Healing Eden

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Healing Eden Page 16

by Rhenna Morgan

  Reese lurched forward and pulled him to a stop.

  Ramsay acquiesced, but glared at Reese over one shoulder. “You wanna drop that hand and you wanna do it quick.”

  Reese released his hold. “Five minutes. Your brother gave me a chance. Give me five minutes to make it worth his gift.”

  Leaves rustled in the treetops and random birdsong lilted from the skies, but everything else lay quiet.

  Ramsay stared at the opposite end of the field, the muscle at the back of his jaw working overtime. “Talk.”

  Fuck. He’d thought about what he’d say for a good chunk of the night, but damned if any of it came to mind now. “Your family was perfect,” he said. “Not the royalty, but the family. A mom and a dad, a brother, a sweet little sister, friends. Everything I wanted.” He cleared his throat, everything he wanted to say jumbled with years of embarrassment and shame. Laughable really, enough so he probably needed to fork over his man card.

  To hell with holding it all in. He’d come this far, so he might as well get it out. “Your friendship meant a lot, and I didn’t want you to see how ugly my situation was. It wasn’t about using you and it wasn’t a trap. I just didn’t want to lose your friendship.”

  Ramsay glared back at Reese, chin aimed low and body angled to jet. “So you lied. Makes a helluva lot of sense.” He stormed away.

  “I was wrong.”

  Ramsay stopped.

  “I knew it then,” Reese said before Ramsay could take another step. “It was fear. Praise the Great One, put yourself in my shoes. Would you be so quick to claim Maxis as a brother?”

  Ramsay glowered back at him. “So you’ve finally owned it. You think that makes it better? That my friend didn’t think to trust me?”

  “For you? Probably not. Trust isn’t something you can refill. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. I get that. But I can try to take what your brother’s given me and fix it going forward.”


  Ramsay tensed and fisted his hands. He spun without another word and stomped toward the forest.

  “That’s it?” Reese followed. “Fuck, if you need to throw a punch, then do it.”

  Ramsay paused and shook his head. “Right now, walking away is the only option.” And then he was gone, shooting to the sky as his mask settled into place.

  * * * *

  Galena strode down the guest corridor toward Brenna’s room, her full skirt giving way to her long strides. The gown’s cut was overkill for this early in the day, a crimson underdress with a long-sleeved, corseted overlay in black velvet, but for once she didn’t mind dressing up.

  Reese was free. He’d given his testimony and, with a little luck, she might run into him. No point in kidding herself, though. At best they might be able to start fresh. At worst, what they’d shared was a one-night-only deal. Either way, today she intended to find out.

  Praise the Great One, she practically bounced with each step. Of course, ten hours of sleep, a hot shower, and clean clothes helped. A trifecta really, and easier on the eyes and nose. She knocked twice on Brenna’s door and pushed it open a crack. “Brenna? You up?”

  Rustling bedcovers sounded behind the thick wood. “I’m up.”

  Galena stepped into the room and stopped. “Brenna, you don’t have to do that.”

  Brenna tugged the sheet and turned the down blanket over it. She smoothed the edges. “I’m used to it.”

  How sad was that? Making the bed itself wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t been coupled with such a grim face.

  Galena shuffled close and stilled Brenna’s hands. “It’s okay to let us take care of you for a bit.”

  Brenna trembled and backed away. “I always…It’s what I know.”

  “So now you’re going to learn something new.” Galena turned her with a hand at her shoulder. “How to receive instead of give, at least for a while. All right?”

  Brenna nodded and focused on the floor.

  “Good. Did you see the dresses Jilly brought you?” Galena marched to the closet and glanced back.

  Warily, Brenna followed her.

  “I’m pretty sure you two wear the same size and her closet is packed thanks to Eryx and Ramsay. She loves them, and they love to hear her squeal.” Pulling the doors open, Galena flipped through gowns. “If none of these work, we’ll send the boys shopping.”

  Brenna ran her work-hardened fingers over a gown’s royal blue sleeve, the velvet some of the softest made in Eden. Her eyes watered, filled with awe and longing.

  Galena swallowed around the gargantuan knot in her throat and pulled the dress Brenna had touched off the rod. “You want to start with that one? The color would look great on you. Your eyes are amazing. The way they match your hair is very exotic.” She smoothed one of Brenna’s braids. “Is there a reason you keep it braided?”

  Brenna answered without hesitation even though her focus was still locked on the dress. “Maxis.”

  “Well, then I vote we do something different. A new look for a new day.” Galena bent her knees enough to make eye contact. “What do you say?”

  With another quick peek at the dress, Brenna tugged one of the clasps holding her braid in place. “Okay.”

  Thirty minutes, a new gown, and pair of sandals later, they were headed down the stairway toward the main receiving room. Brenna had protested meeting Eryx at first, but when Galena promised Lexi, Orla and Jillian would be there too, she relented. No matter how things played out over the next few days, she’d have to be sure Eryx kept the men at a distance.

  “Remember what I said.” Galena wrapped an arm around Brenna’s shoulders. “This is informal. Eryx just wants to get to know you and thank you for saving Lexi. No one here will hurt you.” She mentally opened the double doors and voices rolled out to greet them. She leaned in close. “If you get nervous, come to me or one of the other women. Okay?”

  Gaze darting in all directions, Brenna gripped her hands at her waist. “Okay.”

  Two steps in, Jillian stepped to Brenna’s free side like a long lost friend. “You’re going to love Uncle Eryx and Uncle Ramsay. Uncle Ludan acts like a brute, but he’s really a teddy bear.”

  Well, histus. Galena had expected Eryx, but Ludan and Ramsay put the testosterone level through the roof. She steered Brenna toward the trio situated around Eryx’s corner desk. “Eryx, I want you to meet Brenna Haven.”

  Brenna studied the empty thrones centered at the rear of the room.

  “Brenna?” Galena waited, giving the woman time to wrap her head around whatever it was chewing on.

  Blinking a few times, Brenna shook her head as though to clear it.

  “This is my brother Eryx.” Galena motioned at the far side of Eryx’s desk. “The other two lugs are my other brother, Ramsay, and my might-as-well-be-brother, Ludan.”

  She measured each man, back and forth between Eryx and Ramsay, as she put the twin connection together. Her gaze shifted to Ludan and then shot to the floor, one shaking hand smoothing her unbound hair. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  God, Brenna’s voice, awkward and trembling, but still firm. She and Jillian couldn’t be more than four or five years apart, but Brenna had years of life under her belt, years she hoped Jilly never got a chance to see.

  Eryx shifted to the edge of his seat, but thankfully didn’t stand. “You don’t have to be so formal here, Brenna.” He offered his hand, palm up. “Though I would like to thank you for what you did for Lexi.”

  Brenna stared at Eryx’s outstretched hand.

  To Eryx’s credit, he didn’t waver in his offering. Didn’t speak or try to hurry her along. Just waited, patient as always.

  “Will you take me home?” she asked, still staring at his palm as if the answer might show itself there.

  “I can’t answer that question yet. What I can promise is I’ll do all I can to make up for the wrongs you’ve been dealt. Will you trust me?”

  She studied his face for long,
tense seconds, and placed her hand in his. “I can try.”

  He dipped his head. “Fair enough.” Easing to his feet, he squeezed Jillian’s shoulder. “Why don’t you take Brenna on a tour? Keep to the main hall and meet me in the foyer in about thirty minutes.” His gaze slid to Brenna. “Lexi wanted to be here, but her friend, the one she was looking for at Maxis’ house, woke up this morning.”

  “He what?” Galena said.

  Eryx shook his head, glancing away from Brenna only long enough to make sure Galena got the point. “I thought I’d take you up to see her. Would you like that?”

  Brenna bobbed her head.

  Jillian stepped in quick. “Do you like books?” She gripped Brenna’s elbow and tugged with teenage enthusiasm. “The library is huge. Ramsay brings lots of books back from Evad too. That’s what we call where you’re from. And I can show you where my room is, too.”

  By the time they rounded the corner, Jillian’s conspiring dwindled to nothing more than a girlish mumble.

  Galena spun to Eryx. “What do you mean he woke up?”

  “To wake. To be conscious.” Eryx settled in his chair, knees falling open in a far more casual pose than he’d used in front of Brenna. “What else would I mean?”

  “I mean why didn’t you call me?”

  “We did, Lena.” Ramsay’s sprawl matched Eryx’s, though he had one foot propped on the edge of the desk. Despite the languid posture, he seemed a little off this morning. Tense in a fashion that seemed to be reserved for going head-to-head with Reese. “You didn’t answer. When I went to check on you, you were out cold.”

  Shit. She must’ve been more tired than she’d thought. She raised both eyebrows at Eryx. “And?”

  Eryx mocked her with a subtle headshake and his own set of raised eyebrows. He stopped teasing and grinned. “And he’s fine, Galena. Tired, sore, and ready for a little unsupervised time with Maxis in zeolite. Other than that, I can’t find a thing wrong with him.”

  “So you’re not worried? No ramifications?”

  Eryx shrugged and kicked a leg up to match his twin’s. “None that I can see.”

  “Don’t stare that gift horse down too hard.” Ludan’s gruffness seemed harsh compared to Eryx and Ramsay’s light tone. Come to think of it, his mouth was nearly white he pressed his lips together so tight. She’d never seen him so fidgety.

  “You okay?” Galena shifted for a better angle. “You don’t look so good.”

  Ramsay guffawed loud enough to echo through the room. “He always looks like a beast.”

  “I’m fine. Drop it.” He lifted his chin at Eryx. “You need me, or you stayin’ close to the castle? Got somethin’ I need to do.”

  Eryx held his surprise pretty well, but Ramsay’s jaw dropped. Ludan never had “something else to do.” The man took shadowing Eryx beyond serious.

  “I think I’ve got it covered, Mom,” Eryx answered.

  “Fuck you.” Ludan shoved to his feet. The words might’ve been terse, but didn’t carry any venom. Just the same boyish back and forth she’d heard as long as she remembered. He was out the door in about half the strides it would have taken Galena.

  “Wonder what that’s about?” Ramsay ambled to the side bar and poured two fingers of the Balvenie Fifty Eryx kept stocked from Evad.

  “Don’t know and don’t care.” Eryx motioned for Ramsay to make him one too. “This is the first damned day I’ve had of peace and quiet without a shitload of worry. He’ll tell me if there’s a problem. Otherwise, I’m enjoying the silence.”

  “It’s barely ten-thirty in the morning.” Galena inclined her head to the amber liquid Ramsay poured. “A little early, don’t you think?”

  “Depends on the time zone.” Ramsay crammed the stopper into the decanter and grumbled something else she couldn’t make out.

  Fine. If it meant getting him in a better mood, Ramsay could drink all day. She focused on Eryx. “How’s Lexi? When I saw her yesterday she was worried about how she’d tell Ian everything when he woke up.”

  Eryx took the glass Ramsay offered and grinned. “Ian thought she was playing a joke until she pulled a few parlor tricks. He still didn’t believe it until I threw in a few she hasn’t learned yet.” He shook his head. “Priceless.”

  Galena settled in Ludan’s chair. “Does he know about Jillian?”

  Ramsay leaned into the sidebar and crossed one foot over the other.

  Eryx took a long drink of his Scotch. “Not yet. Lexi wanted to tackle the unbelievable stuff first and end on a positive note. I was just about to head up when you got here.” He motioned toward the door with a jerk of his head. “How’s Brenna doing? The real version?”

  “Fine,” Galena answered. “Just like Ian. Healthy from everything I can tell. She was weak yesterday, but anyone would have been after so much time in bed. Today she seems great.”

  Eryx got quiet and stroked his armrest, pensive. “This bit about going home…I’ve gotta cover that with Ian too. I’m thinking if we do it together it’ll go better for both. You think she’s up for it?”

  Praise the Great One. Galena thought about the things she’d seen in Brenna’s mind, all the suffering and degradation. The fact that she couldn’t go home to the people she knew inherently she could trust seemed brutally unfair. Still, she’d made it through this much. She might be quiet, but the woman had a pretty stout backbone. “With Lexi there? Yeah, I think she’ll be fine.”

  “Aren’t you coming?”

  “I’d actually hoped to talk to Reese. Do you know where he is?”

  Twin glares lasered in on her.

  “He’s gone.” Eryx picked up his drink and took another gulp.

  Gone on an errand? Gone to visit someone? Damn, she hated when her brothers went vague on her. “What do you mean, ‘Gone’?”

  “I mean gone.” He plunked his drink on the desk, nearly sloshing what was left of the amber liquid over the rim. “To the homestead I guess.”

  “What did you say to him?”

  “I said, ‘Thank you.’” He shrugged, like the piecemeal info was enough.

  Stupid, pain in the ass men. “What. Did. You. Say?”

  “Why do you care is a better question?” Ramsay stood and scowled. “It’s no concern of yours, right?”

  Her lungs seized hard enough she nearly wheezed. Why would it be her concern? She certainly hadn’t done anything to show her brothers or anyone else it should be, not even Reese. She kept her silence, her brother’s glares bearing down on her as sharp as a sword. Did she want Reese to be her concern?

  She stood and shook out her skirts, avoiding their stares. She had enough to think about without either one of them forcing their opinions on her psyche. “Good luck with Ian and Brenna. I’m sure you’ll handle it fine.” She ducked her head and made for the door.

  “Where are you off to?” Eryx asked, more suspicion in his voice than she cared to analyze.

  “I’ve got something I need to fix.”

  Chapter 18

  Eryx drained the last of his Balvenie and debated his next play with Galena. She was a woman now, more than capable of making her own choices, but something in her stride as she’d left screamed trouble.

  “Got a funny feeling about whatever it is she’s out to fix.” Ramsay turned to the sideboard and his crystal tumbler clinked on the granite top.

  “You mean Reese.” Not so much a clarification on Eryx’s part as voicing his fears out loud.

  “Of course I mean Reese. She’s always supports the underdog. She needs to stay the hell away from him.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” Lexi sure didn’t think so. She’d let him know it for the better part of two hours last night. “It’s a wonder that girl can even breathe with you and Ramsay around, let alone want something that doesn’t tie in perfect with the family modus operandi.”

  Eryx traced the cut edges of his crystal glass. “Do you think we pressure her?”

sp; “Galena?” Ramsay huffed out an exasperated breath. “In the long run she always gets what she wants. You know that.”

  With causes and niceties, sure. But now that Lexi had him thinking about it, he couldn’t remember a time he’d seen her excited about a man. Not like what he’d seen this morning, and she’d been pretty decked out too.

  He shook himself from his thoughts. “I gotta meet up with Jilly and Brenna.” He gestured at Ramsay’s empty glass. “You headed to the training center, or are you exorcising whatever demon’s crawled up your ass with Scotch.”

  “Fuck you.” Ramsay turned for the side bar and fisted the decanter.

  Eryx shook his head and strode for the door. “You need me, I’m here.”

  Twins or not, they had their differences, but they matched each other neck and neck on the stubborn gene. When the time was right, Ramsay would talk.

  Praise the Great One, it was good to have quiet. For at least a minute. He rounded the corner to the foyer and stopped.

  Jillian and Brenna sat side by side on the long settee, Brenna with a soft smile. Granted he’d known her all of a few days, the majority of which she’d been unconscious, but the smile changed her appearance, lifting away Maxis’ grime to reveal a light and innocently pretty woman. And without the braided pigtails, she looked a whole lot more her age.

  “Uncle Eryx.” Jillian stood and urged Brenna up alongside her. “After we meet Lexi’s friend, I want to show Brenna the stairs to the cove.”

  He hadn’t used those since he was seventeen. Once a teenage boy learned to fly, hoofing it up or down stairs didn’t hold much appeal. “Sounds great.”

  Wait, had she said, “After we meet?” One look at Jillian is all it would take for Ian to know she was related to him, and no more than twenty seconds after that to figure out she was the perfect age to be his daughter. Probably a little too hardcore a way to break the news his daughter was not only alive and well, but a Myren too.

  Eryx rubbed his chin. “Jillian, would you mind if I introduce Brenna to Lexi’s friend alone today?”

  Jillian’s bright smile fell.


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