Brianna's Sinful Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Brianna's Sinful Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 20

by Rhea Regale

“Yeah, yeah. I’m watchin’.”

  Brianna pressed up off the pillows, bringing her feet under her hips. Jackson grabbed her hand, holding tight as they watched Colt in slow motion trying to dismount the bronc after a winning ride. The pickup riders were coming up fast to grab the rider, but neither made it to the bronc before she bucked Colt off and twisted, and those back hooves pounded down on the rider.

  Brianna gasped, hands clapping over her mouth. Phantom pain shot through Jackson’s chest.

  Brianna turned her horrified expression on Jackson. “Is that…?”

  Rylan sucked in a breath, his fingers fisting in the sheet. “Holy fuck.”

  The screen came back real time. The medical team had Colt surrounded, assessing his condition. The broadcasters spoke with a heaviness that didn’t lend any comfort to Jackson, and definitely not Rylan. The man had become a coil ready to spring. Two men came out with a backboard and neck brace. Colt was moving, one foot drawing up at an agonizing pace, and then he straightened out again.

  “Tell her I’m on my way,” Rylan said. Jackson shot his friend a startled look as he threw back the sheets, snatched up his jogging pants, and yanked them on. Jackson scrambled out of bed, stepping in front of Rylan as he rounded the foot of the bed. Rylan stared at him, the hard shield of the sheriff falling over his face. “I’ve gotta go, Jax.”

  Jackson pressed his palm to Rylan’s shoulder when he made to move past him. “Let us come with you.” Keeping his voice low and out of range for Brianna’s ears, he added, “From this point on, together.”

  Rylan shot the screen an impatient look then lowered his attention to Brianna. In that brief moment, his expression softened.

  “Ten minutes and we’ll leave.” Rylan brought his gaze back to Jackson. “Together.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Brianna didn’t object to the kiss Rylan graced upon her mouth moments after Jackson. She didn’t care that they stood in the entry foyer of Miss Bess’s bed-and-breakfast where guests might witness their unnatural exchange. In fact, she relished in the public affection and the shameless claim and comfort that came with it. When he settled back, ending the kiss, Brianna smiled, her hand folded in Jackson’s, Rylan’s fingers brushing aside stray chunks of hair that continued to escape the band holding her mussed mane on top of her head.

  So unnaturally natural.

  “We’ll be right up, honey,” Jackson said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. Her sheriff clapped Jackson’s shoulder and headed down toward Miss Bess’s kitchen.

  “Now, Miss Bess, it ain’t nice to spy on your guests,” Rylan said, humor laced through his voice. His steady strides echoed against the polished wooden floors. Brianna caught the flutter of white from the dim hallway leading to the kitchen.

  Jackson laughed, shaking his head. “Go freshen up.” He gave her one last kiss on her forehead before following after Rylan.

  Back in her room, Brianna showered, fixed her hair into a reasonable ponytail, and shuffled through her clothes for the day’s outfit, stifling yawn after yawn. They hadn’t returned to Rylan’s house until three in the morning, and only after Rylan contacted his uncle, Colt’s father, and learned of Colt’s condition.

  “Four busted ribs, son. Doc says he came out lucky with the way that bronc pounded him. Colt’s thankin’ the good Lord and that vest for protectin’ him from somethin’ serious.”

  The news hadn’t calmed Colette’s tears, but it did enough to reassure her Colt would be fine.

  Once they returned to Rylan’s in the early morning hours, he had refused to let either Jackson or Brianna drive to Miss Bess’s, insisting they stay.

  Brianna swayed in the closet doorway. Never in her life had she felt more wanted, more right, than she did lying in the arms of two men, skin-to-skin. Exhausted beyond imagination, sleep refused to come to her. Instead, she watched Jackson sleep, his head on her shoulder, as she played with his hair. Rylan’s hard chest and strong arm became the cradle for her head and shoulders, his fingers draped lightly over hers.

  It wasn’t until they were ready to return to Miss Bess’s that she noticed the glass angel sitting in the center of Rylan’s dresser. Upon closer inspection, she discovered her note rested beneath the delicate figurine, and beside it, a gold ring with a solitaire diamond—

  A sharp knock at the door jerked her from her thoughts. She grabbed a sweater off a hanger in her closet and let out a breathy laugh with a short shake of her head. “Silly men, lockin’ yourselves out. Comin’.”

  Adjusting the collar of her robe to cover her chest, she pulled the door to her rented room open.

  She came up short of throwing her arms around the man standing in the doorway. Her heart sank, her ire rose, and she groaned.

  “Thought you were told to hightail it out of town,” Brianna groused, blocking the doorway. Her ex flashed her a bright smile and held out the enormous bouquet of roses. She barely spared them a glance, finding herself humored by his dress of faded blue jeans and a flannel shirt. The man even donned a cowboy hat, but his ultrapolished black Bettanin & Venturi shoes were a sore giveaway of his preference for luxury.

  “Hee-haw, my beautiful Brianna.” Sean leaned toward her and pecked her cheek with a kiss. She wiped the lingering moisture away with a scowl. “I had to apologize for my behavior the other day.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’ve got to be kiddin’ me.” She couldn’t hold back a snicker, lowering her head and rubbing her chin. Where the hell were Jackson and Rylan when she needed someone to shoo away this pestering fly?

  “It’s just that I’ve been worried about you, and since your accident, I want to make sure you’re well protected.”

  She lifted her gaze to him, her fingers over her lips, and arched a brow. Sean shouldered the door open and stepped into the room before she could push him out.

  “This is no place for a woman like you, Brianna. You are so much more than…this.” Sean kicked the door closed and turned to her. Brianna moved out of the tight enclosure and returned to the open room. She sat on the edge of her bed, tightening the sash on her robe. Sean laid the roses on the dresser and turned, bracing himself on the edge of the furniture, holding her with disproportioned concern.

  “This is a perfect place for me. I like it here. Might even decide to sell my condo and move. Dabble in a little country livin’,” Brianna said. She played with fire, but she couldn’t resist. Sean would be the biggest idiot to pull another stunt like he had the other day, especially with Jackson and Rylan downstairs.

  “Give me a break. That’s lunacy.”

  Look who’s talking. Brianna rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

  “Brianna, you’ve got your job and your family back in Nashville.” He scrunched his nose, giving her quarters a sweep of his hand. “Look at this place. It’s tiny and cramped. There’s one room.” He looked over his shoulder at the door leading to the adjoining bathroom. “At least you have your own shower. Does this place have room service?”

  “Sean, you really need to go.” Brianna waved a finger between her and Sean. “This, you and me, doesn’t exist. My “family” is not in Nashville. Oh, and I’d suggest you stop followin’ me. You’re gonna end up in jail.”

  That stoked a frightening shadow in his eyes, and she immediately regretted mentioning the incident from two nights ago. His lips thinned, and his knuckles paled as his fingers gripped the edge of the dresser.

  “I know we are going through a rough period—”

  “Rough?” Brianna laughed, pushing to her feet. Better off standin’. “Rough ain’t even the word for it. Let me give you a bit of advice. You ain’t getting my money. Hell, by the end of this year, my mother will cut all ties with me, includin’ that hefty inheritance that makes your eyes go all glowy.” She leveled her eyes with his. “I’m through with the burden of my mother, Sean. I don’t need anythin’ she has or you have. Everythin’ I need is right here—”

  “With that cop? Are you givin’ up one lowlife f
or another?”

  She stormed up to him and grabbed his arm, her lip pulling back in a scowl.

  “Stop this, you delusional prick.” She grabbed his arm and tried to move him toward the door. The man wouldn’t budge. Apparently he took her direct contact the wrong way, tugging her into his chest. She gave his shoulder a stern shove. “Sean, leave. Now.”

  “I promised your mother I would bring you to Nashville so she didn’t have to come back out here.” That shadow darkened, and something downright cold pulsed off the man. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”

  “You shouldn’t’ve made the promise, Sean.” Brianna growled, the sound reverberating through her chest and against her clenched teeth. She gave him one last shove. He released her, his ridiculous smile still hanging tight to his mouth. She snatched up her cell phone from the table and was about to text Jackson when the door opened. “Thank god.”

  Jackson looked Sean over, his eyes storming despite the devious curl of his lips. He crossed the room and graced Brianna with a thorough kiss that left her achy between her legs.

  Then she spotted Rylan filling the doorway. All of that warmth froze. Danger poured down him from head to toe, razor-sharp coldness filling in the gaps. That was not a man whose bad side she would ever wish to see, as she’s seeing now.

  Those amber-brown eyes that could melt her with a single look knocked the temperature of the room down to sub-zero. Sean shifted, but maintained his cocky confidence.

  “I distinctly recall tellin’ you to get the fuck out of my town,” Rylan said, his voice sharp, rumbling with an underlying threat. He coasted a glance over Sean, one that cracked her ex’s composure a little more.

  Sean tapped a finger against his lip. “I believe your exact words to me were ‘I dare you to step foot in this town,’ not whatever you just said.”

  “Let me clarify. Get out of Ryder and don’t come back unless you want to become personal with a firearm.”

  “Keep threatenin’ me, cop. I’m not frightened of you. I’ve got lawyers that’ll bury you if you dare step outside the law.”

  Rylan slammed the door against the wall. Brianna jumped. Sean leaned away from the man.

  Rylan took an imposing step toward Sean. “Bring your big guns, boy. You haven’t any idea how deep a hole can go ’til you’re at the bottom.”

  Sean cleared his throat and fought the tic in his lip. “I’ve grown curious about this town. Figured I’d stay a few days and check out the scenery.”

  “If that ain’t a line of bullshit, I don’t know what is,” Jackson interrupted. Sean’s attention came back to her and Jackson. Anger brewed in Rylan, and she silently gave her thanks for the diversion. “When are you goin’ to learn she’s well taken care of without you?”

  Jackson traced a single finger along her cleavage. Sean seethed, his hazel eyes freezing. His fingers curled into fists as he folded his arms over his chest. Brianna always associated his actions with those of a toddler about ready to throw a temper tantrum.

  A very vicious tantrum.

  Sean snarled, going stiff. He pointed a finger at Jackson. “You’re blind. My Brianna would never settle for the likes of you. You’re taking care of her?” He hitched his thumb over his shoulder toward Rylan. The man had not moved from the small entryway. “Is that why I found her being mauled by that cop?”

  “Are you aware that stalkin’ an individual is a crime, Sean? One that I can take you in for right now?” Rylan asked. He took a step closer to Sean, shrinking the room with his threatening approach.

  “You’re not on duty,” Sean said.

  “Thinkin’ like that’s gonna earn you a night in a cell. I’m always on duty.”


  “Make a smart decision for once, Sean. Listen to him and leave. Town, that is,” Brianna said, stepping in front of Jackson. She caught Rylan’s wrist and detoured her stubborn sheriff away from Sean. “I’ve told you more times than I can count. I want you out of my life. I’m happy where I am and with whom.”

  “She’s a woman, Sean. Not a possession. She’s made her choices.” Jackson rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at him, not surprised by the deadpan stare he leveled on Sean. “And I’m well aware of the activity that transpires between us.” Jackson drew a triangle in the air. “The three of us. A relationship, Sean, you’re not invited to.”

  Oh, if she could capture the look on Sean’s face and blackmail him with it, she would. His eyes went wide, the whites bringing out the gray-blue color. His jaw dropped. Had he lacked ligament and skin, it would’ve smacked the floor. Brianna smirked, enjoying the sight of his skin go a few shades lighter than paste. Shock. Horror. Something in between. Maybe a pinch of disgust, but she didn’t care. Being shared by two men gave her no shame.

  “Brianna?” Sean choked.

  “Jackson’s tellin’ you the truth. I’ve found plenty of good, wholesome men here to fill my every wish and desire. I want for nothin’ except for you to be gone.”

  Sean ripped the cowboy hat off his head, spun on a heel, and stormed to the door, pitching the hat against the wall on his way out. Rylan followed the man into the hallway and out of sight.

  You picked the wrong men to cross, Sean.

  “You okay, honey?” Jackson asked, circling to face Brianna. She nodded, a fresh wave of exhaustion following behind the jump in adrenaline. She rubbed her temple and sighed.

  “Yeah. Took me by surprise. That’s all.”

  “Sit down. I’ll pick somethin’ out for you.”

  Brianna took Jackson’s advice, settling in the comfortable chair beside the frosty window. She pulled her feet beneath her and rested her head on her fist, giving her revved-up mind a chance to calm down.

  Rylan returned moments later. A wild arrogance and fearsome burn of anger painted over his face and lit his eyes. Jackson peeked around the wall, a sweater in hand, as Rylan came right up to her and crouched down at her knees.

  “I’ve given him fair warnin’ to leave. Next time I see him, I’m bringin’ him in. Did he harm you?” Rylan asked.

  “No,” Brianna breathed. Rylan cupped the side of her face, giving her a hint of a grin before straightening up again.

  “Jackson, want to pack up her things?” Rylan pulled out his cell from his coat pocket. “I’ve gotta be at the department in a couple hours. I’ll get you two settled in my place beforehand.”

  “What?” Brianna shot up. Rylan punched in a quick text on his phone and tucked it away before looking at her.

  “You’re not stayin’ here another night. We’ll let Miss Bess know on our way out. I’ve got plenty of room at the house. You and Jax can stay the remainder of your trip with me.”

  “Don’t think we’ll need all that room, Ry,” Jackson said. He gave his friend a wink. Brianna caught the slow curl of Rylan’s lips.

  She slid off the chair and stepped up to Rylan. Her sheriff gathered her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to, you know—”

  “Impose? You could never impose, sweetheart. I know you’ll be safe with Jackson, but I’ll feel much better knowin’ I can protect you my way.” He gave his hip, and the concealed gun, a pat. “Somethin’s not right with that guy and I’m not takin’ any more chances.”

  “Oh?” Brianna lifted up on her toes, pressing against his hard frame. “There’s no ulterior motive?”

  Rylan’s hand came down on her robed ass and gave her a squeeze. “I think you’re aware of my motivation.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Rylan twisted the ring between his thumb and index finger, but the clouds layered against the night sky didn’t illuminate the diamond. Snow had begun falling again, the thick flakes resting over his hand like a cool velvet blanket. A small smile touched his mouth. His chest didn’t ache as he crouched down in front of the marble stone. His eyes didn’t sting when he traced the chiseled name. Not anymore.

  “Is this what you’ve been tryin’ to get me to see
, Hailey?” he asked the sturdy black marble. “All I needed was a little push and you sure gave it to me a few weeks ago, didn’t you?”

  A gentle breeze came as his answer, bringing the snowflakes into a shimmering dance as they swirled and landed with grace. He shook his head, dropping his hands between his knees.

  “All this time, I’ve been missin’ you, missin’ life. Jax was right. You’d smack me upside the head if you were here with me now. Tell me to stop mopin’ and move on with a woman who can give me what you can’t.”

  Rylan stretched his fingers over the old layer of hard snow that coated the ground. He dug through the sharp layers until he reached the frozen ground at the base of the headstone. His fingertips bit into the dead grass, peeling back chunks of dirt. In the small hole, he rested the ring down and covered it up, patting the dirt flat.

  “That’s yours, Hailey. Will always be yours. I just wish you had the chance to see it. To know.” Rylan fisted his hand and brought it to his mouth. He kissed his thumb and leaned forward, splaying his hand over Hailey’s name. “I will always love you, but I can’t ignore what has happened over the past few weeks. I know, deep down, you set this string of events into motion. You were my angel that Monday mornin’, weren’t you? You led me to a promise of a future. A glimmer of hope and happiness. And all this time I’ve been fightin’ to hold onto you when you knew I had already let you go.”

  Rylan let his hand fall away from the stone. He cast a lingering glance up and down the row. Months of coming here, visiting Hailey, he was always alone. He never saw other families paying respects, which he found suitable. He suffered in solitude, just as Hailey lay below his feet. Tonight, he didn’t feel that heaviness or sadness. Tonight, he felt a weight lifting off his shoulders, a lightness that didn’t fit his surroundings. He felt joy and love and warmth. Everything he was quickly finding in Brianna, he sensed in this moment.

  “You’re here,” he whispered, pressing to his feet. Instinctively, he turned in a tight circle, half expecting to find Hailey standing behind him. He was given the gift of the new snow, but no Hailey. He hooked his thumbs in his coat pockets and turned back to the stone. “I promise you, Hailey, I’ll do everythin’ I can to make her happy. I’ll give her everythin’ I have because she deserves no less. And if she leaves, as I’m inclined to believe she will, I intend to savor every minute I have with her now.”


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