This Trust of Mine

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This Trust of Mine Page 15

by Amanda Bennett

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

  "It's okay. I just wasn't expectin' anyone to be out here."

  "What's going on? Why are you out here?"

  "Just getting some fresh air. The tension in that house is palpable. I could barely breathe. I'm guessing you talked to your grandma?"

  "Yeah, she just told me to head over here. What's going on Madison?"

  He pulled me into his chest and rested his head on my shoulder. "He's getting worse."

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a tight squeeze. "I'm so sorry Madison."

  Chapter 27


  Hearing the doctor's update on my grandfather's condition nearly broke me in two. As it stood right now, he might not even make it another couple of weeks. I didn't want to sound selfish, but it wrecked me knowing that he would never get the chance to hear my band play. It just didn't seem fair. There was so much I had wanted to say and do with him, that I now would never have the chance to do.

  More than anything, my heart broke for my grams. They had been together practically their entire life and now she would have to find a way to go on without him. I didn't even think that would be possible for her. How do you continue to live your life when your whole reason for living would be gone? It was more than I could fathom. Even though Kayla and I weren't married, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her. I don't think I could find it in myself to go on.

  I reached for her hand and started walking back to the house. We hadn't said more than a couple of words to one another, but I just didn't know what to say, and nothing she could say would make the whole situation any easier. I was a creature of habit and knew that I would slowly start pushing Kayla away, regardless of whether or not I meant to. I had made a promise to myself and a silent promise to her, to try and not do that. If anything, I needed her more than anybody else at this point in time. When we got to the back door, I gently pulled her hand up to my lips, placing a small kiss to the back of it. "Thank you for loving me, Kayla."

  "Always, Madison."

  We joined our grandparents at the table a moment later. The four of them were reminiscing about all the times they had shared and it was nice to see the small feud between them dissipate. Knowing that my grandfather had made amends with everyone important in his life, just made me realize that much more, how close the end really was.

  We spent the next couple of hours talking and laughing at all of the great stories they all shared with us. My hand never let go of Kayla's and she never once tried to let go of mine. Her grandparents excused themselves a little while later, leaving just us and my grandparents. A short while later my grandfather was starting to get tired, so I excused myself to help him to bed. When I returned Kayla sat at the table with her head in her hands. I couldn't tell if she was crying or not, but I went to her regardless.

  "Everything okay darlin'?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "You know, you say that an awful lot lately. I'm starting to question whether or not it's the truth."

  "My momma's funeral is tomorrow."

  "I know. Cami told me."

  She looked up at me from under hooded eyes and that's when I knew for certain, she had been crying. With everything that had been going on with my grandfather, I had put what she must've been going through on the back burner.

  "She asked me to go."

  "And I'm assuming because you're still here, you decided against it?"

  "I just can't do it Madison, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Although she hadn't been a mother to me in longer than I could count, I still feel like I should say goodbye."

  "We could find a way for you to do that, if you want."

  "Yeah, I suppose. I don't know. Anyway, tonight isn't about me. Are you okay?"

  "I'm gonna be okay pretty girl. Right now, I'm more worried about you. I hate seein' you like this. Is there anything I can do?"

  "Just hold me."

  "Can do, Darlin'."

  I lead her over to the sofa in the living room and wrapped her up tightly in my arms. I clicked on the TV for some background noise, when I noticed her breathing turn slow and heavy. I wasn't sure if her grandparents would be okay with her bein' out another night, but I just couldn't bring myself to wake her.

  Someone shaking my shoulder jolted me awake and without thinking I tried to jump off of the couch. Kayla sat straight up when I moved, fear written all over her face.

  "Is everything okay?" Her voice was thick with sleep and she couldn't have looked more sexy if she tried.

  I turned to find Glenn standin' over us like a guard dog. "Dude, what the hell are you doin' here?"

  "I needed to find Kayla. Have y'all heard from Cami?"

  Kayla instantly woke up and was at full attention. "No, why? Wait, let me check my phone." She scrambled around in her purse tryin' to find her phone. When she eventually found it, her face fell, noticing no missed calls or texts. "Nothin'. When was she supposed to land?"

  "Almost five hours ago. I've tried calling her, but it just goes straight to voicemail. What the fuck!"

  "Language, bro."

  "Sorry. Kayla can you call her mom for me?"

  "Of course."

  I sat forward on my knees as Kayla searched for Cami's mom's number in her phone. When she pressed the phone up to her ear, I could see the tears building up in her eyes. I moved to her side and started rubbing her back tryin' to comfort her.

  "Hi Cara, it's Kayla. Has Cami landed yet?"

  Glenn and I both sat on the edge of our seats, as Kayla made little to no noise as she listened to Cami's mother intently on the other end of the line.

  "Okay, thanks. Yeah, I'll talk to you soon. Good night."

  "Well?" Glenn looked like he was ready to take Kayla's head off if she didn't start talkin' soon.

  "Her mom said she had some issues on the plane. She had a panic attack. Weird, she hasn't had one that bad since we were little. She's okay now, but her mom rushed her to the hospital the minute she landed. I guess she had been there up until an hour ago. Cami's at home resting now, but she said she would have her call me in the mornin'."

  "Oh thank god. Fuck, I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry guys. So, do you know why she gets them?"

  "Language dude, fuck." We all broke out in laughter and for the first time in the last couple of weeks, I felt lighter, happy even. It was nice to laugh and be a normal teenager for a little while.

  "Um, no." Kayla whispered in response, but I could tell she knew more than she lead on.

  I tugged Kayla onto my lap, planting a long kiss to her swollen lips. When I pulled back, she sat smiling at me, lust and desire hidden in her gaze. I glanced over at Glenn and told him politely that he needed to go, now that he knew everything was okay. He happily obliged and seconds after I locked the door behind him, I turned and pounced on Kayla. She let out a whispered giggle as I pinned her down on the sofa below me.

  "Why Miss James, I do believe you are in quite the predicament."

  "Maybe you should help me out of it?"

  Without a second to waste, I reached down between her legs feeling her wetness against my fingers and it had me harder than I had been just a second ago. I pushed the thin fabric to the side and slid my finger deep inside her. When she tried to let out a strangled moan, I quickly covered her mouth with mine to silence the sound. I moved my thumb over her hardened nub as my finger slid between her slick folds.

  "Holy fuck, you're so wet." I whispered in her ear.

  "I need you inside of me Madison."

  "Soon love, soon." I let my tongue trail down the side of her neck making my way down to her hardened nipples. I eagerly pushed her shirt up and the cup of her bra to the side, exposing her breast. I took her perfectly pink nipple into my mouth, tantalizing every inch of her exposed skin.

  "Madison, now." She growled.

  In record time, I unbuttoned my jeans and freed my growing erection. Without warning or caution, I pushed myself deep in
side of her and stilled long enough to let her tight walls stretch around me. My gaze fell upon her face, just as her eyes caught mine in their stare.

  "I love you, Kayla."

  "I love you too, Madison."

  Those words were my undoing along with hers. Before we could get caught in the aftermath of what we had just done on my grandparent's sofa, I pulled out of her and replaced her panties back where they belonged. As I pulled my jeans back on, I caught her staring down at my crotch.

  "Quiet the eager beaver aren't we?" I laughed.

  "I was just thinkin' how much I like the whole goin' commando thing. Comes quite in handy."

  "It sure does. You should probably get goin'. I don't want you to get in trouble. Come on, I'll walk ya home."

  After kissing her long and hard before letting her go inside, I made my way back up the hill stopping at our spot below the tree. The moon sat high enough in the sky that it was almost like havin' a spot light on me. I reached into my front pocket, pullin' out a smoke and sat my worn out ass on the hard ground. I took a long drag filling my lungs with the intoxicating smoke, as I took in all the stars laid out across the sky. Although the day had taken its turns, I realized just how lucky I was to have my family and Kayla, and that right there was the silver lining in my mind.

  Chapter 28


  The next few weeks went by excruciatingly slow. Madison's grandfather was still hangin' in there, and I could tell how thankful he was for it. I had finally mustered up enough courage to ask my gran about the argument she was havin' the other day. I was relieved when she explained to me how my granddad hadn't told her about Mr. Raine. After that night, they seemed fine enough. I guess time really does heal all wounds.

  It was the day of the music festival in Dallas and Madison was extremely nervous about leaving his grandfather. Little did he know, that his grandmother and I had arranged for her and his grandfather to watch his performance through Skype on my iPhone.

  The festival was an all day event, so we all left around four this morning to make it there early enough for them to set up before they went on at noon. We were just pulling up to the security gate, when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I was with everyone who was going to be there today, so I quickly slipped it out of my pocket in case it was an emergency.

  Joey's picture lit up behind his name on the screen and I almost didn't answer. We had still managed to remain friends, and we hung out almost everyday at school, but it was a bit awkward at times. It wasn't the easiest of friendships to navigate with Madison involved, but we made it work and Madison was slowly learning to deal with it.

  I slid the bar across the bottom of the screen and put on my fake happy voice. "Hey Joey, what's goin' on?"

  "Hey, when are y'all gettin' here? We've been waitin' for like an hour."

  "You're here." My voice rose a few octaves knowing that Madison would have to see me and Joey together while he was on stage.

  "Of course I'm here. It is my brother's band."

  Oh yeah. Shit. I caught Madison's scowl out of the corner of my eye and rushed to get off of the phone. "We're at the gate now. See ya in a minute."

  I quickly hung up and placed my phone back in my pocket. Madison turned to say something to me, but Cami was quick to cut him off before he flew off on a tangent.

  "I'll be with her the whole time Madison, so just calm down. That little shit won't have a chance to even say more than three words to her." She smiled at him before looking back at Glenn. "Sorry baby, I know he's your brother and all."

  He put his hands up in surrender. "Hey I would do the same thing. I know my brother all too well."

  We pulled through the gate and back behind one of the stages off to the far east side of the grounds. We all piled out of the van, just as Joey came rushing over with a small brunette in tow.

  "Looks like little bro has moved on. Sorry Kayla looks like you're out." Glenn joked as he walked towards his brother laughing.

  I wasn't jealous by any means; I mean why would I be. We were just friends and I had Madison, but a part of me was a little sad that he had decided to bring this girl along today. Joey stopped and said hi to his brother, giving him a big hug before making his way in my direction. Madison stepped next to me and flung his arm over my shoulders, just as Joey approached us.

  "Hey bro, how are ya?"

  "Good Joey, how are you?" Madison was playing nice, but I knew better. There was a storm raging through him, just waiting to be released.

  "I'm good. Hey KJ, how ya been?" I could tell he wanted to give me a hug just like he had everyday before school started, but there was no way Madison was gonna let that happen.

  Madison bent down enough to whisper in my ear. "He calls you KJ?"

  "Most people do Madison." I whispered back with a smile. "I'm good Jo."

  "This is Sadie. Sadie this is Madison and KJ."

  She gave a small wave, but her eyes seemed to be plastered on my man. The one standing next to me, with his arm clearly wrapped around my shoulders. Was this girl for real? Jealousy raged through my system like a cold glass of water. Madison must've felt me tense underneath his touch, because he started laughing softly in my ear.

  "It doesn't feel so good does it?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "I think you know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Now you know how I feel every time you're around Joey. You have nothin' to worry about pretty girl. I'm all yours. Forever."

  I looked up into his loving green eyes that were already staring back at me. "I love you."

  "Me too. I gotta go help the guys. You gonna be okay?"

  "Of course she will be, I'm here with her."

  As if right on cue, Cami appeared at my side. "Hey Joey, who's the flavor of the week?"

  "Jeez Cam, you could be a little nicer?" He sneered.

  "Could I be? I'm not so sure about that."

  "Oh the prospect of having you as a sister, just seems like a dream come true." He sarcastically chided and Cami just laughed.

  Cami linked her arm through mine and started dragging us off in the direction of where the guys were unloading. I glanced back at Joey with an apologetic look, but he had already started walking away with mini me.


  We were minutes away from the band going on, and I was a ball of nerves. I had never been so nervous in all of my life. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, quickly connecting it to the free Wi-Fi they had provided for everyone. When Madison's grandmother's face appeared on the screen, my face lit up.

  "They're just about to go on. Y'all ready for this?"

  "Absolutely dear." His grandmother responded just before his grandfather's face appeared on the screen next to hers. "I've been ready for this for almost nineteen years."

  I couldn't help but feel the love and adoration his grandfather felt for him. You could tell just by looking at him, that his love for Madison was that of a son or daughter not a grandson. I smiled at them both as the announcer came on over the speakers announcing the band. I turned the camera around, so they could see the stage.

  Cami and I had made sure to make it all the way up to the front before the crowd ensued. There was no way I was missing out on one of the biggest show's these guys may ever play. The backlights went high and Madison came walking out with the rest of the band. He had worn a pair of black and blue, checkered shorts and a short sleeved black V-neck shirt, which set off every color in his tattoos. I was thankful at that moment that his grandparent's couldn't see me, because I absent-mindedly licked my lips at how amazingly gorgeous he looked. Just seeing him up on that stage with his tattoos on display, did things to me that I only wish I could act upon. His hair was tucked under that damn ball cap he rarely ever took off with his aviators sitting underneath the brim; I nearly came in my shorts. Goddamn he was hot, and all mine.

  Madison walked up to the mic, grabbing it in both hands as he sought me out. When he finally caught sight of me, I pointed at the screen o
n my phone. He bent down to see what I was pointing at, when pure joy fell across his face. He kissed me on the cheek and blew a kiss at the small screen before standin' up and positioning the mic in front of his full lips.

  "I wanna dedicate this show to my grandparents. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today. I love you guys."

  I held up my phone as high as I could, so they could have the best view in the place as Madison started to sing the lyrics of their first song. Towards the end of their set, I turned the camera around to make sure they were doin' okay on the other end. I was quickly chastised for doin' so by his grandpa, and couldn't help but laugh as I turned them back around to see their grandson.

  Madison ended the show with the song he had written for me, and tears welled up, showing everyone the baby I had become. Cami hugged me tightly to her side as the show came to an end. Madison bent down once again and quickly kissed me square on the lips. He said a quick goodbye to his grandparents, promising to be home as soon as we could get there.

  I ended the video chat with them as Cami and I started making our way around the side of the stage. I caught sight of Joey and Sadie out of the corner of my eye as we snuck around the back. She was pointing in mine and Cami's direction, and I could only assume she was wanting to come backstage with us. No way girly.

  We were makin' our way over to the guys, when a tall lean, tattooed guy approached Madison and Glenn. We stood back for a few seconds, trying to figure out who this guy could be. He looked like a normal patron. He had full sleeve tattoos all the way up to his neck, which was visible because of the tank top he was wearing. His hair was spiked up in a short mohawk and he wore similar sunglasses as Madison's.

  "Who is that?"

  "I have no idea, but he's hot."

  "Cami. Glenn is standing right next to him."

  "What makes you think I wasn't talking about Glenn?"


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