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ImmortalOps_MandyRoth Page 7

by Roth

  She drew his hands towards her waistband and eased it down gently. He started to pull away and then gave in to his need to touch her. His thick fingers darted quickly between her thighs and found her moist and ready for him. In a sudden fury he was pushing against her, pinning her body to the wall. He continued his assault on her silken channel, causing tiny moans to escape her throat. Each thrust left her juices soaking the both of them, running down his hand and her inner thighs. Lukian lifted her off the ground, keeping her pinned firmly to the wall, as he continued fingering her.

  She had no idea how he’d managed to get his pants down and didn’t care once she felt the head of his cock pushing into her quim. The world around her faded away, leaving only she and Lukian. He rammed himself into her with such force that a picture fell off the wall and onto the floor. A low purring noise erupted from deep within her.

  Lukian’s thrusts came faster and harder. Her body struggled with something great, wild, overpowering. She tried to keep it deep within her, but her abdomen tightened and her pussy clenched tight around his rigid cock as he brought her to her peak. The orgasm unleashed the beast within her and she felt detached from herself as she bit down hard on Lukian’s shoulder. Coppery, sweet tasting fluid ran into her mouth. Lukian let out a growl that matched hers. She was faintly aware of a deep pressure above her right breast and of the added girth between her legs.

  * * * *

  Lukian let his beast partially out. He felt his teeth and his cock lengthen. Peren’s teeth had done the same as she drank him in. He bit down hard above her breast and let the glorious taste of her powerful blood flow through him. All of what Green had said was true. Her blood was a thick, supernatural cocktail that made him unable to control himself any longer. He tasted how fertile she was as he shoved her body against the wall and jabbed his dick into her one final time, releasing himself and the wolf, in one fluid movement.

  We are one…forever.

  Chapter 11

  When Lukian set her down, she swayed. What the hell’s wrong with me? Why did I bite him?

  Peren reached up and touched her mouth. Her fingers ran first across Lukian’s blood on her chin, then over lengthened incisors in her mouth. She touched them tentatively at first before letting out a scream. Lukian clasped his hand over her mouth and pushed her gently against the wall.

  She looked wildly over the top of his hand into his blue eyes. Why wasn’t he freaking out at the fact that she just went all Dracula on him? Lukian’s lips curved into a smile. He leaned in and moved his hand off her mouth. In a flash he was lapping the blood from her chin like a dog. She tried to pull back, but found her body responding to his closeness.

  Lukian moved his head back and looked down at her chest. Her gaze followed and immediately went to a large bite mark on her breast. She watched in awe as her body began instantly healing the wound before her very eyes. Her skin pulled back together, leaving only the faintest pink mark from the puncture wounds.

  “See…I lost control too, my love,” Lukian said softly to her. She looked back up at his shoulder and found that, like hers, it had healed already.


  He leaned in towards her and kissed her forehead. “When we find your father you can speak with him about your end. Once you are clear on all of that, then it will make my secret easier to share with you.”

  She didn’t like the sound of worry in his voice. He was nervous about her finding out whatever it was that he harbored from her. She’d already given her body over to him without question and had taken a large bite out of him. What more could they share?

  “I don’t understand. Why do I want you so bad? Why is my body burning for your touch and we’ve only just finished making…having sex.” Peren stopped just short of saying making love. Lukian had never come out and said that he loved her and she didn’t want to be one of those needy women she saw on soap operas.

  Lukian grabbed her around the waist and turned her body around. He spooned her, still standing, rocking back and forth slightly. He was hard and ready against her back and she drew in a breath when he began to rub himself on her. “Please, no more. I can’t do this with you anymore. I need to know…”

  He made a small sound that sounded like a growl and pulled her down towards the floor. “I told you to never doubt my feelings for you, didn’t I?” His voice was deeper than normal.

  “Yes,” she said, shaking her head wearily. She was scared and excited by his dominant behavior.

  He pushed on her back, easing her onto all fours. She gasped when his fingers rammed into her wet slit. He swirled them around, massaging her body’s natural cream around her entrance. She whimpered as he pulled his fingers away and looked behind her. Her jaw dropped when she saw him licking his fingers, savoring the taste of her sex. His eyes met hers and a dark looked passed over his face. The want, the raw need shone through as he moved his fingers back to her body and began working one into her ass.

  “Lukian?” she said, slightly uneasy. She’d never done anything like this before and wasn’t sure she would like it.

  * * * *

  Lukian slid his finger into her anus, slowly at first, letting her body push back against him. Peren cried out for him to take her and he would, but first he needed to prepare her. He wiped more of the juice that was now oozing from her at a fast rate into her to help ease his entry. He positioned the head of his cock near her rear entrance and moved it around slowly, leaving her bucking against him, trying to take it into her.

  “Calm down, baby, I’ll take that sweet ass of yours soon, but you need to let me do it. I don’t want to hurt you, Peren. I could never hurt you.”

  “Lukian, please…”

  With that he entered her tight rosette, only a tiny bit at first, easing himself slowly. Peren screamed and made an attempt to move away. He held her hips and continued to work himself into her. “It’s okay, baby, relax,” he said, moving his hands to her breasts and playing with her nipples.

  She pushed back against him hard, causing him to come to full hilt. She cried out again, this time his name. Her hips moved franticly as she pushed herself back against him, taking all that he had to offer, again and again. “Yes, Lukian, yes.”

  “Peren…” He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but the sensation of being in her, of taking her so completely, overwhelmed him. When her orgasm hit and screamed out for him to come with her, he was left with no alternative but to oblige.

  He pushed his hips against her body, fully pressing himself to her and spit forth his seed. His shaft pulsated in her tight channel as every last bit of him was milked clean away.

  “Ohmygawd, Lukian, that was amazing,” Peren said lightly, her body limp in his arms.

  “Yes, you were amazing and you belong to me.” He smacked her ass cheeks gingerly and laughed when she yelped. “We need to clean up, baby.”

  Chapter 12

  She held Lukian’s hand and led him down the darkened hallway. The lights weren’t working in this section of the house anymore. She was sure that even though her father kept this section closed up, he did, in fact, keep all the utilities in working order. A knot had begun to form in the pit of her stomach. Something was very wrong and Lukian felt it too.

  “Let me go first,” he said softly, yet sternly.

  She wanted to argue with him, but instead gave up and allowed him to pass her. He planted a tiny kiss on her cheek as he moved his body before hers and she felt another spark fly between them. She was still damp and a bit sore from their last encounter, but found herself longing to be touched by him again. He turned and winked at her as he headed down the hallway.

  * * * *

  Lukian sniffed the air and locked onto the scent of another were. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. This was not a member of his team. He’d spent the last thirty years with these men, he knew their scents well. Peren stopped moving behind him. He wasn’t sure if she realized it or not, but she was sensing the intruder too. If Green’s findin
gs were correct, then Peren would be more adept at tracking things than he was, once she acknowledged her powers.

  He felt her reaching out to him with her thoughts. She was concerned for him and wanted him to contact the other men in his unit. He grinned. She’d picked up on the fact that they were a tight military unit right off the bat. Most people thought they were college buddies. She was a smart girl who followed her instincts.

  He moved down the darkened hallway, then turned and motioned for Peren to stop. He didn’t want her following him into a trap. He couldn’t bear the thought of one hair on her head being harmed. He loved her too much to let anything happen to her. Now that he’d marked her, she was his, in every sense of the word. If she hadn’t already been carrying the DNA of a wolf in her prior to his bite, she would be now. He didn’t want to have to be the one to tell her, but now that he’d added more to her bloodstream, she would most likely change at the next full moon. He knew how wrong it was to do that to her, but the thought of anyone challenging her being their leader, their Queen, was too much for him to think of. A challenge among most political decision markers meant elections or debates; a challenge among weres meant someone died.

  He stopped to make sure Peren was where he had told her to be before he continued onward. She was. He gave her another quick wink and turned back to follow the scent of the other were.

  Chapter 13

  Peren hated the idea of standing around and doing nothing while Lukian went ahead without her. He didn’t have to tell her that something was very wrong in the house, she felt it. It’d been ten minutes since he’d vanished down the long corridor and time felt like it was standing still. She had to take a moment to calm her breathing down and focus on what was going on around her. She’d always had amazingly good hearing. She’d learned to block out most of what she could hear over the years or she’d have gone mad by age eight. The ticking of the clock at the other end of the east wing of the mansion used to keep her up at night as a young child. Her father had gotten rid of it when he figured out that was what she was hearing.

  Now, she had to concentrate on hearing everything. She could make out the sound of water dripping. Honing in on it more, she determined that it was coming from the bathroom at the end of the hallway. She listened harder and heard rustling in the bushes near the gate out front. She moved over towards the window and looked out into the dark night. It took only a moment for her eyes to adjust. She made out two shapes near the edge of the property. They were moving with great speed along the inside of the wall. Darkness was their only cover and Peren had no trouble seeing in the dark.

  She glanced back down the hall in the direction that Lukian had disappeared. If these men were trying to flank him, they would succeed if she didn’t step in. She knew that she was disobeying Lukian’s orders, but she’d never been much for authority. She moved against the wall and walked quietly down the edge to the first room she came to.

  She opened the handle and slid quietly into the room. She moved with a stillness that caught her by surprise. The window opened with a bit of effort on her part. She climbed out slowly and lowered it down gently. She covered the distance to the fence in less than a minute. That was unheard of for humans and she knew it. The more she thought back about her life, the less human she began to feel.

  Chapter 14

  Lukian tried to lift his head. It felt like he was smuggling bricks in it. Someone had caught him off guard and managed to get the drop on him. That had never happened before and he was curious as to how it happened at all.

  He opened his eyes and found himself staring at a cement floor. His wrists were chained behind his back. He tried to move his legs up and found that his ankles were shackled as well. The more he yanked on the chains in an attempt to free himself, the more he knew that they were silver plated. Any other material he could have ripped apart easily; silver was his weakness. It always had been. It was one of the few things that could kill him.

  His mind raced and he tried to get a bearing on where he was. His surroundings still smelled of the Matthews mansion, yet the dark cell he was in looked nothing like the rest of the house. He thought of Peren and sniffed the air, trying to catch her scent but couldn’t. That could be good or bad. He hoped it meant that she had listened to him and stayed where he’d told her too. If not, it meant that she was gone. The odds of whoever had done this to him going after her next were great. He tried again in vain to free himself from the chains. Each attempt only made them cut deeper into his skin. If he was not careful, they would cut right through his body.

  He stopped moving and tried to reach Peren with his mind. He had told her that she could hear him in time. He prayed that she was ready for that.

  * * * *

  Peren stifled a giggle as she looked down at Roi lying on the ground. She hadn’t meant to be as aggressive as she’d been, but then again, she hadn’t realized that it was him when she leapt out of the tree. Jon, who was with him, hadn’t stopped laughing yet.

  Roi looked up at him and let out a low growl. Jon stopped laughing and put his hand out to Roi. Peren gave him a sheepish smile as he got to his feet.

  “That’s two times in one night that you got the better of me. Looks like the Captain did right in picking you,” he said, smiling back at her. “You’re not bad on the eyes either.”

  She wasn’t sure why this meant so much to her, but she was happy that he had accepted her. She knew that he and Lukian were close and wanted to be liked by him.

  “Yeah…you’re not too bad, for a woman,” Jon said softly to her. Roi turned and looked at him and shook his head. Peren went to say something back to him, but stopped in mid-thought. Something was wrong.

  She spun around quickly and saw a flash of light from across the grounds. A red dot appeared on Jon’s head. Roi noticed it too and yelled out to Jon. Peren didn’t bother yelling at him. She threw her body towards him as she heard the click of the trigger. In an instant she was on Jon, pushing him to the ground. She felt like someone rammed a hot poker through her upper back.

  Roi grabbed her body and yanked her off of Jon. He pulled her into the woods and behind a large brick wall that had been erected to add privacy to the property. Jon scurried up next to her. He looked down at her and his eyes widened.

  “You saved my life,” he said.

  “Of course she did,” Roi said understatedly. He leaned over her and pulled her shirt open. She felt the cool night air on her breasts. She wasn’t concerned about being exposed to them, she was more worried about the burning sensation that was growing in her chest.

  She tried to reach up and see if, in fact, she was on fire. Roi’s hands caught hers. He looked down at her with the same royal blue eyes as Lukian and pushed her hair out of her face. He turned his head quickly towards the house and seemed to be listening to something that only he could hear.

  “Lukian’s in trouble,” he said, his voice was low. He looked over at Jon. “Shift and go get the others. You’ll make better time that way. Bring everything we’ve got in fire power and make sure Green comes with his supplies. Lukian is hurt, but he’s not the one I’m most worried about now.”

  Peren knew without asking that his concern was for her. “I’ll be okay. I’m a fast healer…always have been,” she said and coughed. Pain shot through her chest and she let out a small cry.

  “Whoever did this made sure to use a silver bullet. That’s why you feel the burning. Green said you don’t just have werewolf blood in you, but all the weres and vampires... every were I know of has issues with silver and I’m positive that vamps do too…now as for the faerie and lower-level demon DNA in you, I’m not sure how that reacts to this kind of wound. This would have killed a normal lycanthrope instantly.”

  Peren lay there and took in Roi’s words. Vampires, fairies, weres, demons? Every fiber of her being wanted to protest, but she knew that what he was saying was the truth. Hearing it said aloud was hard. She closed her eyes and took a minute to try and accept this informatio

  “You’re a werewolf?” she asked sheepishly, unsure if she really wanted to hear him answer that.

  Roi nodded and bent his head closer to her. “Rest now, my Queen.”

  * * * *

  Lukian tried harder to reach Peren. He failed. He did manage to reach his men telepathically, but it was a strain to do so. Roi was the only one that he had an open link with. The bond between them had occurred because of the shared blood. The others he had to work at. He’d have a headache for a few days if he survived this, that much was sure—even if it weren’t for the bump on his head.

  Roi opened his mind to him, but let him in only enough to acknowledge him, then pushed him away. He’d informed Lukian that he and Jon were with Peren, but that was all. His reluctance to notify him of Peren’s status told Lukian that something was very wrong. He kept trying to reach Roi and Roi kept blocking him.

  He yanked on the chains again. Someone had once told him of a lycanthrope that could regenerate limbs that were severed. He hoped that this was true. He yanked harder and stopped only when he heard someone’s low laugh.

  “Yank all damn night, you fool. You can’t get through them. And what are you planning on doing if you do? Are you planning on balancing on stumps, only to find your lover dead?”

  Dead? Peren was dead? No, he would have felt the loss of her. Their bond was stronger now and would only continue to grow with time. He stopped moving and listened to the voice again. He couldn’t get his body turned around to see who was talking, but the voice was familiar to him.

  “It was not my intent to shoot her. I wanted only to fuck her and claim her as my mate.” A long sigh followed behind his statement. “I’ve carried the memory of the sweet taste of her blood with me for over ten years. I watched from a distance, waiting for her to be of an age that she could accept me and mate with me.”


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