Outside Hell

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Outside Hell Page 30

by Milo Spires

  The old boy instantly shape shifted into a massive creature that was fifty feet long and full of armour plates scales with huge claws and massive teeth and blood red eyes that breathed fire. Then from its back huge wings sprouted that were fifteen feet each side also with sharp spikes along the leading edge.

  Satan took one look as a black forked tongue lashed out from its mouth and a deep sound of fire building inside could be heard booming up it throat, and laughed.

  The beast of Raffious then leapt up fifteen feet into the air whilst beating its massive wings to keep it there and poured white hot flames down onto the old serpent.

  Satan held his arms up and as the flames hit him, he grinned and then turned around to let them flow across his already flaming back.

  Raffious was furious inside and then swooped down and tried to grab Satan with his now massive claws. Only as the claws touched him, they’d melted to nothing and the armour plated scales down his huge legs also caught fire.

  The winged beast sensing failure again then tried to turn and fly back to somewhere safe but Satan grabbed it tail and swung it exceptionally hard into the huge rock door.

  The door smashed into various massive lumps of rock and Raffious the beast slumped down to the floor. The dragon that the old boy had turned into was proving useless against the dark under lord so he instantly shaped shifted back into the old mans form again.

  Now standing there with his feet badly burnt Raffious passed his hand across them to heal them but they remained the same, and nothing happened.

  The pain was unbelievable and Raffious had to clench his teeth as it roared up to his brain.

  Turning he spotted the cannons above the doors and then clicked his fingers to make them fire. The massive turrets boomed down at Satan, faster than they had before.

  Still though nothing happened, the bullets simply melted as they’d entered with inches of the old serpents red skin.

  Satan roared with laughter and the sound that came from his mouth was so huge that the eagles who were nesting high above, then burrowed their heads down into their nest and laid their wings across the top of their young to try and protect them from it.

  The pine trees in the far distance that weren’t burnt to ash also shook violently, with mountains of snow falling down from their canopies too.

  Raffious was thrown by this incredible beast standing in front of him with unbelievable powers that seemed unstoppable with everything he’d thrown at him. Then as a second past suddenly the old boy remembered the pit.

  Clasping his hands together, Raffious suddenly ripped them apart whilst muttering some more archaic words into the now steaming hot air.

  In response the ground beneath Satan suddenly opened into a massive fissure that ran off hundreds of feet in both directions from him. The prince of darkness instantly fell down inside and the clouds of demons that had been watching from the tree line, suddenly screamed and charged in after him.

  Then the old boy reversed the spell by twisting his grip.

  In response the huge hole that was hundreds of feet deep and looked like a canyon because of its size, suddenly slammed shut again with so much force that a thousand mph wind then roared up from inside it, and carried with it massive rocks and debris that soared hundreds of feet into the air.

  The old boy as he’d witnessed Satan succumbing to his mighty wrath then paused to take it in that he’d just won, only as he was starting to chuckle out loud, and as he was looking around hoping that someone had seen his skills, suddenly the ground opened beneath him and an inferno of great magnitude blasted out that vaporized the sorcerer instantly.

  Satan’s demonic laugh was the last thing heard as the flames then sucked back into the whole and the ground closed up over it again.


  The family of eagles would have left as soon as they’d seen the mortar bombs going off, but they’d had young to look after and wouldn’t leave them. Then when Satan had appeared they’d considered grabbing them in their talons and flying away, but knew that would leave them highly vulnerable to death so stayed. Now though as they’d sensed the evil atrocities beneath them were finally over, and the superhuman soldiers were turned to black ash, they’d cautiously peeked down and then turned to look back at their young.

  Only as they’d looked beneath their feathers, in between their feet they’d found to their extreme horror that both the chicks were laying on their sides with their beaks wide open and dead.

  In response the eagles then screamed in such a high pitch tone that it blasted out across the pine forest that was thick with fire and smoke, and could be heard for miles around if anyone was left alive that is. Only there were beings still live, four to be precise and three of them had definitely heard it too.

  Dracus, Claudius and Laouse were high above on the top of the cliff looking down as Satan and Raffious had done battle, with the priest outside the chopper half a mile away using snow to clean the puke of the back seat.

  In response as Laouse felt for the birds beneath him, Dracus then closed his eyes and summoned the swirling mist in his mind again.

  The clouds of white swirling mist that looked like tornados gathered together and from within and behind them a bright light formed. Then as he’d thought about the two chicks that were laying dead beneath him and brought their vision into the mist too, suddenly the light in his mind grew so bright that it threatened to consume him.

  Laouse saw the bowman with his feet inches over the edge of the cliff, and then as he’d closed his eyes in much the same manner as before, Laouse understood that he was summoning the mist.

  Then as the bowman had started to shake and the loose rocks of the cliff face had began to shift beneath his feet, and were falling the hundreds of feet down on to the destroyed tarmac beneath them, they’d grabbed him.

  Seconds past and then as the birds beneath looked down again at their dead young that they’d fed all winter and were just sadly going to fly away, the chicks opened their eyes and called up to them.

  The parents hearing their little chirpy noises were so ecstatic realising they were alive again that they’d nearly fallen out of the nest themselves. Then in response they’d dived their beaks down into the nest and softly nudged their young until both of them were standing back up on their feet again.

  Claudius looked in astonishment as the bowman by his side then opened his eyes again and his legs instantly sunk beneath him.

  Holding him there hundreds of feet above the tarmac to watch the family of eagles reunited again, a second past and then they brought him in from the edge and sat him down on the ground.

  Claudius and Laouse said nothing. Both of them looked at each other with their eyes wide in astonishment at what they’d just seen. For Laouse he knew that there were absolutely no scientific answers either, for what had just happened.

  Chapter 37 – The Cells

  Claudius walked down the side of the mountain with the mile square tarmac down some hundreds of feet below him to his right. And as he’d walked, his hood was back revealing his massive neck and wiry beard that was playing with the bear furs, sticking up from his chest.

  All the while Dracus was slumped almost lifelessly over his shoulder and his new friend Laouse was by his side.

  On the way down they’d past the corpses of the German snipers that Claudius had had stern words with, and then when they’d finally reached the tarmac and walked along the it for a mile with the towering cliff up above them, they’d came to the entrance of the hanger.

  Claudius bent forwards as he’d approached the doorway and gently put the bowman down against the wall. Dracus was utterly exhausted from the days events, and from the energy that he’d consumed saving the two eagle chicks above.

  Standing there looking into the hanger, Claudius glanced in and the sudden thought that his son might be inside, and in turn might also still be alive, had sucked him in.

  Then leaping over the massive boulders in front of him that’d formed the doorw
ay for many decade, the Bavarian giant with his fists clenched tight and dressed in his full length bear furs, charged inside.

  Laouse who was desperate to find his friends, immediately followed in the huge shadow that was cast from the Bavarian warrior. Then as they’d found themselves in the first room, they were immediately presented with a labyrinth of pathways that lead off in various different directions.

  Looking upwards they could see above them and running from the right to the left, there was a gangway that was formed of steel and spanned the engine bay underneath.

  Then on the right of them there was a huge set of steel steps that led up to it, and across to the left side of the gangway, there was a feint light that was flickering out of a doorway that was softly lighting up the opposite wall.

  Realising by its glare that it was obviously coming from computer screens, they’d took that as the headquarters for the joint and decided to check that last.

  Then after realising that the best place to start looking for cells would probably be deep underneath the hanger, they’d taken the first passageway that was in front of them, and ran at speed down it.

  Then after fifteen minutes of searching that passageway and numerous other side passageways that were leading off it, finally and after passing through the science labs which stank of death, they’d reached a heavy metal door.

  Claudius looked up as he’d approached it and saw a sign above the door, but the language was foreign to him so he couldn’t understand it.

  The sign in German said “ZELLEN”.

  Laouse being Austrian and understanding German, then immediately screamed out, “That’s it.”

  The door was solid steel with a slide hatch that was about three quarters of the way up for them to look through. Then as Laouse ignored had it and tried the handle first, he’d found to his dismay that the door was locked.

  The Austrian suddenly noticed that the locks that were running down the left side of it were actually internal, and then in response he’d sighed as he’d looked up at the Grizzly bear beside him, and said to him that there was no way that they’d be able to break it down.

  Claudius who was desperate to see his son again and who’d grown up in the extremely harsh out backs of Bavaria, then and whilst snarling, simply pushed Laouse aside in a friendly manner to demonstrate just how wrong his little scientist friend could be.

  As he did and from his rage, his body had a massive surge of power that raced through it, and then in response the Bavarian monster threw an overarm punch that landed massively slap bang directly in the centre of the door.

  The result was breathtaking and immediately left Laouse thinking that maybe he should think about taking a few sessions down the gym, and possibly hiring the Grizzly bear as his personal trainer too.

  Even though the heavy steel door was reinforced with massive steel belts that were fastened to the outside by huge dome shaped bolts, the door when the punch had landed gave in as if it were plastic.

  The whole room that they were in, and from the impact, was suddenly filled with the wild and massively intense sound of buckling steel.

  The door as the Grizzly had hit it, had then buckled inwards with so much force that his furry hand had travelled past the doors surface a foot, with the steel stretching and screeching violently to accommodate it.

  Then with eyes burning with rage he’d grabbed the destroyed and deeply buckled door in both hands and ripped it back towards him, snapping the six heavy duty hinges like they were nothing to him.

  Turning around with the massive lump of twisted steel in hands, he’d thrown it away from him and then without saying anything, the mighty Bavarian had rushed inside.

  Laouse who’d swallowed deeply when he’d seen the mighty Bavarians extreme brute force in true action, suddenly realized with a grin, that now whatever door they’d found ahead of them, they’d always have the key.

  Then as Claudius’ feet had entered through the now gaping hole, they’d immediately landed upon more metal grating that formed the top of another gangway, leading straight ahead for about fifty feet into complete darkness.

  Then as the Bavarians’ eyes had washed the darkness with their vampire vision, instantly the foreboding place had lit up as if it was bathed in bright sunlight.

  Looking down through the tiny holes in the steel flooring that was beneath him, he could see the tops of cells either side of him, and inside the one to his left, and through the wire netting that formed the roof, there was a vampire woman chained to the wall, who was wearing a yellow blood stained bikini.

  The woman instantly looked up at him and then in response she’d bared her fangs at him. A second past and then when she’d realized that he was one of her own species, she’d screamed for him to get her out of her chains.

  Again Claudius was filled with immense rage seeing her like that

  and with his fangs so far down that they were trying to dig into his beard, the beast leapt over the side of the gangway and crashed down through the wire netting, landing heavily on the floor beneath him.

  Laouse a second after copied the Bavarian but leapt over the right hand side railing, crashing down through the second cells wire netting roof where there was another vampire woman also in a yellow blood stained bikini.

  Both of them were furious with rage seeing their kind in such a place, and then as they’d stood in front of the women in different cells, both of them had tried by bare hand to snap the women’s chains, but because of the pain they couldn’t.

  The chains were laced with silver and as soon as they’d touched it, their flesh had sunk into the silver like a hot knife does into butter.

  Claudius turned around and whilst holding his hands out in front of him to cool down, he’d then kicked open the steel barred doorway that led out into the passageway. A second later, and as his super fast vampire healing took over, and his hands started to feel normal again, he’d grabbed the second doorway leading through into Laouse’s cell and with one hand, simply ripped it off its hinges.

  Claudius stepped inside Laouse’s cell, and then as they’d both looked down at each others burns from the silver chains, they’d realized that they had a problem.

  A second past and then as furious rage had swallowed the inside of the Bavarian realising that the soldiers had treated these women in such a way, he’d turned around and grabbed the steel door that was now laying on the floor behind him, and started to devour it by bare hand.

  The bars were 40mm thick gauge steel, and he’d ripped them apart in front of him, like they were nothing more than paper.

  Then after pulling out the main bar from the hinge side, he’d swung it around and whilst Laouse ducked, he’d then smashed the half steel, and half silver shackles that were clamped around the woman’s wrist.

  The vampire woman in her blood stained bikini instantly fell forwards into Laouse’s arms and a second later she thrust herself back and after grabbing the bar from Claudius, she’d charged in to the other cell to free her mate.

  Claudius turned and then after stepping back into the passageway, he’d stormed off to open the other cells too.

  To anyone human it would have seemed like he’d walked off into complete darkness, but to him the path ahead was as clear as day.

  Each cell he’d come to with Laouse right behind him, both of them had quickly looked in and after seeing more vampire women in bikini’s, they’d ripped the doors off and without freeing them knowing that the women behind would do that, they’d walked on to the next cells.

  The first vampire woman with the heavy bar that she’d borrowed from Claudius, had ran in the other cell and then after taking a few swings, she’d managed to free her mate.


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