Outside Hell

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Outside Hell Page 7

by Milo Spires

  Yohan stands from his chair and then leans forwards with his body outstretched, placing his hands against the narrow window ledge. Carefully he scans the darkness as far as he can see for anything to verify his fathers concerns.

  The night is spectacular and as the stars and moon cast their cotton candy glow across the waist deep snow, the blue reflection makes him smile.

  Looking down he can’t even see a foot print so chuckles and steps back, drawing the thick curtains to a close.

  Not entirely sure, he sighs, and then reaches for his cap and scarf. Quickly he puts them on and then slips his beige leather jacket on too, before striding with large steps across to the back door.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Silvia said with words slightly slurred, as she’d then leant forwards and poured herself another Brandy.

  “Just going to check the chicken’s, not sure if I locked them in properly.” He’d said as he’d then reached up above the back door to get his shotgun down.

  “Well hurry back because Santa will be coming soon.” She’d replied as he’d then casually stepped out into the arctic night air.

  Turning he’d smiled back at her but at the same time Silvia saw a hand appear from the side of the doorway in the shade of pale death. Dropping her Sherry, and in response, she’d made the most horrible most of wailing screams.

  Yohan sensed danger but was too late. Then as he’d turned, Sorchek’s nails were already deeply buried within his neck.

  “Yohan.” His mother cried out, as her son’s throat then sprayed everywhere like a fountain of red.

  Sorchek in plain sight of Silvia snatched her son’s head back, and then viciously to the side. Grinning at her for but a second, he’d turned his head and then with his paleolithic fangs glistening in the moonlight, he’d sunk his face into her sons gaping wound.

  Yohan’s eyes faded and his death rattle began, consuming him to the end.


  Sorchek rips his face away from Yohan and drops the dead body into the snow beneath him. Turning around to look into the night, suddenly there was a second boom and the night’s air is filled with a wholesomely bright flash.

  This time the vampire stumbles backwards and crashes into the cottages doorframe.

  Looking down he’s horrified to see that there were two fist sized holes going straight through, and leading out the back of his chest.

  As the shotgun’s cartridges were changed, and then afterwards closed hard with it’s ominous steel against steel click, Sorchek stumbles through into the kitchen with his own blood squirting into the air.

  Grandpa meets him at the bottom of the stairs, his face holding only one shade, that being the shade of death.

  As the third boom was heard, the doorframe explodes; bits of wood and stonework fly up and go everywhere.

  Sorchek grins as grandpa clutches painfully at his chest. The old man sags dropping to his knees as his own death rattle begins.

  The vampire wonders if maybe Santa might have been the one with the shotgun, only he knows the bearded stranger had no presents for him, so dares not to wait around and see.

  Charging past the dying old man, Sorchek leaps up and crashes through the lounge window, taking the curtains with him and sending shards of glass everywhere.

  Chapter 9 – Fury

  (Secret German Military Base, Kovácsszenaja - Hungary – 22nd December 1980)

  The first rays of the scintillating morning sunshine, changing from white to gold said fair well to the mists phantom tendrils, as it burnt its way down through and warmly lit the side of the rocky ridge, with its soft hues of golden brown.

  Its rays truly welcome as they tickled the feathers of a mother eagle who’d just ripped apart a rat to feed her babies with. Its skin stretching under the pressure as the bigger bird with her massive talons and razor sharp beak, desperately sought the goodness from within.

  All the while dad was away soaring through the brisk morning air, and searching the vast open snowy countryside and tangled undergrowth that ran alongside the river Dunar, hoping for bigger prey such as rabbits or small deer to bless them with.

  A thousand feet below the edge of their nest, and at the base of the cliff face that they’d chosen to raise her kids on; hundreds of genetically modified German soldiers marched two abreast in long lines, with frozen expressions across their faces. The swinging and jostling of their rifles, plus stern echoing cries and synchronized stamping of their feet, rudely imposed on the peace and tranquility of their feathery neighbors up above.

  All around heavy tanks, light tanks, armored cars and other old German military vehicles hummed and crunched as their heavy block tires and steel tracks, charged backwards and forwards across the square mile of icy tarmac that was beneath them.

  Huge vertical cliffs that were hundreds of feet in height surrounded the top-secret military installation, providing the perfect shelter from prying eyes. To the south dense pine forests standing mostly in a soldiered fashion and almost suffocating from over population, with a winding pathway through the center, offered the only way in and out.

  Working fast in a huge patch of shade underneath the eagle’s nest and close to the main entrance, delivery trucks had their backs down and were being unloaded. Huge crates of supplies were checked under the watchful eye of their own snipers, and then when approved being wheeled inside.

  To the left of the entrance army choppers were parked four a breast with teams of mechanics buzzing around them. Their massive silhouettes and four rotor heads were casting distancing shadows and blocking out the suns energy from the deep snow that was beneath them.

  At the same time on their sides, Laser guided cannons were being reloaded with thousands of rounds of bullets. Each one filled with the potent MX1 vampire anesthetic. A drug developed in house for their soldiers to catch vampires with and then bring them back to be operated on, in their desperate hunt for immortality.

  Inside these steel flying machines, their engines were having compression checks carried out, oil changes, serviced and made ready for the next mission in Romania the following evening.

  Across in the forest, teams of 6 feet tall soldiers practiced body throws and hand to hand combat, whilst others carried huge rocks that normal middle-aged men could hardly lift. The surrounding two hundred feet tall pine trees swayed gently, saying nothing as they looked down at them with ridiculing thoughts; hardly impressed as the soldiers tried to prove their superhuman strengths.

  All the while inside the entrance of the top secret base some ways away, and back across the icy tarmac behind the main door; a massive sliding lump of rock that was also lined with lead to keep the voices out, their boss Adolf was considering calling it off and giving everyone much needed holidays. He was actually really thinking that if they were more relaxed then after the holidays, they might actually find immortality quicker. Only when he was told that a godly sized vampire from Paris was going to be up at the shack, suddenly red mist of anger had sunk down over the Führer’s brain. In response he’d cancelled his previous thoughts of R&R and pushed on with his original plan to raid the shack in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania.


  Ever since he’d started hearing voices back in 1935 that were commanding and controlling him Adolf had tried to escape them, only the voice that had been booming in his mind from dusk till dawn 7 days a week, was strangely always one step ahead. Every attempt he’d ever made to stop the voices had always been futile, leaving the leader of the German army being manipulated into starting WW2.

  Not to say that he hadn’t got his own plans for world domination, because he had. Even without the voices he’d have ordered the war, only he’d have done it in a different way entirely.

  The voices that were in his mind were so strong that he’d been powerless to resist them. They had him by the balls so to speak. Then four years later and with insanity threatening to consume him as they’d burrowed deep into his soul, suddenly they’d ordered him to have a meeting with J
oseph Stalin.

  They’d said don’t worry and go and sign the Devil’s ALLIANCE with Stalin, and then they’d told him that like him, they’d also got Stalin under mind control too.

  Instantly Adolf had tried to refuse but the voices had roared through his mind and then furiously taken control of his whole body, and with it marched him in front of a mirror. He’d remembered that as he’d been slammed against the sink, and then from within, savagely bent backwards so that he’d looked directly into the damn thing, at that moment he’d had his first glimpse of the man who’s voices were inside his head.

  The man’s name was Raffious.

  As he’d stood there looking back at him, Raffious was an old man of about 5 feet tall with a long beard that was so long he couldn’t see the end of it, as it’d vanished beneath the mirrors frame. He’d been dressed in white robes something like what a holy man would have worn, and had a withered face with heaps of wrinkles underneath his eyes, giving the distinct impression that he’d deep troubles in his mind. Anyway as he’d been forced to stare into this old creepy fuckers face, the old boy shape shifted and then changed into another being entirely. The man was now much taller; probably over six feet tall, and he’d dark wavy hair that was framing his soft features. His eyes were blue and angelic in appearance, hardly matching that of his true evil nature in the slightest.

  Then as Adolph had been consumed with even deeper shock than the shock that was already flowing through him from seeing someone in the mirror, suddenly there’d been a loud knocking coming from behind him. It was coming from his mission control room door of the chateaux that he’d taken over after killing the previous owners. The knocking had been his personal guards who were asking if he was all right. They’d apologized with muffled voices from behind the timber, but explained that they’d heard voices and were freaking out thinking that somehow an intruder had got in. At that point the old boy Raffious had realized that he’d no choice but to jump out of Adolf’s mind and let him go. In response Raffious cursed inwardly at the intrusion and then gritted his teeth, as he’d stared into Adolph’s eyes and then said to him, “Stop thinking about escape, and fucking sign the Devil’s Alliance with Joseph Stalin or else.”

  A moment had passed of Adolph’s face being jammed up to the mirror so close that his own eyeballs were inches away from the shiny surface. Then as he’d begun to count the veins in the old boys whites of his eyes, he’d been saved because the handle of the door behind him had started to turn. Fearing that as the door had opened, whoever was on the other side would think that Adolf was possessed, and this might have a profound effect on his being the German leader so ruining the old boys plans, Raffious had no choice but to release him from his hold over him, and then vanished from the mirror too.

  As he’d released him, the shock of having his brain back and then also feeling his bodies senses sending the electrical impulses up into it again, had made Adolph stumble forwards and left him in a mini panic attack with trouble breathing. The situation had been highly embarrassing for him as their leader. Then to stop his guards from repeating to others that they’d seen him in such a way, he’d told them to stand by the wall whilst he decided upon a punishment for their intrusion. A second had past and then after he’d walked up and down his room a couple of times, with his heels clicking on the timber floor, he’d spun around and snatched up one of their Lugar handguns, shooting them both several times in the head.

  Then as the years went by and with the war a couple of years from ending, Adolph under the control of Raffious found himself going for a meeting inside a lab in a mountain in Italy. Once inside he’d stumbled again and then after looking like a fool he’d suddenly realized that the voices had stopped in his mind again too. Adolf in response then wiped his mouth from saliva that was dripping down his chin and grinned. He was suddenly consumed with extreme joy and happiness to be free again. Adolf then for obvious reasons refused to leave the sanctity of the place and demanded that his SS Elite troops located a site, where a bunker inside a mountain could be built of his very own. Then after a few more killings to prove that he’d been deadly serious, they’d gone and found the site in Hungary. Adolf and after a few years of using prisoners of war to build it and to keep its location a secret when it was finished, he’d thanked them for their hard work by gassing them. Then as soon as it was finished and ready to move in, and like Cleopatra travelling in her box carried by slaves, he’d been taken to it in a lead box on the back of a tank to avoid the voices taking hold of him again.

  Once there he’d slipped inside it and started setting up base.

  Not long after though he’d been receiving strange reports from officers in Auswitzch prisoner of war camp, that were saying after the death lever had been pulled and the doors were opened, prisoners with black eyes and fangs had come charging out. He was also told that as they’d tried running away, his officers had ordered the machine gunners to blast them; only their bullets had seemed to have little to no effect. Seeing is believing so he had a trap set with a wire roof, and a second door that was installed outside the death chambers main door. Then some months later when he’d started believing that the stories were simply rubbish, and that his own guards were doing nothing more than trying to fool him, suddenly two prisoners matching their previous descriptions were caught. Then after his own scientists had carried out numerous tests on these strange looking people but found nothing, one day in his office a book on Theology had fallen down and from its pages he’d discovered that they were vampires. In clear words it had said ‘Vampires and Immortality,’ and then as he’d looked up and checked the chapter heading of the book, it had said Ponerology section, The Study of Sin and Evil.

  Ordering the scientists with this new information to carry out tests to find out how they were immortal, and without going anywhere near the main doors of his hanger just in case Raffious’ voice found him again, he’d sat back and dreamt up twisted plans for world domination. He’d thought of how and what he could do if his scientists did unlock the key to immortality, and just how many countries he could invade and kill the people living in them too.

  He’d realized that apart from living forever, he could make his soldiers the elite unstoppable machine, and then with them bulletproof, he could go back out into the world and restart the war, only this time win.

  A little time had passed and then as the vampires in the cells were about to be operated on, one of them had made a deal with Adolph. His name had been Heir Volkerdauphine and the other one, an old woman who was quite feeble from living for thousands of years, had been his mother.

  The deal made with Adolf was that Heir Volkerdauphine would be released only if he fed back the locations of where other vampires lived, so they could be caught for his scientists to study from. Then after a couple hundred vampires were caught, he’d be free and his mother would be released too.

  The scientists were equipped with sharp scalpels and top quality saws, but Adolf had insisted that they’d deserved more pain for who they were. He’d ordered dissection of Satan’s children to be done when they were awake, and only by using rusty saws.

  Then as time ticked past with the scientists forever delaying him with rubbish excuses as to why they still hadn’t unlocked the key to immortality, Adolf tried the fear tactic to improve results. He’d ordered that all the less intelligent ones be led out into the open and then using his snipers, he’d had all twenty of them shot in the head. The plan had worked and then as the rest of them had feared for their lives, they’d worked with no sleep for weeks till finally, and just before more deaths were planned, they’d saved themselves by producing a serum called DD10. It wasn’t immortality but it was derived from the species bone marrow found only in their left leg. The serum enhanced their strength, and virtually stopped their aging too.

  In the year 1980 and after a stunt double had tricked the Americans into thinking that he’d killed himself at the end of WW2, Adolph and his soldiers were now in their late eighties be
cause of DD10, and they still looked like men in their early forties.

  The scientists also excelled themselves and in their wisdom they’d developed a drug called MX1, which was a vampire anesthetic. It allowed his soldiers to catch vampires without them being torn to pieces. Two darts full of MX1 consumed the vampire as the liquid flowed into their veins, and knocked them out for six hours prior to them waking up on the operating table.


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