Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (Dead Things Series Book 1)

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Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (Dead Things Series Book 1) Page 5

by Martina McAtee

  The girl stepped forward, smiling like it physically hurt her, “My name is Tristin and this is my brother, Kai. Do you remember us?”

  She didn’t. “Um…”

  “We’re your cousins,” the girl-Tristin-said.

  Ember frowned at them. The three of them couldn’t have looked more different, where she was pale they were dark, her orange hair wild and crazy next to their gorgeous dark locks. Her wide eyes looked nothing like the tip tilt eyes of the two before her. There had to be some mistake. “I don’t have any cousins.”

  The two exchanged looks before Kai said, “Listen, I know this sounds crazy but I swear we’re telling the truth. It’s been a long time. Maybe you’ve just forgotten about us. It’s been twelve years.”

  Even if what they were saying were true, she wouldn’t remember them. She’d spent years in a therapist’s office trying to remember her past but she didn’t think there was a way to explain dissociative amnesia in a sound bite. “I don’t-”

  Tristin cut her off, “Our last name is Lonergan, like yours.”

  Her heart sank. It really was a case of mistaken identity. “My last name is Denning. My name is Ember Denning.”

  The two exchanged a confused look for a full minute and Ember had the uneasy feeling they were having a conversation she couldn’t hear. Kai gestured emphatically at Tristin in a sort of go-ahead motion and the girl pulled out her cell phone. With the push of a button, her flashlight blazed, blinding them all. When her vision cleared, Tristin held her cell phone to her face and waved her forward, “Come here, look,” the girl’s pupils contracted in the light, revealing the same brilliant violet eyes that Ember looked at in the mirror every day.

  “But my name is Ember Denning,” she repeated.

  “No,” Kai smiled at her like she was a simpleton, the second time she’d gotten that look in one day, “Your name is November Lonergan. We’re your cousins. That thing was going to kill you and you need to come with us.”

  She was getting a migraine. There was no way she was going anywhere these people just because they shared the same eye color. This was completely nuts.

  “You guys are all crazy.”

  From his spot on the ground, Mace’s hand flinched spastically and he groaned.

  “What did you hit him with,” Kai asked.

  She shrugged, “Hellebore. Quinn gave me some stuff just in case we ran into any baddies that were immune to everyday violence.”

  Mace was making another valiant effort to rise from the ground. Secretly, she was rooting for him.

  Kai leaned into his sister, his whisper carrying, “It’s getting late. Isa is going to kill us. We can’t leave her here.”

  Tristin eyed her up and down. “Can’t we?” she asked, “Because right now we can still walk, Kai. It’s her choice.”

  Kai tugged his sister aside but she could still make out their conversation. “Seriously? We already talked about this. She’s family, Trist.”

  Tristin’s gaze fell to the ground before she said, “Once we do this, we can’t go back. Everything changes. This is a really bad idea, you get that, right?”

  Ember wanted to believe they were just two lunatics but something about them nagged at her like a hazy picture she just couldn’t get into focus.

  Kai shoved his sleeve up, “I don’t think we have a choice. Look,”

  Tristin looked at his wrist, eyes widening. She paled beneath her tan skin. She eyed Mace, “Screw it.” She held out her hand, resigned, “Come with us if you want to live.”

  Kai sighed, “Yeah, what she said.”

  She could run. She could go back to the funeral home. Then what? A year in foster care? She just wanted to go home. Except she didn’t have a home anymore. All she had was a skull splitting headache, a fever and absolutely nowhere else to go.

  “No-”she started.

  Tristin clenched her teeth, “Get in the car or I swear to whatever deity you believe in, I will knock you out and drag you there.”

  Kai’s mouth fell open. “Wow. What was it you were saying about tact, Trist?”

  “I’m done being nice,” Tristin told him, “This is the stupidest thing we’ve ever done, forgive me if I’m not in the mood to humor anybody.”

  “When were you being nice?” Kai asked.

  Tristin ignored her brother, looking at Ember, “Well, what’s it gonna be?”

  Ember rolled her eyes, “Well, when you put it that way…why not?”



  The walk back to the car felt a bit like a death march. He should feel pretty good about himself, he’d saved a life. He’d saved a family member. Saving people was much better than having to watch them die and crossing them over. When he risked a glance, Tristin was glowering at him. He knew she was mad. Isa would be furious at them and for all her talk, his sister liked to follow orders like a good soldier.

  They tried to keep a quick pace but November-Ember-he corrected, kept craning her head behind her. He opened his mouth to reassure her she was safe, that the grim would be down for a while. He wasn’t sure what it was but the hellebore seemed to be keeping it down, at least for now. The corners of her mouth drooped downward in disappointment when she saw there was nobody there.

  He sighed, he really hoped that it was an incubus or his cousin had even worse taste in men then he did. She tried to slow her walk but he took her upper arm and dragged her along, gently of course. A slow, painful death already awaited him at home; the only thing to make it worse would be accidentally damaging a human. She stiffened at his touch, trying to pull her arm away. He loosened his grip until they were barely touching but didn’t dare let go entirely.

  When they reached the Toyota, she just looked at him, sulking. He reached around her and opened the door, gesturing grandly for her to get in. She gave one more look towards the gate.

  “Get the hell in the car.” Tristin snapped.

  Ember sighed, flopping into the backseat and crossing her arms like a preschooler on the verge of a major tantrum. It was strange to look at her. She looked like their mothers. The similarities were uncanny. She had the same ivory complexion and fiery red curls, the same freckles. She even had the tiny space between her front teeth.

  Kai and Tristin favored their father’s Thai side. The only thing they’d inherited of their mother’s was her reaper gene and her violet eyes; the same eyes as Ember. Even if he hadn’t trusted Ember’s name popping up on this arm, he would have trusted her eyes. How could he not save her?

  They’d only driven a short distance when she said, “I’m pretty sure kidnapping is a felony offense.”

  Tristin took her eyes off the road long enough to fix him with a look that screamed ‘she’s your problem’. Kai sighed. He would rather be doing literally anything but this, even dealing with Rhys, “Technically, you agreed to go.”

  She stabbed a finger in Tristin’s direction, “Only because she threatened me. That’s coercion.”

  What was she, an attorney? “I’m almost positive that is not what coercion means.” Kai told her, risking a glance at his sister. Tristin didn’t even acknowledge her this time, focusing instead on the miles of pavement stretched before them.

  Kai rapidly tapped out a text to let Isa know they were on their way back, promising he would explain everything when they got there. His stomach swooped as he hit send. He was so screwed. While he considered saving his cousin a win, he had failed in every other conceivable way tonight. He had failed to show up for his shift at the diner. He’d failed to tell his pack about Ember. He’d failed to inform his alpha of his epically stupid plan.

  His phone vibrated, signaling a text. A single question mark popped onto his screen followed by ten exclamation points. It was the most hostile question mark he’d ever seen. Isa clearly wanted more information but there was no way he could explain it all by text.

sp; Besides, he preferred to delay the litany of abuse for as long as possible. She was going to kill him slowly and with pain. If she didn’t kill him, Allister would, and then they’d both let the Grove have him. He didn’t respond; instead, he put it on silent and settled it screen down on his leg, determined to ignore all future messages.

  Tristin took one look at his face and muttered, “We should have just left her to die.”

  Kai shuddered. “Tristin, that’s a bad way to die.”

  “There’s a good way to die?” Ember asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.

  He looked at her over his shoulder. “Yes, in your big fancy home surrounded by your snotty grandchildren.”

  Ember narrowed her eyes, “You jerk. How long were you creeps there listening to us?”

  “Long enough to know that you suck at flirting but under different circumstances you may have made a motivational speaker?”

  “Different circumstances? As opposed to now when I’m…what, exactly? Marked for death?” There was a slight edge of hysteria beginning to creep into her voice and she looked even chalkier than before. He supposed it was only a matter of time. Nobody was so cool they didn’t care they almost died.

  She wiped the sleeve of her sweater across her brow. “Could you maybe turn up the AC?” she asked. “I wish you people would just tell me what is happening.”

  He did as she asked, pointing the jets at her. She shivered in response, perspiration running in rivulets down her temples. That wasn’t good. Was she sick? Had that thing done something to her they hadn’t seen?

  “Listen, you said you don’t remember us but do you remember growing up in Florida? Do you remember our mom?”

  The girl’s face went pale…well, paler. “I don’t remember anything before my father and I moved to New Orleans. My therapists say it has something to do with the trauma of my mother’s death.”

  Tristin looked at him and mouthed, “Therapists. Plural?”

  He gave her his angriest eyebrows. Now was not the time. What happened twelve years ago traumatized everybody.

  Ember kept going, missing the exchange between them. “This makes no sense. I feel like I’m going crazy. That…guy, Mace, said I was something but not a witch and not a shifter. Was that for real?”

  Kai sighed, “I don’t want to overwhelm you, Ember.”

  “Oh, that ship has sailed. I’m whatever is worse than overwhelmed.”

  “Flabbergasted?” Tristin said dryly.

  Ember wiped her hands down her face. “Come on, give me something. What is happening?”

  “Maybe give her the cliff’s notes version, so she stops whining.”

  Ember glared at the back of Tristin’s skull, “You’re kind of a bitch.”

  “It’s true,” Tristin agreed mildly.

  Ember’s head thumped lightly against the glass, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks in the dim light. “Are you okay?” he asked, reaching into the center console. “Water?”

  She eyed it suspiciously but drank it down anyway, “Thanks. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel so…weird.”

  Tristin glanced at Ember and then him, telegraphing her annoyance with just her eyebrows. She cut her eyes at their cousin again and then the roadside. He gave a subtle headshake. They were not ditching her on the side of the road. How had it escaped his attention his sister was a soulless monster?

  A light illuminated the interior and Ember’s eyes cut to his as her fingers flew over the screen of her cell phone. Smart girl, he thought. “Shit, Ember, wait-”

  Tristin glanced sharply in the rearview mirror, “Seriously?” she questioned, reaching back with one hand to pluck the cell phone from Ember. “You’ve had this the whole time?” Tristin glared at him, “Why didn’t you check her?”

  Tristin powered down the window and flung it into the night.

  Kai made a face at his sister, “Was that necessary?”

  “You want people tracking her back home?”

  For a moment, everything went silent, Ember gaping at her. Kai tensed, feeling the power shift in the air, then Ember screeched in fury and launched herself at Tristin.

  The car swerved across the line as Ember attempted to use Tristin’s hair to yank her into the backseat. Kai scrambled, trying to untangle himself from his seatbelt to pry Ember’s hands free of his sister. She wouldn’t let go. She was strong and-Ew-so sweaty.

  “Ember, calm down. Jeez, it’s just a phone. We’ll get you another one.” Her gaze shot to him and he jerked back, releasing her. Her eyes were wild, all pupil and black veins. “Holy Exorcist, batman.”

  Her grip on Tristin tightened over the squealing of the tires. Tristin fought to keep them on the road, as cars swerved out of their way and horns blared, “Oh my God. Get her off me and shut this down before she kills us all.”

  “I’m trying,” he shouted, fishing his fingers into his back pocket and snagging a little packet of powder, he tried to shield it as he dumped the powder into his hand. If he tried to blow it in her face it would go out the window or worse. He groaned as he realized what he had to do. He shoved his hand over her nose and mouth, praying she didn’t chew his fingers off. She gasped as the powder hit her lungs, choking. He yanked his hand back as she gagged, letting go of Tristin to claw at her chest.

  Ember looked slightly betrayed but also grateful. “I’m sorry,” he told her, wincing as her eyes rolled back, her head thudding against the door.

  Tristin waited a good mile before she rolled up the window, breathing hard, and hands shaky on the wheel, “What the hell was that?”

  Kai waited for the adrenaline rushing through him to calm down, “I have no idea but I’m going to guess she’s not a human.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. I see you’ve been shopping in Quinn’s stash too.”

  “I’ve been keeping it just in case,” He told her smugly.

  “Just in case we were attacked going seventy miles an hour on the freeway?”

  He grinned. “Exactly.”

  “So now what do we do with her?”

  “Excellent question,” he told her, “and I have no idea.”

  “Here’s a better question. How are we going to explain how she is not enjoying the great hereafter? How about what are we going to tell Allister? Or the Grove? Oh and what are you going to tell Isa?”

  “Yeah, about Isa,” He turned to his sister then, smiling with too many teeth, “I need a favor.”



  Tristin stood outside the restaurant for way too long. It wasn’t like the wolves didn’t know she was out there. If anything she was making herself seem guilty by lingering beneath the neon lights of the sign. They’d heard her the moment Kai had dropped her off. They may have even smelled the unconscious girl in their backseat. Keeping secrets from werewolves was almost impossible.

  She knew Isa wouldn’t hurt her, not really, but she still felt like she was going to puke. But she couldn’t stay out there all night, they’d come looking eventually. It was always better to surrender than it was to be captured, she reasoned. She took a deep shuttering breath before she entered.

  They’d closed the diner two hours ago, so she went in through the employee entrance. The wolves stood in the back, in the midst of closing down the kitchen. Donovan smiled at her as he sprayed across the floor with a garden hose. Isa, who was sitting in her office, glanced over at Tristin’s appearance.

  The alpha smiled, eyes predatory, at the sight of her. She clicked out of whatever she was doing on the computer and rose. Despite being just twenty-eight years old, Isa moved like somebody much older. She was dressed casually in jeans and a tank top, her tawny hair unbound.

  “Tristin,” she hummed, “I cannot wait to hear why you missed your shift and took an impromptu trip to, where was it again, oh, that’s right, New Orleans?”

tin wasn’t afraid of many things. She’d worked hard to make herself strong. She was well versed in Krav Maga and mixed martial arts, Wren had taught her advanced weapons training. Yet, standing before her angry five-foot two alpha made her stomach feel squishy. “There was a-um-a situation.”

  “Oh, I see. Let’s sit down and talk about it,” Isa said with a smile that Tristin knew was just luring her into a false sense of security. She wrapped her hand around her upper arm. Tristin winced as sharp claws pierced her skin just enough to let her know her statement wasn’t a request.

  Isa pulled her into the front, the door separating the kitchen from the dining area swinging wildly in their wake. She shoved her towards the large booth in the back corner. Tristin slid onto the red vinyl seat, looking around. Neoma stood at the counter, refilling ketchup bottles. The little blonde looked up, smiling at Tristin and giving a slight wave before ducking her head back down to the task.

  Just as she was about to speak again, Wren slid into the booth next to Isa, sliding his arm across her shoulders. Tristin stared at the alpha’s mate awkwardly.

  “What?” he asked, “Did you think I was going to miss this? I don’t know what you did but your brother is clearly wetting his pants in fear so it must be pretty good.”

  She gave him a baleful look, and started to speak but was interrupted again when the kitchen door swung open and Donovan sauntered out. He’d removed his chef’s coat, revealing his bare torso and a wide expanse of muscled caramel colored skin. He wore only his checkered chef pants. The wolves were always half naked. They had no shame. Quinn tumbled out behind him, pushing his glasses up his nose and giving her a grin. What was he even doing there? It was his day off. She couldn’t get away from him.

  “Did we miss anything?” Donovan asked.

  She glared at the two of them.

  “Sorry, Dagger,” Quinn told her. “We aren’t missing this. If Isa is going to kill you two, we want to watch.”

  She bristled at the nickname, smiling tightly at her brother’s best friend, “Then make sure you stick close, so I can take you down with me.”


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