Signs of Innocence (Soul of the Sinner - Book 4)

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Signs of Innocence (Soul of the Sinner - Book 4) Page 1

by Rumer Raines

  Signs of Innocence

  Rumer Raines

  Copyright 2018 Rumer Raines

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

























  People pretty much hear what they want to hear, see what they want to see, believe what they want to believe. I guess I fell into that trap as well, I wanted to believe that this girl didn’t just see me put a bullet in his head.

  I thought this was a safe place. I drove him around for almost thirty minutes. I pulled my gun and told him to get out of the car. It was dark and there was no one around. The minute I pulled the trigger I heard a gasp. I turned, and saw her staring at me wide eyed. She was in shock and I had to admit, I was too. I had been doing this for so many years that I finally got careless. I become arrogant and made the biggest fucking mistake that I could ever make. She was wearing a black leather coat and a pink waitress dress. Her dark hair was pulled back and she had on black rimmed glasses. I know she is about to turn around and run so I make note of every inch of her and what she is wearing. I’ll need to track her ass down later. I don’t have time now; I need to get rid of this body.

  I slowly move towards the body, but I don’t turn my back on her. She is still standing there and If I am lucky she’ll be there when I stick his body in my trunk. It will make my life easier if I can stick her in there too. The minute I lean over to pick him up, she runs.

  My life just got complicated. I toss this deadbeat into my trunk and I head to one of our construction sites where I dump him into the deepest hole I can find. My men tell me that they’ll be pouring the cement first thing in the morning. I head back to my car wondering how in the hell I am going to find the girl, the only witness.

  I don’t know why, but I find myself driving in circles near the alley. I doubt that she would have hung around in the same area, but I can only hope. As expected I don’t see any signs of her. Luckily, I noticed that she was wearing some pink waitress dress, which means she works at some diner. She was also walking down the fucking alley, so the restaurant must be in the area. Chicago has a lot of restaurants, but how many make their waitresses wear pink dresses? It almost looked like a dress from the fucking sixties.

  I drove around for almost two hours looking for her. I should have grabbed her when I see her. There was no way the body was going to move and there was no one else around. I could have easily grabbed the girl, knocked her ass out and stuck her in the trunk with my other victim. I sigh when the thought occurs to me because I don’t know if I would have been able to do that either. I have killed many, but I have never killed a woman. Killing woman is against the hidden Deluca codes. We have lines that no matter what, we don’t cross. We don’t sell drugs, we don’t harm kids and we never hurt women. I almost think we need to get rid of these values, because I am sure other families use this against us when they can. I can’t count how many times women are in our territory selling drugs. We can always tell which family sent them, just by looking at them. We’ll take away their drugs and normally I will threaten and scare the hell out of them.

  I barely sleep as I think about the girl in the pink dress. How the hell am I going to tell Alex and Frank that I left a witness? They will want her found and will want me to deal with her immediately. Tomorrow morning I’ll start to look for her and when I find her…. I’ll make sure she doesn’t talk.

  “Did everything go smoothly last night Thomas?” Frank ask, and I nod turning to glance at Alex and Oliver who are also in our Friday morning meeting. When Frank took over the family one of his big ideas was Friday meetings. None of us like the meetings or feel we need them. We all know our places and we do them well. At least I normally do, until last night. I feel six eyes staring at me as Frank moves on to questioning Alex about the bar.

  I barely listen to the conversation because I am too busy thinking about the big fat lie I just told. Last night didn’t go smoothly. I left a fucking witness, a woman of all things. If It would have been a man I could have shot him and buried two for one. It had to be a woman and touching her goes against code. When Frank finally dismisses us, like were fucking kids I head out. I have a few hours before I need to be here, so I decide to go sightseeing on the East side.

  I park my car and walk glancing at all the restaurants in the area. None of them look like the kind of place that would make their waitresses wear pink dresses from the sixties. I walk into a small diner and ask for a cup of coffee. When the waitress comes back with the coffee, I glance at her noticing that she is wearing all black. I sigh realizing that this isn’t the place, not that I thought It was.

  When she asks if there is anything else she can get me, I nod. I ask her if there are any restaurants in the area that makes their waitresses wear pink dresses? She smiles and tells me that it sounds like I am talking about the “Pink Cup”.

  I leave the waitress a fifty-dollar tip and leave the restaurant with the map. I didn’t understand why she offered a map, until I looked at it. The Pink Cup is three blocks away, squeezed between two other restaurants. It doesn’t even look like it belongs there. I don’t know how the place could even still be in business? When I finally find the Pink Cup, I stop and stare at it. The other restaurants are crowded, with people waiting to get in and the Pink Cup has no customers.

  I walk in and go straight to the first empty table I see. I had plenty to choose from, they were all empty. There are three waitresses standing around and they watch in shock as I take a seat. I stare at the little dirty table in disgust and I hear my boots as I try to move them against the sticky floor. The Pink Cup is disgusting, and I can see why there are no other customers. There are menus already on the table, so I grab one and notice the eggs stuck to it. I groan as I lay the menu back down and take another one, which is just as bad. I can only assume the health department hasn’t caught on to this place yet.

  “What can I get you?” A blond waitress asks as two others stare at us

  “What’s your special?” I ask and she takes a few minutes before responding. I glance at her and her eyes have darkened, and I can tell she is clenching her thighs together. I quickly notice how attractive she is and if I wasn’t here for business, I would have her in my backseat by now. I order the French toast sticks along with the eggs even though I am not hungry. I sit patiently waiting for my food to arrive and hope that the girl from the alley shows up.

  I somehow manage to force myself to eat the French toast and most of the eggs. I am the only customer that has been here and the waitress all continue to stare at me in amazement. I almost wonder if they are staring at me because they are shocked I am eating the food? I admit, I am shocked too. When the waitress fina
lly brings the bill, I question her if there are other waitresses that work here. She nods her head and advises that they are only the morning crew. When I start to question her on the night crew her eyes grow suspicious. I ask her about a girl that is her height, but has long dark hair and wears black rimmed glasses. She sighs and asks me why I am asking about her. The blond is protective of her, which is almost cute. However, I don’t have time to play games with her.

  “We met last night, but I didn’t catch her name. I was hoping to see her again.” I tell her, and her suspicious eyes again narrow.

  “She normally closes.” She tells me before she walks away with the bill.


  I have been as shaky as a leaf during high winds after last night. I keep replaying the scene and seeing that poor man being killed. I knew I should have changed my schedule months ago at the Pink Cup. I hate closing, but you get paid more when you work the crappy shift. It would help if I still had my car, but you adjust when the repo man shows up in the middle of the night.

  I finger through the dollar bills that are in my wallet trying to determine if I have enough money for a cab. I normally walk to the diner, but after last night I am afraid too. I keep seeing those dark brown eyes staring at me. I am surprised that he didn’t run after me, since I am a witness. The worst part is he was so fucking hot. I can’t believe I am even thinking about how hot the guy was, he murdered someone in an alley for goodness sake. What is wrong with me? I know what is wrong with me, it’s been too long since I have had sex. Who has time for sex when you’re trying to figure out how you’ll pay rent? I live above a fucking bar and I still can barely afford it.

  If my life didn’t already suck… I witnessed a murder. Why is the universe being so cruel to me? I put my wallet away realizing that my options are cab or food. I jump at every noise I hear on the way to the diner. I wonder if that guy is looking for me? This is Chicago and if there is one thing I have seen on the news witnesses do disappear. Maybe I should hope he finds me? It would only take me out of my misery.

  When I walk into the Pink Cup the other girls are standing around staring into space. There aren’t any customers, but there are barely ever any customers. I am not even sure how we manage to stay open. I work the closing shift and we normally only get 4-5 customers a night. Most of them are high and on drugs so they barely eat anything at all. Nikki gives me a big phony smile as she approaches, and I put my purse behind the register. I narrow my eyes at her and she starts telling me that a hot guy was at the diner looking for me earlier. My heart starts to race as I think back to the previous night and the thought occurs to me that I was wearing my waitress uniform. I stare at the ceiling remembering how my parents always said I was stupid. They would just love hearing that I walked into an alley and saw someone being killed. I sometimes blame myself that they are alcoholics. If only I was smarter or funnier as a kid, just maybe they would have been more interested in me than in the Jack Daniels.

  My brother Henry was lucky, he got out when he could. Henry ran away from home when he was fifteen and my parents never bothered looking for him. I wish I would have gone with him. I wish he would have invited me along, but he didn’t. He was just like my parents in that way, he was selfish.

  Nikki clears her throat to get my attention and I turn my attention back to her. She advises that the guy that was in looking for me was very attractive. I ask her what he looked like and she tells me he was at least six feet tall, had black hair and the most amazing brown eyes. She tells me that he had that sexy just didn’t shave five o’clock shadow and then explains that he mentioned he’ll be back. My head snaps back when she mentions that he said he would be back. Nikki’s description sounds like that guy from the alley.

  I rub my stomach mentioning to Nikki that I am starting to feel sick. Nikki rolls her eyes and tells me that she refuses to put in a double shift for me today. I talk to the other girls and practically beg them to work for me, but none of them are takers. I guess the theory of being a team only applies when they need something. I can’t be here when this guy comes back in. Is he coming to kill me too? I don’t think any of the girls will care if he does. I’ll most likely die on this sticky ass floor and they’ll step over me when their shift ends. I close my eyes wondering how long my body lay here? Silently I start to pray that my last breath isn’t taken at the Pink Cup.

  Stan Irwin is the worst boss any person can ever have. He is this bald, out of shape jerk that always looks at every girl that works here the wrong way. He never looks you in the eyes, he talks to your chest and I have often had to point out where my eyes are located. There are two other waitresses here tonight and I have asked him several times if I can go home early. I keep thinking about Nikki telling me the killer will be back to see me and I need to get the hell out of here. Stan keeps telling me that it will get busy and that I need to keep my ass at work. After asking him for the third time if I can just leave, he reminds me that I need a job. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right I do need the job. I fight back the tears as I stare at my two co-workers. Stan lets these two bitches get away with everything. One of them comes in late daily and uses sick days like they are extra vacation days. The other girl has worked for Stan from day One and I am shocked she finds her way to the door at night. I suppose I am needed here tonight; I am really the only working employee he has on this shift.

  I daydream about strangling Stan with my own two hands when I hear a gasp. My co-worker Tina leans towards me whispering that the hottest man that has ever walked into the Pink Cup, just came in. I turn around and she is correct. He is the hottest man that has entered the diner. He stops and looks directly at me. He’s at least six feet and has dark hair that is cut short. The guy has a dark beard and he’s wearing a white t-shirt and jeans and a short leather coat. His eyes narrow on me as I stare back at him. I know exactly who he is. I push my glasses further up and he tilts his head. He recognizes me too…It’s the killer from last night.

  His eyes never leave mine as he heads directly to the table and when he pulls off his jacket I see his arms are covered in tattoos. It’s odd that the laziest waitress approaches him first and he shakes his head and nods towards me. She turns her back to him and walks over to tell me that he wants to talk to me. I take a deep breath as I stare at him. He again nods his head for me to come to his table, but my feet are stuck to the very spot I am standing. I don’t think I can do this. I don’t want to do this. Is he here to kill me too? I feel a slight push at my back and I start to slowly walk to his table. Once I am standing next to him, he nods at the chair that is across from him and I shake my head.

  “Sit down.” His brows set in a straight line. I can’t help but notice it doesn’t sound like he’s asking. I shake my head again.

  “I won’t tell you again.” His eyebrow raised in amused contempt. I look at my two lazy co-workers who are watching me and I slowly move to the other side of the table. I pull out the chair and I slowly sit down as I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. They are beautiful, but they are hard. I stare into them wondering how many people he has killed? How many people has he watched the life being drained out of?

  “Last night you were in the wrong place and seen something you shouldn’t have.” He reminds me, and I glance back at the other girls wondering if they can hear him. He hits his fists against the table and I jump hoping it doesn’t fall apart. This isn’t a first-rate diner with nice furniture after all.

  “Are you listening to me? I don’t have all fucking night.” He said matter-of-factly

  “Yes. I won’t say anything. I swear.” I promise, and his eyes narrow on me as his eyes fall to my chest

  “Listen…. Hannah… the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt a woman. But there are first times for everything. I have connections at the police station and if I even think you walked past the station, I will have no other choice…”

  I stop him before he continues as I suddenly feel sick that I wore my damn name tag over to the
table. How stupid can I be?

  “I won’t say anything.” I slowly repeat as I stare into the coldest eyes I have ever seen

  The chair squeaks as he sits back and continues to stare at me. He glances around the restaurant and I notice that his eyes widen as he looks at something behind me. I turn to see Stan practically stomping out of the back and heads straight to the table

  “Am I paying you to sit down?!” he yells, and I jump up and start to apologize as the killer stands to his feet

  “Hey… This is the second time today I have been here and both times I was the only customer. I hardly think her sitting down and talking to your only customer is a problem. Maybe if you had better customer service it would increase your business. Your food sure as hell won’t.” the killer advises and Stan sucks in a breath as if he is shocked he was talked to in that manner. He narrows his eyes at me and stomps away.

  The hot killer sits down and nods for me to sit and I glance back towards the kitchen and retake my seat. I fight back my small smile at seeing Stan being talked to like that. I am really the only waitress that even attempts to give him an attitude. The other girls kiss his ass like they get paid extra to do it.

  “How long have you worked here?” he asks

  “Too long” I reply

  “Look Mr.…Killer… I promise you that I won’t talk. I can only give you my word.” I promise, and I look up to find him fighting back a small smile

  “Fred. Please call me Fred. I will be keeping my eye on you Hannah.” He threatens as he walks away.

  “HANNAH COFE… I WANT TO SEE YOU BEFORE YOU LEAVE!” Stan shouts from the kitchen and I close my eyes before looking back at my happier than usual co-workers. Why wouldn’t they be happy? They know I am in trouble.


  The minute I am out of that shitty ass diner, I head straight for Deluca’s. I already had someone else doing the job I should have been doing. I had no choice, I had to find that damn girl. I was so relieved that she was at the diner. It told me two things; I wouldn’t have to keep looking for her and she isn’t already signed up for witness protection. The minute I laid eyes on her I felt my cock stiffen. I hadn’t realized how beautiful she was that night in the alley. I guess when you have just killed someone and there is body at your feet, shit gets overlooked.


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