Thrill Squeaker: A Squeaky Clean Mystery (Squeaky Clean Mysteries Book 11)

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Thrill Squeaker: A Squeaky Clean Mystery (Squeaky Clean Mysteries Book 11) Page 24

by Christy Barritt

  “Today?” His eyes widened.

  I nodded, my thoughts coming together quickly. “Down by Mythical Falls. I think it would make a beautiful backdrop.” Thanks, Clarice, for the idea. “Sierra’s on her way with Reef. My father is coming to paint. It’s the perfect timing.”

  His intense gaze wrapped around me and made me forget everything else around. “Is that what would make you happy?”


  “I was hoping you might say that.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out wedding rings.

  My breath caught. “You still have these?”

  A smile teased his lips. “I’ve been carrying them around, waiting for you to give me the word.”

  I threw my arms around him. “That’s just about the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. How long have you had these?”

  “Six months.”

  “But we weren’t even back together then!”

  He shrugged. “I know.”

  “Oh, Riley.” I planted a kiss on his lips, a kiss that I didn’t want to break.

  “Let’s do this,” Riley said, pulling away from the kiss but pressing his forehead against mine. “You want me to call Pastor Randy and see if he’s available?”

  “That would be perfect.”

  His eyes turned serious. “Gabby, you make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

  “Luck’s got nothing to do with it.”

  “That’s for sure.” He leaned closer and brushed his lips against mine again. “Now, let’s get ready for a wedding!”


  Sierra squealed when I stepped from the bedroom, wobbling slightly in my high heels. “Gabby, you look gorgeous!”

  “You think?” I smoothed the skirt of my gown, feeling a touch overwhelmed—but in a good way.

  “I know.”

  Clarice stepped out behind me. “I did her makeup and hair, but that’s all I can take credit for. The rest of her beauty is all natural.”

  I felt myself beaming. I felt beautiful. Like, really, really beautiful.

  Sierra had brought the wedding dress I’d tried on the first time Riley and I were engaged. My future step-mom had purchased it for me before Riley and I called things off. I’d stuck it in my closet, figuring I’d never get a chance to use it.

  But now here I was. The bodice of the white gown was fitted, sleeveless, and simple. Waves of fabric flowed from the waist. I skipped the veil, and, instead, Clarice had smoothed my hair, adding gentle curls.

  “This is really happening,” I whispered.

  Sierra, holding Reef in her arms, gave me a hug—and she didn’t give hugs easily, so I knew this moment was special. “I’m so excited for you. You deserve all the best, Gabby. And I really believe that Riley is the best for you.”

  “I do too.”

  “You’ll have quite the story to tell your kids one day. Most of us just meet and fall in love. You and Riley . . .”

  “It’s been a thrill ride.”

  She smiled and pushed her glasses up higher as Reef tried to grab them. “Exactly.”

  I stared at my tiny Asian friend. My best friend. The two of us were unlikely BFFs, but I was so glad she was here. “I never thought this day would really come.”

  “We all knew it would happen. We were just waiting for you and Riley to realize it.”

  “Sierra, we’re both going to be married now. We’re growing up. Isn’t that . . . weird?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. But it’s exciting.”

  A knock sounded on the door, and Sierra hurried to answer. A moment later, Nate peeked his head inside. “Can I chat with you a minute, Gabby?”

  I nodded, and Sierra and Clarice disappeared to the back. “What’s going on?”

  “First of all, let me say that you look gorgeous. Riley is one lucky man.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Secondly, I’d like to give this to you.” He pulled something out from behind his back. It was a giant rock. “It’s a diamond. We think it’s worth around five thousand dollars. It should be more than enough to make up for the wages you lost because of my neglect.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Wow. That’s amazing, Nate.”

  “I’m going to give one to everyone who’s worked here on the job. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Has anyone certified that these are the real thing?”

  He did the woodpecker laugh. “Oh, you. You’re always thinking, aren’t you? As a matter of fact, a gemologist just got here and confirmed that these are the real things. They’re some kind of freak phenomena in this area. There’s more than enough out there to make amends with. I’ll be able to pay my investors and workers. Everyone. And Riley has agreed to oversee it. It was a stipulation so people wouldn’t bring lawsuits against me.”

  “That’s great.”

  He lowered his gaze. “What about Clarice? Do you think I ruined my chances?”

  “I know she really likes you, and I know that, for some crazy reason, she’s thrilled with the possibility of helping run this place. I think she’s forgiving. Just be real with her. And stop keeping so many secrets.”

  His eyes lit again. “Okay. Thanks, Gabby. And congrats. I think the ATV is waiting to take you down to the falls.”

  A wave of nerves rushed through me. This was normal—having a few jitters on your wedding day. I’d be strange if I didn’t.

  “Girls, I’m ready to go.” Almost as if they’d been waiting with their ears pressed against the door, they emerged from the back. Clarice’s gaze went to Nate.

  “Gabby, can I meet you down there in a few minutes?” Clarice asked.

  I glanced at Nate and smiled. “Of course.”

  Sierra and I climbed in an ATV driven by Chad.

  As we reached the bottom of the hill, I spotted white chairs set up facing the waterfall. Beyond the seating area, mist rose from the falls. The leaves couldn’t be prettier in their autumn glory.

  This was going to be a great day.

  My dad met me at the start of the trail. He’d dressed up in his finest suit. His long hair was brushed back neatly. It was the best I’d seen my father look in a long time.

  “Gabby . . . you look . . . you look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  His eyes grew misty. “Your mom would be so proud of you. You know that, don’t you? You’ve turned into a wonderful young woman.”

  Tears pushed to my eyes. “Thank you. I wish she was here.”

  “So do I, Honey. So do I. I wish every day that I could turn things around and do life differently. But all I can do is try not to make the same mistakes twice.”

  The folksy band from Yuck Yuck’s began playing the Wedding March. Nate had been able to convince them to play here at the last minute.

  “Here goes nothing!” my dad said.

  “Actually, here goes everything.”

  “You got that right.”

  As the music played, I started down the aisle with my father. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. It was really happening.

  My heart felt like it might burst with joy.

  I passed the Squeaky Clean crew, Marion, my brother, Sierra and Reef. Riley’s parents had even come from the DC area. I had everyone here I needed to have here.

  Pastor Randy stood at the end of the aisle, Riley beside him. Riley’s eyes lit when he spotted me, and I tried to memorize every part of his gaze. I’d never seen him look like that before. His eyes were wide and mesmerized. His breath looked baited. His lips parted in awe.

  He’d borrowed a black tux from Nate, and he looked good enough to be on the cover of GQ. My heart pounded at the sight of him. He was going to be my husband. My husband!

  This was it. This was my moment. The one I’d dreamed about for so long. The day that Riley and I became one. Forever.

  I drew in a deep breath, praying I didn’t trip on my walk down the aisle, and I continued until I reached Riley and Pastor Randy. Riley winked as I looked at him, the action sett
ing my heart aflutter.

  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  “I do,” my father said.

  My dad kissed my cheek before joining his fiancée, Teddi, in the front row.

  Riley and I joined hands and faced each other. I felt giddy enough to squeal. All the fear I’d been feeling somehow seemed like a distant memory.

  “I understand you’ve written your own vows?” Pastor Randy said. “Riley, please start when you’re ready.”

  Riley pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket. His hands shook ever-so-slightly. The sight of it actually made me feel better. I wasn’t the only one feeling anxious about our big moment.

  “Gabby, from the moment I first saw you, I knew there was something different about you—and it wasn’t because you’d just come from a crime scene.”

  The audience chuckled. I couldn’t help but grin.

  “I thought you were beautiful. And the more I’ve gotten to know you, the more beautiful you’ve become. You’re the strongest woman I know. You face danger—sometimes to a fault, but it’s because you stand up for what you believe is right. You act as a voice for those who don’t have a voice.”

  I squeezed his hand as I felt tears rushing to my eyes and then whispered, “Thank you.”

  “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m certain it will be an adventure. An adventure I don’t want to miss. I vow to always be there for you. In sickness and in health. For richer, for poorer. In the good times and the bad. I love you, Gabby St. Claire.”

  “Gabby,” Pastor Randy said.

  I wiped away the tears that had popped to my eyes. I didn’t even realize they were there until a wayward one raced down my cheek. Sierra handed me a tissue, and I dabbed the moisture there.

  I sucked in a deep breath and pulled out my own vows from my wedding bouquet. I’d spent most of the morning trying to compose what I wanted to say, and it still didn’t sound right. I took one glance at my words and shook my head. I put the paper back into the bouquet.

  “If it’s okay, I’ll just speak from the heart.”

  Riley squeezed my hands. “Please do.”

  I pulled in another shaky breath, more nervous than I’d envisioned. Not because I was uncertain, but because I realized just how serious this was. “Riley Thomas, from the moment I met you, I was fascinated. I wanted to get to know you more. I wanted to know what was different about you. Then I realized what it was: I’ve always felt safe around you. I’ve always felt like you cared. We’ve had our ups and downs—we’re going to always have those . They’re a part of life. But it’s always been you. Even when we were apart, it was you. And it always will be. Forever.”

  “I love you, Gabby,” Riley whispered.

  “So I vow to be there for you in chaos and in peace,” I continued, my voice catching. “When we’re scraping by or when we’re prosperous. When life feels clean and tidy, and when life gets messy. When we’re facing death, and when we’re facing life. I’ll always be by your side.”

  “Is there really anything else to say?” Pastor Randy chuckled, and everyone joined him. “I think we can all agree that we’ve been praying for this day. Long before the two of them knew they were meant to be together, many of us did. We could see it from the start. I see them having a wonderful life together, a life where they focus not only on themselves but on giving back to other people. That said, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Riley grinned and leaned toward me. Our lips met. Lingered. Relished.

  I was going to have the rest of my life to feel his lips against mine.

  That meant I was the luckiest woman alive.

  “Everyone, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Riley Thomas!” Pastor Randy announced.

  The band began playing Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours.”

  I was so glad that my soul was being restored piece-by-piece—just like this old theme park. It seemed only fitting that we had gotten married here in a place once dead but now revived.

  With the ceremony over, the band continued to play. Yuck Yuck’s had catered for us—pizza, soda, nuts, chips. No Appalachian oysters, however. Clarice and Nate had managed to set up a makeshift dance floor with string lights dangling overhead. As the sun sank below the tree line, the lights formed a perfect backdrop.

  “Hey guys, check out this picture on my camera phone,” Clarice said.

  Riley and I gathered behind her to see the photo. Riley and I grinned from ear to ear in the picture, looking happier than we’d ever been.

  “That’s a great picture,” I told her.

  “Well, yeah. But that’s not what I wanted you to look at.” She rolled her eyes. “Look at this.”

  She enlarged something on her phone and pointed to a shadow in the background.

  Only it didn’t look quite like a shadow. It almost looked like . . .


  Riley and I glanced at each other and then shook our heads.

  “He’s not real,” Riley said.

  “That’s just our eyes playing tricks on us.”

  Nate snaked his arm around Clarice’s waist. The two of them had obviously made up. “Say what you want—I’m a believer.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t hire someone—?” I started.

  He raised his hand. “Never again. By the way, when this place opens, you should come back here. On me. As a late honeymoon.”

  Riley and I glanced at each other.

  “I think we’ll pass,” Riley finally said, speaking for both of us. “I’ve had my fill of Mythical Falls.”

  Nate shrugged. “Have it your way. But don’t say I didn’t offer. Besides, you’ll have two percent ownership.”

  “I’ll be back,” Clarice said, looking up at him and rubbing noses.

  I was feeling all sentimental and romantic at the moment, but that was crossing some kind of affection meter. Could Nate and Clarice actually have a chance? I supposed we’d be finding out.

  I looked up at Riley as the band began to play Shania Twain’s “You’re Still the One.” “I couldn’t be happier than I am right now,” I whispered.

  “You and me both. We’re going to make it, Gabby. Together.”

  “I agree.”

  He leaned closer. “I love you, Gabby Thomas.”

  I grinned upon hearing the name. “I love you too, Riley. Forever.”


  Cunning Attractions


  What was Sierra up to while the rest of the gang was at Mythical Falls? Find out in Rattled, releasing April 14. Preorder your copy here:


  Hazardous Duty (Book 1)

  On her way to completing a degree in forensic science, Gabby St. Claire drops out of school and starts her own crime-scene cleaning business. When a routine cleaning job uncovers a murder weapon the police overlooked, she realizes that the wrong person is in jail. But the owner of the weapon is a powerful foe . . . and willing to do anything to keep Gabby quiet. With the help of her new neighbor, Riley Thomas, a man whose life and faith fascinate her, Gabby seeks to find the killer before another murder occurs.

  Suspicious Minds (Book 2)

  In this smart and suspenseful sequel to Hazardous Duty, crime-scene cleaner Gabby St. Claire finds herself stuck doing mold remediation to pay the bills. Her first day on the job, she uncovers a surprise in the crawlspace of a dilapidated home: Elvis, dead as a doornail and still wearing his blue-suede shoes. How could she possibly keep her nose out of a case like this?

  It Came Upon a Midnight Crime (Book 2.5, a Novella)

  Someone is intent on destroying the true meaning of Christmas—at least, destroying anything that hints of it. All around crime-scene cleaner Gabby St. Claire’s hometown, anything pointing to Jesus as “the reason for the season” is being sabotaged. The crimes become more twisted as dismembered body parts are found at the vandalisms. Someone is determined to destroy Christmas . . .
but Gabby is just as determined to find the Grinch and let peace on earth and goodwill prevail.

  Organized Grime (Book 3)

  Gabby St. Claire knows her best friend, Sierra, isn’t guilty of killing three people in what appears to be an eco-terrorist attack. But Sierra has disappeared, her only contact a frantic phone call to Gabby proclaiming she’s being hunted. Gabby is determined to prove her friend is innocent and to keep Sierra alive. While trying to track down the real perpetrator, Gabby notices a disturbing trend at the crime scenes she’s cleaning, one that ties random crimes together—and points to Sierra as the guilty party. Just what has her friend gotten herself involved in?

  Dirty Deeds (Book 4)

  “Promise me one thing. No snooping. Just for one week.” Gabby St. Claire knows that her fiancé’s request is a simple one she should be able to honor. After all, Riley’s law school reunion and attorneys’ conference at a posh resort is a chance for them to get away from the mysteries Gabby often finds herself involved in as a crime-scene cleaner. Then an old friend of Riley’s goes missing. Gabby suspects one of Riley’s buddies might be behind the disappearance. When the missing woman’s mom asks Gabby for help, how can she say no?

  The Scum of All Fears (Book 5)

  Gabby St. Claire is back to crime-scene cleaning and needs help after a weekend killing spree fills her work docket. A serial killer her fiancé put behind bars has escaped. His last words to Riley were: I’ll get out, and I’ll get even. Pictures of Gabby are found in the man’s prison cell, messages are left for Gabby at crime scenes, someone keeps slipping in and out of her apartment, and her temporary assistant disappears. The search for answers becomes darker when Gabby realizes she’s dealing with a criminal who is truly the scum of the earth. He will do anything to make Gabby and Riley’s lives a living nightmare.

  To Love, Honor, and Perish (Book 6)

  Just when Gabby St. Claire’s life is on the right track, the unthinkable happens. Her fiancé, Riley Thomas, is shot and in life-threatening condition only a week before their wedding. Gabby is determined to figure out who pulled the trigger, even if investigating puts her own life at risk. As she digs deeper into the case, she discovers secrets better left alone. Doubts arise in her mind, and the one man with answers lies on death’s doorstep. Then an old foe returns and tests everything Gabby is made of—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Will all she’s worked for be destroyed?


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