Payne: A Bad Boy Romance: (With bonus book Mine)

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Payne: A Bad Boy Romance: (With bonus book Mine) Page 30

by Kim Linwood

  Elena nods. She looks down at me. “Must be sad knowing you have no chance today.”

  “Why do you say that?” I ask through clenched teeth, tempted to work my ass off to win just to spite her.

  “Oh, just that there’s no way they’ll let the same person win twice in a row. Bad for ratings.”

  Blaze claps his hands. “Ladies! I’m sure you’re all wondering what’s going to happen, but I will begin by assuring you that while there might be a little wrestling involved, there is definitely no mud. I’m sure that’ll disappoint one or two of you.” He grins at me and Bianca.

  “Last time, it was a test of physical strength and agility. This time… you can set those aside. Today’s contest I’m sure you’ve all practiced plenty for. We’re going to play… the kissing game!” His tone rises at the end along with the volume, while he holds his hands out dramatically like a circus ringmaster.

  The what?

  “One by one, each contestant will approach this lucky man while he’s blindfolded, and give him her best kiss. Hands at your sides ladies, but I want to see you give it your all. By the time you girls are done, I want to have to scoop this guy off the floor!”

  Hunter has a broad smile plastered to his face, but his eyes flick to me. The memory of his hands on my bare skin, and his lips on mine heat me up faster than the sun ever could. Nothing we do here could come close to that.

  “The hottest kiss will win, and the two poorest, dullest, saddest kisses will get sent home.” He pouts for the camera. “Our sexy bachelor will be blindfolded for the whole event so he can’t affect the results. This is a test of your ability to show how good of a kisser you are.”

  Kissing Hunter shouldn’t be a problem.

  Keeping our clothes on seems to be the problem.

  “To make this interesting, I’ll be the one judging this contest. So it’s not just about technique—you’re going to have to make it look good too. Anyway, time’s a-wastin’, let’s get kissin’” The woman who gave kayak instructions stands next to him, holding a long black piece of silk. “Sheila, would you do the honors?”

  She grins and pulls out a chair for Hunter to sit on. He gives us all a smile, and then she binds the silk around his eyes. “Can you see anything?” Sheila waves her hand in front of his face. Hunter shakes his head. “Good.” She gives him a peck on the cheek and everyone laughs.

  Blaze wags his finger at her. “Hey now, that one didn’t count!”

  All eight of us line up, many of the girls really hamming it up for the cameras, reapplying their lipstick and blowing kisses.

  Blaze puts himself in a good position to watch. “Well, Hunter, I hope you’ve applied plenty of lip balm, because the beautiful ladies in front of you are all dying to engage you in a battle of tongues.”

  Hunter licks his lips. “I’m good to go.”

  “Remember, the no touching rules goes both ways. No wandering hands to search for clues.”

  “Got it.”

  Elena is the first one up. She approaches with a sway to her hips as if he’s watching, her heels clacking on the stone floor. Maybe she’s hoping he’ll recognize her by the sound. She settles herself comfortably on his lap and leans in close.

  I want to run over there and tear her away from him, and she’s not even kissing him yet. I have no right to Hunter. When he finds out what’s going on, he’ll boot me right off the island, but until that happens, I can’t help the way I feel.

  Their lips touch, and my fists clench at my sides.

  My nails dig into my palms, sharp spikes of pain to distract me from an unexpected surge of jealousy.



  As soon as her breasts smack into my chest, I know it’s Elena.

  I start off cautiously, but her tongue flicks my lips like a viper preparing to strike. This woman kisses like she’s going to war. It might almost be fun if she’d been someone else. Like Liz. Elena wiggles in my lap, and my arms jerk as I resist the urge to shove her away.

  Thinking about Liz turns out to be a bad idea. Elena notices my interest rising and parts her lips, expecting me to follow. I do, but only enough to keep up appearances. Even without seeing her face, I can tell she’s disappointed.

  Sorry, babe, but yours aren’t the lips I’m looking for. Please move along.

  More follow, one after another. Some are sweet and shy, others as aggressive as Elena. One basically just licks my face while I attempt to make it look passionate.

  The more that pass, the more worried I get that I’ve missed Liz. Maybe she came and went, and I didn’t even notice.

  No, I’d know.

  I know her scent. The sound of her breath. The feel of her ass.

  The next girl sits down. Long straight hair brushes against my face. Is it her? No, she doesn’t smell right. Bianca maybe. Her lips are soft, and her kiss more than adequate, but I feel nothing.

  She pulls away with what sounds like an annoyed sigh.

  And then suddenly, my wait is over. It’s her. I know it is. Her perfume is some subtle flowery smell I can’t name, but would recognize anywhere. Her full, soft lips press against mine, and unlike with the others, this time it’s my tongue that teases her to open.

  God, it’s almost impossible for me to keep my arms still. I want to grip her hips and pull her to me.

  Liz starts hesitantly, carefully, but then something loosens, her tongue slipping into my mouth as mine slips into hers. She tastes sweet, like candy. My eyes close behind the blindfold and I get lost in the feeling of her mouth moving against mine.

  We’re lost in our own world when Blaze clears his throat next to us, bringing us back to reality with a crash. “Still two contestants to go there, big guy.”

  Liz pulls away, and I want to tell him to go fuck himself. I can hear her heavy breathing and in my head I can see her lips red from our kiss and her cheeks flushed. There’s no way she isn’t winning this, and when we have our next date I can finish what we started. She stands up and I immediately miss the feel of her in my lap.

  Fuck, can they tell I’m hard?

  I barely register the last two girls, and it’s pretty obvious they know they’ve been beat anyway. I feel bad for the two who will be sent home, but honestly I don’t really give a shit about anyone but Liz. Some of the others seem nice enough, but they can all fly home for all I care. They’d already lost as soon as I recognized Liz on the plane.

  I fumble with the knot, and toss my blindfold to the ground, grinning.

  “Well, phew.” Blaze draws his hand across his forehead and pretends to wipe off sweat. “That was some hot stuff, but unfortunately there can be only one winner.” Dramatic pause. “And two losers.”

  “Megan, Bianca, Elena.” As soon as he lists a third name, they all smile, knowing they’re safe for now. “Sarah.” Obviously. “Meredith.” The girls whose names have been called gather together, already celebrating their victory. “You’re still in the running.”

  There’s a long pause while he looks at the last three contestants, before he finally speaks. “Kate. I’m sorry, but you didn’t make the cut.” A cute strawberry blonde with really expressive eyebrows looks around like she doesn’t know what to do. A tear rolls down her cheek as reality hits like a ton of bricks. She’s out.

  These shows are brutal. We don’t even really know each other, and she’s crying.

  Blaze focuses on the two remaining contestants. “Amanda. Cherry. You are the last two contestants. One of you will stay… and the other will join Kate and go home.”

  Everyone’s silent, waiting, while Blaze drags it out. He could just say it, but no. Maybe it’s good TV, but he’s still an asshole.

  “Cherry.” Her eyes widen hopefully as he holds her hostage with a single word. Then he releases, like a fist to her gut. “You’re out of today’s competition and off the island. I’m sorry.”

  Her face falls, and she barely keeps her composure. I feel bad, even if they’re only here for some harmless fun. It sti
ll feels shitty.

  I look over at Liz with a grin. There’s no way anyone else is winning this.

  Blaze speaks again. “And Amanda?”

  She looks up at him, the apprehension clear on her face. He said only two were leaving, but with these reality shows, who knows?

  “Enjoy your date!”

  She squeals and clasps her hands, looking in disbelief at Blaze, and then turning those big blue eyes to me. Her arms go around my waist, and out of reflex, I hug her back. Liz watches, expression unreadable.






  Hunter looks about as stunned as I feel.

  His arms close around Amanda’s shoulders, and I feel a painful tug on my heart. I wanted someone else to win, but I know for sure that nobody else’s kiss was as good as ours. Trust me, I was watching. When Blaze said she was the winner, I was absolutely floored.

  Blaze drags them off to do an interview and then sends them on their date. They walk towards the helipad, Hunter’s arm still around Amanda. He looks over his shoulder, catching my eye for a second before he turns back to something she’s saying. I want to be happy for her, but instead I just feel cheated.

  Elena stalks over, a cameraman on her heels. “Not so fun, is it? Welcome to the club.”

  “It’s just a show.” I stand up straight and pull my hair back into a ponytail. “I’m sure they’ll have a great time.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they will. Amanda will make sure of that.”

  I bristle at her tone. “Is that supposed to bother me? Hunter is a big boy, he can make his own decisions.”

  “God, you are so naive.” Elena shakes her head and puts a hand on her hip. “You took the early lead, right? We all know it, but you act like it doesn’t matter and you’re better than us, or whatever. But you’re not, and while you’ve been off sulking, Amanda has been with him constantly.”

  “No, she… I…” I’d have noticed that, right?

  Bianca puts a hand on Elena’s arm. “Leave her alone. You’re just pissed he hasn’t said more than two words to you.”

  The cameras are eating this up, circling us like vultures.

  Elena glares down her nose at Bianca and then walks away, followed by a cameraman.

  I smile thankfully at Bianca. “Thanks, but I don’t think she’s going to want you in her inner circle after this.”

  “I don’t care.” She shrugs, looking more relaxed than I ever remember seeing her. “Neither of us are winning anyway, so at this point I just want to enjoy the vacation. The only reason I was hanging out with her was because I figured if there was going to be backstabbing, it’d probably be from their group. I’d rather see it coming.”


  Bianca laughs. “I went to an all-girls high school.”

  “I was home schooled. I guess I missed out on some important survival skills my tutor didn’t clue me into.”

  “Yeah… Can I give you a piece of advice?”

  I nod, curious.

  “Elena is mostly full of hairspray and shit, but she’s right about one thing. If you’re really interested in Hunter, keep your eye on Amanda.”

  She leaves me there on the veranda, second guessing everything that’s happened so far. Mr. Campbell and Blaze are orchestrating this whole thing, playing us like pieces on a game board. In the end, it won’t matter how I do. Whether I win or lose is entirely up to them.

  Which brings me back to Amanda.

  Was her win random? Or is there more going on?



  From the terrace, the view of the ocean is beautiful. Calm and serene, two qualities I’d like to absorb while I’m drowning my sorrows in fancy comfort food. Somewhere, Amanda and Hunter are probably enjoying their own lunch. I bet she’s charming him with her southern belle act, and he’s lapping up the attention.

  Elena was right, I’m totally sulking.

  “Miss Dreyer? Sarah?” A hand touches my shoulder briefly to get my attention.

  “Hm?” Crumbs drop onto my shirt from the grilled ham and cheese—sorry—croques monsieur Hunter’s chef whipped up for lunch.

  Danny stands there, looking unusually serious. “There’s a call for you. Follow me, I’ll show you the phone.”

  “But I thought we couldn’t contact the outside world? It was in the contract.” Is this a test? I haven’t done anything. Did Hunter’s father change his mind?

  Danny shakes his head. “Mr. Molloy was the one who told me to get you. It’s allowed if it’s serious. Please, they’re waiting.”

  The blood drains from my face. There’s only one person it could be about. “Do you know who it is?”

  “Sorry, no.” He shakes his head as we go into the house.

  As we enter the building, Blaze and a camerawoman join us. “Don’t worry, we won’t show anything too personal. Just making sure you’re not breaching contract while on the phone. We have to protect our production.”

  I don’t believe for a second he won’t use as much footage as he can.

  They lead me to the back sitting room. I’d tried to get in a couple days before, but it was locked. Probably because of the phone. I look around, scanning the walls for the old illustration of the island, but don’t see it.

  Danny picks up a handset from the table and gives it to me. “I’d like to give you some privacy.” He glances over at Blaze and the camerawoman. “But I think this is as good as it gets. I’ll be right outside if you need anything.” He backs out of the room, shutting the door.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Ignoring my remaining audience, I put the handset to my ear. “Hello? This is Sarah.”

  “Miss Dreyer. This is Dr. Kurt Benson from the Mary Wold Clinic. I was told I could contact you in Ms. Bissette’s absence if there was anything important.”

  Good thing I thought to give the clinic my false contact information. I’d almost forgotten. “Yes, that’s right. Is everything alright?” It’s not. I know it’s not. They wouldn’t call if it was. My fingers clench the phone.

  “I’m afraid not.” Dr. Benson sighs. “Are you sure Ms. Bissette isn’t available? I hate passing on information like this to third parties.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “This is always a difficult conversation, but despite her time here, Ms. Bissette’s mother isn’t making much progress. While we limit access to alcohol and other unhealthy… distractions here, we can’t keep a full-time watch on the residents. It’s impractical, costly, and at the end of the day, they are adults who, for better or worse, make their own decisions.” There’s a pause as he lets that sink in.

  “Wait, I don’t understand. Is she alright? She’s not—”

  “No!” He’s quick to break in. “No, she’s in no immediate danger. The problem is that we’ve recently discovered she’s been using her trips to town to drink, and to smuggle alcohol back to the center. Not only is it bad for her own health, it puts our other patients at risk. Miss, I don’t know what decisions you are authorized to make on Elizabeth’s behalf, but it takes six months of documented sobriety to be eligible for the transplant list, and unfortunately we won’t be able to keep her here if she continues to flaunt the rules. We can’t help our patients if they won’t help themselves.”

  “I understand.” Shit. I can’t take care of her. I tried that and we almost killed each other. This clinic was supposed to help.

  “Tell Ms. Bissette that her mother is stable for now, but if she continues down this path, it’s only a matter of time before things get worse.”

  My knees shake, and I lean back on the desk for support. We might not get along all that well, but she’s the only mom I’ve got. “What do you need from me?”

  “There are a few prescription changes that her insurance isn’t covering, and also… I’m really sorry about this, but we’re going to have to raise the cost of her stay. She’s creating quite a bit of extra work and it’s unfair to the other
residents.” He sounds like he genuinely feels bad, but this isn’t his mother we’re talking about.

  “I—I’m going to have to talk to Elizabeth about it. Do you know how much the increase will be?”

  He rattles off a price that makes me want to throw up. My budget was already on a shoestring. Everything that wasn’t going to this trip, or keeping my apartment was put into the account for her care.

  “Go ahead and charge what you have to.” I try to swallow, but my throat is painfully dry. At this rate there is only enough left in my mother’s account for a few months.

  “Thank you, Miss Dreyer. If you could have Ms. Bissette get in touch with me as soon as possible, I’d appreciate it.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. She might be back sooner than anticipated.”

  I hang up. Tears of anger and frustration sting the corners of my eyes, threatening to burst out, but I force them back. I’m not going to cry in front of the camera. I refuse to. Not in front of Blaze, and not in front of the rest of the world once this airs.

  I’m an idiot. I’ve put every egg I had into this one basket, and I didn’t even think it all through. Even if I find the deed, then what? I can barely afford to get my mother the treatment she needs and put food on my own table. Getting the island back would mean all sorts of legal fees I don’t have the money for.

  Exhaustion seeps into my bones.

  If I win, this will all go away. I’ll have money for doctors, lawyers and whatever else I need. It’s a deal with the devil, and in the stories, that never comes without a cost.

  And that cost might be never having a chance at love.



  Jesus Motherfucking Christ.

  I close the door behind me, shutting the crazy world of reality dating shows behind me and reveling in the silence. What a shitstorm of a day.

  “Gooood evening!” Danny’s chipper voice greets me over the back of my own chair. He’s facing away, drinking in the view of the evening sky, along with my beer.


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