76

  American Psychiatric Association (APA), 80

  American Revolution, 27–29, 33

  Ampleforth, 100

  Amsterdam, 197n

  anaphylactic shock, 178

  anchoring effect, 194

  antibiotics, 5, 90

  antibodies, 30–31, 32

  antifungals, 260

  antigens, 30

  anti-inflammatory medication, 235

  antimony, 264

  antioxidants, 260

  anti-vaccine, use of term, 14n

  anti-vaccine movement, 14–17, 32–35, 56, 71, 75, 166, 229–30, 265–67, 271–73

  cognitive biases and, 195

  conspiracy theories and, 237

  Geiers’ tracing of, 174–75

  Kirby and, 205–6, 208, 211–12

  McCarthy and, 255–57

  MMR vaccine and, 101, 112

  Semmelweis and, 94n

  antivirals, 260

  Aposhian, H. Vasken, 286–88, 290, 294

  applied behavioral analysis (ABA), 259n

  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166–67

  Aristotle, 155

  Arnold, Benedict, 28

  Arranga, Ed, 229

  Arranga, Teri, 229

  Asher, John Mallory, 250

  Ashland, Ore., 305, 272

  Asperger’s disorder, 81, 227

  Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), 128, 210–11

  Association of Parents of Vaccine-Damaged Children, 61, 71

  attachment parenting, 266

  attention deficit disorders (ADD), 151–52, 167, 213

  attraction, law of, 269, 270

  Austin, Tex., 10, 238, 303

  Australia, 19, 118–19, 156

  Australian Vaccine Network, 35

  autism, 6, 11–14, 76–86, 133–45, 160–69, 179–91, 203–21, 227–48, 253–64

  alternative treatments for, 13, 16, 182–83, 210, 229, 234–35, 252, 259–63

  age of onset of, 176

  causes of, 76–79, 153, 170–71, 228, 229, 264

  coining of word, 76

  DSM’s handling of, 80–81

  environmental factors and, 240–43

  environmental research into causes of, 233

  extreme end of spectrum of, 13

  first-generation advocacy movement for, 82, 228

  genetics and, 135, 136, 242, 243

  gluten-free diet as treatment for, 13, 235, 261, 262

  gut disorders and, 5, 234, 254

  increase in diagnosis of (1990–1994), 83–84, 176

  infantile vs. autistic disorder, 176

  intravenous immunoglobulin and, 182

  Lupron protocol for, 16–17

  McCarthy and, 253–61

  as neurological condition, 136

  opioid excess theory of, 107

  repetitive behavior and, 7, 144, 263

  risk factors for, 84

  second-generation advocacy movement for, 228–29

  shared philosophical underpinnings of advocacy groups for, 229

  symptoms of, 143–44

  treatments for, 13, 16, 182–83, 216n, 229, 234–35, 259–64, 306

  use of supplements and, 16, 216n, 261, 262, 264, 297, 306

  autism, vaccines linked with, 2, 5–8, 11–14, 113–17, 160–74, 180–83, 192

  availability cascade and, 197

  Burton’s interest in, 131, 141, 142, 168

  Deth’s views on, 306–7

  Geiers’ 2003 paper and, 209–10, 217

  Gordon’s views on, 266

  IOM committee report and, 207, 213, 215, 217

  Kennedy’s views on, 221

  K. Wright’s views on, 233, 241–42, 247–48

  mercury poisoning and, 6, 142–45, 151

  MMR and, 5, 107–8, 113–14, 153, 160–63, 166–67, 170–71, 174n, 176, 181, 182, 183, 217, 255, 257, 263, 284, 285, 290, 295–96

  Omnibus Proceeding and, 11–12, 180–81, 190–91, 283–97

  Scarborough’s views on, 227

  thimerosal and, 6, 7, 131, 144, 153, 167, 170–71, 173, 176, 177, 199, 207, 209, 210, 213, 217, 218, 227, 255, 284

  Wakefield’s views on, 186

  “Autism and Vaccines in the US Omnibus Hearings” (Chin-Caplan and Krigsman), 297

  “Autism: A Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning” (Bernard, et al.), 142–45, 179, 214

  Autism Book, The (Sears), 266–67

  Autism Every Day (documentary), 244

  AutismOne, 229, 297

  conferences of, 13–14, 16–17, 195, 245, 258–61, 263–64, 304

  Autism Research Institute (ARI), 82, 228, 264

  Autism Research Institute/Defeat Autism Now! conferences, 185, 195, 196, 291, 296, 303

  Autism Society of America, 82

  Autism Speaks, 33, 232, 239–44, 246–47, 248

  Autism Tissue Program, 230

  “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact” (Kanner), 76–77

  autistic enterocolitis, 234

  autoimmune disorders, 42n

  availability cascades, 196–200

  availability entrepreneurs, 198

  Aventis Pasteur, 116n, 150

  B12 injections, 216n

  baby boomers, 268

  Baby Laughs (McCarthy), 250

  Bacon, Francis, 155

  Bailey, Helen, 19

  Bailey, Stetson, 19

, Sarah, 161–62

  Barnsley Health Authority, Department of Public Health Medicine of, 114

  Baron-Cohen, Simon, 17n

  Barr, Richard, 101–2, 115, 236, 301

  Bartlett, Josiah, 29

  baseball, 197

  BBC-TV, 160–63

  behavioral disorders, 251, 253

  behavioral medicine, 268

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 209

  Bell, Vaughan, 85

  Belli, Melvin, 50–52

  Belly Laughs (McCarthy), 250

  Bernard, Bill, 135–36

  Bernard, Fred, 135, 136

  Bernard, Jamie, 135, 136

  Bernard, Sallie McConnell, 134–36, 141, 142, 149, 206, 208

  on CAN merger, 233

  IOM committee review and, 170, 171

  Bernard, Tom, 134–35

  Bernier, Roger, 223

  Bettelheim, Bruno, 77–79, 82

  Bible, 25, 197n

  big bang theory, 158

  biowarfare, 28–29, 37

  Biran, Adam, 26

  Birt, Liz, 141, 142, 170, 186, 206, 208

  fundraising of, 229, 238

  Birt, Matthew, 141, 186, 263

  birth defects, 146

  “birther movement,” 8

  Blaxill, Mark, 171, 174, 208, 222

  Bleuler, Eugen, 76

  blindness, 20, 23, 100, 153

  blood plasma, 182

  Blossom (cow), 31n

  Boston, Mass., 25, 27, 65

  Boston Globe, The, 306–7

  bowel, see inflammatory bowel disease

  Bowman, Brian, 267

  Boxer, Barbara, 95

  Boylston, Zabdiel, 25

  brain, 40, 85, 89, 107, 111, 254, 280, 285

  autism tissue collected from, 230

  fluid in, 271

  brain damage, 3, 5, 100

  decision making and, 192–93

  thimerosal and, 286, 287–88

  vaccines and, 67, 69, 71, 73, 179n, 182, 183

  brain tumor, 93, 192

  Brand Sense, 258

  breast cancer, 138–40, 193, 270

  Brent, Jeffrey, 290

  Brent, Robert, 152, 224–26

  Brown University, 171

  Brumback, Roger, 219

  Bundaberg, Australia, 118–19

  Burton, Dan, 130–31, 141, 142, 168, 205

  Bush, Barbara, 110

  Bush, George W., 9, 110, 204

  Bush, Jenna, 110

  Bush, Laura, 110

  Bustin, Stephen, 290

  Byers, Vera, 288, 294


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