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by Noah

  If Sera couldn’t have Caleb, then nobody could. Especially that pathetic creature Caitlin. To have to fly over and watch their celebration, watch their marriage, felt like a slap in the face. It felt as if they were spiting her, as if they were rubbing it in her face. Sera seethed with rage as she flapped her wings above all of them, taking it all in.

  As Sera circled, she looked for any sign of the King. Kyle and Rynd had instructed her carefully, had told her all about King McCleod, about his weakness. He was a human with a penchant for vampires. He’d been in desperate search of a vampire to turn him, and this was, Rynd reasoned, the one weak point of the island: McCleod’s desire.

  They had dispatched Sera to go and find this McCleod, and to seduce him. Then, they could manipulate him, get him to do anything they wished—including ambushing Aiden’s people with his human army.

  Sera was happy to execute the mission, but she resented their thinking that she needed to offer him anything in order to seduce him. After all, she was Sera: gorgeous to vampires and humans alike. She could seduce anyone she wanted, anytime she wanted. She didn’t need to offer them anything but herself.

  And seduce this king, she would.

  Finally, as Sera circled lower, she spotted the king. He was impossible to miss: he was seated at the head of a table, surrounded by followers, all obsequious in his presence. The huge fur mantle draped along his shoulders indicated it could be no one else.

  Sera landed out of sight of the others, behind a grove of trees. She took position and watched McCleod carefully, observing how he drank, who he talked to. She was waiting for a vulnerable moment, when he wasn’t surrounded by followers. She would catch him by surprise, and thus begin the seduction.

  Sera’s line of vision was occasionally blocked by dancers, then by musicians, and she felt like reaching out and tearing them apart. But she bit her lip, forcing herself to be disciplined, waiting patiently.

  Finally, she saw her chance. McCleod rose from the table—everyone rising with him—and he gestured for them all to stay put, as he headed off himself towards a huge vat of wine. He stumbled just a bit as he went, and that suited her purposes perfectly.

  Sera wasted no time. She sprinted across the field, around the side, and merged into the thick crowd, careful not to be noticed by anyone. She made her way to the vat of wine just before he did, just as she’d hoped.

  She turned her back on him, pretending as if she were looking in the opposite direction, and blocked his path, so that he would have to get past her. She then casually reached over and held out an empty goblet of wine. She prided herself on being a student of human behavior, and having watched him, she could sense he had a chivalrous side. She could sense that he would do anything to help a damsel in distress. And she just knew that if she held out her goblet, he would want to help.

  “Hand that to me,” came the deep, royal voice.

  Sera’s back still to him, she smiled, realizing she had judged him perfectly.

  Sera turned slowly, laying the full effect of her startling green eyes on him. She stared deeply into his, and offered the smallest hint of a smile. She tried to hypnotize him, using every vampire power of seduction she had.

  It was working. She saw his eyes fix on hers, saw him forget to fill her goblet. And as she felt his fingertips touch hers, she realized that he had not let go. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights—and that was exactly what she wanted.

  “I haven’t seen you here before,” he said.

  Sera liked the sound of his voice: it was deep, confident, authoritative. Not like most humans.

  “I’m new here,” she said. She thought quick. “I’ve only come for the wedding.” Technically, it was not a lie. She had indeed come for the wedding—to tear it apart.

  “Then we shall consider ourselves lucky to be graced by your presence,” he said with a slight nod, then took her goblet, reached in, and filled it up.

  He handed it back to her, and this time, as she took it, she laid her fingers on top of his, using her vampire power to send seductive energy into him.

  As she slowly took the cup away, her fingers grazing his, she could see it was working.

  “I’ve come from far away, and I’m only here for a short while,” she said, in her most seductive voice. “I would be honored if you show me your castle before I go.” She waited and watched, her heart beating with anticipation. This was the moment, the crucial moment, when she would know. If he said yes, she knew that he would be hers.

  “Surely, you have someone else to give you a tour of the grounds, aside from the King himself?” he asked with a smile.

  She smiled back. “I have many. But none I want to accompany me. Except for you.” She waited and watched, staring deeply into his eyes. She could sense that he was still on the fence. This human was more confident, less impressionable, than the others. It was now or never.

  She took a half step towards him, reached up and slowly let her open palm run down his chest.

  “You’re not of my kind, are you?” he asked.

  She slowly shook her head. “No,” she answered.

  He stared for several more seconds, then finally, broke into a smile.

  “Well, I guess I don’t see the harm in taking a break from the party for a little while,” he said, stepping forward and taking her arm. He turned and led her towards the castle.

  Sera smiled as they walked, crossing the small foot bridge, over the moat, feeling victorious. As they approached the castle doors, the guards snapped to attention.

  “What would you like to see first?” he asked, as they entered the grand hall, more guards snapping to attention.

  She stopped and faced him boldly.

  “Your bedchamber,” she said.

  She could see his eyes open wide in surprise, as he stared back at her.

  “You are bold, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “As are you,” she responded.

  He stared at her, then suddenly turned and continued walking, leading her down another corridor.

  They headed up a staircase, down several more corridors, guards snapping to attention all along the way, then finally towards a set of huge double doors. Two guards held it open for him, and as they walked through, they shut it behind them.

  The room was magnificent, enormous, replete with a huge four-poster bed, rugs, candle chandeliers, and a roaring fire inside a marble mantelpiece. McCleod strutted in, then turned and faced her.

  He stared at her with seriousness.

  “Who are you exactly?” he demanded. “What is it that you want from me?” Sera slowly raised her hand to his cheek.

  “I want to give you something that you want,” she said.

  He stared back.

  “I want to help you join my race.”

  McCleod’s eyes opened wide.

  “Why would you do such a thing? I have asked every vampire to turn me. They all refuse. Why are you different?”

  Sera smiled, as she looked down and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, taking off the huge furs from his shoulders. She was happy to see that, while cautious, he was not resisting.

  “Because I want something in return,” she responded.

  “And what is that?” he asked.

  “I will tell you after I turn you. Whatever it is, you must vow to grant it to me.” He took a step back, and stared at her intently.

  “You ask a high order,” he responded. “I have no idea what it is you will want. It could be anything. It could be my kingdom. How can I vow to grant something when I don’t even know what it is?”

  She smiled back, prepared for this.

  “Because what I’m going to give you is the greatest gift you could ever want. The gift of immortality. The gift of many lifetimes. You can lose a kingdom—that means nothing when you are immortal. You will have endless lifetimes to gain it back. Surely, you realize this yourself. Or else you would not want what we have? To be all-powerful. Is it worth honoring one small request?” She could see he was

  She stepped in, slowly rubbed her hands on his shoulders and removed his shirt. She led him closer to the fireplace. This time, he did not refuse.

  “A full-fledged vampire?” he asked, breathing heavily. “Immortality?” She leaned in, then placed her lips on his.

  There was a brief moment when he paused, and she wasn’t sure if he would give in.

  But then, suddenly, he kissed her back, with full force, filled with a passion she had never anticipated. He picked her up into her arms and carried her to the pile of furs by the fireplace, and as he did, she knew that this night would change everything.


  Caitlin walked through a field of torches. It was night, and the field was ablaze, a thousand spots of light flickering in the wind, as she walked down a meandering path. She was wearing her long, white wedding gown, and beside her, holding her arm, was her father.

  She looked over at him, and he was smiling back. They walked down an endlessly long wedding aisle—but in place of a crowd on either side of them were flaming torches. At the end of the aisle, Caitlin could see, in the far distance, stood Caleb, at the altar, waiting.

  There were so many questions Caitlin wanted to ask her father, so many things she wanted to say to him. But she didn’t feel it was the right moment to speak, while he was walking her down. She could feel, though, how proud of her he was, and it made her feel good. She didn’t want him to hand her off to Caleb—she didn’t want him to ever leave—and she tried to slow their steps, to savor every moment.

  Suddenly, she felt something, and looked back and saw that the trail of her dress had caught on fire. The fire crept slowly up the fabric, heading right for her.

  Her father looked at her, still smiling, not noticing.

  Caitlin tried to back away from it, frantic. “Daddy, please help me!” she screamed.

  “Find me, Caitlin. You have to find me. There’s just one key left. And then we will be together.” Caitlin felt the fire creeping closer to her, her whole dress a ball of flames. She could feel the heat, feel it about to scorch her skin. She knew that, in just moments, she would be burned alive.

  “But I don’t even know where to look!” she pleaded. “Please! Help me!”

  “The Isle of the Celtic Saints,” he said.

  He suddenly turned, and held her shoulders firmly, and looked deep into her eyes. Somehow, she knew, that as long as he was holding her, the fire would be kept at bay.

  “The Isle of the Celtic Saints,” he repeated, more firmly.

  Then, suddenly, he disappeared.

  And as he did, the fire raged all around her. Caitlin threw her head back and screamed.

  Caitlin sat upright in bed, screaming, swatting at the blankets around her, as if to put out a fire.

  Caleb woke beside her, grabbing her shoulder.

  “What’s wrong?” he yelled. “What is it?”

  Caitlin jumped up from bed, throwing the covers, looking all around her for any trace of fire.

  But there was none.

  Still breathing hard, she slowly collected herself. It was just a dream, she realized. But it had seemed so real, so vivid. She felt as if her father were still in the room with her.

  She turned and looked about the room, and saw that dawn was breaking, its first weak rays streaming through the castle window.

  Her wedding night, she remembered. It was over now.

  She looked around again, still disoriented, and realized she had spent the night with Caleb, and now it was over. It was already the next day.

  “Caitlin?” Caleb asked.

  But she needed time to think. She walked slowly to the window and looked outside, staring out at the landscape around the castle in the early morning sun, trying to collect her thoughts. It was getting harder and harder for her to tell the difference between dreams and reality these days; they almost seemed to blur into each other.

  “Caitlin?” came Caleb’s voice again, concerned as he crossed the room towards her.

  There were just embers of a fire still burning in the fireplace, and Caitlin wrapped her hands over her bare shoulders in the cold, stone room, as she closed her eyes and tried to recall her dream.

  She saw her father. Heard his message. She felt certain that it was more than a message; it was a clue.

  The clue for where to go next.

  She turned and faced Caleb, now only a few feet away.

  “The Isle of the Celtic Saints,” she said. “That’s what my father said to me. He said to look for him there.”

  Caleb’s eyes opened wide in surprise.

  “Do you know it?” Caitlin asked.

  He nodded. “Of course,” he said. “I have heard of it. It is a very sacred place in the vampire world.”

  She looked at him, eager to know more.

  “It must be a reference to the island of Eilean Donan. It was settled by the Celtic Saints in the sixth century. On it, there is a castle. An ancient fortification. Yes, it would make perfect sense. It is not far from here. And if there are any clues left to be found, I can think of no place more fitting.”

  “Then that is where we must go next,” she said.

  “Mommy? Daddy?”

  They both turned to see Scarlet standing before them, dressed in her night robe, her hair tasseled, obviously having just woken up.

  Scarlet ran into her arms, and Caitlin picked her up and hugged her.

  “I had a bad dream,” Scarlet said, over Caitlin’s shoulder.

  Caitlin could feel her crying.

  “I dreamt that you died,” she said. “I dreamt that you told me you were going away. You left me.

  And you never came back.”

  Caitlin felt her stomach drop. On all nights, her wedding night, for them both to have dreams filled with such darkness and premonitions. It didn’t bode well, she thought.

  But she tried to put it out of her mind. Instead, she looked over and exchanged a glance with Caleb. They were both thinking the same thing: Scarlet. When they embarked on their mission, what should they do with her? Of course, they couldn’t bring her. Anywhere they were going, there was sure to be danger. And it would also slow them down if they needed to fight. It would be much safer for her to stay here, in the safety of the castle, in the safety of this kingdom, with Polly and Sam, all of Aiden’s people, and all of the human warriors to watch over her. That was the responsible thing to do.

  But Caitlin also didn’t like her dream. Was it a bad omen? Scarlet clearly had deep powers, too, and Scarlet’s dream did not give Caitlin the best feeling about leaving. Scarlet leaned back and stared into Caitlin’s eyes, and Caitlin had the uncanny feeling that she was reading her mind.

  “You would never leave me, would you?” Scarlet asked.

  Caitlin swallowed.

  “We would never leave you,” Caleb began slowly, nervous. “You are our daughter, and we will be together forever, and nothing will ever change that. Do you understand?” Scarlet nodded, wiping away her tears, seeming to feel better.

  “We will always be together,” Caitlin repeated, “but at the same time, sometimes Mommy and Daddy might need to go away for a few days. That doesn’t mean we won’t come back. We will always come back. But now is one of those times. We do need to go for just a few days—and then, I promise, we will be back.”

  “NO!” Scarlet screamed, bursting into tears as she hugged Caitlin. “I KNEW you would say that! You can’t go! It’s just like my dream. And now you’re never going to come back!” Scarlet was hysterical, inconsolable, as she sobbed in Caitlin’s arms.

  Caitlin turned and exchanged a look with Caleb. It was almost enough to give Caitlin pause, to make her wonder if they should change their plan, and bring Scarlet with them.

  But Caleb, reading her mind, slowly shook his head, and she knew that he was right. They could not bring her with them. It would endanger them all. Caitlin sensed that wherever it was they were going, danger would not be far. After all, it was the final key they
were after. The final key that would lead them to her father, the final key that would lead them to the ancient vampire shield. Who knew what adversaries might be awaiting them? It was hardly a mission suitable for a child.

  Caitlin leaned back and looked Scarlet in the eyes, trying to get her to focus on her.

  “I promise you, Scarlet,” Caitlin said, over her cries, “that nothing bad will ever happen to you.

  Or to us. We will be back in just a few days. And then after that, we’ll be with you all the time. You have to trust me. Do you trust me?”

  Scarlet blinked, wiping away her tears, and finally, reluctantly, she nodded.

  Scarlet seemed to calm a bit. But Caitlin, on the other hand, was feeling increasing foreboding.

  Indeed, for the first time in as long as she could remember, Caitlin wondered if they would, truly, make it back alive.


  Sera awoke in the King’s chamber at the crack of dawn. She threw open her eyes, immediately remembering the night before, and turned and stared at McCleod, naked, in bed beside her.

  The two of them lay under the covers, she in his arms, and he sound asleep. That did not surprise her. She had seen this before: when people were first turned, they often slept long and late—sometimes for days. And this had been an epic turning. They had been together all night long, and she had never met a more willing human victim.

  Sera jumped out of bed in a single bound, needing to clear her head from the night before. The body warmth from the sheets immediately evaporated, leaving her cool in the November morning, and she grabbed a silk robe and put it on as she made her way to the windowsill. She looked out at the first crack of dawn, the blood red sun on the horizon, and felt it was a good omen. She contemplated her next move.

  So far, all had gone according to plan: soon McCleod would be one of hers, of her kind, and he would be putty in her hands. He had vowed to do as she wished, and she would call in the vow.


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