This Trust of Mine

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This Trust of Mine Page 5

by Amanda Bennett

  "No, yeah it's cool. It'll be nice to have my best friend around all the time. Did you start school today?" Our conversation was about as mundane as they come. It felt awkward and different. It was as though we barely knew one another and spent our time with nothing but pleasantries.


  I waited for her to continue, but apparently that was all I was gonna get from her. "That's cool. Kayla, can I ask you a question?"

  "Of course cowboy, you can ask me anything." And for a brief second, the girl I knew in Texas was back.

  "Are we okay?" I sat there waiting with baited breath. Waiting for what, I wasn't sure but waiting all the same.

  "Madison, things are just different. I don't know how else to explain it. Of course I miss you, and I want nothing more than to see you. To have you hold me, love me, and spend every waking minute with you, but-"

  "But, what? I thought we talked about this before I left. We both agreed that we wanted to be together. We both promised each other that we would find our way back to one another. We-"

  "Madison, I know what we talked about, trust me I couldn't forget it even if I tried. left Madison. You chose to leave knowing I couldn't go with you. Don't you think that speaks volumes? I'm not saying you should have stayed here just for me. I know better than anyone that we hadn't been together that long, but I guess part of me thought we were headed some place great. I guess I just expected more than you were obviously willing to give."

  "How can you even say that? I tried to find a way for us to be together. Hell, I was the only one trying to make it work. You practically pushed me out the door. I would've given it all up for you, everything."

  "I know, and that's exactly why I couldn't let you do it."

  "I don't even know how to respond to that."

  "Madison, get your ass out here or you will be running the field until sundown boy."

  "Shit, I gotta go now, but I still want to talk to you Kayla. Can I call you later?"

  "Madison, I think for now maybe it'll be best if we just take a bit of a break from each other. You need to concentrate on school and baseball, and I need to concentrate on school and work. We will find time to talk to each other. Have a good practice, cowboy. I'll talk to you soon."

  "Kay-" Before I could even get the words out of my mouth, the line went dead. What the hell was going on with her? Something happened, something that caused her to not want any part of me or the life we had once discussed. And the only person who could help me now, was the one person I really didn't want to have to go to. As soon as practice was over, I would be having a very long talk with Cami. I needed answers, and damn it, she was goin' to give them to me.

  Chapter 8


  I slid my phone back into my purse before my boss caught sight of it. She didn't mind if we had our phone behind the desk, but she also didn't like us answering them when we had customers, and today there had been a steady flow of them. I made my way back to the dressing rooms and started cleaning up the piles of clothes and hangers that people had left behind. I mean really, how hard is to clean up after yourself. I grabbed the stacks and made my way back behind the counter. The doorbell chimed letting me know a new customer had arrived just as I peered up from the never-ending pile of material. I recognized the girl instantly and immediately wished I could crawl under the nearest table.

  "Good afternoon and welcome to The Velvet Couch."

  "Thanks, Kayla."

  Taryn's words dripped with disdain and I couldn't help but cringe at the sound of my name rolling off her tongue. I rolled my eyes in her direction and continued folding and hanging up the discarded clothing. I glanced up every now and then, watching her move around the store. She was definitely a pretty girl. She stood at about six feet tall and she had a killer body. Of course, when you have a body like that and you have the reputation that she did, you had to be in tiptop shape.

  I turned to hang a couple shirts up on our go back rack and when I turned back around, she was standing directly in front of me.

  "Gah, you scared me. What is your deal?"

  "No deal."

  She stood aimlessly playing with a necklace that sat out on the glass counter top, when I expected her to start in on something she didn't like about me, or the store, or well, anything really. But the next few words that came out of her mouth were definitely not ones I ever expected her to say.

  "I just hope you realize what you have."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Madison. It takes someone special to get him to "respond" so I'm just tellin' you, I hope you realize what you have."

  "I'm not sure I know what you're talkin' about. Madison and I aren't, together."

  "It sure as hell didn't look that way. I saw how y'all were around each other. I've never seen him look at any other girl the way he looked at you. Not even me."

  This part shook me to my core. You would've had to have been blind to not have known that they had dated before, but I never once asked because, well honestly, I didn't want to know. Now I wanted to know.

  "How long did y'all date?" I shook my head, "sorry I didn't mean to pry. It's none of my business." I went about folding some more clothes fully expecting her to leave the store. To my surprise, she actually stayed and began a conversation with me.

  "We dated our entire junior year of high school, if you want to call it dating. We hung out a lot and I guess you could say that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but he was always so busy with baseball and the band, that we never really stood a chance. I didn't realize it then, but Madison is one in a million. That boy was always genuine and sincere and he would give anyone the shirt off his back. He's just a really good guy. I didn't know what good guys were. Hell, I made it a habit not to know. I'm sure you have already heard plenty of stories about me, and I wish I could say that none of them were true, but they are. Anyway, it is what it is, but I do know one thing for sure. When a man like Madison comes knockin' at your door, offerin' ya the world, you take it. No questions asked."

  I began fidgeting with the earrings that hung on a metal tree. "Why are you tellin' me all of this? Not that I don't appreciate it and all, but you don't really strike me as the type of girl to look out for other girls' best interests. No offense."

  "None taken, hun. I care for Madison. I've known him since we were in sixth grade, and after what happened with his daddy, that boy deserves someone who is willing to give just as much as he is. I just want you to make sure you are that girl. If not, just let him go."

  And with that, she was headed out of the shop. I stood back abashed. I had a million and one things running through my brain at that moment, and not one thing was makin' any sense. She was right about one thing though, Madison deserved so much more than I could give at this point in time.

  It was getting closer to closing time, so I started my endless list of chores before I could close up. As I made my way back to check the dressing rooms one last time, I caught a glimpse of myself in one of the full-length mirrors. I looked like one of the zombies from The Night of the Living Dead. My face was pale and looked frail. I had deep-seated bags underneath my sunken in eyes and my lips practically matched the color of my skin. I ran my fingers through my dried out unkempt hair, letting out a loud sigh.

  I shook my head as I made my way back behind the counter to gather my things. I was done sitting around waiting for life to get better. Things weren't goin' to change, unless I changed them. I would no longer play the martyr. It was time for me to take my life back from that piece of shit that thought he could take it away, again.

  I closed up the store and ran out to my truck. I had two stops to make and I needed to make sure I got them done in enough time to be home for dinner. My first stop was at the local beauty supply store. I threw my truck into park and ran inside the shop before they closed. I checked the time on my phone and realized I only had twenty minutes to get what I needed and pay.

  I went to the hair product and dye aisle first. My h
air was naturally a pretty shade of brown, but as of late it was starting to look a bit mousey. I picked up a few different colored boxes, comparing them to one another before settling on one that also came with bleach to add some highlights. I grabbed some of the more expensive shampoo and conditioner and a great oil treatment for when I used my hair straightener or curling iron.

  Next stop was the makeup aisle. I barely wore any makeup as it was, but I figured if I was changin' my look, I could use some freshenin' up in this department too. I grabbed a few different shades of eye shadow, black eye liner, and some lash extending mascara. When I glanced down at the almost full basket I was carrying, I figured it was time to go. I made my way up to the counter to pay with five minutes to spare. The lady who owned and ran the store was a stickler for closin' on time, every night.

  I paid for my purchases and hopped in my truck. The last place I needed to stop was the local grocery, and that happened to be the only 24-hour place in town, so I wasn't too worried about gettin' there in time. As I made my way down the main road through town, I noticed a guy walkin' down the road who looked a lot like Glenn. If I hadn't known for a fact that Glenn was in Arizona with Madison, I would have sworn it was him. I drove past at a glacial pace, taking in the odd similarities that this guy and Glenn shared. It was uncanny how much they looked a like. As I passed by, he glanced up and gave a small wave. Confusion settled into my expression as I gave a small wave back as I sped up to get to the end of town. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to know this guy, but he sure seemed to act like he knew me.

  I shrugged it off, as I made my way into the local market, buying up at least four-dozen flowers. I knew I had been quite a pain in my grandparent's rears as of late, and I knew flowers wouldn't make it all better, but it was a good start in the right direction.

  As I came barreling out of the market, I practically ran right into the same guy I had been stalking as I drove. Just before my face and bags of things hit the ground, his strong muscular arm shot straight out, catching me and pulling me up into his hard chest. I had my eyes squeezed tightly shut and was afraid to open them, until I heard him clear his throat.

  I peered up through my long dark lashes and caught a sight of his piercing blue eyes staring down at me.

  "Are you okay?"

  The words sat on the tip of my tongue, willing me to say them, but absolutely nothin' came out of my mouth.

  "The strong silent type huh?"

  A small smile formed across my mouth before I realized just how closely he was still holding me. I pushed off of his chest and scrambled to my feet. I felt off balance and a little light headed, so I tried to keep my distance. I quickly grabbed my keys out of my purse and started makin' my way over to my truck.

  "You're welcome." I heard him shout as I pulled open the door.

  I waved and drove home as fast as my truck would allow. A million different emotions were raging through me and I was having a hard time sortin' out each of them. Part of me felt guilty for letting another guy hold me that way, but another part of me felt safe and wanted when he had his arms around me. Which in turn, made me feel extremely uncomfortable and a little scared. A guy hadn’t touched me since the incident with Wren, and I wasn't exactly sure how comfortable I felt having any guy touch me.

  Chapter 9


  "Glenn!" I shouted across the field as loud as I could, but he was engrossed in some stupid ass conversation with the other guys. "GLENN!"

  He finally heard me and came runnin' in my direction. "What's up?"

  "I need you to tell Coach I gotta go."

  "Dude, you know he's gonna want to know why. What's going on?"

  "Just cover for me please. I have to get to the admissions building before they close for the day."

  "Alright. Call me when you're done."

  "Will do." I ran off the field, gathering up my bag as I passed it and made my way to my truck. I threw my stuff in the back and pulled out of the parking lot before Coach could have a chance to spot me. As I made my way around the opposite side of campus where the admissions building sat, I could feel my heart practically pounding out of my chest. I wasn't sure if what I was about to do was the right thing, but I was doin' what my grandma had always told me. I was followin' my heart. And my heart was back in Texas.

  When I went running in to the building, I had totally forgotten that I was still in my practice uniform, cleats and all. I made my way over to the small glass window, but saw no one on the other side. I paced back and forth for a few minutes, willing someone to come out and help me. After what felt like an eternity, I finally walked over and knocked on the door on the other side of the window.

  "Hello? Is anyone still here?"

  "Hello?" A small voice rang through the window next to me.

  "Hi, I need to find out how to transfer schools?"

  "I'm sorry, you need to what?"

  Was this girl stupid? She looked to be in her late thirties, and I couldn't imagine that she could be that dumb as to not understand what I was saying.

  "I need to find out how to transfer schools." I made sure I said the sentence nice and slow, so she could better understand me. It wasn't rocket science for cryin' out loud.

  "Ok, but are you sure about that?"

  Ugh, was this girl gonna give me a break or what? "Look, I need to get back to Texas, and I need to do it sooner rather than later. I need to know what I need to do to transfer schools?"

  "Well, have you been accepted into a school in Texas already?"

  "Yes ma'am. Before I had decided on ASU, I was also offered a scholarship to go to Texas A&M. I just need to know if there is anything I need to do to transfer?"

  "Give me a second and I will find out."

  I watched as her five foot nothing frame disappeared behind a partition of sorts. I blew out a loud gust of air and ran my fingers through my hair. I wasn't exactly sure how this whole thing was goin' to go over with Kayla or my grandparents, but if it was a choice between Kayla and ASU, I was choosing Kayla, hands down. I just hope it wasn't too late to accept the offer from A&M.

  While the girl was still takin' her sweet ass time, I remembered that I still had the coach from A&M's number. I quickly pulled out my cell and dialed him up. I knew it was practice time, but I was silently prayin' he would answer.

  "Coach Dunfall, can I help you?"

  "Mr. Dunfall, hi this is Madison Raine. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was offered a scholarship to come play ball for y'all this fall. I was just-"

  "Of course I remember you son. It's not very often that a talent like yours, turns down a school like ours. What can I do for ya?"

  "Well sir, I was kind of hopin' that y'all would be willin' to let me take that scholarship after all?" I waited with baited breath for him to answer. When he didn't say something immediately, I would've sworn he was laughin' at me.

  "Mr. Raine, we would love to have you on our team. As a matter of fact, our pitcher was just cut due to a season ending injury. Can you be here by Saturday mornin' for practice?"

  "Absolutely, sir. Absolutely! Is there anything I need to do here before I come fill out my paperwork there?"

  "Just fill out your decline forms for the scholarship there and you should be good to go. We will see you Saturday mornin' Madison, eight AM."

  "You got it, Coach. See you then. Oh and thank you."

  "Sure thing."

  I slipped my phone into my back pocket and waited a few more seconds before I started pounding on the glass. A few seconds after that, the short little girl came hustlin' over to her desk.

  "I said I would be right back, no reason to bang around."

  "I'm sorry. I just need to fill out a decline form for my scholarship."

  "Yes, I know. I have it right here. Now just fill out the few lines explaining why and then sign and date at the bottom and you are good to go. Make sure you turn in your books and any keys you were given."


  I filled out that form
as if my hand were on fire. It was now Tuesday and I only had a few days to get home, make up with my girl, and show up for practice. I threw the form under the small glass window and ran out of that building as fast as I could.

  I headed straight for mine and Glenn's dorm room. Shit! Glenn was gonna be pissed. I was basically the reason that guy even came here, well Cami and I, apparently. I started stripping down to my boxer briefs the minute I made it inside our room. I hadn't even noticed that the door was unlocked, until I felt cold wet hands sliding down my stomach and closer to my waistband. When I finished pulling my shirt off over my head, Korena's face came into full view.

  "What the hell are you doin' in here?" I was beyond trying to be a gentleman about it anymore. It hadn't seemed to clear up the confusion up until this point, so why even bother.

  "I figured it would be okay."

  "In who's world did you think it would be okay? I'm pretty sure you live in a fantasy world." I was pushin' her hands away just as I heard the door creak open. When I turned I caught sight of the horrified look upon Cami's face. Double shit!

  "Cami, wait! It's not what it looks like." I shouted after her, but it was too late. She was gone. I quickly grabbed my pants and tugged them on as I ran after her down the hall and eventually out into the lot. "Cami, STOP!"

  "WHAT? There is nothing you can say that will make that situation, okay."

  I was standin' in front of her hunched over tryin' to catch my breath. For a small thing, she was fast as hell. "I promise you nothing was going on in there. That girl has been following me since I met her a couple weeks ago."

  "Fine Madison, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. So tell me then, what is she doing here?"

  "I'm sure she was thinkin' she could sleep with me again, but I tried to tell her that was never going to happen, that I have Kay-"

  "I'm sorry, what? Did you just say sleep with you, again?"

  Holy fuck! I was screwed.

  "Yes, but it was an accident. Okay wait that sounds bad. Not an accident, but damn it Cami, I couldn't get Kayla off of my mind and then she wouldn't call me, and every time I would try to call or leave a message, nothing. I didn't know what else to do. I needed to know that we were alright, but when she never returned my calls, I-"


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