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by Fred Kaplan

women, 218

  HEALTH: 25, 42, 245, 247–48, 288, 424–25, 433, 471, 508, 512–13, 520–22, 526–30, 532–34, 538–41, 543, 547–48, 551, 552–54


  photographs, 534–35

  by Scheffer, 338–39

  self-portraiture, 537–38

  by Thackeray, 86


  American Notes, 124, 143, 151–53, 156, 481; response to, 152

  Barnaby Rudge, 100, 198–99; as Gabriel Vardon, 97

  Battle of Life, The, 180, 205, 207–10, 212–13, 220

  “Bill of Fare, The” (parody of Goldsmith), 52

  Bleak House, 95, 97–98, 101–3, 115, 117, 121, 271, 285–88, 300, 301, 303–4, 307, 315, 316, 481; characters: Boythorn, 287; Inspector Bucket, 301; Lady Dedlock, 301; John Jarndyce, 287, 302; Mrs. Jellyby, 287; Jo, 303; Harold Skimpole, 287, 315–16; Esther Summerson, 95, 287, 301–3

  Book of Memoranda, 302, 310, 334, 376, 414, 545

  capital punishment, letters on, 145, 198–200

  Case of the Reformers, The, 333

  Child’s History of England, A, 267

  Chimes, The, 172, 174, 176–77, 179–80, 191, 193

  Christmas Carol, A, 157, 165, 169, 175–77, 180, 190, 193–94, 298, 304, 319, 321, 336, 381, 444, 517, 529, 548–49; characters: Tiny Tim, 321; readings: 444, 517, 529, 548

  Christmas stories, 438–39, 531; “The Barbox Brothers,” 506, readings: 506; “The Boy at Mugby,” 505, readings: 506; “Doctor Marigold,” 444, readings: 444; “Going into Society,” 444, readings: 444; The Haunted House, 413; “The Holly Tree,” 339; “A Message From the Sea,” 432, 438; “Mrs. Lirriper’s Legacy,” 438–40, 470–71, characters: Joshua Lirriper, 439, Mrs. Lirriper, 439; “Mrs. Lirriper’s Lodgings,” 438, 440, 468, characters: Miss Wozenham, 439; No Thoroughfare, 488, 495; “The Perils of Certain English Prisoners,” 379, 380, 414, characters: Lady Maryon, 379; “Somebody’s Luggage,” 438, 463; “Tom Tiddler’s Ground,” 438

  collieries bill, letters on, 144, 151, 395

  Cricket on the Hearth, The, 180, 193, 195, 304, 385, 444

  David Copperfield, 19, 45, 95, 216, 221, 223, 241–45, 247, 248–49, 250–51, 253–55, 257, 260, 264–65, 278, 286, 323–24, 381, 402, 432–34, 439, 444–45, 543, 546, 549, 550; characters: David Copperfield, 95, 241, 244–45, 250–55, 323, 416, 432, 434; Mrs. Copperfield, 251–52; Mr. Creakle, 36; Rosa Dartle, 261; Mr. Dick, 243; Little Em’ly, 260, 321, 538; Martha Endell, 260; Mr. Mell, 45; Mr. Micawber, 243, 251–52, 257, 343; Miss Mowcher, 261–62; Murdstone, 243–44, 251–52; Peggotty, 253; Dora Spenlow, 254–56, 323; Dr. Strong, 45; Betsey Trotwood, 253, 439; Agnes Wickfield, 254–55; readings: 444–45, 447–48

  Dombey and Son, 95, 196, 204, 206–9, 212–16, 218–21, 223, 225–26, 228–29, 231, 234, 237, 239, 244, 444; characters: James Carker, 234; Dombey, 251; Edith Dombey, 234; Florence Dombey, 95, 217–18; Paul Dombey, 216–18, 239, 242; Miss Larkins, 254; Mrs. Pipchin, 216

  earliest sketches, 36

  education, letter on, 148

  fictional autobiography, 216–17, 221, 240–41, 243–45, 247, 249, 250–55, 301–2, 309–10, 324, 327, 338, 342–43, 414–17, 429, 432–39, 440, 443, 451, 475–76, 501, 508, 537–38, 546

  “George Silverman’s Explanation,” 501, 537–38

  Great Expectations, 24, 45, 95, 215, 324, 344, 409, 429, 431–34, 435, 436–38, 440, 442, 443, 467; characters: Biddy, 436; Estella, 324, 372, 435–38; Miss Havisham, 434–37; Mr. Jaggers, 434–35; Joe, 434–35; Mrs. Joe, 434, 436; Magwitch, 434–36; Orlick, 436; Pip, 24, 29, 45, 95, 215, 324, 429, 434–38

  Hard Times, 45, 91, 305–10; dedication to Thomas Carlyle, 91; characters: Bitzer, 308; Stephen Blackpool, 310; Bounderby, 308–9; Gradgrind, 308–9; Gradgrind junior, 309; Sissy Jupe, 308, 309; Louisa, 309; M’Choakumchild, 45, 308; Rachael, 309–10; Mrs. Sparsit, 309

  Haunted Man, The, 180, 227, 239, 240, 243

  Household Words articles: “The Amusements of the People,” 265; “Appeal to Fallen Women,” 229; “A Child’s Dream of a Star,” 267; “Fraud on the Fairies,” 275, 305; “Home for Homeless Women,” 267; “The Lost Arctic Voyagers,” 353; “One of These Days,” 380; “A Preliminary Word,” 265; “The Ruffian,” 479; “Valentine’s Day at the Post-Office,” 265

  Is She His Wife?, 92

  “Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, The” (with Collins), 371, 373–74; characters: Francis Goodchild, 373

  Little Dorrit, 95, 292, 307, 326, 330, 334–37, 339–40, 341–44, 349, 351, 355, 357, 360–61, 372, 413, 468–69, 476–77; reaction to, 340; characters: Arthur Clennam, 343–44, 355; Mrs. Clennam, 343–44; Amy Dorrit, 95, 343; William Dorrit, 342–43; Daniel Doyce, 343; Flora Finching, 327, 344

  Martin Cbuzzlewit, 151, 153, 155–57, 160, 165, 168, 170, 232, 355; American reaction to, 157; characters: Martin Chuzzlewit, 156; Mrs. Gamp, 232, 439; Pecksniff, 156, 355; Ruth Pinch, 159–60; Tom Pinch, 156, 160

  Memoirs of Grimaldi, Tbe (editor), 102

  miscellaneous: parody of Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” 278; “Oh My Lemon,” 242; O’Tello (parody of Othello), 57; “The Spirit of Chivalry in Westminster Hall,” 191

  Misnar, the Sultan of India, 28

  Mr. Nightingale’s Diary (with Lemon), 280

  Mystery of Edwin Drood, The, 507, 545–46, 548, 550, 553, 557; characters: Rosa Bud, 545; Edwin Drood, 545–46; John Jasper, 545

  Nicholas Nickleby, 91, 95, 99, 101, 112–13, 117, 119, 123, 146, 169, 207, 222, 230, 278, 444; dedication to Macready, 91; characters: Madeline Bray, 120; Crummies, 322; Mr. Mantalini, 230; Kate Nickleby, 120; Mrs. Nickleby, 119, 222, 424, 476; Nicholas Nickleby, 95, 119–20, 123, 434; Ralph Nickleby, 119, 108; Squeers, 45; readings: 444

  Old Curiosity Shop, The, 117–18, 120–21, 123–24, 206, 212; dedication to Samuel Rogers, 91; characters: Little Nell, 95, 114, 120–21, 123–24, 206, 212, 538; Quilp, 120; Grandfather Trent, 120–21

  Oliver Twist, 19, 45, 64–65, 89, 93, 95, 101–3, 108, 112, 117, 143, 145–46, 149, 198, 207, 228, 307, 468; characters: Mr. Brownlow, 96; Fagin, 96, 146, 472; Mr. Fang, 145; Rose Maylie, 96; Monks, 96; Nancy, 149, 228, 444, 532; Oliver Twist, 143; Oliver’s mother, 95–96; Bill Sikes, 143, 198, 228, 444, 532, 538; readings: 444, 532–33, 538, 547

  Our Mutual Friend, 45, 86, 148, 355, 397, 460, 467–76, 507, 509; characters: Mrs. Boffin, 476; Noddy Boffin, 474, 476; John Harmon, 474, 475; Bradley Headstone, 45, 148, 474–75; Charlie Hexam, 148; Lizzie Hexam, 473–75; Podsnap, 86, 355, 397; Riah, 472; Rogue Riderhood, 474, 475; Mr. Veneering, 474; Silas Wegg, 474; Bella Wilfer, 473–76; Mr. Wilfer, 476; Mrs. Wilfer, 476; Eugene Wrayburn, 475

  Pickwick Papers, 77–86, 93, 95, 97–101, 104, 106, 112–14, 116, 123, 135, 154, 207, 314, 342, 401, 444, 471, 476; dedication to Talfourd, 91; characters: Mrs. Bardell, 83; Dodson and Fogg, 83; Jingle, 83; Perker, 83; Pickwick, 78, 83–84, 89, 119, 123, 503; Dr. Slammer, 83; Snodgrass, 89; Mr. Justice Stareleigh, 492; Job Trotter, 83; Tupman, 89; Sam Weller, 81, 89; Winkle, 89; stories from: “A Madman’s Manuscript,” 135; “Stroller’s Tale,” 79; readings: 444, 484, 492, 517, 529, 548

  Pictures from Italy, 190, 193, 195, 198

  Sketches by Boz: 25, 42, 62–66, 72–77, 80–81, 88, 95, 97–98, 100, 106, 125, 130, 231; sketches: “Astley’s,” 65; “The Black Veil,” 66; “The Bloomsbury Christening,” 62; “The Boarding-House–No. I,” 62; “The Boarding-House–No. II,” 63; “The Broker’s Man,” 65; “A Christmas Dinner,” 64; “A Dinner at Poplar Walk,”62; “Early Coaches,” 65; “The First of May,” 64–65; “Gin-Shops,” 64; “The Great Winglebury Duel,” 76; “Horatio Sparkins,” 62; “The Hospital Patient,” 65; “Love and Oysters,” 130; “The Misplaced Attachment of Mr. John Dounce,” 64, 130; “Mrs. Joseph Porter,” 62, 65; “Original Papers,” 62; “Our Next-Door Neighbour,” 65; “Our School,” 45; “A Passage in the Life of Mr. Watkins Tottle,” 64, 65; “The Pawnbroker’s Shop,” 64, 65; “Sentiment,” 64; “Seven Dials,” 65; “The Steam Excursion,” 65; “Street Sketches,” 63; “The Streets–Night,”
64; “The Tuggses at Ramsgate,” 77; “A Visit to Newgate,” 65

  Sketches of Young Couples, 117

  Sketches of Young Gentlemen, 117

  Strange Gentleman, The, 76, 92

  Tale of Two Cities, A, 143, 219, 369, 414–15, 417 424, 429, 440–41, 443, 507; characters: Sydney Carton, 416–17, 429; Charles Darnay, 416–17, 507; Madame Defarge, 416; Jarvis Lorry, 416; Dr. Manette, 143, 416–17; Lucie Manette, 416–17; Miss Pross, 416

  “Uncommercial Traveller,” 438

  Village Coquettes, The, 75–76, 88–89

  Dickens, Charles Culliford Boz, Jr. (son), 272, 346, 349, 410, 423, 453, 457, 500, 542, 548, 555–56; birth of, 92, 94–95, 106–7; has nervous convulsions, 150; birthday celebrations of, 155, 242, 319; contracts scarlet fever, 220–21; school bills paid by Miss Coutts, 220, 262; recovers from illness, 223; attends Eton, 276; studies business in Germany, 298, 335; acts in Frozen Deep, 356; role of in separation, 385–87; marries Bessie Evans, 398–99, 497; in Orient on business, 420; joins All the Year Round staff, 531

  Dickens, Dora Annie (daughter), 270; named after Dora Spenlow, 256; sudden death of, 258–60

  Dickens, Edward Bulwer Lytton (Plorn) (son), 17, 271–72; birth of, 269; as his father’s delight, 346; goes to Australia, 423, 497, 531

  Dickens, Elizabeth Ball (Mrs. William Dickens) (grandmother), 21, 31, 42; storytelling powers of, 20; bequest of, 39–40

  Dickens, Elizabeth Barrow (Mrs. John Dickens) (mother), 27, 35, 53, 57–58, 71, 92–95, 159, 181, 239, 243, 250, 257, 324, 376, 418, 483, 538; family background of, 18–22; gives birth to Dickens, 18; attempts to help family finances, 37–38; moves into Marshalsea, 41; tries to keep Dickens in blacking factory, 43–44; arranges for Dickens’ employment as law clerk, 47; relationship with Dickens, 103–5; description of, 104; as Mrs. Nickleby, 119, 222; Dickens’ hostility to, 252, 254; as Mrs. Sparsit, 309; as Mrs. Clennam, 343–45; illness and senility of, 423–24; as Miss Havisham, 436; death of, 439; as the unloving destroyer, 475–76

  Dickens, Fanny (Mrs. Henry Burnett) (sister), 25, 34, 47, 123, 170, 223, 241, 247, 250, 255, 267, 421, 475, 483, 538; as Dickens’ first playmate, 19; shows musical talent, 27; attends Royal Academy of Music, 36–37; lives in Marshalsea, 40–41; wins prize, 43; performs in amateur theatrical, 54–58; introduces Dickens to Hullah, 75; marries Henry Burnett, 105; moves to Manchester, 159; becomes severely ill, 204, 215; as Florence Dombey, 217; death of, 238–39

  Dickens, Francis Jeffrey (Frank) (son), 272; stammers, 288; at school in Boulogne, 346; handles money badly, 423; goes to India, 457; fails at war office, 497

  Dickens, Frederick (brother), 38, 56–58, 69, 71, 106, 179, 223, 235, 237, 439; birth of, 25; lives in Marshalsea, 41; lives with Dickens, 60; works for Macrone, 97; works for treasury department, 105; is subsidized by Dickens, 158; competes with Dickens, 164; marries Anna Weller, 167, 240; visits Italy, 173; performs in amateur theatricals, 192, 231; borrows money, 360; collapse of marriage of, 422; death of, 483–84

  Dickens, Harriet (sister), 25

  Dickens, Harriet Lovell, see Lovell, Harriet (Mrs. Augustus Dickens)

  Dickens, Helen (Mrs. Alfred Dickens), 421–22

  Dickens, Henry Fielding (son), 17, 272, 423, 513, 542, 544, 547; birth of, 237; naming of, 241; acts in Tom Thumb, 319; edits Gad’s Hill Gazette, 496; wins scholarship, 498, 544, 547; claims Dickens and Ellen had a child, 500; at father’s deathbed, 555–56

  Dickens, John (father), 62, 65, 69, 71, 113, 119, 231, 239–40, 270, 302, 309, 320, 322, 332, 342, 360, 362, 377, 442, 414, 422–23, 425, 433–34, 439, 452, 476, 484; family background of, 19–21; early employment of, 21–22; provides models for Dickens, 26, 27; impecuniousness, bankruptcy, and imprisonment of, 31–44; has further debts, 46–47; becomes a journalist, 49; becomes insolvent debtor again, 52–53, 57–58; has lack of faith in Dickens, 59; tries to borrow on Dickens’ name, 83–84; is exiled to Alphington, 105; sends begging letters, 158; Dickens’ resentment of, 181; is employed by Daily News, 197–98; as Dombey, 217–18; pesters Dickens for loans, 223; illness of, 243; as Murdstone and Micawber, 250–51; death of, 257–58

  Dickens, Kate Macready (Mrs. Charles Collins) (daughter), 239–40, 272, 309, 346, 399, 441, 451, 476, 487, 491, 495, 514, 530 538; birth of, 106, 250; is ill in Italy, 173; teaches Dickens the polka, 242; warm relationship with Dickens, 302; performs in Frozen Deep, 350–51, 356; friendship with Thackeray’s daughters, 402; reaction to parents’ separation, 410; marries Charles Collins, 418–21; unhappiness after separation, 427–28; affection for Thackeray, 453–54; marital problems, 498–501; dislike of Ellen, 543; visits mother, 548; last moments with Dickens, 553–56

  Dickens, Letitia Mary (Mrs. Henry Austin) (sister), 22, 27, 38, 41, 56–58, 105, 323, 344, 421, 423, 446, 484, 508

  Dickens, Mary (Mamie) (daughter), 17, 239, 242, 256, 272, 302, 309, 351, 402, 410, 462–63, 514, 530 553, 554, 556; as Mary Hogarth’s namesake, 94; birth of, 106–7; domestic education of, 346; acts in Frozen Deep, 350, 356; friendship with Bessie Evans, 399; cries at Kate’s wedding, 420–21; matrimonial prospects, 427–28; Chorley in love with, 490–91, emotional problems of, 498–99; knowledge of relationship between Dickens and Ellen, 500–501; bequest from Dickens, 542–43; in London society, 547, 550; visits mother, 548

  Dickens, Sydney Smith Haldimand (son), 346; birth of, 222; becomes a midshipman, 423; special relationship with Leech, 452; death of, 497; constant debts of, 531

  Dickens, Walter Savage Landor (son), 272, 469, 497–98; at school in Boulogne, 346; difficulties with money, 423; death of, 457

  Dickens, William (grandfather), 20, 40

  Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 43, 332–33

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 109, 550; description of Dickens by, 551

  Doctors’ Commons, 54, 253

  dogs: Linda, 495; Sultan, 495, 502; Turk, 495

  Dolby, George, 518, 520, 550, 553; becomes Dickens’ business manager, 506, 507; as advance man for American tour, 509, 512–13; greets Dickens in Boston, 515–16; in walking match, 522–25; American tour earnings of, 527–29; is worried about Dickens’ health, 533

  Dolby, Madame Santon, 509

  Doncaster, 371, 374, 408

  D’Orsay, Alfred, Count, 219, 223–24, 273–74; Dickens names child after, 203; relationship with Lady Blessington, 204; bankruptcy and flight of, 273–74

  Dotheboys Hall (NN), 146

  Doughty Street, no. 48, 92, 106

  Dover, 24, 285, 287, 433, 447, 449, 458, 471

  Doyle, Richard, 179

  Drury Lane Theatre, 55, 109, 112, 153, 331

  Dulwich, 84, 501

  Dumas, Alexandre, 219

  “Dust; or Ugliness Redeemed” (Home), 269, 467

  Eastern Penitentiary (Philadelphia), 143

  Eatanswill, 83

  Edinburgh, 66, 265, 381, 383–84, 406, 447; Dickens’ first visit to, 61, 113–15; banquet in honor of Dickens in, 234–37;

  Edinburgh Review, 114, 144, 200

  Educational Temperance Institute, Bradford, 321

  Egg, Augustus, 276, 283, 289, 356; meets Dickens, 227; in amateur theatricals, 232; proposes to Georgina, 283, 291, 390; travels in Italy, 290–93, 295–98; death of, 455–56

  “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (Gray), 278

  Eliot, George, 413, 429–31, 491; works: Adam Bede, 430; Scenes of Clerical Life, 430

  Elizabeth Cottage (Slough), 500–501

  Elliot, Frances Dickinson, 544

  Elliotson, John, 116, 220–21, 247, 446; as family physician, 150; introduces Dickens to mesmerism, 182; mesmeric demonstration by, 211; diagnoses Letitia, 215; visits Boulogne, 317; becomes senile, 463–64

  Ellis and Blackmore, 47–48, 58

  Elstree, 90, 276

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 152, 309, 320, 516–17; response to American Notes, 152; description of Dickens by, 517

  Eton, 246, 262, 272, 276, 500–501

  Evans, Bessie (Mrs. Charles Dickens, Jr.) (daughter-in-law), 399, 497, 555

  Evans, F
rederick, 288, 356, 383, 451; as admirer of Dickens, 169; angers Dickens, 398–99

  Evans, Thomas C., 413

  Evening Chronicle (newspaper), 63

  Evening Post (newspaper), 519

  Every Man in His Humour (Jonson), 192, 229, 231, 235, 279

  Examiner, The (newspaper), 76, 88, 90, 179, 224

  Exeter, 61, 63

  Extra Boz Herald, The (newspaper), 126

  Eyre, Edward, 481

  Fagin, Bob, 38

  Falstaff, 23, 78, 236, 549

  Falstaff Inn, 322

  Family Colonization Loan Society, 287

  farewell banquet (1867), 503–6, 513, 551

  Faust (Gounod), 416, 462

  Fechter, Charles: begins friendship with Dickens, 492–94; Dickens writes article about, 544

  Felton, Cornelius C., 130, 153, 288, 388, 455, 517

  Field, Charles F., 262, 301

  Fielding, Henry, 26, 241, 319; works: Tom Jones, 241; Tom Thumb, 319

  Field Lane Ragged School, 146, 148

  Fields, Annie (Mrs. James T.), 509, 517, 520, 524, 526, 536, 543, 548

  Fields, James T., 513–14, 520, 526, 529; meets Dickens, 126; urges American visit, 413; becomes Dickens’ Boston publisher, 500–10; as Dickens’ host, 516–17, 523–24; visits Gad’s Hill, 543–46

  Finding of the Saviour in the Temple, Tbe (William Holman Hunt), 420

  Fitzgerald, Percy, 502; guides Dickens in Ireland, 490; gives Dickens the dog Sultan, 495; as suitor of Mamie, 498

  Fletcher, Angus: guides Dickens in Highlands, 115; in Italy, 171, 173, 189; death of, 455

  Florence, 178, 189, 297, 408, 514

  Folkestone, 288, 336, 458

  Fonblanque, Albany, 88, 170, 179, 197, 224

  Foreign Quarterly, 153

  Forrest, Edwin, 277–78

  Forster, John, 17, 72, 116, 123, 150–51, 155, 157, 162, 173, 176, 180, 192–93, 195–97, 206, 208, 213, 239–44, 277–78, 288, 308, 348, 397, 432, 448, 465–66, 488, 504, 506, 536, 541–42, 551–52, 554; reviews Village Coquettes, 76; meets Dickens, 86–87; background and education of, 87–88; fascination with theatre, 87; friendships of, 88–91; becomes Dickens’ adviser, 100, 102–3; is in love with Letitia Landon, 108–10; has tense relationship with Dickens, 111; advises on Little Nell’s fate, 121; is missed by Dickens, 129–31, 141–42; writes on American poetry, 135; friendship with Landor, 153; intimacy with Dickens, 154; dances with Jane Carlyle, 156; arranges Greenwich farewell, 169–70; hosts Chimes reading, 178–79; friendship with Ainsworth, 191; edits Daily News, 201–2; Dickens talks to about autobiography, 216; visits Dickens in Paris, 219–21; rivalry with Maclise, 223–24; has conflict with Thackeray, 225–27; campaigns for Hunt, 230–31; performs in amateur theatricals, 234–36, 279, 281, 358; tells Dickens of Dora’s death, 258–59; negotiates with publishers, 266; poor health and overwork of, 274–75, 316; interferes with Wills, 297; at Hunt’s funeral, 315; is engaged to be married, 316–17, 345; opposes paid readings, 320, 346, 382–84; tries to calm Dickens, 329; offers manuscripts to Literary Fund, 333–34; Dickens confides in, 371–73, 386; negotiates separation, 387; possible proposal to Mamie, 390; defends Dickens, 394–95; has Dickens’ power of attorney, 400–401; detested by Thackeray, 405; at Mamie’s wedding, 420; satirized by Thackeray, 443; life of John Eliot and, 486; opposes American readings, 511–14; arranges Dickens’ burial at Abbey, 555–56; works: Life of Goldsmith, 224; Life of John Eliot, 486; Rhyme and Reason, 88; “Vindication of the Stage,” 87


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