Outside Hell

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Outside Hell Page 15

by Milo Spires

  Regina was desperate to put as much distance as possible between her, and the evil that was behind her. Then after some distance she was suddenly presented with a fork in the path. The left went uphill quite steeply, and the right went down only a few feet before suddenly there was intense gushes of wild flames that spiraled out from the right towards her.

  A second past and then as she’d turned to crawl along the left path, suddenly from behind her she’d heard a huge roar that had to be Satan, coupled by the very intense and unbelievably frightening sound of the demons screaming.

  In her mind they were obviously in the room that she’d just arrived in, and were probably looking for her.

  Then as she’d gone about fifty meters more, the passageway suddenly veered off to the right, and leveled off too.

  Keeping going at the same pace as earlier with her chest feeling like a wood burner on full roar, she’d past a hole on her right and wished that she hadn’t looked through it. What she’d seen apart from almost making her scream, had also made her realize that she must be in an air vent running through hell or something.

  She’d seen a massive room beneath her, and inside it there were thousands upon thousands of burning souls. They were chained in long rows, one behind the other like in an old galley of a pirate ship. Then apart from their screaming, above them and floating back and forth were demons with long flame like whips that every now and then, were lashing them down upon the helpless souls beneath them.

  Then as she’d crawled forwards desperate to keep herself from joining the souls in their boat from hell, her hands had started to flame even more and the sight scared her.

  Cursing at the thought that she was burning up and would soon be the same as the souls she’d seen beneath her, Regina wished with all her being that the air vent would “hurry the fuck up” and lead her out of the heinous place to safety. Only as the thought had past through her stinking hot brain, suddenly from behind she’d heard Satan’s roar again, but this time it had sounded closer.

  Thinking that he must have found her, or at least that he must be aware that she was hiding inside the air vent, had had disastrous effects upon her inner feelings and brought about even purer levels of extreme terror. Then and as if she’d needed any more problems, suddenly the tunnel ahead of her filled with massive spiraling flames and a second later they’d roared towards her.

  Realizing that she’d no choice but to go into them, and that she’d have to bare the intense pain when it came, she’d crawled forwards into it and gritted her teeth. Then as her gorgeous hair had disintegrated to nothing and the flames had cleared, the memory of her loving husband Kaine who she’d cherished deeply appeared. Only aware of the fact that to start thinking about him at that moment would almost certainly be disastrous, and then in turn have a high probability of leading to extreme misery plus her escape efforts failing, she’d unwillingly shaken her head to disperse them back into her subconscious mind, and continued down the passageway ahead.

  In her flaming heart the big man was there though and would be guiding her through this evil. The thought that she’d have the slimmest chance of seeing him again, had fueled her and kept her pushing forwards to wherever the air vent would take her.

  Then and only moments later when his face had appeared again, this time rather than trying to expel it from her mind, instead she’d turned full circle and had a different belief and welcomed the image of him. Something in her mind was telling her that if she’d stayed focused on seeing him again, even Satan and his fucking demons wouldn’t be able to stop their powerful love from being reunited. Only as she’d crawled forwards with tears of flames streaming down her face for his memory, she was unaware that a feint blue light was watching her.

  Meanwhile though the eight feet tall crimson red evil fucker with his hideously distended veins pumping un-rhythmically, was out in the main room where more souls were arriving. He was watching and grinning as they’d crashed down on their granite rocks whilst bursting into flames beneath him. Seconds were passing and when they were realizing that hell truly existed and that it wasn’t bullshit after all, but now that they’d have to pay for their evil doings of past with eternity in the place, they’d tried to run but his demons were grabbing them up and suffocating them in their intensity of blackness, before dragging them off kicking and screaming. Then after the room was free with only a few demons still floating around and watching him, Satan experienced fury like he’d never felt it before. His demons had sensed it too, and as his head had bulged and flames then spiraled out of him in all directions, they’d floated backwards some distance to ensure that they were out of his immediate path.

  The prince of darkness had lost his first ever soul in the history of hell being there, and that had made him so damn furious that he’d even pondered over the idea of releasing millions of souls from their tormentous suffering. He’d reasoned that he’d turn them into demons to help him hunt for the bitch, and with millions of them then scouring the place, she’d be caught, and then he’d make her pay.

  Satan had been caught by Regina’s womanly spell though. The way that she’d escaped him in Paris and that she’d also looked so damn sexy was to much for him to bare, and after being defeated by her then, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d had to have her too. Only his former plans to make her into his queen and then to turn her into something that he could have by his side, had changed. All he’d wanted now was to see her suffer. How dare the bitch do this to him and embarrass him in front of his demons in such a way. He’d thought.

  There’d be no queen, she’d be found and then brought to him, and when she was he’d make her suffer twice the pain that all of the other souls have ever received. She’d be chained in a cell and the heat inside of it would be so tremendous that eternity for her would be the worst experience that anyone had ever received in his hotel of doom. He’d have his demons outside her room day and night screaming, and then to make it even more demonic and evil, they’d be whipping her with their flaming whips, adding vastly to the levels of suffering that she’d receive.

  It was his own fault though that she’d escaped him this time, and he’d known it too. He’d held back from rushing in to greet her when she’d arrived, and told his demons to scream for a few minutes but not to advance into the main room. He’d wanted to confuse her and then at the last moment after she’d seen fireballs consuming the passageway and heard his demons getting closer, his plan was, that they’d all rush inside and grab her.

  Satan was aware though that she wouldn’t have been his queen instantly because first he’d have to have given her a few years suffering, and then afterwards he’d have brought her to his side. His reasoning was that if he’d have given her an immediate free pass to avoid the cells, his demons might have thought that he was weak. No, she’d do a thousand years burning in chains and then he’d propose to her, making her his queen. If any demon afterwards had then dared to even show the slightest of negative thoughts towards him because of it, he’d have the bastard vaporized from existence. She’d respect him more for it too, and then after being released and because of it, she’d learn her place and wouldn’t challenge his ruling either.

  Only now he’d thought that for hiding from him she’d spend an eternity in hell and he’d never have her by his side regardless of how sexy she was.

  Then as Satan had stood there in hells entrance room with the remains of the fireball that he’d swallowed down the wrong hole after noticing that she’d escaped, suddenly being burped up and the stench from it making even him step back from it, he’d demanded that she was found.

  In response the cloud of demons then raced across to him but one of them had taken the lead and approached him wearily, before asking him if he hadn’t somehow made a mistake. The demon reasoned his bold statement by saying that if she’d truly died then she would be there like all the souls, and that there was no way she could escape the room either. He’d then said that outside the winged demons would have
seen too and he’d already checked with them and they hadn’t seen her at all. The demon who was stuttering at this stage seeing Satan’s veins growing larger and larger had then questioned if maybe the angels had in fact swooped down for her as her good soul had been masked by their evil after she was bitten and turned into a vampire. They might have realized that she should be in Heaven and then come down and saved her.

  Satan had listened and then in response to its blackness floating in front of him and its questioning whether or not he’d actually got his facts right, it had made him almost swallow his own tongue. Then as the rage had taken over and without deliberating over it, he’d grabbed the demon and with wild fury coursing through him, he’d ran it back extremely hard into the rock wall just beneath the air vent. The demon with its shrill scream had begged that he forgive him only Satan wasn’t about forgiveness just ask the souls that one, no he was about evil and rage fury and revenge. The prince of darkness squeezed the demon so hard until it suddenly exploded into tiny fragments of blackness, that after a moment passing the pieces had simply floated down like blackened snow flakes and disappeared into the lava that was beneath him.

  Then turning around he’d furiously stormed towards the other demons that in response to him coming at them like a missile, shit themselves and simply scattered in all directions as if a group of pigeons had just been startled by a cat or something.

  The eight feet tall red hunk of evil muscle with his lashing tail and pitchfork in his hand that the demons had pondered over and never quite figured out why he had it unless before they’d met him that he was a gardener in Heaven or something, then walked out through the gap in the rock wall to the nothingness hoping that he’d find her himself.

  Then once outside and after turning around with more granite rocks hurtling down towards him, he’d crouched down and tried to look under hell for her, but when he’d seen nothing he’d then tried to study the rock that she’d come down into hell on, just in case there was any signs of angel activity. Still nothing he’d craned his neck back and then addressed one of his winged demons that was flying above him.

  The winged demons were huge with ribbed veins and pale skin just like his other creations the vampires, plus they’d hideous faces like his own ugly mug, or Rex even from the white coven. All that these massive creatures ever did was to fly around hell watching for the slightest chance that one day there might be an intruder, and making sure that hell was defended and in turn that no souls ever escaped too.

  In response to his questioning they’d screamed back down at him in their deathly voices that they’d not seen her, and then dived down underneath hell looking for her.

  Satan was even more furious now and then with his anger he’d stormed back into hell through the gap in the wall and after walking back over to where he’d just vaporized the demon, he’d roared at the other demons that were huddled waiting for new souls, and told them to forget the souls and to go and join the hunt for her too.

  Then as second had past a new thought had entered his evil mind, one that had only enraged him even further. He was thinking about Dracus and Regina’s husband, plus the scientist who’d escaped him in Paris too. Since he’d been thrown out of Heaven and then banished to this fiery place, no one had ever escaped him. It was his own dark evil that had cursed the arrows that Dracus had fired into him in Paris, and like a fool he’d not protected himself from their cursed evil either. Then whilst succumbing to the evil, the bowman and his crew of friends had managed to escape him, only he’d have caught them if that fucking angel hadn’t shown up with the key to the bottomless pit. Now he’d a soul missing and the recent memory of vampires he’d created also escaping him and his demons had witnessed it too.

  These thoughts then churned around in his twisted brain and with the answers still very much eluding him they’d sent him into a dark place that he’d never been before. Satan was furious beyond all levels of fury, his anger was metastasizing into something that by its very nature was threatening to not only consume him, but all of hell and the surrounding rocky terrain too. This bitch Regina had to be found and now.

  Then suddenly from behind the prince of darkness and keeping a clear distance from him, a demon had floated up to him and told him even more bad news. The demon said that his number one vampire Rex, the one who’d ordered Christ’s death had been killed, and that the person who’d done it was Dracus.

  Satan literally and in response to hearing it then dropped to his knees, immediately sticking his hands either side of his head and screamed. He couldn’t believe it, that little bastard Dracus had not only escaped him in Paris but now he was clearly taking the piss too. To have the gaul and the damn temerity to kill his number one vampire, was the fucker insane? Dracus couldn’t defeat him and for sure he’d catch him soon, so why was he taunting him so. He’d thought.

  Satan then feeling that he was beginning to succumb to his own evil and needing to expel massive amounts of rage had spun around and with his bloodshot eyes threatening his own demise, he’d grabbed the demon and simply vaporized him with a fireball. Then as the black ashes had floated down to the floor all around him, the prince of darkness suddenly stormed off into the first cell and blasted the souls that were already in suffering with tormentous levels of sadness, with intense fireballs to increase their pain.

  Then as a moment had past another demon had approached him but this time it had kept about forty feet from him too. Satan looked at it as if the distance was provoking him, so the demon slowly and not wishing to provoke his master then cautiously floated closer.

  The news he had for him was good though and he’d felt sure that Satan wouldn’t be angry hearing it.

  The demon told him that Dracus had been found. Their scouts in the shadows had felt his energy and seen the portal flying through space. It had journeyed from The Tower of London and then appeared in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, high up on a peak.

  Satan and in response whilst rubbing his fiery hands together briskly and with a devilishly evil gleam in his eye, grinned. Ok Regina was somewhere in hell but for now he’d let her burn wherever she was hiding, because first he’d more important business to attend too.

  Then turning around to every demon that was there which amounted to thousands with their flaming whips, he’d screamed at them to go and get this little bastard Dracus, and bring his soul down to him.

  Only after they’d disappeared and with how cunning Dracus had seemed to be at escaping with his portals, he’d doubted if they’d be successful.

  Satan had to have the bowman’s soul, so with the rage inside growing again and the fires from the inferno’s that were spiraling up his arms now licking his face, the evil bastard disappeared and headed up to Romania with his demons too.

  Chapter 18 – The Bowman

  The chopper pilots were relaying their info back to their base in Hungary of how the mission to kidnap the vampires had been a complete success, with one team of soldiers aboard and a cage hanging underneath by a cable that was full of vampires. Then as they’d just cleared the first set of pine trees away from the shack, suddenly they’d felt a massive thud in the side of the chopper and apart from the deeply ominous creaking of metal sound like a submarine plummeting down further than it should really go, the instruments panel in front of them had gone crazy.

  Instantly and with major issues to hand, the pilots had desperately fought with the controls as the chopper had swung around violently in the air. The pressure gauges were increasing then decreasing, the fuel gauges were increasing and then decreasing, and all manor of other weird shit was happening too. Dark black smoke was pouring up from behind the instrument panel and the engine had started spluttering with intense vibrations racking themselves through the bodywork.

  The co-pilot had desperately grabbed the radio and started screaming in German to the other chopper, “We are going down, were going down heavy.” Then suddenly there was an unearthly and really loud barrage of distortion that came back
at them through their headsets, and a second later the radio went dead. Then as the second chopper who’d just picked up their distress call had swung around in front of them, strangely the instrument panel stopped belching out smoke and settled down again, with the misbehaving engine also returning to full roar.

  Then as they’d checked the instruments in front of them everything had seemed fine. The fuel gauge had returned to reading just over half full, and the light on the radio had come back on again too. The vibrations from the tail rotor had cleared up as well as if someone had been out there with a wrench and just fixed the problem.Then whilst they’d hovered there in front of their buddies for a second and were smacked around by the tremendous winds outside, the pilots were completely baffled by the events, turning to each other with furrowing brows. The thing had only been serviced the day before, and it had been given a green light for the mission. The Pilots with many years experience being shot at by snipers and rocket missiles through various war zones had realized that the problems only started after they’d felt that heavy thud coupled by the submarine creaking sound.


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