Omega & Love (Alpha & Omega Book 2)

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Omega & Love (Alpha & Omega Book 2) Page 9

by K. Webster

When he releases us, I’m more confused than I was when we arrived. It’s as if we’ve accomplished nothing. The moment Luc asks about how the assignment is going, I’m afraid we’ll be had.

  What exactly will happen when he discovers we aren’t doing our jobs?

  Will he toss us into his closet of fucking horrors? Or worse?

  I will kill him before I let him touch a hair on her head. I’m not really sure if the Devil can be killed, but I will die trying.

  “Let’s get home,” I tell her as we walk toward the HEL.

  She finds my hand with hers, and I sense my anxiety within her. I squeeze her hand and silently convey to her that I will find a way for us to be together. Her tight grip back tells me that she hopes I can.

  I can and I will.

  “I’ll never fall in love,” I grumble as I stretch out on my cot. Tonight, I wish I had more than the standard government-issue blanket. Even though I’m still fully clothed in my fatigues and boots, a shiver crawls up my spine.

  Connor laughs. “I didn’t fall in love.”

  I roll over to face him. He’s holding a picture of Lark and staring like a fool at it. I may tell him that I’ll never fall for anyone, but it doesn’t mean that, deep down, I don’t wish for what he has. It makes him seem weaker and stronger all at the same time.

  “You don’t love Lark? That’s news to me,” I tell him gruffly.

  Meyers, who’s on the other side of me, huffs something to the tune of, “Shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”

  I flip him off over my shoulder and stay fixated on the conversation with my best friend.

  Connor sighs and lies on his side to face me. “Love fell in me. It fucking possessed me, Drew. The moment I saw her looking so pissed off at the world and sexy as hell in her bizarre-ass clothes, I knew. But then,” he chuckles. “Then she spoke.”

  I furrow my brow at him and look at him expectantly. “And?”

  He flashes me a grin. “And it was as if she’d cut open my chest and poured herself into me. Love fell into me, and I’ve never let go. It was just so easy and right. God, I fucking miss her.”

  We haven’t been stationed in Afghanistan long, but every night, the longing for his wife intensifies. If I had my way in this world, I would end this war and ship his ass back home. It’s where he belongs—with his love.

  I lie back and attempt to relax. What would it feel like to love someone the way he loves Lark—so wholly?

  I think I would feel fractured and fragile. Brittle, even. Your heart depends on them doing their part to keep it beating. A lot of trust would go into that, and I don’t know that I could ever trust someone that deeply. I mean, I trust Connor with my goddamned life and I love him like a brother, but to put that type of love mixed with passion and sex into a woman? That would make me incredibly vulnerable.

  “Goodnight, Romeo,” I tease as I close my eyes.

  The man sees through my playful front and ignores my comment. “Love will fall into you one day. And when it does, fight for it, brother. Every step of the damn way. Walk through fire for her, slay dragons for her, and forsake everything for her. Love will be worth it.”

  “I’ll work up some notes and take them to Luc,” Love states, startling me from another memory.

  Love will be worth it.

  She is staring at me, her back against the door to her suite. Her brown eyes sparkle with a beauty as pure as heaven above. Love isn’t the woman I started this journey with—she is becoming something so much more.

  “I don’t want you going alone,” I murmur and slide a hand around her waist.

  Back when I was training to be an SG and she was a Leviathan fucking shit up, touching her was easy. The moment my flesh connected with hers, my nerve endings flared with life. She was every bit as intoxicating as any drug or vice. And now… Now, she fucking consumes me.

  “Omega, I’m a better liar,” she tells me. “Luc will want a full report, and I’m going to have to bullshit him. You wear your thoughts and emotions on the outside where everyone can view them freely. And while I love that part of you, I also hate it. It makes you vulnerable.”

  Tears swim in her eyes, and I pull her against my chest.

  “It scares the hell out of me that he will find out you’re not like him or Corson or any of the bastards around here. And once he figures that out…” She sighs heavily. “I’m terrified of what he’ll do.”

  Thoughts of Luc’s fucking horror closet fill me, making me want to vomit. “If he hurts you, Love, so help me, I’ll kill him.”

  Her laugh is hollow—one of bitter resignation. “You can’t kill the Devil, Omega. Get that through your head right now. No matter how angry you are or pissed off at him, he’ll always be stronger and more wicked. The best we can do is hope that he won’t do anything rash.”

  I slip my fingers around her ponytail and tug at it, tilting her head back so I can look at her. Her mouth opens, and I want her so damn badly. Everything. Not just her body or her lips or her perseverance. I want her heart. All of it.

  Dipping my mouth to hers, I kiss her. Softly at first, but then her hands are on my chest—clutching and pulling at me. An internal fire begins to flame, and with each sweet plunge of her tongue into my mouth, it grows.

  “Make love to me, Omega. Please.”

  Her voice is so innocent and fragile. I want to cloak her being with my strong one and protect her very essence.

  I growl and reach behind her for the doorknob. Once I open it, there’s a flurry of clothes being torn off along the way to her bedroom. The moment we’re inside her room, I kick the door closed as she crawls onto the bed. Her caramel-colored ass is smooth and round. I’m dying to taste and nibble on her.

  It’s been so damn long.

  Once she settles and peers back at me with wild, unsure eyes, my cock thickens fully. The woman before me is her true self. She wants this every bit as much as I do. As I prowl over to her, her chest rises and falls in a rapid cadence. Our hearts must beat with mutual need, because mine is about to explode out of my fucking chest.

  I crawl over her body, relishing in the way her breath hitches at my touch, and settle myself to cover her curvy frame. Resting my cock against her belly, I slip my arms under her and bring my mouth close to hers.

  “You promised we could talk.”

  Frustration morphs her features, and I want to groan at having brought this up now, knowing both of us want to make love more than anything. But, that can wait. I need to talk to her.

  “Tell me what happened, Love. Today, with Father Owen.”

  Her brown eyes pool with tears, and her lower lip trembles. I press a soft kiss there and then look back down at her.

  She sighs heavily, but she’s resigned herself to talking. “Prior to this life, before I was a Leviathan named Lovenia, I was a nun named Lillian.”

  My eyebrows cinch together. A nun. I nearly chuckle when my cock twitches at the memory of seeing her in the habit earlier today.

  “Anyway, I worked at a Catholic orphanage after my mother passed away from cancer. I wanted to help people and serve God—just as she would have wanted.” A smile plays at her lips, and I smile too. Though I can’t remember my own mother yet, I hope that memory comes soon. “And those boys were so sweet. Father Paul had said we were their family. I took my job seriously, and I felt as if they were all my children.”

  Love shines on her face so purely that this becomes my new favorite moment with her. This woman lived for those kids.

  So, how’d she end up at HEL Enterprises?

  “But one day, I discovered that Father Paul was not fatherly at all like he claimed to be. In fact, he was a monster.” Her chin quivers, and behind the sadness is a blinding rage so fierce that I’m shocked into silence. “He hurt those children, Omega,” she whispers as tears roll out of her eyes. “So I took matters into my own hands. I let him hurt me instead.”

  I growl, ready to punch holes in the goddamned walls. The very thought of someone hurting Love make
s me insane.

  “At first, he spanked me. He fucking spanked me! Every day, he would whip me until I was bloody and bruised. Yet I endured it. If he was hurting the kids, I wanted to take their place. I wanted to protect them.”

  Despite my blistering rage for the Father, I place soft kisses all over her mouth and chin. She’s opening her guarded soul to me and allowing me in. And I’m fucking falling hard into it.

  “One day, he changed things up. Instead of whipping me like I’d expected, he raped me, Omega. He took my innocence. It obliterated my sanity. He was supposed to be Godly and good yet he was evil—a fucking monster!”

  Her chest thumps wildly against mine. The words spewing from her mouth are dark and vile, and I want to kiss her so she won’t tell me any more. It’s too sickening.

  “And when I came across one of the children, Daniel, I realized he was still hurting people. There was only one way to stop Father Paul.”

  “To kill him,” we say in unison.

  I would have done the same goddamned thing.

  “So, why did you end up at HEL? They should have given you a fucking medal, not punished you,” I snarl.

  “There were casualties,” she sobs. “Please, I can’t talk about it anymore.”

  “Shh, Love. It’s okay. You’re safe now, and you’re here with me. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me, no matter how fucking difficult that was. I love you, baby, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  When her hand grips my cock, I nearly come from the touch of it. All of those other women I slept with in order to forget about this multifaceted vixen beneath me were just a ploy. She was always in the forefront of my mind, and I never forgot about her. As she guides my cock to the entrance of her pussy, my eyes roll back in bliss. I never thought we would be together again.

  I slam myself into her tight heat, and she screams out in pleasure. We may fuck like wild animals, but now, as I buck into her, something is different—this time, our hearts are heavily involved. As I own every inch of her flesh with my touches and kisses, she hands over pieces of her soul to me.

  “I love you, Omega. I’m so sorry,” she cries as we make love.

  “It’s in the past, baby.”

  “I didn’t want to make you do that—forsake everything. My actions were lies and my heart ached when I did that to you, but you must understand,” she moans as I thrust deeper into her. “Everything I did was for something bigger—something good, Omega. You were a part of that—still are. You just didn’t know that then. Please know that, when it comes to you, I become distracted from the plan, and somehow, I think that makes me evil. I don’t want to be evil.” She pants harder and harder as her orgasm nears.

  “You fucking broke me, Love. Shattered my soul. But now that you finally let me see you, baby, I know. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you could never be evil. Someone wise once told me that I had to slay dragons and walk through fire for the one I love. I killed once for you, and I’d do it a hundred times more. Baby doll, I’ll kill the Devil in his own fucking lair to protect you—even if that gets me a one-way ticket to his horror closet. You’ll always be worth it. Love, you fell into my heart, and I’m not ever gonna let you go.”

  The embittered wall between us finally obliterates.

  Into a million fucking pieces.

  As we both lose ourselves to the best orgasms of our lives, I pull her close to me and submit to her. I hand my heart and soul over to the woman beneath me. With no lies or deception between us, we’re free to love.

  In HEL, where love isn’t allowed, my angel and I break the fucking rules.

  And it feels great.

  Now, I just have to get rid of one little thing that stands in my way.

  Luc I. Furr.


  The moment I see his text, fear consumes me.

  Luc: I’m coming to see you.


  “Omega,” I hiss as I run my fingers through his curls and wave my phone at him. “You have to leave. Luc is on his way!”

  He growls and lifts his head to see my phone screen. We fell asleep after an emotional lovemaking session, but now, I am wide awake. I’m having trouble shaking the terror of this text off.

  “Fuck that! I’m staying here with you. Remember what happened last time you were with him? He fucked you and pickled your brain. I’m not going fucking anywhere!”

  Panic seizes me. This is exactly why I shouldn’t have gotten close to Omega. He’s too damn hotheaded to properly handle Luc. Luc will destroy him, and I can’t have that.

  Trying a different tactic, I climb on top of him and cup his clenching jaw with my palms. “Look at me,” I order. “You and I have the opportunity to be more. But there are things that need to happen. Dealing with Luc is one of them. I have been under his thumb for long enough, watching, and I know what sets him off—what makes him tick. It is crucial that you let me be the Leviathan I am. Please, Omega. Do this for us. Leave before he gets here. Let me spin my lies and work my magic. So much relies on our success. Remember what Pallas said? He said that Luc absolutely cannot find out. If you love me and trust Pallas, let me handle Luc.”

  His palms slide up my bare thighs, and he squeezes them in a loving way. “I’m fucking worried as hell he’ll hurt you, baby.”

  I sigh and blink tears away. Omega loves hard, and without my normal shield in place, he dizzies me with it.

  “I won’t let him. However, be prepared. I may need to take whatever means necessary to keep him distracted from what’s going on behind the scenes.” My stomach roils at the prospect of what I may need to do.

  “Are you going to fuck him?” he spits out.

  My face crumbles at his reproaching words.

  He draws me to him. “I’m sorry, Love, but it makes me fucking crazy to fathom the idea of him touching you.”

  With his caresses, he calms me. Then, finally, I lift up again and peer into his dark, expressive eyes.

  “I will never fuck him out of my own want or desire, Omega. He may fuck me if that is where it leads. Everything relies on him trusting me. Don’t you see? I’m going to find out as much as I can so that I can pass it on to Pallas.”

  His eyes become murderous. “If he fucks you, I’ll slit his fucking throat.”

  My heart throbs in my chest, and for once in a really long time, I don’t know what to do about the entire situation. “Omega, please. Let me do my job. I promise you’ll be in the forefront of my every thought at all times. I’m doing this ultimately for a higher goal—one that could mean a greater life for the two of us. This can only be attained if I am one hundred percent Leviathan.”

  “I can’t give you permission to let him fuck and use you, Love. You’re fucking crazy if you think I’ll allow that.”

  The walls are beginning to erect themselves. Brick by tired brick.

  “Omega, you don’t understand—”

  “No. Don’t fuck him. End of discussion.”

  I gape at him before swallowing my hurt. “You don’t own me. I’ll do whatever I goddamn please.”

  When I go to scramble off him, his massive hands clamp over my hips and he imprisons me close to him.

  “I will cut his fucking head off, Love. Then what? What happens when I kill Luc? Does HEL crumble into itself?”

  I shake my head at him. “You can’t kill him. Don’t you see? He will slaughter you so fast that you won’t know what hit you.”

  His lips press into a firm line, and his teeth grind together. “I will die trying, baby.”

  “Omega, you need to leave. He’ll be here any minute.”

  “Promise me you won’t sleep with him,” he growls as he flips me over onto my back. Then he enters me in one quick thrust.

  For a moment, I have nothing to say. With each powerful pound into me, I forget about my tasks and Luc and Pallas. All I can think about is him. Owning me. Kissing me. Loving me.

  “Say it, Love. Promise me you won’t let him fuck you. This pussy is

  But I can’t promise that. I’m done lying to him. And if I need to sleep with Luc to keep things smooth, I will have to do it.


  My conscious rattles my whole being, and suddenly, I’m petrified. If I can’t be the luscious, lying Lovenia while in Luc’s presence, he’ll fillet me.

  “I love you, Omega. And I am going to try my hardest to find other ways to deceive him. Trust me that you’ll be in my heart no matter what. If you love me”—a moan rips through me as I near my climax—“I-if you love me, please leave and don’t try to kill Luc on the way out.”

  He grumbles but doesn’t argue. Soon, we’re both unraveling in each other’s arms. The moment his cock stops throbbing within me, I push him off me.

  “Time to go.”

  His eyes search mine. I hope he can see not only the love I have for him, but also the determination to do an incredibly difficult job that impacts others.

  “I need you to be my partner, Omega. Trust me.”

  He doesn’t answer me while he dresses. Finally, he strides over to me fully clothed and gathers me in his arms. We kiss softly, and with it, his trust in me surges through it.

  “Call me the moment he leaves,” he instructs as he pulls away from me.

  I nod as I pick up the T-shirt of his I wore yesterday off the floor. Then I pull it over my naked body so I can walk him to the door. A knock at the door makes me jump. Omega’s entire body goes rigid, and I pray to God that he doesn’t snap. All it takes is one wrong move and we could be joining the existence in the basement.

  “Be careful,” he growls.

  I kiss him quickly and then shove him toward the door.

  He flings the front door open and glares at Luc. Luc’s eyes briefly study Omega before flicking over to me. Then they skitter up my bare legs for a long moment. I try not to quiver in fear.

  “Omega? Are you not staying for the debriefing?” he questions with a dark eyebrow raised.

  Omega shoulders past him. “I have an angel named Bosefus to piss off. I’m sure Lovenia will fill you in.”

  I choke down the relief that Omega didn’t lose his cool. Once I realize he is going to make it out alive, I slam my mask into place.


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