Right Kiss Wrong Guy

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Right Kiss Wrong Guy Page 2

by Natalie Decker

  I glance over my schedule as the rest of the names are being called. Layla smacks my arm. “Hey, can you … um …” she hands me her schedule. My sister suffers from dyslexia, so reading is not her strong suit.

  I read off her classes, “Broadcast Journalism, Art, Spanish two, Choir, Lunch, Computers, American History.”

  “Thanks.” I hand it back to her and I feel her studying me. “What happened?”


  “Bull. I know you. Twin intuition, what’s up?”

  I continue to look at my schedule. “Just people being themselves. Nothing new.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She sighs like she’s at her wits end with me. Oh well.

  I read my schedule and groan. First period is Chemistry Two. Not that I don’t love Chemistry, I do, but not first thing in the morning.

  The bell rings and everyone seems to make a beeline for the door. I take my time. Which is a first. Usually, I care about being late, but today, I don’t give a crap if I’m late to all my classes. As long as I don’t have to encounter any more snide comments about my recent relationship and its monumental failure.

  Chapter Three


  The bell rings I slip out into the hallway as quickly as possible. I need to see Juliet. Yeah, I saw her over break. She looked like a zombie. I tried joking with her and bringing out her spunky attitude. What I got though, was the super-bitchy “go screw yourself” attitude. Why would I say this? She hit me with a box of ornaments and said, “That’s what you get for calling me shorty.” That alone should have told me to stay the hell away from her.

  I can’t. I’ve been crushing on this girl since grade school. I’m not ashamed of it either. Will I write love-sonnets and poetry about it? Hell no. But I refuse to sit on the sidelines and watch some other asshole move in on her again. Tyler’s right. I should have grown a pair and asked her out before Mark did. I’ve learned from my mistake; it won’t happen again.

  I spot Juliet weaving through people. My teammate Chase Bromwell walks beside her with his arm draped over her shoulder. Son of a bitch. Bromwell, really? I like Chase. He’s cool peeps, but right now I want to rip off his arm and hand it to him.

  A fist connects with my shoulder pulling my attention from the one person who will never notice me. She made it clear the night she was leaving the dance she would never date a football player again. She also reminded me of what she thinks about me when I was helping decorate her house on Christmas Eve with Tyler. Juliet hates me simply because I’m the quarterback for the Riverside Tigers.

  Fingers snapped in front of my face. “Dude. Pay attention. Saturday. Party. My house, are you in or out?” Austin asks.

  I focus on him for a second then spot Tyler, who seems to be luring Mark away from me. Smart move. My hands clench at my side while I tighten my jaw practically breaking my teeth.

  “Dude, you have to get over whatever crap is between you two,” Austin says as his stare seems to set on what has my attention. “Seriously, man. It’s bad for the team and all.”

  Our mojo got totally screwed as soon as Mark asked out Juliet and then didn’t have the guts to break up with her when the time came. Instead, he decided to cheat on her at the school dance. “I won’t go if he’s there. Simple as that.” Because I’ll kill him. I almost did it during the New Year’s Eve party at Tyler’s last weekend. He showed up even though he wasn’t invited. If Austin and Tyler weren’t there to hold me back I would have busted Mark’s face in.

  Austin nods. “I get it. Seriously though, bro’s before …”

  “Don’t finish that sentence if you like your teeth,” I snap.

  He throws up his hands in surrender. “All right.”

  First day back from break and things are already starting off in the wrong direction. Austin’s comments are throttling me, and Mark needs to stay the hell away from me if he doesn’t want a broken jaw.

  I part ways from Austin and head slowly to my first-period class. I just hope if I can’t have Juliet at least I can have a couple of classes with her.

  As I am about to turn a corner, Rachel Little latches onto my arm. “Jared! I’ve been meaning to talk to you. About the other night,” she starts.

  Dammit. I really don’t want to do this right now. She’s going to bring up my brush off on her advances on me at Ty’s party. Rachel’s pretty don’t get me wrong, but she hooked up with my buddy Austin, so I’m not interested. Two words: Bro Code.

  As I’m trying to dodge this conversation as quickly as possible Rachel tightens her grip. It takes me a little longer than usual, but I finally manage to detangle myself from her clutches and sigh. “Rach, I’m going to be late. I don’t really remember much anyway, so no worries.” Lies. I remember everything. I just don’t want to talk about this.

  Rachel smiles. “Okay. I’ll see you later.”

  I really hope not.

  I enter Chem two classroom and I’m instantly body checked right in the gut. “Ugh,” I groan. I flash of long dark hair colors my vision. My reflexive instincts take over and I catch a hold of her waist before she hits the ground. Juliet blinks up and then wrenches herself away from me so fast it practically gives me whiplash.

  “Watch where you’re going, Oaf!” Juliet snaps.

  “I’m … sorry. I’m sorry.” The first conversation I’ve had with her since Christmas Eve, and this is how I sound. I’m a smoother talker than this; I promise.

  “All you football players are just the same. You don’t own this school and you certainly aren’t a bunch of Gods.”

  My eyes widen. Is that really how she sees me? “I apologized. A-r-r-re you okay?” And I just degraded myself to stuttering. Juliet turns my brain to mush. Thank God none of my boys were around to witness this, or they’d rag on me for days about how pathetic I sound.

  She gives me an exaggerated look. “Like you really care. Bet you and your buddies are just laughing it up while your best friend Mark dated the school nerd. Well, all of you assholes can kiss it!” She smacks her butt and storms off to a table near the back windows.

  Being the total dumbass that I am, I stare at her and smile as she walks away. She really does have a fine body.

  Mr. Samson enters the room as I head over to a table near the windows. I could easily sit down at one of the remaining three chairs at Juliet’s table but the death-stare she gave me just moments ago tells me that’s not a good idea. Yeah. I know. I’m a bit of a chicken shit.

  For fear she might set me on fire because of what Mark did to her, I decided to take the table next to hers. It’s the only way to be near enough to inhale her citrus scent each time she passes by me. And see all the cute facial expressions she makes daily. From the thinking scowl to her little happy dance when she gets something right. She thinks no one is looking and she’ll shake her butt a little while tilting her head from side to side. Cutest thing ever.

  Once the tardy bell rings, Mr. Samson looks about the room and says, “Mr. Black, Miss Valentine there aren’t enough of you brighter students taking this class and everyone else is equally paired. Would you two mind picking one table, please? You two shall be partners for the rest of the year.”

  Yes! I want to fist bump my own self. But then I see her face. She glances up at me and then scowls like she’s thinking of ways to kill me. Shit. No fist-bump. More like total thumbs way, way down.

  Chapter Four


  Seriously! Just drop a house on me or something. I can’t believe I have to work with Jared Black. Sophomore year he spilled a whole 20oz bottle of soda on me. Not to mention he is best friends with Mark Whalan. He’ll probably report to Mark everything I do here, and his band of idiot friends will make me even more of a laughingstock than I already am. I wish I didn’t care, but I do. I care that one minute I was known for something other than being smart and nerdy and now, I’m nothing again – just that weird girl who can recite the entire first chapter of e
very Harry Potter book in two languages.

  If I’m being completely honest with myself, it serves me right for believing a boy as popular as Mark would ever truly fall for a girl like me. For him to fall for a cheerleader would have been more believable.

  But now, I have to deal with his best friend for the whole semester. Ugh! I’m trying to stay away from the type that hurt me. Jared keeps staring at me like I’m a freak, neither of us moves from our spots for a few seconds. Whatever; I just need a game plan. If I act like a super bitch, maybe he’ll report back to everyone that I’m fine. I don’t want to look like a pathetic sap who misses a certain a-hole.

  I finally rise and head over to his table. He’s obviously too cool to be bothered to move. Even if it would have been the gentleman thing to do on his part. Stupid football players.

  They walk around this school like they’re all Gods. A reason to never date one again. Their ego is too much to include another person. Well, most of them. My bestie, Chase, actually puts others first. I’m still getting used to Tyler, so I can’t really place him in that category yet. Let’s just say most football players at this school are jerks.

  “So … uh …” Jared clears his throat. “What do you like to do?” he asks.

  “Look. I’m not into small talk today or any day we’re stuck as partners. I’m sure whatever info you need to know about me you can collect from your best friend.”

  “Um … I was talking about the assignment.” He says it slowly like I’m the one who can’t comprehend anything. “What do you like to do? I can do the math part or the mixing of the compounds. Doesn’t matter to me.”

  I study him for a second. “It’s cool. I got this. I rather enjoy all my body parts as they are, thank you.” He flinches at that statement. “And I also know how your kind is.”

  “My kind?” He lifts his gaze and elevates his brows. “I don’t know what you think you know about me. But I can assure you whatever it is, is 100 percent wrong. So, I’ll do the math if that’s okay with you and you can mix the items listed on the board.” There’s a sharp edge to his voice.

  He’s not fooling me. He can pretend he’s serious all he wants but facts are facts. I’m sure he coasted his way through. He’s only in these classes to make his little superstar football record look more special than it is. I saw it before freshman year with Aaron Markle, then sophomore year I got stuck working with Gerald Sickler. Both of them are complete and utter morons, and yet they are both in Honors classes. It can’t be a coincidence that both they’re fathers are on the school board. So those two can keep coasting by and pretend to be academic achievers when really the only thing they accomplish is being great at basketball and hockey. Some of us don’t have that luxury and I’m not about to swoon all over Jared’s cute face and perfectly messy hair. Been there and done that. Not with him, but hey, I don’t need three turns to learn my lesson. Once was good enough.

  I fold my arms. “Fine. But I’m double checking your work.”

  He throws his hands up. “Great.” He mutters something under his breath. It almost sounds like effing, Mark. But I must be hearing things.

  As I am gathering the materials. The morning announcements come on the screen. “Good Morning RSHS. I’m Selena Jenson with your morning news.” I try to tune out the rest of the announcement. The images of Mark’s lips pressed against hers floods my mind. I blindly grab the ingredients and head to the lab table.

  “The Junior Elites would like to remind all of you that the tickets for the Valentine’s Day Dance will be on sale from now until February 12th. And stay tuned tomorrow for a special fundraiser that will surely have all of you sweeping that special someone off their feet.”

  “Or stealing boyfriends is more like it,” I grumble.

  “What?” Jared says.

  “Hmmm?” I ask.

  He gives me a weird look. “You, um, mumbled something about stealing boyfriends.”

  Crap. Did I say that aloud? I shake my head. “I did not. I said stuffing bras.”

  He stares at me for a moment. “Really? Girls really do that?”

  “I don’t do that,” I say sharply as I arrange the flasks in the order we need them.

  I notice the tips of his ears turning bright red while a pinkish hue casts across his cheeks. Is he blushing? Whatever; ignore it.

  I focus on the flasks, and he clears his throat. “Uh, Juliet what are you doing?”

  Is he serious right now? “What’s it look like, genius?” See? Typical idiot and my unlucky butt gets stuck with him for the rest of the year.

  “It looks like you have two chlorides and we only need one.”

  “Why don’t you worry about the problems? I have this covered.”

  He shrugs. “All right. If you melt the table don’t look at me.”

  I can’t wait until the bell rings. Damn oaf and his second-guessing me crap is starting to tick me off. Who does he think he is anyway? “I’m not going to melt the table! I’m top in our class or did you even know that?” Yeah, chew on that for a while.

  “I knew.” He mutters something else.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” He picks up the pages he was working on and motions to the liquid bubbling under the Bunsen burner.

  Stupid Jared Black. What’s he know, anyway? Nothing! I dump the measured amounts into the bubbling water and suddenly it turns into a bright purple. Ha! I want to rub this in his face.

  “Might want to—” Jared starts but doesn’t finish because our perfect purple colored liquid turns to foam and shoots to the ceiling!

  I’ve never in my life screwed something up so badly. The foam spills from the glass flask and onto the table. I jump back with a squeak. Jared snatches the glass from the open flame and curses loudly. “Shit!” He drops it which shatters against the tile floor.

  My hands shake at my sides as I stare at the mess upon the floor. I glare at Jared. “This is all your fault!” Is it really? No. I know it isn’t, but I do not like to be wrong. Lately, all I ever seem to be is wrong. I can’t pick the right guy. Can’t mix stupid chemicals. So yes, I’m going to take my humiliation and anger out on him.

  “What? Are you crazy? I told … You know what, never mind. No matter what I say you will just blame me anyway. But just remember this, Valentine, I wasn’t the person who screwed you over.”

  Wow, way to knock me down a few pegs and making me feel like absolute crap about myself. One point for Jared. Zero points for me.

  Chapter Five


  I can safely say Juliet Valentine is not the sweet girl I knew before Mark happened to her. It’s like she hates all guys now for what he did. I’ve got no idea what in the world I could have possibly done to her to have her unleash all her hatred on me. Thank God there aren’t sharp tools around us because I’m pretty sure she would have murdered me.

  She’s seething across from me, and all I wish now is for the bell to ring so I can bolt from this nightmare. What’s completely messed up? I thought she was finally starting to notice me during winter break. Not this bite my head off shit.

  Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Juliet will never like me in that way because she really doesn’t like me as a person.

  I’m afraid to look at her even though I can feel her laser-glare on me. When the bell chimes, I dash out of the room as if my dad blew his whistle and screamed at me to run.

  “Whoa man,” Tyler says as I knock into him. “No need to tackle me in the halls, bro. Running from your Dad again?”

  “Not really. More like Juliet. Does she look like she wants to kill me?”

  “Um, kill you?” He looks back, laughs, and turns to me. “What did you do, break one of her wands?”

  “What? No. We um … May have gotten a C on our assignment.” I consider cutting my second-period class, which Juliet is also in. I don’t think I can handle her death stare for another ninety minutes.

  Tyler laughs harder. “Come on, seriously. What was it? Because you haven’t
gotten a C since hell, I don’t know, ever.”

  I shake my head. “Yeah, well; today we did. She acts like I’m the one who poured the chemicals and caused a foaming mess.” I am about to say more but a backpack smacks against my side. I spot her zipping past me. “Great.”

  Tyler pats my shoulder. “Don’t worry, man. You’ll figure out a way to fix it.”

  Or make it worse.

  I have every stinkin’ class with Juliet. Normally, this would thrill me, but I’m not exactly enjoying her glare in my direction in every single class.

  After the day from hell basically kicked my ass, the only thing I want to do is get into my truck and drive. That’s not going to happen though because I have to do drills when I get home. Which better be in the next twenty minutes or my dad will make hell seem like a jolly place.As I make my way to my truck, I hear, “Jared! Jared, wait a second,” Rachel says.

  Part of me wants to pretend I don’t hear her, but she’s persistent; I will give her that. Taking a deep breath, I turn toward her. She beams at me, and I fake a smile. “I’ve got a quick question for you,” she says in a super giddy tone.

  I sigh. “I’ve got to get going, Rachel.”

  “What sounds better chocolates or candies?”

  I shrug. “Do I have to choose?”

  She laughs and tries to shove me. “Yes, silly, we’re having a meeting on it today.”

  I shake my head. “Either is good. I gotta go.” I turn back to my truck, but she keeps babbling.

  “That’s not really a good answer. Do you need samples to better inform your decision?”

  I’m about to say something but Adaline Frost beats me to it. “Rachel, they’re both food,” she says.

  I smile at Addy as she strolls by with Juliet and Chase. Chase has his arm slung around Juliet’s shoulder again, and it really bothers me. Even if I could possibly get Juliet to stop hating me, it won’t do any good if she’s seeing him. Not that Chase is a jackass but dammit I want to be the one with my arm around her.


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