A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set

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A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set Page 82

by Charles Carfagno Jr.

  When they were finished securing Katara, they approached Jacko and began wrapping the leather restraints around his arms. Fefantor studied him with interest, and was about to say something, when Jacko took advantage of the wall’s magnetic force for leverage and kicked the guard on his right in the left knee with a front kick, and then in the head with a crescent kick, sending him to the ground dazed.

  The other guard took one step and was hit in the head by a powerful hook kick and knocked out. In a panic, Fefantor threw a dart at Jacko, but must’ve forgotten about the magnetic pull, because the dart flew against the wall. Jacko frantically wiggled his fingers out of his knives and once free; he kicked the stunned guard in the head and knocked him out.

  After seeing Jacko moving freely, Fefantor disappeared up the stairs and locked the door behind him. Jacko followed and found the button he’d used and pressed it. The magnetic field deactivated, and everyone was free again. As soon as Jacko moved the door handle, he heard something click on the other side of the door, indicating that a trap was set.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Katara said to him.

  “I want to end his life. His magic walls can’t stop me.” Jacko said in frustration.

  “I do too, but what if he has deadlier traps upstairs?”

  “If we let him go, then he’ll continue turning people into those creatures.”

  “I have a better idea. Let’s burn the place down.” Katara said.

  Jacko grabbed his finger-knives, while Katara gathered Torhan’s items from a nearby table and placed them into her pack. She didn't find the scabbard among them and figured Fefantor must’ve taken it with him.

  “Release me.” Molech whispered.

  “Are we going to leave him like that?” Jacko asked Katara.

  “I haven’t changed my mind. I know it’s cruel, but he’s a trained assassin, and if he gets free, he might come after us. For Torhan’s sake and mine, I can’t risk it.”

  Jacko walked over to the door and discovered a few traps in place.

  After several long minutes, Katara grew inpatient. “Can you disarm them?” She asked.

  Jacko nodded.

  “I can if you agree to set me free.” Molech offered weakly.

  “What do you think?” Jacko asked her.

  “Don’t do anything stupid.” Katara warned the thief.

  “Like what? Look at me.”

  Jacko freed Molech and as soon as he took one step, he fell flat on his face. He knew the fluid coursing through his body was irreversible, and he would never walk again. “Help me over there.” Molech said.

  Jacko carried him over to the door.

  “Walk back to the far end while I’ll get this opened.” Molech said.

  Jacko and Katara carried Torhan to the other end, while he went to work. The master thief skillfully removed several traps and before working on the last one, he paused to ponder his future. “What good would a thief be without his legs?” He said to himself and then took a deep breath. Instead of disarming the trap, he set it off and closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next.

  A few loud clicks and the door exploded outwardly blowing the wooden frame apart along with the thief. The entire house shook, rumbled and knocked everyone to the ground. Daylight poured through the opening.

  “I guess he couldn’t disarm the last trap.” Katara commented.

  “I don’t think he wanted to. Here use this on the ceiling.” He said and handed her the last flask of oil. He then slung Torhan over his shoulder.

  Katara lit the flask and threw it at the ceiling, setting the wood on fire, and then dumped the braziers over. With the fire burning out of control, they left the mansion and made their way up the hill.

  Jacko and Katara walked for about a mile before finding a place to lay Torhan down and rest. Jacko walked around, making sure they were safe, while Katara tended to Torhan.

  She poured red liquid down his throat and kept him warm. He stirred and regained consciousness a few minutes later. The first thing he saw was Katara’s pretty smile and her long black hair dangling just above his face. He smiled at her, and she hugged him.

  Jacko came over after he returned. “You’re a hard man to find.” He said.

  Torhan looked over and was surprised to see him. “And you never showed up for our training.”

  Jacko chuckled.

  Torhan tried getting up, but Katara placed a hand on his shoulder easing him to the ground.

  “You’re in no shape to get up.” She said, interrupting their reunion. “I need you to drink these.” She poured a few more vials of red liquid down his throat, and he made a face because they tasted foul. “What I am going to do next is really going to hurt, so you should bite down on this.” She placed a small stick in his mouth. “Ready?”

  He nodded.

  She ordered Jacko to hold his arms and then smeared black paste up and down his legs. At first, the paste felt cool, so Torhan thought she was kidding, until his legs started burning like the fires of hell. The pain was so intense that he passed out several seconds later.

  “We need to get him to Snowdrift if we want to save his legs.” Katara said and rummaged through her pack until she found his bracers. "Wear these and they'll enhance your strength."

  Jacko put them on and immediately felt a tingling sensation race up and down his body. "Where did you get them?"

  "They’re Torhan’s. I think he found them in some cave."

  Jacko wrapped Torhan in Katara’s furs, picked him up, and they made haste to town.

  The loud explosion was a bitter sweet sound for Fefantor. Yes, it ruined his basement, but at least the intruders died. After regaining his footing and walking to the window to assess the damage, he saw Katara and the others escaping up the hill and white smoke billowing from below, which angered him to no end. He vowed revenge on them and then when he smelled smoke, he left the room in a panic.

  Back at the crypt, at the precise time Molech died, Shoel’s spirit finally found solace and disappeared from the mortal world for all of eternity.

  Chapter 29: An Old Nemeses

  Breen smiled when she saw Sun Chin open his eyes. "I’m glad you finally woke up.” She said

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in Snowdrift at the healer’s house.” Sun tried rising, but the pain tore through his stomach, causing him to wince in discomfort. Breen placed her hands on his shoulders and eased him back down. “Take it easy, your wounds are fresh.”

  “Where’s Jacko?”

  “While you were asleep, we found out Torhan was taken prisoner, and Jacko went off to rescue him.”

  “What? By himself? Why didn’t you go with him?” Sun replied angrily.

  “Calm down. After we arrived we met Katara, and they went after him.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Last night.”

  Sun Chin slammed his fist down in frustration. “Where’s the healer?”

  “You’re not going after them.”

  “Get me the healer.” He demanded.

  Breen did so, and the healer entered the room.

  “What is it?” The healer asked.

  “You need to give me something right away. I need to leave.”

  “That’s impossible, your wounds are far too great and I don’t have anything strong enough to deaden the pain. Plus…"

  “I need to go after my friend. He’s in danger.” Sun snapped at him.

  “And do what? The first time you get into a fight and get hit in the stomach, or turn the wrong way, you’ll tear open your stitches and your guts will spill out. You’ll need a few more days of rest before you can even walk.”

  “Do you have something that might speed up the healing process?”

  “I don’t, but the Botanist store does.” The healer scribbled a few words onto a parchment and turned to Breen. “His store is down the street from here. Give him this and he’ll give you what you need. It’s pretty expensive.”

  Breen took the note and
left the building.

  Outside, snow flurries and the crisp morning air greeted Breen, as soon as she opened the door. She took a deep breath, letting the cool air settle into her lungs, and proceeded down the street. She was looking down at the note, when she nearly bumped into someone.

  “Watch where you are walking human.” The person snapped at her.

  She looked up and came face-to-face with a fox creature wearing an eye patch over his left eye and carrying two short swords strapped across his back. Her face went pale and heart sank because she knew it had to be Slyantom.

  “What is it human, haven’t you ever seen a talking fox before?” Slyantom was amused by her reaction. “Maybe you’d like to see my skills in the bedroom. Would you like that human?” He laughed at her and walked away.

  Breen stared at him and realized that he was heading directly towards the healer’s house. She raced behind the buildings and entered through the back door ahead of the fox. Sun rose onto his elbow when he saw the look of fear on her face.

  “What is it?” He asked.

  Just then the front door opened, and she placed her finger on his lips and whispered. “Slyantom is here.”

  He moved her finger away. “What? Where?”

  She pointed toward the front of the store. Sun Chin got off of the table, even though it caused him great pain, and walked up to the curtain that separated the rooms and listened. He couldn’t hear them too well, so he moved the curtain aside slightly and saw the fox. He was about to rush out and confront him when Breen grabbed his arm.

  “Don’t do it, you’re too wounded.” She warned.

  He looked at her and conceded. “Follow him and tell me where he goes.” Sun said.

  “I’m proud of you for your restraint.” She whispered and left the building.

  A few minutes later Slyantom left the healer’s house and began walking back toward the direction from where he came. Breen waited until he passed and then followed him at a safe distance.

  The fox entered the Inn of the Snorting Dragon, and two humans emerged from within and took up position on either side of the door. She was deciding on what to do next when someone spoke directly behind her.

  “Why are you following me human?” A familiar voice asked.

  Breen hesitated and then turned around. Slyantom was standing a few feet away. “I was curious that’s all.” She said.

  “About what?” The fox asked.

  “You were right I’ve never encountered your race before and wanted a chance to talk with you.”

  A sly and devious smiled crept across his furry face. “Care to have a drink?”

  She nodded.

  They entered the inn and walked to the back. Of the many people sitting around eating and drinking, only one person paused long enough, from shoveling food into his mouth to stare as they passed. He was a tall, lean man wearing leather armor. Breen wondered if he was associated with the fox. Slyantom sat with his back to the wall, and Breen sat with hers toward the door. It made her feel uneasy, and the fox knew it as he watched her look around. He told her to relax and called the serving wench. She came over begrudgingly, after seeing him, because her last run-in with him had left a sour taste in her mouth. One she would never forget and also prompted her to carry a small hunting knife for protection.

  “What can I get you?” She asked.

  “Hello my dear, did you enjoy my last visit?” He smiled at her.

  If Slyantom could read her thoughts, he’d know that all she was thinking of was taking out her knife and plunging it through his good eye.

  Breen noticed that she had a fat lip and black eye.

  The fox turned his attention back to Breen. “I do not even know your name my dear.”

  “My name is Elva.” Breen answered.

  “I’m Slyantom, would you like some ale?”

  Breen nodded.The fox ordered two tankards and dismissed the serving girl like she was a child. For a brief moment, she almost pulled the knife out and acted on her desires, but decided against it because she had a better idea.

  “Elva, were you raised in Snowdrift?” Slyantom asked.

  “No, I’m not from around here. I grew up in Stonybrook. Where are you from?”

  “A small village toward the north.”

  “What are you doing here?” Breen asked.

  “My profession takes me all over the place.”

  “And what would that be?”

  He was about to answer when the drinks promptly arrived. The serving wench carefully placed them in front of the couple and left without saying another word.

  Slyantom picked up his beverage. “Let’s just say that if someone needs something done, they hire me.” He said proudly, which surprised her because he was so blatant about his profession, and he didn’t even know her. “I like to make people pay for their stupidity.” He paused. “And people, like humans, should take notice to my race and not mistake us for dumb animals like my un-evolved cousins.” He paused again. “Here’s to us and getting to know one another better.”

  She picked up her mug, clanked it with his, and took a long drink.

  “How long are you staying in Snowdrift?” She asked.

  “A few more days, I have to go to Mirkin to take care of a few things, if you get my drift.” He bragged proudly, took a long swig and then ordered two more ales. He suddenly started feeling a bit strange. “Does your ale taste alright?”

  She took another swig and said that it did. He emptied the rest of the contents just as his new tankard appeared, grabbed it from the wench and took another long gulp. “This tastes as bad as the last. There’s something wrong with this ale.” He yelled at her and threw the tankard on the ground. “Get me three more or I’ll gut you where you stand.” He demanded.

  The serving wench raced away and brought back more.

  Slyantom downed the first one and smiled. “This tastes better. Get out of here.” He said to the girl and then looked back at Breen. “I was thinking, do you want to come to my room?” He asked her directly.

  She noticed that he was swaying, but wasn’t sure if he was drunk.

  “Maybe another time, I have to go.” She got up, and he grabbed her arm.

  “Promise me that you will.” His eyes narrowed.

  She thought about whipping out her blade and slaying him on the spot, but knew that his men were among the patrons sitting nearby. “I promise.” She said.

  “Until we meet again.” He said and then the room began spinning, and he let go of her arm.

  On her way out the inn, Slyantom’s guards snickered at her as she passed.

  “Make sure you come back soon.” One of them said.

  “You can count on it.” She replied and walked away.

  After she was gone, Slyantom became dizzy and returned to his room.

  She returned to the healer’s house.

  “Well where did he go?” Sun asked as soon as she entered.

  “He’s staying at the Inn of the Snorting Dragon. I think he has more enemies in town than he is aware of.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “While we were drinking…”

  “You had a drink with him?” Sun interrupted her.

  “Yes, why, are you jealous?” She said and smiled at him.

  “No, just concerned for your safety.” He was clearly annoyed with her decision.

  “I can handle myself in case you haven’t noticed.” She said. “Anyway, he is staying here for a few days and then leaving for Mirkin.”

  Sun Chin placed his hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. “I know you can handle yourself. I’m just concerned about your safety. He’s very dangerous and—” He never finished his sentence, because Breen kissed him full on the mouth.

  She pulled away. “As I was saying, I think there was something wrong with his drink, because he kept saying it tasted funny.”

  “How did yours taste?”

  “Fine, but I told him it wasn’t.”

  “Maybe he
can’t handle his ale.”

  “I don’t think that’s it, because he only had two.”

  “Maybe he was drugged.” Sun said.

  “You might have something there, because the serving girl seemed pretty scared of him.”

  “I will go there and talk to her.” Sun got up from the table wincing. “What did she look like?”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  He nodded.

  “Let me go instead.” Breen offered.

  “She already saw you with him, so she might not say anything to you. What does she look like?”

  “Long red hair, wafer thin, and sporting a black eye.”

  Sun began placing his studded gloves on his hands.

  “What if the fox sees you?”

  “He doesn’t know me.” Sun said.

  “Be careful, he has men with him.”

  “How many?”

  “Two at the entrance and I think another one wearing leather inside of the inn. Be careful please.”

  “I’m not going to do anything stupid, so don’t worry. Just be ready to leave when I get back.” Sun said and left.

  Sun Chin arrived at the inn, and Slyantom’s men immediately stepped in front of him preventing him from entering.

  “What do you want, slanted eyes?” The man on the left said.

  “I want to have a drink.”

  “Go somewhere else. This inn doesn’t serve your kind.”

  Sun’s jaw tightened, and just as he was about to do something, a guard passing by took notice to them and stopped.

  “What’s going on?” He asked.

  “We’re just greeting every patron who enters.” The man on the right said, and both men stepped aside to allow Sun to enter.

  “You’re lucky they arrived.” Sun whispered to them as, he entered.

  The guard waited for Sun to enter the inn before addressing Slyantom’s men. “Any trouble from either of you and I’ll throw you both in jail. This I promise.” He said.


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