Brianna's Sinful Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Brianna's Sinful Cowboys [Casanova Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 24

by Rhea Regale

  Rylan groaned, his hands splayed over her back, sliding down either side of her spine and stirring her burning desires to full life.

  “I don’t need to see, sweetheart. I feel.” He crunched up enough to cup her ass and palm her flesh. His cock nudged her opening, and she wiggled against him, teasing his resistance. “Every little scrape, nip, kiss, I feel boring down into my deepest nerve and infiltrating every inch of my body.”

  Brianna arched into Rylan, her breasts encased between them, her nipples aching. Placing both hands on either side of his head, she hovered over him, sliding her pussy along his shaft. She dropped her head and ran her lips back and forth over his until he caught the back of her head and claimed her mouth with his fiery kiss.

  She melted into his embrace, rolling with him until her back hit the mattress and he came above her. The man wasted not a single second to kiss his way down to her breasts, taking each nipple into between his teeth and flicking his tongue along the sensitive buds. Brianna moaned, molding her fingers into the hard muscles of his shoulders to keep them away from his head.

  He skated lower. His kisses turned broken, deliberate. Brianna watched him trace each scar on her belly with the rough pad of his fingers, then lean down and kiss each one with a tenderness that cinched her heart. She pressed her lips together, the unexpected swell of adoration and emotion toward this very man taking her by surprise and leaving her breathless.

  As he came over her once more, passion and affection flooded his eyes. The mixture was potent, tangible, something she took into her body with each breath and felt with each touch of his skin.

  He leaned down and kissed the small scar on her forehead and whispered, “Angel of mine.”

  He left her no time to respond, not a moment to react before his cock slid into her, one smooth, filling motion that hit every vibrant chord in her body and strummed her clit. She drew her knees up, rolling her hips to accept every delicious inch of him. He took, he gave, each stroke as fulfilling and as steady as the last, stirring her pleasure slowly to the surface.

  Rylan gathered her hands above her head and held them together in one of his. He hooked her leg and pulled it higher along his body, driving deeper into her body. However steady he worked her, she unraveled at a rapid pace. She clenched down on his cock, thrusting upward to meet his hips.

  “You are sensitive in the mornin’,” Rylan murmured. She chewed her lower lip, wriggling beneath him, craving the stimulation his cock provided to both her clit and in the deeper sanctions of her pussy.

  “Very,” she admitted. She lifted her head off the bed and allowed her lips to fall apart, waiting for Rylan’s kiss. “So much.”

  He kissed her, nothing more than a brief sweep of his tongue that ended with a powerful thrust of his cock. Brianna cried out, falling back on the bed, the electrical charge of preorgasmic delight coming alive.

  “My god, Rylan.” Brianna twisted her hands in his firm grip and clenched the bedding. He slid her leg over his shoulder, his cock plunging deeper into her pussy, his sac smacking her ass. He sank his fingers into her hair and held her face to him. His nostrils flared, the magnificent color of his eyes being swallowed up by the swirling pits of his pupils. A subtle fierceness cut across his expression, intensifying with each sharp breath that left his nose.

  “Look at me, Brianna. I want to watch you come,” Rylan said quietly. Each thrust hit her clit and her G-spot with demanding force.

  When she reached her peak and pitched into the sea of bliss, nothing could save her from the explosion of raw, heated pleasure that consumed her. She held Rylan’s gaze, his eyes glowing with each throbbing contraction of her orgasm.

  “Beautiful. You feel so damn good, sweetheart, squeezin’ me tight.” The crease in his forehead deepened. She tried to focus, to watch, but his hard thrusts left her reeling with whole-body pleasure. “Brianna.”

  He groaned, his grip on her tightening. One hard thrust undid him, his cock swelling against her slick walls. She bowed off the mattress, wrapping her free leg around his waist, keeping him deep inside her body as he climaxed.

  Rylan released her hands and her leg and slipped his arms around her, pulling her to her side as he rolled off her. Brianna traced over the cuts on his face, loving each one because they were for her.

  “How’re you feelin’?” Brianna asked. Rylan chuckled, brushing hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. He reached over and gave her cheek a light kiss where a subtle bruise had developed after Sean’s slap.

  “Off to a good start this mornin’. You?”

  She scrunched her nose and shrugged. “Eh, can’t complain.”

  Rylan laughed, pulling his spent cock from her pussy. He stole a quick kiss and stood up. “Be right back. You’re not allowed to leave the bed, or get dressed.” Those eyes perused her like a man still starved for something much more satisfying. “I like you as you are.”

  Brianna stretched out over the bed as Rylan disappeared in the bathroom to clean up. When he returned, he grabbed the breakfast tray and settled down beside her.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” he said, patting his chest. She crawled against him, curling her leg over his and fitting her head against his chest and shoulder. He held her, his fingertips running over her biceps. “I know you saw the ring the other day.”

  “I noticed only after I saw the angel I gave you,” Brianna said, watching him cut up the eggs with his fork.

  “I went to visit Hailey’s grave yesterday. It was long past due that I let the ring go. I had gotten it for her, so I gave it to her.” Rylan held a piece of bacon at Brianna’s lips. She took a small bite, not lifting her head from his shoulder. She was content lying against Rylan, watching him pick at his food, listening to the strong beat of his heart and the deep rumble of his voice in his chest. “That was a chapter in my life that had closed in March. It was time to move on.”

  Brianna drew her fingers back and forth over his top set of abs, listening to the relief she sensed in his words.

  “And you, my dear. When are you plannin’ on leavin’ me?” Rylan asked.

  Brianna closed her eyes, not wanting to break this moment. “Or do you plan on surprisin’ me with an empty house?”

  She turned her head up to him and rested her chin on his shoulder. “There are things that need to be taken care of back home. I think it’s best if we left this afternoon.”

  Rylan held her gaze for a short moment then nodded, stabbing up another piece of egg. “Well, I expect you’ll come back and visit. Often.”

  Brianna strummed his bottom lip. He nipped the tip of her finger.

  “As often as I can.”

  “Good.” He held the egg to her lips. She accepted the small morsel and smiled when he tapped the prongs against her lip. “Don’t make me come hunt you down.”

  Brianna lifted her head and brushed away a stray strand of hair that fell over his eye. She pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth. “You know what happens when you challenge me, right?”

  Rylan chuckled and pushed off the headboard. He grabbed the breakfast tray and placed it on the floor. Brianna couldn’t help running her hand along the smooth, firm terrain of his back until he twisted around, gathered her up, and tucked her beneath him.

  “Why don’t we find out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jackson ended the call with a small, satisfied grin and tucked the phone in his coat pocket as he crossed into the condo. Brianna stood in the middle of the living room, arms crossed. Two suitcases sat on either side of her, her purse hanging over her arm.

  Jackson took in the beautiful sight of his woman with the sunlight pouring through the open windows. She was the image of strength and determination with a heart so full of love and passion that he couldn’t dare imagine himself with another woman. She faced every obstacle, every challenge, and every dam set up to make her fall with a grace that he envied.

  Within hours of arriving back in Nashville, Brianna was on the phone with Gregory, g
iving her two-week notice. She gave him little explanation other than she couldn’t be part of the company after Ryder, Kansas. In return, Gregory offered to pay her for her final two weeks, but told her not to bother returning. Ten minutes later, Jackson’s phone blew up with a livid Gregory demanding an explanation, one Jackson couldn’t offer.

  Watching her take on her mother with the facts she’d discovered after Sean’s attempted abduction, seeing the woman close down and turn into the cold, callous monster he’d always known lingered behind her upturned nose, inflated him with pride. Mrs. Cabot adamantly denied her accusations until the local police department showed up with evidence of her involvement in the form of a written confession.

  Just before the cops took Mrs. Cabot away, Brianna stepped up to her mother with the confidence of a champion.

  “I’m leavin’ Nashville. I’m leavin’ everythin’ you have poisoned in my life behind. I will never, Mother, ever look back with regret. I’m movin’ on with Jackson and Rylan, and there is not a damn thing you can do to stop me now.”

  He came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. She glanced back at him, folding her hands over his, and sighed.

  “I’ve been waitin’ to feel somethin’. Reminiscence, sadness, somethin’.” She leaned back into his chest. “I feel nothin’ more than the urge to get out of this place. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth.”

  Jackson dipped his head and pressed a lingering kiss to her temple. “Baby, there’s a lot of bad memories that come with this place. None that include me, might I add.”

  He earned himself a laugh and his darling woman snuggling back into him. “No, ’cause all the memories we made took place at your apartment.”

  “And now we’re movin’ away from all of this to build a new life, new memories, all of which will be happy.” He kissed the top of her head. “Forever memories.”

  “I spoke with Rylan earlier. He’s askin’ when we’re plannin’ to come back for a visit.”

  Jackson stepped around her. “You didn’t tell him we’re comin’ did you?”

  Brianna cupped his face with her gloved hands, the soft leather-encased thumbs smoothing out his brows. “Now why would I go and do somethin’ like that?”

  “Good.” Jackson glanced at his watch. “We should go. Still have to drop your keys off to the real estate agent. Oh, and I spoke with Colt. He’s got a position with his mother holding down the lodge and the reservations for you until you learn the ropes enough to take over a managerial position.”

  “What about you?”

  Jackson shrugged. “He’s offerin’ me a property management position for the apartments on the edge of town.”

  Brianna’s smile outshined the sunlight and melted his heart. She lifted onto her toes and kissed him, the essence of her suppressed excitement and love wrapping him up in a mind-numbing cocoon. He pulled her flush to him, deepening their kiss until the throb along his cock mocked his foolishness.

  Reluctantly, he ended the kiss with a soft chuckle. “Woman, you’ve got me hard and there’s nothin’ we can do to fix that. We’re gonna be late.”

  “I’ll fix it later.” She stole one last kiss and grabbed hold of the suitcase handle. “Promise.”

  Jackson took the other suitcase and followed her out into the corridor. Brianna reached for the door handle. He rested his hand over hers and caught her eyes.

  “Closin’ one door, together,” he said softly. Brianna’s glossy lips curled, and her soul-stealing violet-blue eyes glowed with new life. They pulled the door closed, the click signifying the end of their city life to start a new one in Ryder.

  A life that, from this point on, would include Rylan.

  * * * *

  Rylan pulled the helmet off and met Colt’s high five, followed by Travis’s punch in the shoulder.

  “You snowed Landon in at the startin’ line, cuz. Christ, that was a helluva run,” Travis said with a laugh. “Made up for Colt’s slack on the first round.”

  Colt chuckled. “I’ll take you on a bronc and whoop your sorry ass any day.”

  “Not if I train your bronc to knock you the hell off.” Travis slid his sunglasses off and took the helmet from Rylan with a wink. “A few broken ribs ain’t gonna get you off easy, Colt.”

  Rylan stepped away from the snowmobile, adjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose as Landon reached the finish line. Brody took Landon’s seat, revved the throttle, and pointed to Travis.

  “See you in the rearview,” Brody yelled as Mandy stepped in front of the two. She raised her arms, looked at each man, and then set them free.

  Rylan laughed as Travis fishtailed, giving Brody a head start. Snow kicked up, spraying back at Rylan and Colt.

  “Bastard,” Colt groaned, shielding his head. Rylan twisted, taking the hit against his back. Only when his cousins were far enough away to keep him from being sprayed again did Rylan brush off his shoulders and head over to the table set up with coffee and warm pastries, bagels, and spreads. He poured himself a coffee and fixed it to his likings then returned to Colt. The reverberating hum of the engines and cheers from the small group did little to pick up his spirits. He put on a face, one with a smile and a laugh here and there, but his heart and soul weren’t in the annual Christmas Day snowmobile races.

  “How’re you feelin’ today?” Rylan asked. Colt shrugged, following their cousins on their wild ride.

  “Gets better every day.”

  “The ribs or the heart?”

  Colt looked at him, his green eyes lacking their usual luster. Rylan sipped his hot coffee, thankful for something to warm up the aching organ pumping in his chest.

  “Raina won’t return my calls or texts. I’ve quit pesterin’ her. Figured if she wants to hold onto what I thought we had, then she’ll come around,” Colt said. Rylan detected the sullen yearning in his cousin’s voice, hidden nicely behind the casual explanation. Colt tugged down the brim of his cowboy hat and hooked his thumbs on his belt. “Sucks.”

  “Yeah, it does.”

  “I’ve been tryin’ to figure out why you haven’t gone to Nashville and dragged those two back here yet.”

  Rylan couldn’t figure that out either. Maybe his daily talks with Brianna and Jackson helped hold him over until they had the chance to visit. Keep tellin’ yourself that. Truth was, every time he climbed into bed, Brianna filled his head. He might’ve washed the bedding, but her scent lingered in his memories and intensified when he laid his head down to sleep. The angel watched over him, a glittering glass reminder of the brief intimate time he shared with Brianna, and the overwhelming surge of emotions that woman evoked within his soul.

  He damn near drove himself mad every time he tried to sleep, or drink a beer, or sit on the sofa, or drive through town. She’d spent so little time in Ryder and yet touched almost every place in his hometown. Something reminded him of her everywhere he went and everything he did.

  “They’re both busy, Colt. Brianna’s been dealin’ with her mother and her boss. Jackson’s been tryin’ to smooth things out with her boss.” Rylan sipped his hot coffee. “In the end, she’s Jax’s girl. Not mine.”

  “Man, I think hell just froze two stories deep,” Colt said. Rylan arched his brows at his cousin. “You’re not the only who can read family. You givin’ up that easily?” Colt snorted and shook his head, leveling his gaze with Rylan. “Bullshit, Ry. You don’t give up. Jax pulled you into your trendy relationship. I’m sure, if you really have feelin’s for her, you’re not about to let her go with that pussy excuse.”

  “Honestly, I don’t think she’d ever leave her lifestyle in Nashville.”

  “Umm.” Colt tipped his head in the general direction of Lexi and Brent. “Don’t go countin’ all city girls out of the game. Think that one was pretty rooted in New York before she happened by Trav.” Colt hitched a thumb in the direction of Brody and Travis. “And Brody there left thinkin’ this place was nothin’ to him, only to come back and put his entire career on
hold to rebuild his life here. You said Jax wanted to return.”

  “Speculation is different than laid plans.”

  “You know, Ry. People don’t realize what they have until they can appreciate it from a different perspective. I realized how lucky I’ve been throughout my career to pull out a champion year after year. I saw my ambition in that kid’s face the first time we met and he told me how much I’ve inspired him. Also told me he planned on ridin’ me right off my broncs.” Colt snickered, looking out toward the mountains. “Hell, I would’ve ridden practice rounds with him because I liked that kid. Then he was killed and my season turned into a nightmare, but I took that kid’s memory and rode every fuckin’ round for him and for me.”

  “Raina never knocked you off your game once?” Rylan teased.

  “Maybe once or twice, but overall, no.”

  “You’d better be winnin’ these damn races.”

  Rylan jerked around, spilling his coffee over his hand, and was met by Jackson’s bright smile. He laughed, placing his cup on the table, and greeted his friend with a hard hug and clap on the back.

  “What the hell are you doin’ here?” Rylan asked.

  “Figured I’d pop in as a surprise Christmas present. Couldn’t stay away from my closest pal during the holidays.” Jackson leaned forward. “How’re the ribs treatin’ you, Colt?”

  “Can’t complain. I can still ride,” Colt said. “You drop in alone?”

  “Yeah. The better third is takin’ care of things back home.”

  “You left her on Christmas day?” Rylan asked. Jackson helped himself to a cup of coffee. “Jax.”

  “I spent some time with her before headin’ here.” Jackson stirred in a packet of sugar and pointed the end of the straw at Rylan. “She wanted me to pass along a kiss, but, ehh, I don’t think you’re gettin’ that from me.”

  “Don’t make me lay you out in the snow, Jax,” Rylan warned.

  “Hey.” He raised his hands in surrender. “I’m at the mercy of Brianna Cabot. So are you. Besides, we both know I’ll always kick your ass in wrestlin’.” He picked up his coffee and turned away from the table as the hum of the snowmobiles steadily increased. “Who’s winnin’?”


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