Born Ready

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Born Ready Page 8

by Lori Wilde

  His tongue was a thing of wonder. She had no idea that tongues even knew tricks like that. Stroking, gliding, tickling. She moved her pelvis against his, knocking him off balance. He tumbled back, but never let go, breaking her fall as they landed on the bottom of the boat with Jackie straddling him.

  “Hurricane Jackie,” he croaked.

  She leaned down to kiss him again, heedless of everything except her desire.

  “Whoa, hold on.” He turned his head and her lips landed on his cheeks.

  “What?” she gasped.

  “Much as I want you, mermaid, this is neither the time nor the place.”

  “Why not?”

  “For one thing, anyone could motor by at a moment’s notice.”

  “So?” she said. “That’s what makes it so exciting.”

  He raised a palm. “I’m not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of guy.”

  “You can change your M.O. this once.”

  “Sorry. I’m like a manatee. Slow and careful. For another thing, we have no protection.”

  She groaned. He had her there.

  “You don’t fool around. When you want something, you go for it.”

  “Yeah, well.” She rolled off him, lay splayed on her back staring up at the white clouds puffing and swelling in the sky. “I’m coming to my senses. Thanks for putting the brakes on. The last thing we need is to have sex.”

  “No, no.” He sounded alarmed. “That wasn’t the direction I meant for this to go.”

  “Look, when you’re hanging out with me, you take it where you can get it, when you can get it.”

  Scott’s expression ironed flat. “Am I with you, Jackie?”

  She blew out her breath. “You’re here now. Let that be enough.”

  He said nothing, but his eyes darkened.

  Unsettled, her stomach listed. “What?”

  “I think we could find a compromise in there somewhere, don’t you.”

  “Nope.” She hopped to her feet, experiencing so many emotions at once that she felt claustrophobic. “You had your chance and you blew it.”

  “You’re not serious.” Scott sat up.

  She shrugged. “I am.”


  “Hmm, what?”

  “We’ll have to see about that. No one runs this hot and cold.”

  “I’m not a woman who normally follows my impulses, so when I have them and I do follow them, it’s a one-shot deal. Now that I’ve had time to think this through I see what a really dumb idea this was.”

  “Jackie,” he coaxed.

  She blew out her breath. “What?”

  “You’re playing games.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not a game player.”

  “Maybe not normally, but you are right now.” He pulled himself up on the bench seat. She couldn’t help noticing that he was still as hard as a steel rod.

  “We can discuss this like rational adults.” He patted the seat beside him. “No freaking out required.”

  “Fine.” She sat beside him. Crossed her legs. Forced herself not to look at his boner. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “You. Me. This.”

  “Do we really have to talk?”

  “I want you. Clearly you can see that.”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “And from that kiss, I surmise that you want me, as well.”

  “Wanted. I wanted you. It passed. I’m over it.”

  “Your nipples are still as hard as pebbles. I can see them through your bikini top.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Stop looking.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with having sexual desires.”

  “I never said there was.”

  “What are you so afraid of?”

  “Complications. I don’t do complications. I’m a single-minded grad student.”

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “No?”

  “You’re surprised?”

  “You just seem like the kind of guy who needs to take care of a woman. I don’t want to be taken care of. Other than in a sexual way.”

  “Jackie Birchard.” He held out his hand. “I’d love to dive down to the bottom of the sexual sea with you.”

  “That’s it? Nothing more?”

  “Nothing more.”

  “You won’t try to take care of me?”

  “Promise.” He kept his hand extended. “Hot sex. No strings attached, if that’s what you want. Agreed?”

  “No strings attached,” she echoed, sank her hands into his, feeling as if she’d gotten a great deal for a rock-bottom price.


  As Scott drove the boat to the Dry Tortugas, where he’d planned to spread out the picnic lunch he’d prepared for their outing, he couldn’t help feeling like he’d stepped off a high-diving board and was tumbling to the bottom of an endless sea. What was it about Jackie that pulled him down into a headlong descent?

  From his position behind the wheel, he sneaked a glance over at her.

  She sat on the bench seat beside him, her head thrown back, her eyes closed, gorgeous face upturned to catch the wind. Her long damp hair whipped wildly in the air. A faint smile tipped the corners of her mouth. She looked completely happy.


  His ravenous gaze traveled from her face down the column of her long, slender neck to the hollow of her throat. He could see her pulse beating strong and steady. He moistened his lips. His tongue still tingled from the heady taste of her. Salt and sea. It was his favorite flavor. He’d finally found a woman who loved the sea as much as he did. Maybe more. And he’d just vowed to keep their relationship strictly sexual.

  So what’s the problem?

  His gaze tracked lower, took in the gentle swell of her breasts beneath the functional black bikini. It wasn’t a particularly sexy swimsuit, but in Scott’s eyes she couldn’t have looked more like a pinup queen. Sweat popped out on his forehead and it wasn’t from the heat. The day was pleasant. Warm, but not hot. He brushed the back of his hand over his brow.

  Jackie shifted, her lithe body moving.

  Oh, hell. What had he gotten himself into?

  Her flat, taut belly had him wanting to spread the picnic over her skin and nibble it off.


  Yes. He was. His mind filled with images of all the things they could do with the food in the picnic basket. He imagined pouring champagne into the delicious scoop of a navel and then dipping fresh strawberries into it.


  His boner was back with a vengeance.

  He thought about the way she’d come at him earlier. Kissing him with such passion that she’d knocked him on his ass. The woman was a hurricane. She might be smart and keep herself isolated behind a wall of books and knowledge, but she had a wild streak that he was just itching to explore.

  “Are you still making love to me with your eyes?” she asked lazily, her own eyes closed.

  “How…” His voice cracked. “D-did you know?”

  “Please. You’re a man. I’m a half-naked woman. You do the math.”

  “You’re not timid about sex.”

  She arched her back. “What’s to be timid about? Sex is sex. As long as you don’t mistake it for something else, there’s nothing to be scared of.”

  Yeah, see, that was the thing. Scott could visualize this being about far more than just sex. At least for him.

  Then for hell’s sakes, Everly, don’t make love to her.

  But six months celibate, he was hurting so badly that he could barely think.

  Jackie opened one eye and studied him. “You look pale.”

  “Me?” He bluffed. “I’m fine.”

  “You sure?” A sly smile crinkled her eyes.

  She was so enticing. “Jackie…”

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “No.” He rushed to assure her. The thought that she’d withdraw her offer of an affair scared him more than the no-
strings-attached option. He could do this. He just had to have the right mindset. Three years ago he would have celebrated finding a woman who had no expectations from him beyond lots of orgasms. So why was he feeling conflicted now? What was it about her that scared him?

  Because you’ve never met a woman who intrigues you, challenges you and stirs you all at the same time.

  Okay, he would admit she was special. Anyone could see that. And the fact that he’d managed to break through at least the edge of her crusty outer shell was an accomplishment. He did not have to have feelings for her beyond sex.

  Sex. Yeah.

  Problem was, as long as they didn’t make love, he could walk away unscathed. But Scott knew himself. It wasn’t until after he’d done the deed with a woman those lusty feelings could turn tender.

  “About this no-strings-attached thing,” he murmured.

  “Changing your mind?” She sounded disappointed. Both of her perceptive blue eyes were on him now. Staring straight through him as if she knew everything he was thinking.

  “No, no.” His penis would never forgive him if he turned back when he had such a gorgeous, willing woman on his boat. “Not backtracking.”

  “What is it then?”

  “Shouldn’t we lay down some ground rules to…” He hesitated. He didn’t want to sound like an ass. “Um…prevent hurt feelings?”

  She sat up, caught sight of his boner, smiled smugly.

  Yes, yes, you’ve reduced me to my most basic instincts. Proud of yourself?

  “That’s sweet,” she said. “But don’t worry. I’m not going to fall for you.”

  That hurt his feelings a bit. “I was just worried about you.”

  “Worried that I’d fall in love with you?” She snorted.

  “No one said anything about love,” he retorted hastily. “But when things get intimate, people can sometimes feel possessive.”

  She shrugged. “Not me.”

  “Not ever?” He found that hard to believe.

  “Nope,” she said mildly. “But if ground rules make you feel better, then sure, why not. I’m fine with it. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m thinking no spending the night with each other. That can lead to increased intimacy.”

  “No problem. I get that. No spooning, no cuddling, no spending the entire night.”


  She seemed unfazed by his condition. “Anything else?”

  “Can we date other people?”

  “Of course.”

  “No long, deep intimate conversations.”

  “No worries there on my part.”

  He grinned. Where had she come from? “You do realize every man fantasizes about a woman like you.”

  She spread her arms wide. “Your fantasy is right in front of you, Scott Everly. Stop thinking so hard and just take advantage of me.”


  I was born ready.

  —Lieutenant Commander Scott Everly, United States Coast Guard

  EXCITEMENT BUZZED Jackie’s nerve endings. All her senses were heightened. The smell of the ocean teased her nose. Overhead, seagulls swirled, cawed. The sun dried her hair to unruly curls and Scott’s hot gaze blistered her like a glorious sunburn.

  It had been a long time since she’d felt so sexy and it was all due to the way he looked at her. As if she were a sea goddess just stepped from the surf and he was a shipwrecked sailor searching for salvation.

  Perfect day.

  It was a perfect day until they reached the island where Fort Jefferson stood and she spied the Sea Anemone anchored offshore.

  What was her father doing in the Tortugas? Last she heard he was in Bermuda.

  “Hey,” Scott said, “isn’t that your father’s boat?”

  A lump of dread stuck in her throat. She hadn’t seen him in almost a year and she wasn’t sure she was ready to see him now. “Yeah.”

  Scott beamed. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Oh, we’re not going over there.”

  He looked startled. “What do you mean? Of course we’re going over. He’s your dad.”

  “Guess what? I know that.”

  A concerned expression replaced his surprise. “But wouldn’t his feelings get hurt if he knew you were here and avoided him?”

  Jackie laughed. “Don’t worry. Nothing hurts his feelings.”

  The surprise was back.

  She waved a hand. “Our relationship is very complicated. Let’s just go have a picnic and then get out of here.”

  “I…” He stopped, shrugged. “Okay.”

  “Great, I’m starving.”

  He picked up the picnic basket and then extended a hand to help her out, but she ignored it. Jackie hopped into the shallow water where they’d anchored and sloshed toward the island. It was dotted with tourists who’d come to the isolated place for the interesting marine life.

  “Hey, wait for me.” Scott hurried to catch up.

  Jackie was feeling strangely breathless and it wasn’t from the exertion.

  The island was flat, small and almost treeless. Fort Jefferson dominated the majority of the space. Since it was Thursday there were only a few tourists. She headed for a spot under a lone palm tree far from the Anemone. Obviously, it wasn’t far enough. Just as Scott got the blanket spread out, a man came sauntering over.

  “Jacks! Is that you? I thought that was you.”

  Jackie blew out her breath and glanced over to see a blond man about her own age striding up to them. “Hello, Gary.”

  “You’re looking…” Gary raked a gaze over her. “Radiant.”

  She forced a smile. “What are you doing in the Dry Tortugas?”

  “I could ask you the same. Last I heard you were in Key West searching for the missing Key blenny.”

  She held her arms wide. “Day off.”

  A shocked expression lifted Gary’s hay-colored eyebrows. “You? Taking a day off?” He mock staggered, clutched his heart. “It’s the end of the world as we know it.”

  “Scott Everly,” Scott said, coming over with his hand outthrust.

  “Gary Howard.” Gary shook Scott’s hand. “And you are—”

  “With Jackie. And who are you?” Scott draped an arm over her shoulder. It was all she could do to keep from shaking him off. What was this possessive crap he was pulling?

  “Gary is my replacement.” Jackie crossed her arms over her chest, the weight of Scott’s arm heavy on her shoulders. “Gary, Scott is Coast Guard.”

  “Oh, really?” He sounded unimpressed. “I’m Jack Birchard’s head research assistant.”

  “Speaking of the great Jack, where is Father?”

  Gary’s smile wavered. “He’s in Paris, at the symposium on global warming.”

  “Ah,” Jackie said. “When the cat’s away the mice will play. That’s what you’re doing in the Tortugas. On your own pet project.”

  The guilty expression on Gary’s face told her that she’d nailed it.


  “Or did he send you down here to spy on me?”

  Gary snorted. “Please. You’re no longer in his orbit.”

  That was probably true, but it still hurt to hear it. “You’re not going to impress him, you know,” Jackie said. “He doesn’t give a damn about your independent study.”

  “Actually—” Gary looked like the cat who had eaten the proverbial canary “—that’s what I’m counting on.”

  “Well, it’s been nice talking to you, Gary,” Jackie supplied. “Tell the old man I’m alive and feeling fine. In case he cares.”

  “Where are you off to?” Gary raked a gaze over her.

  “We’re about to have a picnic.”

  Gary shook his head. “Is this a sign of the apocalypse? Jackie Birchard picnicking on a day off?”

  “Maybe it is,” Jackie tossed over her shoulder as she walked back to the blanket under the palm tree.

  “Good luck with the Key blenny,” Gary called as he walked away.
/>   Scott joined her on the blanket. “What in the hell was that all about?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s obviously something. You look mad enough to eat nails.”

  “Then give me a sandwich so that I don’t have to eat nails.”

  “You used to be your father’s head researcher?”

  “I did. Gary was his number two.”

  “What happened?”

  “Let’s see, if I remember correctly, you and I had just set up some ground rules and no intimate conversations was one of those rules.”

  Scott exhaled, raised his palms. “Okay. I didn’t mean to stir up a hornet’s nest.”

  “Look. I don’t need for you to worry about my relationship with my father. He’s not a normal guy. We’re not a normal family.”

  “I’d sort of already figured that one out.”

  “Great then, let’s eat. What have you got?”

  He peered into the basket. “Sandwiches. Tuna fish, pimento cheese or turkey.”

  “I’ll take the pimento cheese.”

  He handed her the sandwich and in the process, their fingers brushed.

  The heat of contact sent a jolt of awareness shooting up her arm. She shot him a sideways glance. His eyes were half-closed, a lazy smile tipped his lips.

  “Got a couple of beers.” He held up two longnecks dripping with icy water. “You interested?”

  “It’s only noon.”

  “One beer. It’s your day off.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, accepted the beer he offered.

  They ate in companionable silence, enjoying the moment, savoring the food and the company. Jackie’s mind traveled, as it usually did, to things beneath the sea. She recalled the fish they’d seen while snorkeling. It made her feel soft and warm and happy inside.

  “What are you thinking about?” Scott asked. “The jewelfish?”

  She broke into a big smile, dusted sandwich crumbs from her fingers. “How did you know?”

  “You might have a complex brain, Jackie Birchard, but you’re not that hard to read.” He glanced out at the ocean, then his gaze tracked back to rove over her bikini-clad body.

  Her treacherous pulse quickened and she studied his angular features. He looked as if he’d just tumbled out of bed, his hair wildly mussed from where it had dried on the boat ride over, his eyes sultry and suggestive.


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