Rebel Angels 3: Splendor and Darkness

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Rebel Angels 3: Splendor and Darkness Page 3

by Cyndi Friberg

  He ignored the warmth that spread through his body. It shouldn’t matter if she cared for him. “Are you attached to me, sweet fancy? Is that what keeps you here?” His fingers itched to touch her, to explore her soft body and bury themselves in her unbound hair.

  “I felt responsible for you.” A thread of stubbornness revealed itself in her tone. Apparently, their attraction confused her, too. “I wanted to make sure you recovered before I return ...”

  “Return to where, the twisted depths of my imagination? I don’t know what you are, but I know what you are not.”

  “What am I not?”

  “Human.” The word hung in the air between them, ringing with accusation and awe. He said nothing for a long moment. “When I awakened on the road, there were two of ... whatever you are. Why did you attack the other one?”

  “You shouldn’t have been able to see us. I don’t understand why you could.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  She turned her face away, shielding herself with her hair. “Have you always been aware of spirits, or is this a result of what happened that night?”

  He cupped her shoulders, and she gasped. The room wasn’t that dark. Had she closed her eyes? “My patience is wearing thin. Stop evading the issue.” Easing his hold, he moved one hand to her neck, caressing the underside of her jaw with his thumb, fascinated by her smooth skin. “The visions began before that night, but they have multiplied since. I see all manner of creatures now.” He shuddered. “Have I gone mad?”

  “If madness had claimed you, it wouldn’t occur to you to wonder about the state of your sanity.” She paused, swaying toward him, her warm breath wafting against his throat. “When I caught up to Byleth, she had --”

  “Byleth was the other spirit? The one dressed like a man?”

  “Aye. She is recently Fallen and --”

  “Fallen?” He tucked her hair behind her ear, trying to make out her expression in the shadows. “Is that term not attributed to angels? What sort of being are you?”

  She shook her head, dislodging her hair. “I can’t explain what I don’t understand. And stop interrupting me. The creatures you see are real, and you’re right -- we are not human. Byleth is in the process of Falling. Her transformation is not yet complete. Each time she commits an atrocity, her demonic power grows. Fledgling demons are ravenous for power. Their hunger makes them vicious and cruel.”

  “She trapped their souls in their dying bodies, prolonging their agony.” His voice broke, and he pulled her into his embrace. She wrapped her arms around him, splaying her fingers against his back.

  “That’s why I attacked her. I disabled her spell and set their spirits free.”

  He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent -- warm, soft, vibrantly alive. He longed to absorb her vitality through his pores, to feel whole again.

  “I’ve heard Kaleb speak of Judith and the little ones,” she whispered. “Who are they?”

  “Judith is my brother’s widow.” He forced the words past his dry throat. “They -- she has two children.”

  “Sons or daughters?” Her fingers combed through his hair.

  “One of each.” He grasped her wrists, stilling her tender caresses. Each stroke stirred sensations he didn’t want to feel. “How can I hope to make up for all they’ve lost?”

  “You can’t replace their father. They wouldn’t want you to try, but you can love them and protect them.” She kissed his chin. Slipping her hand inside the loose neckline of his tunic, she stroked his shoulders, his chest.

  “The crisis is long since past. Why are you still here?” Silence swirled around them, warm and caressing. Nate pulled her closer, needing to see her face.

  “I’m going to help you remember what it feels like to be alive.” She skimmed his face with her fingertips. Rapid weight loss had sharpened his features, creating hollows beneath his cheekbones and accenting the brackets framing his mouth. He’d never thought of himself as vain, but she was so beautiful.

  He cupped her cheek and rubbed his lips against hers. Warm and spicy, her breath filled his mouth and stirred his desire. She parted her lips and traced his mouth with her tongue. He released a throaty murmur as tingles sped down his spine. She nibbled and licked at his lips. He laughed, a nearly forgot sound.

  “You’re a hungry little fantasy,” he whispered.

  Instead of responding with words, she tugged his tunic off over his head. Her mouth fastened onto the side of his neck, sucking hard enough to mark his skin. She caressed his chest, his sides, his back, while he frantically battled her gown’s fastenings. Her dress slipped from her shoulders, and she lifted her arms from the elaborate sleeves. His hands trembled as he untied his hose and kicked off his shoes.

  She eased his hose over his hips and down his thighs. Kneeling before him, she situated herself on her discarded gown. I’m going to help you remember what it feels like to be alive Her words echoed, fueling his desire. She couldn’t mean to ... what sort of spirit ...

  Wrapping her hand around the base of his shaft, she leaned in and exhaled her moist breath across his sensitive tip. A violent shudder passed through Nate. Tension coiled deep in his belly. He wanted to feel anything but pain, to lose himself completely in their passion.

  Tomorrow he’d think of the future, be practical and sane. Tonight he’d be wild and reckless, utterly abandoned to this dream.

  She cupped him with one hand and stroked him with the other, her mouth hovering just out of reach. “Please,” he whispered, pushing his fingers into her silken hair.

  Circling his tip with her tongue, she teased him unmercifully. Desire pulsed within him, demanding and intense. She moved her hands to his buttocks and closed her lips around his shaft. He braced his legs, his body trembling, as she drew him deep into her mouth.

  “Oh, sweet fancy, how I burn.”

  She slid him in and out of her mouth, her lips warm and firm. He caressed her face and rocked his hips as she pleasured him. Sensation spread out through his body -- tingling, throbbing heat.

  “Enough!” His breath escaped in a ragged gasp as he pulled out and drew her to her feet. He kissed her urgently. His tongue moved in her mouth, delving deep with silent demand. She arched into his body, pressing her breasts against his chest.

  With his arms wrapped snugly around her, he guided her to the bed. She crawled onto the narrow mattress and reclined on her back. Lifting her arms in silent invitation, she waited for him to join her. Instead he dropped one of the pillows to the floor and knelt upon it.

  Be she spirit, specter, or fantasy, she was solid, warm, and willing. He’d accept the comfort she offered, but she would know pleasure, too.

  His mouth sealed over hers, the kiss filled with longing. Their tongues dueled, swirled, tasted. She arched restlessly. He stroked her breasts, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Her belly quivered as he caressed her smooth skin. His hand glided over her thighs, and she eased her legs apart. Bending her knees, she made room for his hand, offering him everything.

  Shaken by her selflessness, he touched her with gentle reverence. His fingers caressed her slick folds, sliding and stroking. Desire pounded through him. It had been so long! He eased two fingers into her core, groaning as her moist heat surrounded him.

  He licked his way along her neck, nibbled her collarbone before capturing one of her nipples and suckling with firm, slow pulls. Her inner muscles echoed his rhythm, and a low moan escaped her throat.

  All he could see in the darkness was her cloud of silvery hair and the silhouette of her lissome body. He wanted to watch her expression as he gave her release. He wanted to look into her eyes as he joined their bodies. But her nipple hardened against his tongue, and her rippling core massaged his fingers. He pulled nearly out, then thrust back in.

  “Aye! Fill me.”

  Determination surged through him at her plaintive cry. He explored her belly with his lips and pushed his fingers deeper. She arched; he
thrust -- a teasing foreshadowing of what they both wanted. Maintaining a steady rhythm with his fingers, he found her swollen nub with his tongue.

  “Oh, aye!” Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer.

  He circled her again and again as his fingers moved steadily. Her body responded, coating his hand and tantalizing his tongue. Pushing deep, he concentrated on her nub, flicking and sucking until her inner muscles clenched his fingers rhythmically. She shuddered and sighed, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to devour her, to hear her cries of pleasure.

  Climbing onto the bed, he knelt between her thighs. She opened for him, the invitation unmistakable. He trembled. What sort of man seduced an angel?

  “I’m not an angel, and I seduced you.”

  Her whispered words scattered his hesitation. He sank into her moist heat. She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him deeper. He gritted his teeth. She felt so good! He pulled back. She tightened around him, heightening the pleasure, building the need.

  Again and again he filled her. She arched, stroking his arms and his chest as he thrust faster, deeper.




  Joy welled within him. He covered her mouth with his, infusing the kiss with tenderness and gratitude. Wrapping his arms around her, he clutched her to his chest, thrust to the hilt, and surrendered to desire.

  Pleasure inundated his senses, washing over him in languid waves. She shuddered, clung to him, whispering his name. Peace swept in on the heels of desire, leaving him trembling and sated.

  They slept for a time, her head pillowed on his shoulder, his arms holding her close. He awakened to her lips teasing his skin, her warm hands caressing, arousing. He ceased to care if insanity had claimed him. She was the sweetest delusion anyone could invent. Straddling his hips, she took him deep over and over.

  He lay sprawled on his back, panting and replete as she silently slipped from his bed. His sluggish brain refused to comprehend that she was leaving until she was fully dressed.

  “Wait.” His heart lurched. Fantasies weren’t meant to last, but this had felt so real. “Will I ever see you again?”

  Silhouetted by the moon, she paused and looked back at him. A golden glow emanated from her body, revealing her face. Dazzled by her beauty, he couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.

  “It’s time, Nathaniel. You’ve regained your strength. You don’t need me anymore.”

  Before he could reply, her wings unfurled, knocking the breath from his lungs. Delicately scalloped, translucent and shimmering, her wings muddled his thoughts. She arched her back, her wings rippling, showering the room with sparkles of light. He reached out to touch her, but she disappeared, leaving him alone in the dark.

  Chapter Two

  “You’ve been unable to learn anything?” Lailah tried to keep the disappointment from her tone, but no mystery had ever been this important to her. And Daniel had never failed before.

  “He was attacked by paid assassins. I’m sure that comes as no surprise. I don’t know who hired them. If you hadn’t waited so long to confide in me, I might have been more use to you.” He paused. Leather creaked as he shifted position, most likely uncrossing and re-crossing his legs. “I’ve learned who he is, and I think I understand why he can see you.”

  She hesitated. Leaving Nate had been one of the hardest things she’d ever done. If she knew where to find him, would she be able to stay away? Did she want to stay away? Releasing an exasperated sigh, she squared her shoulders and focused on the facts. Her interaction with Nate was over. She must concentrate on her quest.

  “Can you explain why he could see me without divulging his identity?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Don’t trust yourself?”

  Smiling, she turned her face toward the fire.

  “Perhaps you were meant to be with this man. I’ve never known you to --”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She crossed her arms over her chest and buried her hands in her sleeves. “What role would I play in his life? Mistress? Wife? It’s impossible. I would only complicate things, and he’s suffered enough.”

  Kneeling before her, Daniel gathered her hands between his. “What about you? Haven’t you suffered enough? Shouldn’t you claim what happiness you can find? Your quest is to rediscover life’s splendor. Perhaps you can find it with this man.”

  Longing crashed over Lailah in tormenting waves. She clenched her fists, angry, conflicted. She wanted Nate with every fiber of her being, but Daniel’s suggestion made no sense. Their quests were about sacrifice, overcoming personal challenges, and reassessing priorities.

  Daniel shot to his feet. She lifted her head, her instincts engaging an instant after his.

  “I hear wings.” He moved across the room, leaving her seated before the hearth.

  A lump formed in her throat. Had they come to judge her? Would she be damned for seducing a mortal? Pushing to her feet, Lailah gathered defiance around her like a shield. Nate had needed her. If comforting him was wrong ...

  “We have visitors.” Amusement tinged Daniel’s tone, halting the downward spiral of her thoughts.

  Lailah heard him open the door. Cool air swept into the room, fresh with the scent of flowers. Flowers? It was autumn.

  Why was Daniel silent? Tension built again. Lailah prepared to unfurl her wings; then warm, gentle fingers closed around her hand. Awareness jolted her. “Alyssa? Is that really you?”

  “It’s me.” Alyssa wrapped her arms around Lailah, squeezing so tightly, Lailah laughed. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  One of the stipulations of their exile discouraged them from interacting with other Rebel Angels. Lailah had disregarded the dictate while Alyssa was lost in lies, as Daniel ignored the stipulation now that she had lost her sight. Still, Alyssa’s visit was unexpected and welcome. Alyssa had successfully completed her quest for truth and now resided in the fifth level of Heaven with her husband, Sariel.

  Easing away from Alyssa, Lailah smiled. “Is Sariel here with you?”

  “I am.” His deep voice came from beside her.

  She turned toward him, and his strong arms enfolded her. Sariel had been her friend since time began. His responsibilities as Prince of the Order of Grigori left him little time for anything else. There was no possibility this was a social call. “What brings you to my humble domicile?”

  It was during Alyssa’s quest for truth that Lailah had lost her sight. Her friends now lived together in blissful peace, while Lailah struggled on in darkness. Even as Nate made love to her, she’d been unable to see his face. Resentment bubbled up from deep within her. She’d believed herself beyond these feelings. Apparently, the wounds were not yet healed.

  “Why don’t we sit?” Alyssa touched her arm. “This could be a lengthy conversation.”

  There were only two chairs before the fire, so Lailah led her guests to the table across the room. Daniel sat in his usual chair across from her. Alyssa chose the one at her side, leaving Sariel to sit beside Daniel or stand. The scrape of wood against wood told her he’d decided to sit.

  “Even before my exile, I belonged to the Order of Dominions. What brings the Prince of the Grigori to my door?”

  “I need your help.”

  Sariel sounded casual, relaxed, but Lailah remained wary. “You need my help?” She chuckled at the irony. “How can that be?” Authority had never set well with Lailah, and her decision to end her interaction with Nate had left her feisty.

  “The Council has requested that I find someone else to undertake this assignment. For some reason, they doubt my objectivity. You and Daniel are uniquely qualified.” Was that amusement in Sariel’s tone? She wasn’t sure if she should be encouraged or intimidated. Few things amused Sariel.

  “What is the assignment?”

  “Ever since Rosalind and Gadrayel were allowed to marry, the Council has been observing their descendents. It is believed that the unusual blending of angelic, demonic, and human natures found
in their offspring will result in a being of immense power.”

  “Several generations have passed since they departed the mortal realm.” Lailah had known Rosalind briefly while she was Alyssa’s ward, but Lailah’s injury had taken their lives in different directions. “If such a person existed, shouldn’t they have surfaced by now?”

  “The Council believes they have. The current Earl of Monthamn is an acquaintance of yours.”

  Lailah’s eyes widened. He couldn’t mean ... Did he mean ...

  “That’s what I was trying to tell you before,” Daniel said. “Nate is a descendent of Rosalind and Gadrayel.”

  “A demonic horde is hunting Nate,” Sariel announced casually. “Gadrayel and his men concealed Nate’s location during his convalescence. Now that he has returned to Monthamn Castle, hiding him is no longer an option.”

  “What do you want us to do?” Staggered by Sariel’s revelation, she could barely form the words. Not once during her time with Nate had she sensed either angelic or demonic entities. Had she really become so powerless? “Gadrayel is better equipped to protect him.”

  “Protecting Nate is not the assignment. It has always been Gadrayel’s responsibility to guard his progeny.”

  “Where was Gadrayel that night in the forest?” She leaned forward, her hands flat on the table. “Not only were four of his progeny slaughtered, but a vicious little demon tortured them before I arrived.”

  Alyssa cupped Lailah’s shoulder, drawing her back. “When each Monthamn child is born, someone is dispatched to assess their potential.”

  Lailah released a mirthless laugh. “That scenario sounds a bit familiar.” Judging Rosalind’s nature had been the catalyst that brought Sariel and Alyssa together.

  “The current generation of descendants showed no aptitude toward unusual abilities, so Gadrayel was given other duties,” Sariel continued.

  “Well, apparently one of the master demons made a different assessment.”

  “We can spend the rest of the night reviewing the tragedy, or we can work out the details of our plan.” There was no mistaking the authority in Sariel’s tone. It was the only warning she was likely to get. “Humans ambushed the travelers. That much we know. It is possible that the attack drew the attention of the master demon or that demonic influence could have resulted in the ambush.”


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