Letters to Penthouse XXXI

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Letters to Penthouse XXXI Page 15

by Penthouse International

  When we got home, l put on baggy sweats and a loose T-shirt. Brad stripped to his shorts. We popped the DVD in and snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket. My mind was still swirling with ideas and thoughts of our conversation earlier.

  We watched the movie for a while. Then Brad stretched out, with his legs over my lap and pillows propped behind his back so he was still sitting next to me. This gave me easy access to his now-semi-erect cock. I slid my hand up his shorts and began to stroke it.

  We continued to watch the movie. It wasn’t long before Brad was hard and oozing precome in the palm of my hand. While continuing to move my hand up and down his shaft, I now slid my other hand up and down the inside of his thigh.

  I guess he enjoyed this, because he laid his head back, with his eyes closed, and moved his hips up and down to meet my strokes. I love to watch his face when I am pleasuring him.

  The movie ended, and we wasted no time heading into the bedroom for more fun. While l was in the bathroom peeing and brushing my teeth, Brad lit some candles in the bedroom. Then he joined me in the bathroom.

  I was bent over the sink rinsing my mouth. He stood behind me, rested his hard prick between my ass cheeks, and just smiled at me. I reached around and felt him through his shorts. He was so hard!

  I smiled back and walked into the candlelit bedroom. I stripped out of my sweats and T-shirt, crawled under the covers of our king-size bed, and waited for him to join me. I was hot and horny, and couldn’t wait to have his hard cock in my mouth.

  While l waited, l closed my eyes and started thinking about Brad being with another woman. I imagined him offering his cock to another woman’s mouth.

  At that moment l decided that l wanted to “be” another woman tonight! I reached down between my legs and touched myself. I was on fire. I needed to have Brad inside me! I needed to feel his mouth on my pussy! I needed to come, now!

  He was kneeling next to me on the bed. He wasted no time in reaching between my widespread legs and rubbing my pussy. He thrust two fingers in me, hard, and then plunged them in and out. My God, it felt as if sparks were shooting through me.

  I twisted around to take him in my mouth. First l wrapped my hand around his shaft. Then I brought him to my waiting mouth. I licked just around the head, teasing him. A moan escaped his throat. I took this as my cue to continue. I took his whole cock in my mouth and sucked it and swirled my tongue around it. He moved his hips to meet me.

  Now I was moaning and bucking wildly while his fingers plunged in and out of me. I was going to come. I arched my back and let out a moan as l came all over his fingers. I didn’t stop sucking and stroking him while l was exploding with pleasure. I sucked and stroked harder, trying to pull him deeper in my mouth.

  While l was coming down from my first orgasm, Brad started to rub my clit. Wow! That was all it took for me to feel the tingle of another orgasm. He seemed to sense this and put more pressure on my bud and rubbed furiously. I came again with the same force.

  My entire body tingled with pleasure as l played this role of “another woman.” Visions filled my head that my husband had just given those incredible orgasms to someone else. Someone else was sucking him in her mouth. Someone else was about to get the tonguing of her life from my man.

  We wasted no time in assuming the position. We obviously both had the same thing in mind. Brad stretched out on his back, and l turned around and lowered my quivering box onto his face. I took hold of his cock and quickly took it back in my mouth. So there we were, licking and sucking each other like we never had before.

  One of Brad’s fingers found my hole and slid in effortlessly. He moved it in and out slowly while licking my pussy. I felt another orgasm approaching. I moved back and forth on his face and came hard as he lapped up my juices. I was sliding my mouth and hand up and down his manhood, and his hips were moving to meet me. He was moaning ever so quietly, but I knew he was just loving it.

  Once again, the image of someone else coming on Brad’s face entered my mind. And l came again, my entire body shaking.

  I had to have him inside me right then. I swung around and lowered myself onto his hard-on. Oh, it felt so good! I moved back and forth, slowly at first. After a while he grabbed my hips and started fucking me fast and hard. My hand found its way to my clit, and I started to rub it in a frenzy.

  Brad reached up and lightly fondled my hard nipples. He bucked under me and pulled on my nipples until l screamed from the wild physical sensation. My juices streamed all over his pole, and l rocked back and forth faster and faster as he neared his own orgasm. He arched his back and pulled me down on him so hard, my whole body shook as he filled me with spunk.

  We began to come down together. We looked deeply intp each other’s eyes, still riding those waves of pleasure. I held real still for a few moments, then bent over and kissed Brad lightly along his lips, neck, and shoulders. We held each other tightly for a while, feeling the incredible love we share.

  I rolled off him slowly and ran to the bathroom to clean up. I returned and cuddled close to him. I am one lucky woman, I thought, as I smiled and mentally replayed the little game we had just played.

  Brad leaned over me and kissed me tenderly. All this while looking deep in my eyes, he said, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I replied to the incredible man I married.

  —K.H., Provo, Utah

  Both of Them Wanted It to Happen, but Both Knew It Could Never Happen Again

  I am now in my midtwenties and the beneficiary of many wild sexual experiences, but the one I still fantasize about is one that happened not long after I turned eighteen.

  I had met my future wife, Tanya, in middle school but didn’t begin to date her until well into high school, where her very attractive mother worked in the office. I had often seen Tanya’s mother, Lara, acting ever so professionally in the office, taking care of students’ problems, from the trivial to the tragic.

  Lara’s shoulder-length brown hair and tan skin were a magnet for every hormone-ravaged guy in the school. Guys in my circle of friends often speculated on how sweet that pussy would taste that was hiding under Lara’s form-fitting skirts.

  My mission was made evident to me one day when I arrived at school late and had to hand in a note to the office for an excuse. Lara accepted the note with a smile, and l was positive l was being flirted with when she winked at me. I was gawking openly at the gigantic nipples poking through her figure-fitting tight white top.

  So, my mission now was to find out just how sweet that pussy was that so many young scholars had so often dreamed about.

  As the school year wore on, I began to notice and appreciate the sexual radiance of Tanya, whom l had known for so long but had never thought of “that way.” She, too, was eighteen now. Somewhere along the line she had blossomed, and now she was as attractive as her thirty-eight-year-old mother. Finally catching on, l asked Tanya out on a date. Things went well, and we found ourselves enjoying each other so much, we fell into a serious relationship.

  I wondered often how l would deal with spending time at Tanya’s home with her sexy mother being there, knowing l would not only be checking out my girlfriend, but also checking out her mom. I figured l would be fine at dealing with whatever situation might arise. I would learn to control myself.

  I seriously underestimated the powers of lust.

  Tanya and I soon became involved sexually, experimenting first with handjobs and finger-fucking and progressing to oral sex. I loved the way a horny high school girl’s pussy could get wet on command. I often came just from the amount of wetness that poured out of my sweetheart’s twat when we fooled around. We got so charged sexually that our fool-around sessions quickly turned into fuck sessions.

  During this transformation, we began to get careless. After one summer afternoon’s romp in Tanya’s bedroom, without thinking we deposited our used condom in the wastebasket in her room, on top of some papers and in clear view of anyone entering the room. We left the house
, each going out with our own group of friends for the remainder of the night.

  The next day l stopped by Tanya’s house to see if she wanted to go to a movie. When l arrived at the house, Lara answered the door and said Tanya had gone to a friend’s house to visit but would return sometime soon. She asked if l wanted to come in and wait for Tanya, and I accepted, as I had many times before.

  On this day Lara looked amazing in a pair of short, tight white shorts and a pink spaghetti-strap tank top. She wore pink lipstick that accentuated her pouty lips. The line of her bikini underwear was clearly evident as she walked away from me.

  I felt a tingle in my jock and figured I had better change my course of thought. I attempted to read the sports section of the paper, but every time Lara walked by, l would search her ass, trying to locate those panty lines.

  When Lara returned to the room after spending a few minutes in the basement, she bent over to pick some socks up off the floor. At that time l noticed that the panty lines had disappeared! My heart skipped a beat as I wondered, had this beautiful woman more than twice my age removed her panties for me?

  Again I tried to regroup. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. As I was passing by Lara’s bedroom, I caught a glimpse of something on her dresser that looked a lot like a condom. I took a quick left turn and walked up to the dresser. Not only was it indeed a condom, but I recognized it as the very condom from my previous day’s fuck with Tanya! In a rush, I remembered how careless we had been in disposing of it.

  I studied it for a second and noticed that all the semen was gone except for a coating on the rubber and a drop that had leaked on the wood surface of the dresser. My head began to pound as l realized l was in a hornet’s nest and was most likely going to get an earful from Lara on her discovery, and possibly get Tanya in trouble.

  I stood there contemplating my next step, struggling for each breath, when suddenly l heard the door creak and close behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Lara standing there, with her hands on her beautiful hips. I began to explain meekly what had happened. She told me not to say another word. I thought my goose was cooked, but instead of berating me, Lara asked if I had fun fucking her daughter.

  Unsure of what to say, I said, “I did. But you know, Lara, we used protection—”

  She cut me off. “I know,” she said. “I drank every drop of your come out of it last night.” She moved closer to me and slid both straps of her tank top over her shoulders, allowing the tops of her round breasts to come into view.

  I tried to speak, but she put a finger on my lips and said, “I was glad when you and Tanya started dating. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I know you’ve wanted me, too. I see the way you look at me. Am l wrong?”

  My cock stiffened so, it was impossible not to notice it pushing out my shorts. Lara looked down at my tent and said, “I guess there’s my answer.” She reached into my cargo shorts and wrapped her hand around my girth. I moaned as I realized that my masturbation fantasy of many months was about to come true!

  Lara pumped me slowly with her fist, at the same time pushing her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced around at the same pace as her handjob on me.

  I wondered how much more l could take. I muttered, “What about Tanya?”

  “She won’t be back for hours,” Lara said calmly. “Now, why don’t you do me like you do my daughter?”

  Unhesitatingly, I pulled her tank top all the way down to her belly and marveled at two of the most beautiful, perfectly shaped tits I had seen either in real life or in pictures. I cupped them both and massaged them. She cooed. Her nipples were bigger and harder than I had imagined, sticking out a good half inch from her areolae. I kneaded them as I massaged her mounds, the same way I did so often with her daughter.

  Lara swung her hips as she ground her white shorts against my leg. Her pelvis was gyrating so hard on my thigh, I almost fell over. But I managed to keep my balance, and moved my head down to her erect nips and tongued them. She held on to the back of my head as I moved it from side to side, allowing her nipples to slide across my lips from one corner of my mouth to the other.

  As her gyrations quickened, she said, “You’re fucking good at what you do!”

  I kept up the pressure on her boobs and reached down and unsnapped her shorts. She wiggled her hips, and they slid down her thighs. As she stepped back, they fell to her ankles, and for the first time l had a close-up view of the pussy I had mentally come inside of so many times. Only this pussy was clean-shaved and smooth like I had never imagined. I noticed a huge wet spot in the crotch of her shorts and a trail of wetness connecting her thighs. She was just as wet as Tanya usually got.

  As Lara stepped out of her shorts, she said, “I hoped you would come by today. This is for you. No panties and no hair—for easy access.”

  I knelt and reached around Lara, taking her firm ass cheeks in my hands and pulling her bare cunt to my face. She moaned as I angled my head to place my tongue right in the slippery slit she had prepared for me.

  I worked my tongue softly from one end of her slot to the other and felt more wetness pump out of her. Her sweet smell and lubrication covered my mouth as I worked my tongue in her pussy, each time penetrating with my tongue and then working back to her clit. Each time I reached her clit, she wiggled her hips and her legs convulsed.

  I knew I had her on the edge, so I concentrated on her button, circling it with my tongue. Her grip on my head was tightening to the point where I thought she might suffocate me in her box. She worked her pussy back and forth on my mouth in long, grinding thrusts, at one point even fucking the tip of my nose.

  She shuddered violently for a solid thirty seconds and was frozen in place with my tongue rolling her clit between my lips as she bucked and rode my face. After her orgasm subsided, she didn’t collapse or rest. She picked me up and lofted me backward on her waterbed, where she deftly yanked my shorts to my ankles and instinctively pulled my whole erection into her mouth and all the way down her throat.

  I stopped breathing for a moment, unable to believe that she had just deep-throated me on her first taste of my pecker. As my dickhead slid in and out of her throat, her lips were so soft and her mouth so warm, l figured l would come in a matter of seconds.

  I held on to her head to guide her mouth up and down my cock. But she pulled it out of her throat and licked the underside, from the base to the crown. Once she arrived back at the crown, she gulped me back down her throat.

  I arched as l felt my orgasm building up inside me. She sensed my impending eruption and pulled my dick out of her mouth. “No, not yet,” she said. “I’ve already tasted your come. So now I want it in my pussy.” She kissed my shaft, and her remaining pink lipstick left streaks on my boner. Then she stood up and motioned that she was climbing aboard.

  Finally l was about to feel that bald pussy wrap itself around me! Before l had a chance to remember the way it felt in my dreams, l was fully inside Lara. She mounted me with such ease and expertise, I realized then the difference in an experienced woman.

  With her tits in my face and her pussy resting around the base of my cock, she began to grind her clit against my pelvic bone. I reached up to take her boobs in my hands.

  Lara arched her back and moaned with excitement as l fondled her boobs. She raised her pussy up, then lowered it again on my rod, taking it almost completely out each time before impaling herself completely on it. Her wetness trickled down between my legs as she bounced, and she began to pick up her pace.

  She said many things to me during this time, but l couldn’t decipher a word of it. As she rode me, she leaned back on her hands and gave me a complete view of her pussy sliding up and down the length of my dick. It glistened each time she rode up, and l began to think of spurting my load in her wet snatch. I knew l was getting close, and I wanted a mutual orgasm, so l thumbed her love bud.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah!” she said. She shook her hips and begged me to come with her. This was just the invitation I had
hoped for. I met each of her thrusts with one of my own, ramming my dick all the way in her cunt. Her pussy buzzed as my head began to spin. She flopped around on my dick like she was possessed, until l couldn’t hold back.

  I uncorked a load that had to fill her up. She must have felt me spray her insides. She screamed as she, too, came, the whole time riding my cock and my thumb on her clit. Our climaxes seemed to last for minutes and didn’t stop until I felt come seeping back out of her honeypot. She slid off me and cupped her hands beneath her dripping slit. As come leaked out of her, she collected it in the cup of her hand. I didn’t know what to make of this, but I was so charged, I didn’t care. Once most of my spunk had drained out of her, Lara rubbed the mixture of our fluids all over my cock, then licked every drop off with her experienced tongue. I had no mess to clean up—she had taken care of everything! Then she picked up her shorts and put them back on, allowing the rest of my semen to drip from her pussy and again wet the crotch of her shorts.

  “I’m going to have your come inside me all day,” she said. “Now, don’t speak a word of this to anyone.”

  And that was it!

  I never mentioned this to anyone, and I don’t suppose Lara did either. We haven’t had another encounter, even though we often exchange knowing glances. I’m married to Tanya, and appreciate her talents all the more knowing firsthand where she got them.

  —Name and address withheld

  It’s the Scent of a Woman, and the Sights and Sounds of Raw, Uncontrolled Lust

  You come home, and the house is completely dark. You shut the door and tiptoe through the rooms, whispering her name. As you near the bedroom, you notice the flickering and dancing of shadows on the walls. Faint scents of lilac and poppies linger in the air. You get a heady sensation and linger at the door before you enter.

  While your eyes adjust to the light, you see more shadows and hear the faint sound of music coming from the bathroom. As you sit on the bed, your hands run through a thin blanket of rose petals strewn across the comforter. The sensations running through your body get stronger as each second passes.


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