Kelly's Futa Friend: A Shemale on Female Story

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Kelly's Futa Friend: A Shemale on Female Story Page 1

by Melody Harris

  © 2017, Melody Harris

  Kelly’s Futa Friend

  A Shemale on Female Story

  What’s inside? Take a look and see!

  She kissed the top of Amy's head, running her hand through her friend's dark hair. It was soft between her fingers, and the smell of a coconut shampoo lingered in the air around her. Amy reached behind her back and unsnapped Kelly's bra, freeing her other breast from its confines and getting one more piece of clothing out of her way. She pulled it off her body and put one hand on each of her tits, massaging forcefully. Her friend really seemed to love the way her body felt.

  Kelly glanced down and noticed that her Amy’s cock was rigid, making the material of her dress into a little tent on her lap. Nervously, she put a hand on top and started to rub her through the dress. It felt like any other cock she’d ever laid her hand during her life. It was a strange feeling to have a woman in front of her, but a dick in her hand. Well, she thought, at least she knew what she was doing with this. Kelly snaked down towards the floor in front of Amy. For her part, Amy seemed completely stunned. She was merely compliant, moving as she was directed when Kelly pulled apart and legs and slowly lifted the bottom of her little cocktail upwards.

  "Best Friends Forever." That's what they told themselves for all of these years. Now, Kelly reflected, everything was moving so fast. She'd spent her entire childhood with Amy! Even in her earliest memories, her best friend was right there by her side. Through grade school, middle school, even the crazy years of high school – they stuck by each other.

  Now that she was walking away from the college, the reality began to dawn on her. This was the end of an era. Kelly had a job offer in Florida, and Amy was staying right here in New Mexico. Sure, they were going to make an effort to see each other every now and then, but it wasn't going to be the incredibly close relationship they had at this moment in time. God, they did everything together, and now they were both walking away from the school, graduation robes flowing behind them, in total silence. Kelly had to wonder if Amy was thinking the same thing. Was she walking through memory lane, too? Or maybe she was thinking about the bad times? Maybe, like Kelly, she was also forcing herself to remember the hard realities of being so close to someone.

  Off the top of her head, she remembered the way that Amy always seemed jealous of her love life. It always seemed like Amy’s relationships ended right as they were getting serious. Shit, had she managed to keep a boyfriend for longer than like… what… six months? Meanwhile, since she was old enough to start dating, Kelly had barely been single for more than a week.

  Their differences were even pretty stark just looking at the two of them. Maybe the reason Kelly had more luck with the boys, she figured, was her luck with genetics. She had a slim, svelte body. Her skinned tanned easily and she had this beautiful straight hair that everyone, even her own mother, seemed jealous of. Amy was beautiful, at least Kelly thought so, but she was a little curvier. She had larger breasts that seemed to be the only thing the boys noticed about her, with dark hair and extremely fair skin. In all their years together, Kelly had never seen in her a bathing suit – Amy blamed her skin. She was afraid of turning into a lobster, she would tell her.

  Sometimes Kelly wondered if it was more than that. Her friend seemed to have a great body, by any account, but she’d never seen much of it at all. On reflection, that was a little strange. Some people were just hyper-sensitive about their bodies. Maybe she’d have more luck with the men if she wasn’t so shy about it all, Kelly wondered.

  Kelly had to force herself to stop dwelling on the past. The big day was here, and they had walked straight through the entire campus without saying a word to each other. Amy finally broke the silence. “I’m going to miss you,” she said with a sad sort of grin.

  “I’m going to miss you, too!” Kelly answered. “I mean, it’s not that big a deal. My parents still live here, so that’ll give me another reason besides you. I’m sure I’ll be back lots of times!” She knew that she was lying.

  “It’s nice of you to say that,” Amy answered. “But you know it’s not true.” Amy was always more serious than Kelly. She didn’t like sugarcoating things.

  “No… no, I think you’re right,” Kelly admitted. “But it’s still not goodbye. I will visit,” she pressed.

  “I know you will. But everything is going to be different. You’ve got work, I’ll have my own career around here. I bet you’ll be gone for two months before you’re already engaged. In three years you’ll have a family.”

  “Oh come on, nobody knows that!”

  “You really think I’m wrong?” Amy asked.

  “I… I don’t know,” Kelly answered, admitting defeat. They walked out to the parking lot. The day had started with a bright sunlight, leaving everyone wearing sunglasses during the commencement ceremony. Now the clouds were starting to roll as they walked through the rows of beat-up college cars. The birds were leaving the sky, taking solace in the trees from the incoming wind and rain. They stepped up to Kelly’s car. It was an old rusted-out thing, like all the others in the lot. At least she could afford to finally replace this piece of crap. “We should get together tonight,” she said, turning to Amy suddenly. “I mean, I’m leaving town real soon, so we should go out before we run out of time.”

  “Sure,” Amy answered with a grin. What was she going to do, tell her best friend she wouldn’t hang out? “What did you have in mind?”

  “I dunno… bar, club, restaurant… we’ll figure it out. Dress up, though,” she said with a wink.

  “You’re not going to get me laid,” Amy added, rolling her eyes. “You always do this! You always say that we’re going to hang out and then you grab the first drunk guy you see and throw him in my arms!” Amy protested.

  “Well if you would just go home with one I’d stop!” Kelly laughed. Okay, maybe she did that a little bit. But Amy was just so… stubborn! It always seemed like there was some reason that someone wasn’t good enough for her. Instead of worrying about relationships, why couldn’t she just cut loose and have some fun with a guy whose name she barely knew? “Alright,” she conceded, “I’ll maybe sort of not trying to thrust some guy on you,” Kelly said. “But not promises,” she added quickly.

  “Fine,” Amy answered, rolling her eyes.


  “Wooo!” they cheered together as their glasses clinked together. They each took a drink of… whatever… was in the glass. It was brown, and it burned a path from her tongue straight through her throat and lit a fire into Kelly’s stomach. She twisted up her face and breathed quickly through her mouth. “Wow…” she gasped. “That… that was terrible,” Kelly commented.

  Amy laughed, a couple of drinks already working their way through her. So far it had been a night for the ages. The clock was making its way towards 2 AM, and they knew the bar was going to be closing down any moment now. She spotted a guy; he was cute enough, and sitting by himself at the bar. The dude sitting next to him with his tongue shoved down the throat of the nearest blond signaled that he was the unlucky wingman that was going to be going home solo. She nudged Amy with her elbow. “What about that one?”

  “No, Kelly,” she said, exasperated.

  “Why not?!" she demanded, nearly whining. Kelly looked down at her empty glass, with a sort of sad look on her face. "Hey… you okay?" Kelly asked, changing her tone.

  “It’s… well...” Amy stumbled over her words, trying to express something that was obviously difficult for her. “Let’s just say that I’m not exactly sexually compatible with most guys. I uh… wouldn’t even know what to do, either...” Amy explained. Kelly leaned in

  “You mean… you're a virgin?" She asked this like she was discovering some dreadful secret, or like she was discussing the nuclear codes in public.

  “Well, yeah," Amy answered. Her eyes darted left and right as she answered the question, feeling much the same about answering it as Kelly did about asking it. Kelly found it hard to believe. While she was clearly the more sexual of the two girls, Amy was pretty attractive herself. I mean, what guy wouldn't want to bury his face in those tits, anyway?

  “Well, that’s not a big deal or anything,” Kelly explained. The lights came on in the bar, signaling everyone to close down their tabs. Kelly sighed deeply – she didn’t want this night.

  “No, it’s not a big deal,” Amy answered a little curtly. She grabbed her purse from under the table. “It’s just… I don’t want to talk about it here. Can we head back to your place?”

  “All my stuff is packed up,” Kelly said, the gravity of it all hitting her. “I don’t want to go home anyway. Your place? You’re not moving tomorrow, right?”

  Amy rolled her eyes.

  “Come on,” she said.


  “So… what’s up with you and guys?” They were sitting on her couch, staring at nothing in particular. Neither of them had even bothered to change out of their tight little cocktail dresses. Amy looked amazing in hers. Maybe it was the booze, but Kelly wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her friend dress quite so sexy. Her curvy body was packed into a tight little blue dress. Once again, the girls were opposite – Kelly’s dress was almost the same style but it was red.

  “It’s a long story,” Amy said. Another moment of silence passed. “So… I guess I have some secrets I should tell you.” She took a deep breath as she prepared herself. Kelly pulled her legs up alongside her on the couch, leaning her head against her arm as she listened to Amy open up about the reason she never gave guys a chance.

  “For one thing,” she started, “I’m bi-sexual.”

  “That’s… also not a big deal,” Kelly laughed. “But that would kind of imply that you like guys too, right?”

  “Well, yeah,” Amy answered. “But there’s something that keeps it from working out with them.” She was struggling to get through this explanation. “Only my parents know,” she sighed. “Seriously, only them. I’ve managed to keep it a secret my entire life.”

  Kelly raised her eyebrows as she waited for her friend to get the point.

  “And on top of that,” she continued, “I have a seriously inappropriate crush on you.” Now that surprised Kelly. Her jaw dropped and she looked around the room as if trying to find the hidden camera.

  “Oh my gosh, Amy, I… I don’t know what to say!” It was honest – she had no idea what the appropriate response was here. Amy held her hand up to indicate she wasn’t done.

  “You’re just so hot, and I’m so frustrated because I can’t be with guys, and I can’t be with you… and there’s this secret, I mean, no one would want to be with me.” She leaned back into the cushions of the couch, covering her face with her hands.

  Kelly sat there in silence. Her best friend had a crush on her… it was a lot to take in. But, it was sort of sweet in its strange way. Who better to have romantic feelings for than your best friend? She reached out nervously to Amy and grabbed her hand, squeezing it between her fingers. “Hey,” she said, trying to meet her gaze, “it’s okay. I think it’s sweet.”

  Wordlessly, Amy guided Kelly’s hand down her body. Kelly felt her heart skip a beat as she touched her friend’s skin. She made her way over the curves of her breast, and for a moment Kelly seriously wondered if she shouldn’t stop her. Hell, she was leaving tomorrow, right? What was really the difference? If it was going to be awkw….

  Her hand stopped over her crotch, and she felt the strangest thing. Amy… Amy had a cock. A large, by the feel of it. “That’s why I’ve never been with anyone,” she said.

  Kelly sat in silence as pulled her hand away. Wow. It was so much to take in! She took a couple deep, shaking breaths. It wasn’t her friend’s… interesting… biology. It was really still the crush. So she had a dick? Was that really that strange in the modern world?

  The weight of the decision felt like it was pressing down on her. Her best friend, her closest friend in the world, who happened to be not-quite-female it turns out, also had a crush on her. Amy covered her face with her hands again, blushing deeply. Kelly knew it must have been hard to tell her this. She could only imagine how isolating and lonely this must have been for all these years. So long without one of the best parts of life…

  That's when she made up her mind. She reached a hand out and placed it on Amy's bare leg. Her fingers ran up and down her pale, creamy, smooth skin. Amy's hands slowly lowered away from her face, and she looked at Kelly with eyes that were just starting to form tears. She lifted her hand up to her friend's cheek, running the back of her fingers up and down the soft skin of her face. Amy looked so sad, and Kelly's heart broke as she thought of all the relationships that had to end because she couldn't find someone who would be willing to take it to the next level.

  Kelly made up her mind.

  Her hand slipped from Amy’s cheek and went behind her head, entwining her finger’s into her friend’s long, dark-brown hair, and pulled her head towards her until their lips pressed together. Amy’s hand flew to shoulders, pushing back against her. “Kelly!” she gasped. “No, I don’t… I mean, I want to, but you...”

  “Shhh,” Kelly sighed. “Just let this happen. It’s okay… I want to..." She pushed her lips back against Amy's. Her friend's body was stiff, and at first, she barely responded. But slowly, her shoulders relaxed and her arms lowered. Amy let Kelly pull her closer, and her jaw started to relax. Kelly slipped her tongue into Amy's mouth; she heard Amy finally react, the slightest moan of enjoyment escaped her lips, gasping with delight at the feeling of Kelly's tongue making its way deeper and deeper into her mouth. Their tongues twirled together, around and around each wetly.

  Amy nibbled on Kelly’s lips, pulling on them painfully. It was amazing to see her friend in this light. Kelly had never kissed another woman before; there was something so soft about her face and skin. Somehow her lips just tasted sweeter, her tongue wetter… everything about kissing a woman seemed so much better than the hardened, masculine face of a man. She leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Amy. One hand slowly started to descend down her back. The deep plunge in the back of her dress exposed plenty of her smooth skin for Kelly’s fingers to caress. She let her fingertips fall all the way down her spine, dipping into the fabric at the bottom of her dress. Damn, her skin felt amazing.

  Amy's lips broke away from hers, and she trailed her tongue down to her chin, kissing her wetly along the way. Kelly closed her eyes and turned her head towards the ceiling as her friend began to explore her neck with her lips. The warm, wet sensation of her tongue on the sensitive skin of her felt sent tingles through her skin, raising goosebumps and making her shudder with anticipation. Amy's hands wandered up and down the front of Kelly's body, groping at her tits through the material of her dress. There was a certain sense of desperation in her touch; after all, she'd been denied this for so many years. Kelly cooed with delight as her friend's hand squeezed her breasts roughly through the material of her dress.

  Amy’s hands slithered behind her body until her fingertips found the zipper holding it all together. She grasped the little bronze piece between her fingers and pulled down; Kelly could feel the cool air of the room against her skin as her dress loosened up behind her. She let the top of her dress fall forward off her torso. Her best friend’s eyes were glued to her chest. “It’s okay… go ahead,” she encouraged. Amy slid a hand into the cup of her bra, letting her fingertips flick over one of Kelly’s nipple. Kelly bit her bottom lip in response to the feeling of her fingertips inside her bra. Amy’s other hand tugged roughly on her bra strap, pulling it down over her shoulder and exposing her breast.

  Her nipp
le hardened as the air conditioned air wafted over it. Amy was just staring, almost in amazement. She licked her lips as she caressed Kelly’s breast. “It’s um… it’s my first time, you know...” she tried to explain. Kelly just smiled and held a finger up to her lips. Amy shut up on command, then Kelly let her finger slide between those deliciously moist lips.

  She moved her finger in and out of her friend’s mouth, letting it get good and wet before she pulled it out and ran her saliva over her nipple. Amy seemed to gasp at the sight of it. She grabbed onto her friend’s shoulder and pulled Amy’s mouth toward her chest.

  Kelly let out a whimper when Amy’s lips locked onto her nipple. She sucked in gently, barely flicking the tip of her nipple over the tip of the tongue again and again. “That’s it,” Kelly encouraged her. “Right there… oh God...” Her mouth felt so warm and so wet. Kelly wrapped and arm around her friend's head and pulled it against her chest. Her breasts' weren't nearly as large as Amy's, but they were incredibly sensitive. It always drove her wild whenever a boyfriend sucked on her her nipples, and apparently, women had the same effect on her. Her muscles twitched from the little waves of pleasure that seemed to radiate outward from her nipple.

  She kissed the top of Amy's head, running her hand through her friend's dark hair. It was soft between her fingers, and the smell of a coconut shampoo lingered in the air around her. Amy reached behind her back and unsnapped Kelly's bra, freeing her other breast from its confines and getting one more piece of clothing out of her way. She pulled it off her body and put one hand on each of her tits, massaging forcefully. Her friend really seemed to love the way her body felt.


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