Right Kiss Wrong Guy

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Right Kiss Wrong Guy Page 5

by Natalie Decker

  “Do I have something on my face?” I whisper to Chase.

  He snickers loudly. “Besides your nose, eyebrows, eyes, and mouth, no. Why?”

  “Jared Black keeps looking at me,” I whisper.

  “Jared usually does. That’s nothing new.” He says it so insipidly it makes me wonder if he’s even heard what I said.

  I shift in my chair and glower at Chase. “No, he doesn’t. Why would he?” I forget to keep my voice down and notice some eavesdropping classmates eyeing us up.

  Chase shakes his head then glances down at his notebook. Wow. Fine. I can take a hint. I pivot in my chair and look down at my own notebook while waiting for the tardy bell to ring.

  It feels like forever before that bell chimes too. I make the mistake of scanning the room again, and end up locking eyes with Jared. Before I can shout “what the heck is your problem” at him, the bell rings and Mrs. McGiffen enters the room. She smiles at us but only a few of us bother to smile back. “Class, as you know, love-grams are being passed out for the next few weeks. But, there will be no eating in my class. Is that understood? The first person to unravel a piece of chocolate or a lollipop in this class will find themselves in detention.”

  “She’s such a food-hater,” Chase mumbles.

  I nod.

  “All right. Now that we have that settled, please pull out your copies of Pride and Prejudice.”

  Everyone grabs their copies when suddenly the classroom door opens, and student carrying a basket full of flowers and candies says, “Sorry for interrupting, Mrs. McGiffen. I have some love-grams to deliver.”

  Mrs. McGiffen looks annoyed. She waves the girl on and takes a seat at her desk.

  “Brenda Miller?” the girl calls.

  Brenda squeals in delight as she rushes up to get a stupid flower. Yes, ladies, because nothing says love like a flower that will wilt and die within a few weeks. Woohoo. So awesome. Next.

  The girl rattles off a few more names. Some of the guys that receive flowers look like they’re going to die of embarrassment. I doodle in the corner of my notebook when Chase whispers, “Juliet. She called your name.”


  “Juliet Valentine?” the girl says.

  I glare at Chase. “I’m going to gut you, Chase Alexander Bromwell,” I say through gritted teeth.

  He shakes his head. “It wasn’t me. I like my balls and everything else where it’s at.”

  Adaline must have done this. Ugh. She’s going to get a lecture about this at lunch.

  I raise my hand, and the girl drops a rose and lollipop onto my desk with cards attached to them. I’m not excited like the others. My blood boils. One of the cards says, I miss you. Everything inside me shuts off. Mark. That mother-freaking-son-of-a-bitch! I don’t even bother reading the others.

  I dislike Mark so much. Why can’t he leave me alone? Hasn’t he ruined and humiliated me enough? If he thinks I’m going to forgive him because he sent me some lame love-gram, he has another thing coming.

  I snatch up the offending rose and candy and pitch them right into the trash. Ha! That’s how I feel about your stupid attempt to win me back, Mark Whalan!

  I catch Jared watching me as I return to my desk. Good. He can report back to his stupid friend how much I hate his gifts.

  Chapter Ten


  What the hell? She just threw my love-grams in the trash.

  Not to be cocky, but I’ve never had to try this hard to win over a girl. Most of the girls in this school have a flirty vibe whenever I’m around them. They always find ways to touch me including giving out random hugs. Not that I mind any of this, but Juliet has never acted this way.

  I figured my love-gram would move things in the right direction since everything else I’ve done has completely failed. I’ve got to step up my game or I’m going to lose the only thing I ever truly wanted.

  Maybe she’s allergic to chocolate and flowers. Maybe she hates suckers. I don’t really know. I do know if I’m going to win her over, I’m going to need help.

  There are a few people I could ask but I don’t want to seem desperate, like I can’t get a girl. Besides, what if she really is into Chase? If they are a thing, I can’t ask him what Juliet likes. I certainly can’t ask Layla what sort of things her sister likes because knowing Layla, she’ll tell Juliet or worse, Rachel.

  I should be able to do this on my own. If Mark could get her to go out with him, I can too. He’s definitely not that smart; he’s in regular classes, and barely passes them. I know because my dad’s always on his case about eligibility for the games.

  I pop open my locker and put the books I no longer need away. This task only takes a few seconds, but I wait it out as long as possible in order to catch a glimpse of Juliet leaving school. I spot her and Chase coming straight toward me. They’re strides almost match. Rage seeps through my veins as I watch them practically in their own world. I want to march over there and knock Chase the f out.

  Something rams into my side, stealing my attention from Juliet. “Hey man,” Tyler says. “What are you staring at?”

  I point my head in Juliet’s direction. “You swear they aren’t hooking up?” I ask.

  Tyler moves his locker door and stares at me for a second. “I swear, man. Juliet and Chase aren’t a thing.”

  “If you’re bullshitting me about this, I’ll kill you, Tyler.”

  He puts his hands up. “I swear man it’s the truth. Chase is into Addy. You’re in the clear. Are you thinking about making a move?”

  My nerves ease a bit when he mentions that Chase is into Adaline Frost. I don’t feel like telling him that I tried to make a move but failed big time. He’ll laugh at me. I know I would if the roles were reversed. I’d also tease him about his game being out of whack. I’m not in the mood for that. I’m saved from answering him as Mark pops open his locker which is next to mine and gives me a singular nod.

  I clench my fists at my sides. I want to punch him in his jaw. “You’re something else, man. You’ve been begging her to come back for weeks and you’re still hanging around Selena. Do you even really care about Juliet or did you only date her to piss me off?”

  Tyler coughs behind me but I ignore him. Mark turns his eyes toward me and shrugs. “Worried I’m competition?”

  I jab a finger into his chest. “I warned you not to screw her over. Not to even think about hurting her and you did. You used her to piss me off admit it.”

  He smirks. “I’m not saying shit. You’re just mad that I got her first. That eats you up doesn’t it?”

  I shove him. “Don’t go near her again.”

  “Or what?”

  I draw back my fist and arms wrap around me and I’m instantly tugged back. “Dude, settle down. You can’t go whopping his ass in the hall. Different time, different place,” Tyler says.

  Juliet and Chase stride past us. She looks over in our direction with a glare. The vise on my heart tightens as I watch her wrap her arm around Chase’s. That’s it. I’m upping my game. I have to if I want her body next to me. If I want her looking at me. And I do want it. I want it so much it makes my insides pulse with need.

  I slam my locker shut and make my way to the weight room. It’s the offseason for football but my dad schedules lift times for the players not participating in other sports. Since I’m not allowed to play other sports, not with my Dad overseeing every stupid thing I do, that’s where I am after school every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

  I change into my lifting clothes and enter the weight room. There are a couple of guys already hitting the benches. I walk over to the sled and decide to work on my legs.

  After putting on equal amounts of weights on each side, I get into position on the floor mat. I put my feet on the markers and gradually push up, releasing the pins. I do about ten reps before a thunderous voice fills the weight room. “What the hell are you doing, Jared?”

  I stick the pins in and then step away from the machine. My dad scowls. �
�Are you the coach now? Hmmm. Did you put a rigorous workout schedule together to get you in top shape for this next season? Which by the way could be your last if you don’t start paying attention to whatever damn thing I say! Do you understand?”

  All I want to do is scream back “Screw your program!” I can’t. Call it weird. Call it whatever. I want my dad’s respect. If that means doing something I no longer have love for to get it then I’m going to do it. “Sorry, sir,” I say. Yeah, I know this makes me seem totally ball-less.

  “Today is cardio and arms. Go,” he snaps.

  I nod.

  Tyler calls me over to his bench. “Spot me.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “You seem off,” he says as he pushes the bar up and brings it down. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “That’s two.”

  He pushes the bar back up again. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I know how to count.”

  “No idiot, talking about nothing being wrong.” He pumps the bar with easy. “If I didn’t stop you would you have knocked Mark out?”

  I don’t need to answer this. He already knows I would have. “That’s seven.”

  “Look, all I’m saying is she’s not taking him back. That’s your in.”


  He places the bar on the holder and rolls off the bench. He stands beside me slaps a palm on my shoulder and says, “You got this. You’re Jared Black.”

  I roll my eyes. “I sent Juliet a few love-grams and they all ended up in the trash. So really I don’t have shit.”

  He laughs. “Sorry man,” he says. “Did she know it was from you?”

  “No. I was going for the secret admirer type thing. Like every boring chick flick I was forced to watch on every bad double date I went on implied girls like that mushy stuff.” I slide on the bench getting center with the bar and lift.

  “Dude, I don’t think all girls are into that shit. She probably thinks the anonymous love-grams are from some creepy loser. Like Zach Lewis. No girl wants him. Also, I think anonymous things freak her out. Juliet apparently went postal on Layla when Layla didn’t know the texts she was getting were from me.”

  Well yeah. I told him that catfishing was no joke, and thought Layla was some old lady pretending to be a teen.

  If remaining anonymous really does freak Juliet out, I’m screwed. The lashing in first period then the after-school incident, yeah, I got a clear idea of where I stand. Hell is most likely to freeze before she gives me a chance.

  As I’m on my fifth rep a voice bellows pulling me from my thoughts. “How’s it coming over here?” My dad asks.

  “Good,” I say. I push the bar up.

  He grunts and moves away from us. Yeah, I slipped and said the one word that guys striving to be professionals shouldn’t say. Good. Good doesn’t equal greatness or excellence. Not to my dad. Good is like the same as saying bad or just average.

  This day needs to come to end soon otherwise I might be running laps before dinner.

  I should finish up my paper in history. Instead, I’m looking at Juliet’s picture from last year’s yearbook. Underneath her photo has favorite quotes and activities. Know what Juliet’s says? For favorite quote: Live without regrets. Activities: Junior Elites, Book Club, Video Games and Mudding in her Jeep.

  I slam the book shut.

  “Jared, dinner!” my mom calls.

  “Coming,” I yell back.

  Sliding off my bed, I head out of the room and down the hall into the dining room. My mom is setting a huge roast down. It looks like it could feed a family of ten but between my dad, brother, and me yeah there won’t be any leftovers. Mom smacks my brother’s hand away as he tries to go in for his portion. “Not yet.”

  “Ah, mom … if I don’t get what I want first he’ll eat it all,” Justin complains as he points his fork at me.

  “Elders first,” I say.

  Just as Justin is about to pop off, Dad clears his throat. “Did you do your drills today, Justin?”

  “Yes, sir,” he mumbles.


  Justin looks at me for an answer. I tap my wrist to indicate times. Dad always wants to know our times if he’s not here to watch us because he’s too busy drawing up new programs or plays to chart our results. Justin swallows. “Uh … I forgot.”

  Bad move bro. He didn’t do them.

  “Forgot your times?” My dad looks like he’s about to explode.

  Justin has an expression as if he’s about to wet his pants. I’ve been there before but I can’t help him get out of this.

  “I didn’t write them down. I’m sorry,” Justin says.

  “We’re going to do double tomorrow after I come home from work,” my dad states.

  Justin nods. That’s what we do. Comply.

  Between the two of us, we barely eat. Mom doesn’t say a word. She just pretends like this is normal and goes about her meal in silence. This is what I hate. This is why my love for the game has turned into just liking it. It’s no longer fun. It hasn’t been fun since pee-wees.

  Once I hit sixth grade Dad started his mandatory shakes for breakfast. Then it escalated to running, push-ups, and throwing every day. Hanging out with my friends on the weekends was my only escape even if it was for a few hours.

  College, it’s going to be different. At least this is what I keep telling myself.

  Chapter Eleven


  I take my seat in chem. Jared is already there. He seems lost in thought or something. I could ask him what’s wrong, but we’re not friends. Not really. I hung out with him maybe few times when I was dating Mark and Jared helped Tyler decorate our house over winter. That qualifies us as barely acquaintances in my book. On that note, I decide whatever is going on to just ignore it and go about my own business.

  I dig out my notebook and pen then start looking over my notes I literally stayed up until two in the morning studying. We have a test on compounds and what the formulas create.

  Usually I’m okay with this type of stuff, but to be honest it’s not my favorite. I sometimes forget what compounds make up what they create. Sure, I know the simple ones like 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen makes up H2O which is the formula for water. But things like Caffeine is C8H10N4O2 I kept screwing it up.

  My stomach knots a little at the idea of failing this test. Maybe that is what’s worrying Jared right now. I guess he would be looking over his notes though and not gazing absentmindedly out the window.

  “Yo, Jared. I gotta talk to you,” Tyler says. I didn’t notice him come into our class. My sister isn’t with him like most times when I encounter Tyler. “Oh, hey, Juliet. Getting your chemistry on, huh?” He waggles his brows.

  I wrinkle my nose at his words. I roll my eyes.

  “Is Jared a good partner?” Tyler asks.

  “How should I know?” Mortification sets in as Tyler laughs. Oh my gosh, he meant in this class. Not as a boyfriend. Open this floor up and swallow me whole.

  I glance over at Jared. He instantly grips the side of our table and shoots Tyler a glare. I don’t know why, but I observe them as they move to the exit. From Jared stance and his demeanor, whatever they’re talking about is making him mad. His fists clench. His jaw visibly tightens.

  I need to stop staring. Tyler finally says something that makes Jared appear much calmer. Before I can shift away, Jared turns and catches me gawking at them like an idiot. He smiles at me then glances down at the ground.

  When Jared returns to our table and drops down into his seat, the tardy bell chimes.

  “Did you study for the test last night?” he asks.

  “Yeah. Did you?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “A little.”

  “Oh. Are you good at memorizing formulas?” I’ll be a little jealous if he says yes.

  He sighs. “I guess.”

  I nod and go back to studying until we’re told to put our things away. At least he didn’t bring up my comment to Tyler. I don’t want to explai
n that fudge up.

  I silently mouth off the formula to create Dinocap which is C18H24N2O6 there is a knock on our classroom door. One of the stupid love-gram deliveries is about to take place. Mark better not send me a thing today or there will be hell to pay.

  Lyndsey Droan, a freshman, in Junior Elites with me, looks happy to be a part of delivering the grams. She rattles off names and suddenly she says my name. I squeeze my eyes shut and then I glare at the love-grams before me.

  “You got a lot of admirers,” Lyndsey says.

  I ignore her comment and read the cards.

  The first card says, “I love your mind.” The second, “I love your laugh.” The last card, “You’re the most gorgeous girl ever.” Am I? I laugh. Yes, I’m completely ticked off that he has the audacity to write this crap to me when he’s moved on with Selena. He was making out with her in the hallway this morning. What kind of a-hole sends this to a girl he cheated on? Does that idiot think this is funny? Thank goodness, I didn’t have a pencil in my hand. I think I would have snapped it in half.

  He wants to play games? Fine. Let’s play some mind games.

  Instead of pitching the silly love-grams, I decide if he missed the memo of how much these things disgust me then I’ll just have to show him. Obviously telling that simpleton that there will never be an us again isn’t enough. Throwing out his stupid gifts yesterday didn’t sink into his thick skull. That leaves me with no other choice then to return them to him.

  The bell rings and I shoot out the door as fast as I can. I’m pretty sure I bombed my test but whatever. I need to make it to Mark than to my next class. Luckily, I know Mark always stops at his locker between each changing of class.

  I approach him as he’s digging out his books. Selena isn’t next to him but no matter. He shuts his door and startles. “Juliet. Hey. Um. Looks like you’ve got a lot of admirers.” He directs his stare to my hands filled with love-grams.

  “Right. As if you didn’t know.” I chuck the rose, chocolate bar, and lollipop at his face. He uses his book as a blocking mechanism for each item. “Stop sending this crap to me!”


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