My Favorite Mistake

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My Favorite Mistake Page 5

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Right.” She stepped into the car first. “A limo?”

  “We’re going to have a great time.” He wanted to cuddle her, but the tension between them had returned and he didn’t like it. “You’ll see.”


  When the elevator car stopped, she left first and strode across the lobby. She didn’t say anything as she placed her things on the back seat. She eased behind the wheel of her vehicle. The drive across town went by in a blur—a quiet blur. He toyed with the strap of his bag but didn’t try to talk. He wasn’t sure what to say and he couldn’t read her mind.

  Molly pulled into the parking garage and stopped beside Austin’s sports car. She gripped the steering wheel and sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Austin asked. “Worried about tonight?” Please let her be giddy about our date.

  “No.” She flexed her fingers on the wheel. “What—what if this isn’t what we’re supposed to do? What if last night was a mistake?”

  “Landing the Aura account was a mistake?” He knew what she meant but he wasn’t ready to give up. “We rocked those pictures and we’re going to make them proud. Mr. Lee will love that we got the account. We might even get a raise.”

  “For the love of God, you know what I mean. You and me. We’re friends—not lovers.” She dropped her hands onto her lap and closed her eyes. “You’re going to go to the gala tonight, you’ll find someone beautiful and you’ll forget all about me. Stop building me up so you can stroll out with the next woman you see, okay? I know you. You’re not meant to settle down. You can’t even stick to a date for very long. I need commitment or nothing at all. That’s not you.”

  He reeled from her words. She knew him too well and had nailed him again.

  “I’d be lying if I said I wanted this to work out. You’re my favorite mistake. You’re the one I keep hoping will change, but that’s not you.” The corner of her mouth twitched as she tried to smile. “How about we forget about last night—other than the contract part, we focus on signing the papers today and get through tonight without issue?”

  “Molls.” He grasped her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “No strings. You’re welcome.”


  “I’ll see you in an hour, then tonight at seven.” She didn’t look at him. “Okay?”

  “Sure.” Austin climbed out of the car and watched as she drove away. He clicked the fob on his keys to unlock his vehicle. He’d fucked everything up. She was supposed to fall in love with him. Supposed to realize they weren’t a mistake. But no. He sank behind the wheel of the car and groaned. How in the hell was she supposed to see they were meant for each other when she was right—he couldn’t commit?

  “Fuck.” He pounded his fist on the steering wheel. He wanted more from life than simply sailing around and never quite landing anywhere.

  Austin drove to his apartment. He parked and raced up to his floor then hurried through for a shower. As he stood under the hot spray, he thought about Molly. The way she fit against him, the way she’d moaned while they’d made love, the way her smile melted him to the core. The memory of her kiss lingered in his mind and he longed to have her there with him.

  He leaned on the shower wall and lathered the washcloth. The suds slipped down his body and swirled around his cock. He wiped the soap off but paused. As he touched himself, he imagined her there.

  “Molls,” he whispered and stroked his dick. “Babe.” He closed his eyes and imagined her in his shower.

  Molly rubbed her bare breasts on his chest and threaded her arm about his neck. She curled her fingers around his erection and stroked. She punctuated each tug with a kiss on his lips.

  The synapses in his brain sizzled. He moaned and picked up the pace. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “I love shower play.” She turned and waggled her ass at him. “Soapy and slick.”

  Austin jerked himself off faster and gritted his teeth. She should have been in the stall with him. Damn it. The heat in his belly spiraled through his veins. He rocked his hips and fucked his hand. The muscles in his legs tensed as the orgasm crashed through him. He opened his eyes. Cum slid down his thigh and landed in the drain.

  He groaned. The once-hot water cooled along with his need. He rinsed the soap and jizz from his body then switched off the faucet and left the stall. He’d never be the same until he either got Molly out of his system or married her.

  Austin stopped, stark naked in his bedroom. Married. Jesus. He wasn’t the type for such things. Why did Molly make him think that way?

  Because she was right—she was the kind of woman a man didn’t let get away. She was the one he cherished for the rest of his life.

  She was the one he’d cherish for the rest of his life.

  Austin dressed at lightning speed and hurried back to the advertising agency. He made a beeline for the office he shared with Molly. Once the papers were signed, he’d tug her aside and declare his feelings.

  He switched on the lights and popped a pod into the coffee machine. When he turned around, Molly wasn’t waiting for him. Mr. Lee stood in the doorway.

  “Mr. Lee.” Austin offered his hand. “Nice to see you this morning.”

  “It’s Saturday. I hate working on Saturday.”

  “I know, but the deal came through.” He shook hands with his boss then stepped back. “We didn’t think waiting would be wise.”

  “It doesn’t hurt that you were invited to the Aura gala.” Mr. Lee closed the door and turned Molly’s chair around. “Be honest with me. You’ve got a date for the party?”

  “I do. I’m taking Molly.” Austin poured the brewed coffee into his cup then filled a second one for his boss.

  “Is that wise?”

  “Offering you coffee?” Austin sat on the edge of his desk. “Or Molly? She worked on the project and should be there.” He bobbed his head. “They weren’t initially interested in her coming along, but I made them see reason. Why have one half of the team there? Both should be recognized.”

  “True.” Mr. Lee sipped the coffee. “This is good. I’ve considered getting one of those machines.”

  “It was Molly’s idea. She knows what I like.” She knew plenty more than he’d ever figure out. “Anyway, she’ll have fun at the gala.”

  “I’m sure she will.” Mr. Lee sipped the coffee again. “But that’s not what’s bothering me. I’m worried about you. I’m your boss, yes, but I’d like to think you respect my point of view.”

  “I do.” He kind of had to—Mr. Lee signed his paychecks. “What about me has you worried?”

  “You don’t give yourself time for relationships or time for them to develop. Once the woman gets her heart involved, you’re gone. That might work in some situations, but not with Molly. Don’t use Molly as a reason to go to that party or to hide from one of your various exes. You can’t use her like you do other people. She’s special.”

  “I’m not using her.” Who was he kidding? He was. He’d figured out how to get her invited to the gala, but part of him was still interested in catching Iris’ eye.

  “Right. Danica will be there and so will Iris. I know Danica’s still interested in you and Iris called my office four times last night to ensure this meeting would be taking place today.” Mr. Lee shook his head. “She likes you and I suspect the feeling is mutual—or do you already have someone else in the wings?” He frowned. “You do, don’t you?”

  “I’m not saying.” He didn’t want to jinx things with Molly. They were a good team—in the office and in bed. He cared about her more than he wanted to admit.

  “If it’s not Iris, then I have no idea.” Mr. Lee stood. He left his half-empty coffee cup on Austin’s desk. “Here’s the thing. You do good work for me. With Molly, you’re dangerous. But that’s it—you’re dangerous to her.”

  “I’m not dangerous.” Maybe to himself, but that was beside the point.

  “Don’t do this to Molly. If you’ve got any designs on dating her, stop. Be hones
t and let her kick you in the balls.” Mr. Lee patted Austin’s shoulder. “Understand?”

  “Sir? I don’t.”

  “Use your head, not your dick.” Mr. Lee opened the door and left Austin alone in the office.

  Austin sank back onto the edge of his desk and stared at the doorway. That was the trouble—he couldn’t make up his mind about Molly. He thought he was using his head. He liked Molly and respected her—but he liked Iris Sommerville.

  Maybe the gala would be a disaster and the magic from the night before would be gone. Molly deserved more than a night of passion here and there. She deserved more than him.

  He gathered up the paperwork for the contracts and glanced back at Molly’s desk. Mr. Lee was right—he needed to leave her alone. He headed across the building to the main meeting room.

  Melinda, Iris and Mr. Lee were already seated around the table. He sank onto a chair at the far end. Molly wasn’t there. Running late?

  “So?” Iris scooted her chair down the table and parked next to him. “You’re coming tonight.”

  “I am.” He smiled. Always treat the customer with care—or, as Molly would say, charm them into doing what you want. Molly was always right. Too bad the customer was caressing his thigh under the table.

  “Good. I can’t wait to see you in a tux.” She licked her lips. “But in my boxer briefs was pretty good,” she purred. “Such a nice, tight ass.”

  He tensed. This wasn’t how he’d expected things to go.

  “Are we ready to discuss the agreement?” Mr. Lee asked. He tapped the papers on the massive table. “Austin? Where’s Molly?”

  “Coming,” Molly shouted. She burst through the door and her shoulder bag toppled to the floor. She smiled but blushed and averted her gaze. “Sorry.” She gathered her things and sat on the closest chair.

  “Terrible,” Iris murmured. “Such a disaster.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Austin shot back.

  Iris grabbed his leg again then slid her palm to his crotch. “You’d say something else.”

  He froze. Her actions were so wrong. He might have been interested in her but he didn’t want to be mauled by her—especially not under the table. She leaned into him and nibbled on his neck.

  “Stop,” he muttered. He squirmed in his seat and nudged her away, but Iris didn’t budge. She massaged his crotch and plunked his hand on her thigh. She’d hiked her skirt up, revealing her lack of underwear. He cringed. The wrong woman wanted his attention and the right one couldn’t meet his gaze.

  Molly’s eyes widened and the apples of her cheeks reddened. She averted her gaze and fidgeted. The muscle in her jaw tightened. His heart sank. He’d let her down. This wasn’t how things should’ve gone.

  Mr. Lee pressed the button on the intercom. “Can we have bottled water in here? We need…water.” He scrubbed his mouth with the back of his hand and rolled his eyes. “We need something.”

  “I’m fine.” Iris smiled. She rested her arm on the back of Austin’s chair. “Don’t get me anything.”

  Austin shot a glance over at Molly. She didn’t look at him. She signed the paperwork and nodded at the appropriate times. Once the meeting concluded, she hurried out of the room.


  Mr. Lee glared at Austin but kept his cool. “Thank you for your business,” he said and shook hands with Iris. “We’ll be in touch with the rest of the proposals.” Once Mr. Lee had left, Iris scooted closer to Austin. “I wish the door was shut.” She dipped her head and winked. “Don’t pout. It crinkles your face.”

  “Don’t what?” He hopped up from his seat and crossed the room to shut the door. He needed privacy in order to get the right words out. “Stop. I’m not comfortable with this.” Truth be told, he wanted the hell out of there, but he needed to put an end to whatever was happening with Iris.


  “Iris. Molly is my partner. I do my best work with her. Now she’s gone. There’s no guarantee this will work.” He pretty much knew anything between him and Iris would be a disaster.

  “I’d rather you not work with her. She’s a distraction.” Iris pressed her body to his in the corner. “Now, where were we?” She tilted her head and dragged her nose along his cheek. “According to what I’ve heard, you’re trying to get in good with me. It’s working.”

  “Oh?” The closer he got to Iris, the more he wondered what he’d been thinking. Iris was beautiful, but she didn’t stir him. There wasn’t the tingle.

  “Plan on having the time of your life tonight.” She mashed a kiss to his lips. Her perfume curled around him and she slid her palm into his back pocket. She squeezed his ass. “I know I will.”

  “Iris.” Melinda touched Iris’ shoulder. “Time to go. We’ve got to get you to your fitting.”

  “Until then.” Iris kissed him again then allowed her assistant to escort her from the room.

  Austin blew out a long breath and scrubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. He was in deep. The woman he wanted wasn’t interested and the woman he’d thought he wanted was. Now he had to make a decision. Fuck.

  First, he needed to find Molly. He sprinted across the building to their office and stopped short. “Molly?”

  He opened the door, but she wasn’t there. “Molly?” He jaunted down to the restroom. He called into the room, but no one answered. Even when he pissed her off, she still talked to him. That was one of their bonds—they never went completely silent with each other.

  Austin returned to the office and gathered his wallet, phone and keys. Maybe he’d catch up to Molly in the parking garage. He locked the office and bounded down the stairwell, taking the steps two at a time. He wanted to explain things to her, but what was he supposed to say? He wasn’t seeing Iris but kind of wanted to. Then there was Molly. The sex had rocked his world and her smile brightened his life. She was his co-worker and should’ve been off limits. Still, he liked her and wanted to try to have a relationship with her. He hopped behind the wheel of his car. If he had any chance of fixing things with Molly, he had to find her. He drove around the level to look for Molly’s car but didn’t see it. Damn it.

  He set his phone to speaker and dialed her number. The call went straight to voicemail. He thumped the steering wheel and tossed the phone onto the passenger seat. He’d try her number again once he got home. He might have given up easily before but not now.

  Austin pulled out of the parking spot and navigated through the traffic until he reached his apartment building. Thank God only a handful of drivers clogged the normally busy streets. He wasn’t in the mood for complications.

  He shook his head. What was wrong with him? He lived a pretty boring existence. Parking garage to parking garage, office to his lonely apartment. Yes, he dated, but he wasn’t happy and he had the gall to grouse about complications.

  Once in his apartment, he flicked on the lights and dumped his bag onto the couch. He surveyed the view from his living room. Bland, beige walls, artwork original to the apartment, the furniture functional but boring. He only had a few photographs and those were of insects. He hadn’t chosen the images—they’d come with the apartment. The place was not warm and inviting—not by a long shot. Things were brighter when Molly was around. Her smile, laughter and the way she knew how to snuggle up to him, she made the world a better place for him. She’d never spent much time in his apartment. Why? He’d never extended the invitation and she didn’t expect to come over. He’d have to rectify that situation, and fast.

  He left his bag on the couch and wandered into the bedroom. While he cleaned himself up, he’d work on his plan to win her over. He stripped down and stepped into the shower a second time. He didn’t need another round in the shower, but the longer he stood under the hot spray, the more his ideas formed into a plan. The night would be original, he knew that for sure. They’d dance, laugh and he’d make sure she was given her due rewards.

  He turned off the water and headed back into the bedroom. His phone buzzed on the dresse
r. Molly? He could only hope. Austin checked the number then answered and switched to the speaker. Not Molly. His brother was on the other end of the line.

  “Hi, Dylan. What’s up?” Austin strolled nude around the bedroom, sorting out what he needed for the evening.

  “I hear you talked to Mom,” Dylan said.

  “I did.” He yanked a pair of boxer briefs from the drawer and gripped the thin fabric. The underwear made him think of Molly. He’d never look at them quite the same. Her simple idea had brought them not only a new account and a bonus, but also closer together. He’d stripped down to his underwear, sure, but he’d also bared his soul.

  “Who is the girl? I’m looking at her and she’s beautiful.” Dylan snorted. “Like out-of-your-league pretty.”

  “Looking at her?” He stepped into the boxers and pulled the underwear up his legs. “How? Are you at the store?”

  “Where else do I spend my Saturdays?” Dylan asked. “Yeah, I’m here. She’s sitting in her car. Seems scared to death. She’s got a guy with her. Is this the Molly?”


  “As in the Molly Mom talks about and is practically giddy to see?”

  “That’s her.” He’d forgotten how well his mother and Molly got along. Of all the women who had come and gone in his life, the only one his mother approved of was Molly.

  “Okay, man. Don’t screw this up,” Dylan said. “Who’s the guy with her?”

  “That’s her best friend, Remy. Nice guy.” Austin flopped onto the bed. He and his brother weren’t extremely close, but Dylan was usually good for advice. Too bad he had to take advice from his baby brother. “Do you have a minute or does Mom have you running ragged?”

  “I’ve got a couple. Mom opened up just for Molly—if she ever gets in here. What’s wrong?” Dylan asked.

  “I’m— I fucked this up.” He dipped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Long story short, Molly is coming with me to a gala. Not as my plus one, but as an invited guest. I should be her plus one. Anyway, the woman throwing said gala… She’s interested in me and I kind of am in her.”


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