Making Time

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Making Time Page 14

by C. J. Harte

  “Why? What difference does it make to you? Mia doesn’t have anything to do with Stanton Enterprises. Since when did you care about anyone?”

  Her jaw was hurting from clenching her teeth. She couldn’t believe anyone would dare talk to her this way, much less her sister. “Of course I care about her. She’s a friend.”

  Jeremy laughed and stood inches from Teri’s face. “You don’t have any friends. If it’s not related to work, it’s not important. The only time you have any interest in my life or Brenna’s is when you want to talk about business.”

  “That’s bullshit.” Teri leaned closer. She didn’t have to put up with this. “Just tell me where Mia is and what’s going on.”

  “She’s in radiology,” Elaine said.

  “I tried to get you, but you didn’t answer.” Bren’s voice was becoming strident.

  “You know as well as I do that we had guests. Someone had to be responsible.” Teri was pissed. How dare they question me like this? I didn’t see them taking care of business. As soon as that thought flew through her brain cells, Teri knew she was wrong. Bren and Jeremy had spent much of the evening talking to people. “I got here as quickly as I could.”

  “Nearly an hour after we tried to contact you.” Jeremy sounded disbelieving.

  “Please lower your voices. This is a hospital,” Elaine said. She put her arm through Jeremy’s. “Can we just deal with Mia right now?”

  “Thank you, Elaine, but this is between me and my family.” Teri liked Elaine but resented her interfering. Jeremy stood in front of her. He was angrier than Teri had ever seen him. His fists were tight balls and, for the first time ever, his behavior frightened her.

  “Elaine is family, or soon will be. Don’t ever, and I mean ever, talk to her like that.”

  Teri stepped back. What the hell is going on? “I apologize, Elaine. I didn’t intend to upset you. I just wanted to find out what was bothering my sister and brother.” She looked at Bren and Jeremy, took a deep breath, and spoke. “I saw Pamela Milton coming down the stairs with all of you. What does Mia have to do with Pamela Milton?”

  Silence. She looked from one to another. “Will someone please tell what’s going on?” Her own voice had become louder than she intended. She took a deep breath and lowered her volume. “Can someone tell me what happened tonight?” Elaine whispered something to Jeremy. He shook his head and whispered something back. “Jeremy?”

  “I’ll tell you.” Bren was now inches from her face. It was only then Teri noticed the bloodstains on her dress. “Let me put it in legal terms you’ll understand. Pamela Milton, a prospective business partner, has been sexually harassing Mia Daniels, our guest and friend. She has approached Mia on more than one occasion, including at public functions. Tonight, Pamela refused to take a polite ‘no’ and, as a result, her behavior resulted in injury to Ms. Daniels. Extent of injuries unknown. Is that clear enough for you?”

  Teri was stunned. “What do you mean sexually harassing?” Her fists tightened.

  “Come on. You know what that means. Mia has had to put up with unwanted comments and inappropriate touching. Touching that escalated tonight into injuries. And I can tell you that Mia was polite, but consistent in her refusals.

  “Are you telling me tonight was not the first time?”

  “No, Teri, it wasn’t.” Jeremy’s emotions were barely controlled. “From the first time she met Pamela Milton, Mia has had to put up with the unwanted attention. The only thing we could do was run interference because Mia knew how important this damn merger is to you and she didn’t want us to tell you.”

  “Why?” Teri was struggling to keep her own emotions under control. She didn’t know what made her angrier: not knowing what had been going on or knowing that Mia was injured. “Is Mia going to sue us? Is she going to be all right? Has anyone talked to Pamela Milton?”

  Bren ran a hand over her forehead and paced across the room and back. “You’re my sister and I can’t believe you sometimes. What happened to your heart?”

  Teri slapped her hand on her chest. “It’s still beating. It’s the same heart that has beat for the last thirty-seven years. It’s the same heart that went to work each day while you two were finding yourselves. So just answer my damn questions.”

  Bren and Jeremy looked at each other and then turned away. Elaine shook her head and began to speak. “Mia is not going to sue you. You’re the reason she asked that you not be told. Apparently, you accused her of doing something when she was a teenager that was not true, and she was afraid you would blame her for Ms. Milton’s behavior.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Teri couldn’t believe this stranger was pretending to know more about her life than she did.

  Elaine’s voice remained calm. “I know she has remained close friends with your brother and sister and always been your champion when they have been angry with you. I know she’s a very special friend. So if you want to know why Mia didn’t want you to know, then you need to ask her. She asked Jeremy and your sister not to tell, and I’ll respect that. Now, I’d suggest you all lower your voices and talk to each other like brother and sisters.”

  “You sound like a teacher.”

  Elaine smiled. “I am. Kindergarten.”

  “Ouch.” Teri relaxed. She saw her brother and sister, both with arms folded, glaring at her. “Is Elaine right?” Both nodded. “Everything?” Again, they nodded. Teri thought back to that night all those years ago. Could she have been wrong about Mia then? Could Mia have been a victim then as she was now? Too many long-held beliefs were being challenged, and she wasn’t able to sort through them.

  “You know I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior in our company. Someone should have told me.” Teri knew she was just trying to justify her own ignorance. And behavior. Then a thought came gushing out. Could Mia think I’ve been harassing her, too?

  “And if you had been the kind of person that Mia, or for that matter, anyone in the company felt they could trust, you would have been more aware and more approachable.” Bren glared at her as she continued speaking. “Teri, I used to look up to you, but you’ve changed. You’ve put blinders on, and the only truth is what you declare to be true. I can’t remember the last time you gave an inch on anything. Do you have any idea how many top managers you’ve fired because they didn’t do what you wanted when you wanted and the way you wanted it? You’ve turned into a carbon copy of our father.” Bren stopped. For a moment, Teri thought she saw a tear in her eye. Instead, Bren looked away and pointed to Jeremy and then herself. “Neither one of us feels comfortable talking to you about anything that’s not directly related to work, and then only about what you want to hear.”

  Bren’s words stunned her. Yet, it was the same thing that Mia had said to her in Maine. And she had gotten angry at Mia. Teri’s view of herself had always been one of a fair but tough manager. It was beginning to sound like fairness got dropped off somewhere. “Jer, Bren, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s happened to us, but I don’t want any more secrets.”

  “Then you’ve got a hell of a lot of work to do because I’m done trying,” Jeremy said. Bren shrugged. Any changes from this point on would have to come from her.

  She turned to Elaine. “I apologize if I’ve said or done anything to upset you. Thank you for telling me the truth.” Teri’s view of the world had been shifting. Tonight it was in crumbles.

  “Mia Daniels’ family?” A woman in scrubs had just walked into the waiting area. Teri walked up to her. “Dr. Crain should be right out. I’m Dr. Barrett, the orthopedic surgeon. Ms. Daniels will be here at least overnight. The MRI showed some tearing in her right wrist, and there’s also a broken bone. She’s probably going to need surgery. Her other injuries will heal with time. We’re moving her to a room on the ortho-neuro floor. You can visit her in a few minutes. We’ll try to get her in for surgery as quickly as possible.”

  Teri was on overload. Pamela Milton’s behavior was unacceptable. Hers had not
been that much more honorable. If she were totally honest, Mia had done nothing to warrant the rudeness or denigrating behavior Teri had exhibited. When she wasn’t mistreating her, Teri wanted to seduce her. Somewhere along the way, Teri had traded pieces of herself for her parents’ approval and sold her soul for the rewards of financial success and power. She not only had to decide what to do about Pamela Milton, but she also needed to examine her own life and choices.

  Once upon a time, she had felt closer to her siblings. Now she felt a great chasm separating them. Pamela Milton could be handled later. More immediate was how she was going to win her sister and brother back and apologize to Mia. Like the children’s nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. She wondered how she could put herself back together again.

  “Bren, are there any witnesses to Pamela Milton’s behavior?”

  “Are you questioning Mia?”

  “No! When I confront the Miltons, I want to avoid them questioning Mia.”

  “Alan and I both saw part of what happened tonight. Plus, I also overheard Pamela Milton proposition Mia in front of me. She was speaking in French and didn’t know that I understood every word. There were well-marked bruises on her arms that could only have been made with someone’s hand. Alan insisted that the emergency department take pictures. Tonight, Pamela tried to use her standing with the company as leverage for her behavior. We were just coming to the top of the stairs. I confronted her and she tried to blame Mia, saying Mia was trying to disrupt the merger.”

  Teri’s fists were clinched. Every muscle in her body was taut. She felt a slow burn in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t remember ever being this angry. Most of that was aimed at Pamela, but Teri also deserved some measure of blame. “Can you get a written statement from Alan and the E.R. staff and copies of those pictures?”

  Bren nodded. “Pamela Milton will not be allowed to get away with this. I’ll make sure of that.” Teri paced. Bren stared at her. “Is there something else?”

  “Why is Mia afraid I would blame her again? For what?” Teri listened as Brenna explained that August night fifteen years ago. All those years ago, Mia was being bullied, and Teri just heaped further insult by being cruel and calling her an uncaring liar.

  “I never knew.” Teri felt something inside snapping, like a twig bent too far. She wasn’t sure she wanted to look too closely at her past.

  “She never wanted you to know. She thought you moved heaven and earth. And you were so wrapped up in yourself and your frequent affairs. She knew you would just laugh at her.”

  Teri sighed. Mia was right. I probably would have laughed. When did I become such a shit? She knew the answer. Fifteen years ago when I started doing my family’s dirty work. She shook her head. I can’t think about that now. “Bren, what do we need to do now?” Putting on her work persona was as easy, and as automatic as getting dressed each morning.

  “We can talk to Pamela Milton and let her know this behavior will not be tolerated, or we can walk away from the merger.” Bren hesitated.

  “Bren, I want your opinion and help.”

  “Legally, we can’t afford to have anything to do with Pamela Milton. I can’t imagine any deal with the Miltons without the daughter wanting an executive position. I would toss the merger. The decision is up to you and Father, however.”

  Teri took a deep breath and absorbed Bren’s suggestion. Her father fully expected the deal to go through and wouldn’t give a damn about Mia. “Let me work on this. I don’t want Pamela either, but I’ve got to figure out how.”

  Bren nodded. Neither Jeremy nor Bren seemed convinced.

  She chatted briefly with Bren as they rode up on the elevator. If she resorted to logical analysis of the events, it was easier. Get the data. Make sure Pamela Milton never held any position in the merger. But how?

  As soon as she walked into the hospital room, Teri was speechless. She backed up and stood just outside the door. Her physical reaction to seeing Mia was a like a lightning bolt searing through her body. Mia was sitting up in the bed with a bandage covering most of her right arm. Skin over and around one eye was swelling, and her upper arms were turning purple and yellow. Mia looked bruised and in pain, both on the outside and inside.

  Teri remembered Bren’s words. “Mia has had a rough time. Don’t make life difficult for her. The only way I’ll go to California is if you reassure me you won’t give her a hard time.”

  What had Teri said? “Mia can take care of herself.”

  Teri felt a deep, soul-searing rage growing. She wanted to be angry with Pamela Milton, with her father, with anyone but the person she needed to be angry with: Teri Stanton. She forgot what it was like to care about someone other than herself.

  Mia was vulnerable. It wasn’t just the injuries. Mia’s masks were down. She was talking to people who cared about her. She felt safe. Safe enough to be vulnerable.

  Why hadn’t she noticed? She knew the answer. She was so intent on her own agenda. She had this preconceived image of Mia and refused to be dissuaded. Until she ran into the brick wall of contradictions. Beautiful Mia. Smart Mia. Gracious and graceful Mia. Sensual Mia. Desirable Mia. Harassed Mia. Obviously, Mia doesn’t feel safe with me.

  Mia finally looked at her. “Nat?” Her voice was hopeful.

  “It’s Teri,” Bren said.

  “Teri? What’s she doing here?”

  It was more a question than an accusation. Teri wondered the same thing. What was it about Mia Daniels that got under her skin? What could Mia possibly see in her? What could she give her?

  “She’s worried about you. Just the like the rest of us. How are you doing?”

  “I’m tired.” Mia wiped a tear, and Teri felt a rip in her heart. She remained glued to the door, unable to move forward and unwilling to go back. She listened to Mia’s every word, wanting desperately to know more about this woman who was stealing her heart. This woman that she had treated so unfairly.

  “Go home. All of you. It’s late and I’m okay.” Jeremy and Bren protested, but Mia was adamant. “I’m fine. Thank you for rescuing me tonight.”

  “We’ll let you sleep. Call if you need anything. I’ll be back tomorrow.” Bren hugged her, then Elaine, and finally Jeremy. They were lined up in a protective phalanx around Mia. “Teri, are you coming with us?”

  “Go on. I just want a few minutes with Mia.” Teri ignored the glares from her siblings.

  “May I speak to you?” Elaine’s voice was lowered, but it was obvious she expected Teri to follow. Teri did.

  “I know you told me your family is none of my business.”

  Teri put up her hand. “Elaine, I’m sorry. I can see how much you love my brother, and I was way out of line.”

  “Let’s just move forward, then. Mia won’t admit it, but she really hates hospitals. She may be sending us home, but she doesn’t want to be alone. She’s also having a rough time. She needs support right now. Please be gentle with her.”

  Teri nodded.

  “By the way, I do love your brother.” Elaine walked out of the room followed by Jeremy and Bren. Teri was surprised that even Elaine knew so much about Mia.

  As soon as they were alone, Teri sat on the edge of the bed and held Mia’s uninjured hand. “I’m so sorry.”


  “For what?” Mia didn’t understand.

  “For so many things.” Teri stroked Mia’s cheek. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “That Pamela Milton was harassing you.”

  “Pam made some comments and I was able to avoid her. Until tonight.” Teri’s touch was unexpected. There was tenderness in the stroking that soothed her and helped Mia to relax even more. She groaned. “Besides, it had nothing to do with you.”

  “I disagree. Can I help with something?”

  “Will you see if there’s another pillow in the room?” Mia was fidgeting and couldn’t get comfortable. “My arm is throbbing and the pillow behind my head is slippi

  Teri found a pillow and then placed it under Mia’s right arm. She sat on the bed and reached across Mia to adjust the pillow. Her face was inches away from Mia.

  “Thank you,” Mia whispered. She was feeling groggy.

  “You can stay here as long as you want or need.”

  Mia was having increasing trouble focusing. “Thanks, but I don’t like hospitals.”

  Teri smiled. “I’m not referring to this place. I mean you can stay at my place in the city or any other place. Just tell me and I’ll take care of it. “

  “I just want to go home. I’m missing my parents and Michel.”

  “Michelle? I didn’t…I mean…is she a girlfriend?”

  A halfhearted laugh was the best she could do. Teri seemed definitely taken aback. So different from her usual somber, unyielding self. “Michel is the French equivalent of Michael. Michel is my son.”

  “Your son?” Teri’s eyebrows flew up. Mia was sure they would have flown off her face if they weren’t attached. “You have a son?” Teri perched on the edge of the bed, speechless. Mia would have been more amused if her brain weren’t so foggy.

  “Yes. No. Actually, he’s Nat’s son, but I’ve legally adopted him.” Her brain was mush. She was revealing personal information, and she didn’t seem to have much control over it. “Nat was an amazing woman. I didn’t deserve her, but she loved me. In spite of me.”

  “Nat is an unusual name. Is she your girlfriend?” There was something almost desperate in Teri’s question.

  “Her name’s Natalie. Was Natalie. She was my partner.”

  “Did you two break up?”

  “No. She promised to never leave me.”

  Tears escaped. Mia didn’t know if it was the pain of the injured arm or the pain of the lost love. “Will you stay until I fall asleep? I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to be alone right now. Even if it is you.”

  “Of course.” Teri’s voice was gentle. “What happened to Natalie? Where is she? How did you meet?”

  “Natalie was a nurse. She worked for a French phys…phys…doctor. Sorry, I’m having trouble with my words.”


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