Damian's Treble [Rescue for Hire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Damian's Treble [Rescue for Hire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Bellann Summer

  Treb’s body immediately reacted to Damian. Blinking from the lack of blood to the head between his shoulders, he automatically answered, “No.”

  “Good enough then. Let’s take these beers into the living room.”

  Before he knew it, Treb found himself sitting next to Damian on a huge overstuffed couch with a beer in his hand. Taking a healthy swallow, he tried to figure out why Damian always had him so unbalanced. Maybe it was time to walk away. Life was simpler that way.

  “Stop thinking so hard,” Damian ordered and wrapped his free arm around Treb’s shoulders and brought him in for a kiss. Damian took his time exploring the corners of Treb’s mouth with his tongue. Pressing a little harder had Treb opening his mouth to let him in. The feeling of tongue sliding against tongue was Damian’s favorite. Damian had known the chemistry between them was potent. But this was more, so much more.

  Treb lost himself in the kiss. Again he had to rethink everything he knew before Damian. He had never been much of a kisser. Why would someone bother swapping spit when it was so much fun getting down and dirty with different parts of their body? But this kiss was something else. Putting both arms around Damian’s shoulders, he let his tongue explore Damian’s mouth, tasting all its secrets. Not breaking the kiss, he felt Damian slide an arm under his hips and shift him over to be cradled by those hard thighs. Their kiss deepened.

  Holding the beer stopped Treb from doing any of the things he wanted to. Taking Damian’s clothes off was a real good idea, unfortunately he couldn’t with one hand. So he did something he had wanted to do since meeting him. He slid the fingers of his free hand into Damian’s hair. Breaking the kiss, Treb watched as his fingers sifted through the shiny, soft strands, glad that it wasn’t too short to play with. Treb was so intent on exploring that he was startled when he felt a sudden weight landing next to him on the couch.

  There sat the blue-gray cat, staring at him with big green eyes. He could admit it was kind of pretty with white paws and a white spot on its chest. But clearly it had been in some kind of battle, because half of its left ear and almost all of its tail was missing. It proved it wasn’t afraid of him when it stood up and walked right onto his lap. Treb had never been around a cat before and did the only thing he could think of and started petting it. He discovered that if he ran his hand from the head all the way to its stubby tail, it would arch its back up to meet every touch. Then it started purring.

  “Do cats always purr that loud?” he asked. To him it sounded like a motor boat.

  “Fred seems to have an extra loud purr. When he’s happy, everyone knows it.” Damian reached over and scratched the cat under the chin.

  A wooden clock sitting on the fireplace mantel in the corner chimed four times. Realizing their time together was at an end for the day, Treb did something he had never done before. He invited someone to share a part of his life.

  “I teach a self-defense class in the city at five thirty. Would you like to ride along and maybe have something to eat after?”

  “Sure. Sounds interesting,” Damian said calmly. He needed to keep it short and sweet with the skittish man but mentally he was fist pumping again.

  Chapter Three

  Damian sat off to the side on the bleachers watching Treb interact with the twenty or so people that had come to learn how to defend themselves. On the way over he had learned that most of the people that signed up for these classes were or knew someone who was a victim of domestic abuse, random attack, or home invasion. Very few people signed up before something bad happened to them or to someone around them. The ones that did usually went into the martial arts field. Treb taught those classes occasionally when an instructor had an emergency and needed a fill in. From Treb, Damian had found out that even though he had been hired to teach these defense classes through the Recue for Hire Company, for Treb they were a personal commitment.

  As he watched Treb demonstrate various moves, it became clear this class involved dirty street fighting and the dos and don’ts of various situations. It was still the same Treb that kept everything simple and basic. It made sense as complicated moves made a person have to think too much. Surprise and fast reactions usually made dangerous situations have a better ending.

  But it was the new side of Treb that fascinated Damian. He watched as Treb patiently and gently showed a woman with a bruised face ways to get out of an attacker’s hold. He spoke calmly to the group, carefully using a very skinny short man with defensive scars on his hands and arms to show everyone how to handle a situation when confronted by a person with a weapon. His touch was minimal and to the point. Clearly Treb knew what he was doing.

  “Hey, Damian, could you come and help with a demonstration?” Treb called over to him.

  Damian went to the edge of the matted floor and took off his shoes. When he reached the group, Treb said, “Everyone, this is my friend, Damian.”

  “Hello.” Damian nodded to the group with a smile.

  “Okay, everyone, Damian is going to stand here with his hands at his sides. I’m going to show you different pressure points and what they do,” Treb explained.

  Damian knew by the tiny sparkle in Treb’s eye he was in trouble. Slowly and methodically Treb explained different pressure points on Damian’s body and situations where they could be used.

  Just about the time Damian started to relax, Treb firmly pressed a finger to a point on the back of his knee and he found himself lying flat on the mat staring up at a circle of faces peering down at him.

  “I see how pressing on that spot made Damian fall and I could run away, but there’s no way I would be able to bend over and press there if I’m being attacked.” Damian saw that it was the lady with the bruised face speaking.

  “That’s a great point, Cindy,” Treb said. “I was just showing you how vulnerable the joints of the leg can be. Let’s get Damian to his feet and then I can show you how we can use these points to our advantage.”

  After Damian managed to stand back up, Treb showed the group where to kick or use a stick to strike a pressure point to incapacitate an attacker.

  Treb then indicated to two young men who looked to Damian to be brothers. “Jason, Mitch can you help with this demonstration?”

  Jason walked right over, radiating anticipation at being able to try a new maneuver, while Mitch hesitated, clearly more reluctant.

  “Attackers can be any size, large or small. By using certain techniques we can at least even the odds or surpass them in getting out of the situation. Now Damian is a bigger man…”

  “Oh yeah,” a woman in the back of the group commented.

  After a few snickers, Treb continued. “But I will show you how it’s possible to handle him in certain situations.”

  “Oh, I’d like to handle him.” This comment came from a woman standing next to the first woman who had commented. Again the class broke out in laughter.

  “Okay, I get that Damian is fun to look at, everyone, but he’s taken.” Damian’s eyebrow rose as he looked at Treb, but Treb was ignoring him.

  “Jason, please stand here in front of me and Damian is going to come up behind you and make like he’s going to attack you.”

  Damian stepped behind the smaller man and put his arms around his shoulders, like he was going to grab his neck. The young man immediately stiffened.

  “Stop,” Treb ordered. “Now, class, this is what can be done to counter the attack and as always, get away as fast as you can.”

  After Jason’s turn, Treb had Mitch try the maneuvers he was trying to show the group. Although Mitch was clearly more uncomfortable being the center of attention, Treb had him accomplishing the instructions with ease in minutes.

  By the fourth time he’d been flat on his back, Damian had had just about enough. Then he caught the slight smile Treb was trying to hide. Oh man, if he wasn’t so sure the man would probably use his pressure points against him again he would spank the man later.

  Thank goodness the rest of the class went by fast, wi
th less of Damian kissing the floor.

  They decided after the class ended that seafood was on order for the evening. Relaxing into the cushioned booth seat, Damian let his gaze linger on the exotic, mesmerizing man across from him. He vowed to see that gorgeous hair loose and flowing across his pillow one day. A flirtatious waiter interrupted his thoughts, getting his attention by placing a hand on his shoulder. After handing them menus and describing the specials of the day, he asked if they wanted any cocktails before the meal. Both men ordered a beer and the waiter sashayed away with a twitch of his hips.

  Damian was surprised to see anger burning in Treb’s eyes. “What’s the matter?” He knew if he didn’t calm him down now things could go south real quick. Treb wasn’t noted for his patience or slow reactions.

  “You’re here with me,” Treb answered.

  “Yes, I’m with you.” Damian was confused.

  “That dweeb shouldn’t be touching you when you’re with me,” Treb said, his tone as hard as steel.

  “Some waiters flirt to get extra tips, Treb. When I’m seeing someone, I don’t stray. Don’t worry, I have been and always will be a one person man.”

  Damian didn’t know which part of his statement changed the anger to a look of deep contemplation on Treb’s face. He sat back and waited to see which way the wind blew. It didn’t take long.

  “I never worry. If that waiter wants to keep his fingers intact, he’ll keep them to himself.”

  Damian didn’t miss the fact that Treb hadn’t addressed the seeing each other part of his statement. But he was saved from having to comment when the waiter came back with their drink order. It seemed he was smart enough to read the sparks shooting out of Treb’s dark eyes, because there were no more extra overtures as he took their order and left.

  “How did you get the name Treble?” Damian asked as he relaxed again, enjoying the view and the beer.

  Treb was looking a lot calmer as he, too, leaned back against the cushions. “My mom passionately loved two things in life, music and my dad. When I was born, my first name came from the music symbol and my second name after my dad. It could have been worse. She could have liked flowers or something.”

  “No, I couldn’t see you as a Rosy or Bluebell.” Damian chuckled.

  “Shit, my kill count would be more than double what it is now.”

  “Where did the interest in weapons and martial arts come in?” Damian needed to know what made Treb tick. That was the key to keeping him.

  “I grew up in Denver. After the one and only time I got beat up for being ethnic and smaller than everyone, I signed up for every class a local martial arts school offered. The teacher was this old guy that was as hard as nails.” Treb took a long swallow of his beer. “His teachings saved my life many times over. We became close and he showed me how to observe everything around you at a glance. We lost touch after my dad died and I went a little wild.”

  Damian could just imagine how wild Treb had become. He could see Treb was starting to close down so he had just one more question and then that was enough digging for one night.

  “Is your mom still living in Denver?”

  “No, she died a couple of years ago from cancer,” Treb answered, his voice emotionless.

  The food came and they both started eating, the quiet overtaking the table.

  Treb’s mind was racing. He was a loner. He was a simple man. He watched and observed. He did not go on dates. He did not invite people to watch him teach. He did not spill his guts! He was never afraid.

  Standing up he quietly said, “Bathroom.”

  In the bathroom, Treb did the only thing he could think of.


  “Bret. Shit, you gotta help me,” Treb spoke into the phone. He was so not panicking. Really he wasn’t.

  “Treb, is that you?”

  “Yeah, I’m at a restaurant with Damian. This afternoon we went up in his ultralight. Then I asked him if he wanted to come along with me to my self-defense class. Now I just spilled my guts all over the table and it’s your fault.” Treb was in a rant now. “You’re the one that said to try talking more. You’re the one that said it’s okay to talk to people. You told me they aren’t all stupid pricks. Do you realize I am calling you while hiding out in the bathroom?”

  “Take a deep breath, Treb,” Bret said soothingly. “Did Damian seem to like going to the class?”

  “Yeah, except maybe when I used him to show everyone pressure points and laid him out on the mat a couple of times.”

  “Did he have a problem with you spilling your guts?” Bret continued calmly.

  “No. But I didn’t stick around too long. I called you,” Treb answered.

  “I think it’s okay, Treb. I think you’re just not used to talking so much. It’ll get easier. Now hang up and go back out there. Damian is a good guy,” Bret instructed.

  “Okay. Thanks.” Treb hung up the phone, took one last deep breath, and left the bathroom.

  Back at Cade and Bret’s house, Bret was rolling around on the sofa laughing hysterically. Cade scooped the pup into his arms and sat down holding him close.

  “What’s so funny, baby?”

  “Cade, you are never going to believe it.” Bret chuckled. “Treb is in love!”

  Damian ordered another beer and was halfway through it, trying to decide his next move with Treb, when he heard all hell break loose just outside the men’s bathroom. He was on his feet and across the room where he found his date, Treble Walker, sitting on top of their screaming waiter. The poor guy was lying face down on the floor with his hands held behind his back. The hostess that had seated them earlier was on a cell phone, presumably calling the police. A heavy man with a manager tag pinned to his white dress shirt was demanding to know why Treb was assaulting his waiter. Treb just calmly leaned forward and whispered something in the waiter’s ear that had the man screaming even louder.

  Damian knelt down by Treb’s side. “Did the guy piss you off again, Treble?”

  Treb turned his face to Damian, never breaking his hold on the guy’s arms. “Nope, saw him running a customer’s credit card through a device in his pocket instead of the machine at the hostess’s station.”

  “Ah, he was being a bad boy.”

  “Yep, I thought I would show him the error of his ways.”

  “Couldn’t just go to the manager and let him handle it, Treble?” Damian asked, humor lacing his question.


  “Well the police have arrived. You’re going to have to let them take over now.”

  “Yeah, they always interrupt all the fun.” Treble gave the man’s arms a little jerk backward, earning another scream from the man.

  It took a while for the police to sort out all the details and eventually the waiter was hauled away. Treb’s statement was taken and they were brought fresh meals that the manager said were on the house. Overall, Treb decided as he drove back to his apartment after dropping Damian at his house, this dating thing wasn’t too bad. At least if he was dating Damian. Now he just had to figure out a way to get Damian to take care of his dick that was knocking against his zipper from the toe-curling kiss Damian had given him before he had gotten out of the truck.

  Chapter Four

  Cade called a meeting a couple of days later. Usually the team met at least once a week. It gave everyone a chance to air out any problems or discuss any equipment changes. It was also the time they went over the schedules of the classes the team members gave to the public or were required to take for recertification and license renewal.

  Damian had been out of town for the last few days flying a local business management team to their corporate headquarters in Iowa. He made sure he had called Treb at least once a day, usually in the morning. He was completely delighted when Treb had called him each evening. Their conversations always started out pretty mundane with questions on the weather and such. But by the end it got pretty steamy and more than once a call had ended with him having to get rid of th
e evidence of their growing relationship.

  He had gotten in pretty late last night and was anxious to see Treb again. Walking into the boss’s office, he took a seat next to Alex. Tony was the only other member of the team to have arrived so far and he sat on the other side of Alex.

  “Hey, Damian, how’s it going?” Alex greeted, holding out his hand.

  Damian took his hand, shaking it in greeting. “Things are good. How are you?” That was when he noticed a large chunk of skin missing from the bottom of Alex’s hand and wrist. “What happened here?” he asked as he turned the hand over.

  “I was cutting a couple of trees down to make fire wood and pulled on a branch and it tore my hand up a little,” Alex explained.

  “You better have Jack look at it. I think it looks a little infected.” Damian had just touched the deep red edge of the wound with his finger when a body pushed its way between them, breaking them apart. The next instance he had a lap full of a determined-looking Treb.

  “Good morning, Treble,” Damian said pleasantly. He would make Treb apologize later to Alex for his rudeness. But first he was going to enjoy Treb staking his claim.


  “Are you going to sit on Damian’s lap for the whole meeting or find a seat, Treb?” the boss asked as he came into the room, followed by Bret and Jack. Treb calmly stared at Alex until Tony stood up and moved to the next open seat, freeing up a chair for Alex to slide into. Treb reluctantly got off of Damian’s lap and sat in the chair Alex vacated.

  “Now that we’re done with musical chairs, we can get down to business,” Cade announced.

  The meeting lasted just a little more than an hour. They ended it with plans to have a pool party and barbeque at Jack’s the following weekend. As the meeting started breaking up, Damian slid his arm across the back of Treb’s chair and put his lips next to his ear.

  “We need to get Jack to take a look at Alex’s hand. It looked pretty bad, Treble.” Since he was this close he breathed in the clean scent of Treb’s hair. It felt like silk against his cheek.


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