My Favorite Mistake

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My Favorite Mistake Page 7

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “I’m sure I won’t.” Dylan winked again and wandered into the main room.

  Molly mulled over Dylan’s words as she stepped into the dressing space. She yanked the curtain shut. Austin…a hard man to love? Duh. He knew how to leave at the wrong times and to keep her hanging. But how much of that was her fault? She could’ve let go at any moment. Give him something to miss. Like what? She wasn’t sure. Austin seemed to need her but only at work. The sex was good—not great, but that didn’t mean much. She shrugged out of her shirt then shoved her jeans down her hips. When she looked up, she noticed her reflection in the mirror. Geez, the place had a ton of mirrors… Dylan’s words came to mind. Maybe it was time to get over herself, so to speak. If Austin couldn’t see her potential then someone would.

  Gretchen shuffled into the dressing space and yanked the curtain closed. She tugged a lacy corset from a plastic bag. “Before you can wear this, you’re going to need some assistance. I’ll help.”

  Undressing in front of people wasn’t fun and now she had to go topless? Big girl panties, time to put on the big girl panties. She unhooked her bra and kept her back to Gretchen. Her feet hurt from wearing the high-heeled shoes, but if she didn’t practice, she’d trip.

  “Ready,” Molly said. She exhaled and sucked in her stomach.

  “Hon, be yourself. The corset will shape you.” Gretchen angled Molly to face the mirror and helped her into the tight lingerie. “A little support never hurts.”

  Molly grunted as the corset was laced and tightened. She’d never worn such a thing before and had no idea how women wore corsets on a regular basis. She already couldn’t wait to shuck it.

  Gretchen unzipped the dress and unhooked the fasteners. “Here, step into the gown so you don’t wreck your hair.”

  She wobbled but managed to wriggle into the dress. Gretchen stood behind Molly. She zipped and fastened Molly into the gown then stepped back and clapped her hands.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you look.” Gretchen smiled at Molly in their reflection in the mirror. “Honest.”

  “I’m sure you tell all the women that, but thank you.” She smoothed the front of the gown and blew out a long breath. Although the corset kept everything slimmed down, she could still breathe. Good thing. Her heart hammered and her hands trembled. How in the hell was she going to get across town to her apartment to meet up with Austin?

  “One more thing.” Gretchen held a jewelry box. “I suggest pairings—baubles and gowns—all the time, but this dress needs something a little different. I’ve kept this necklace back because I wanted it to go with the right garment. It’s time.” She opened the box. Among the green velvet was a teardrop pendant.

  “That’s pretty.” Molly touched the thick drop. “Silver?”

  “Platinum. Here, let me put this on you.” Gretchen eased the necklace about Molly’s throat. “I only ordered one because it wasn’t cheap, but with that dress you need something simple and elegant. This is both.” She stepped back and smiled again. “I believe you have a gala to attend.”

  “I do, but I’ve got to get across town first.” Molly smoothed her palms over the skirt again. “I’ll have Remy drive me home—if he hasn’t already left.”

  “No, he’s here.” Gretchen moved the curtain. “Your ride is here.”

  Molly stepped out of the changing room and strode out to the main room of the shop. Dylan waited at the counter, along with Remy. Molly turned around to show off her look and noticed another figure. Austin? The tips of her ears burned and her stomach roiled. He wasn’t supposed to be there.

  “Molls…wow.” Austin held out his hand. “Look at you.”

  She gathered her wits and forced a smile. “I clean up pretty well, don’t I?”

  “You do.” Austin’s gaze swept over her. “Very well.”

  Remy and Dylan surged up to Austin and tugged him away from her. Both men spoke to Austin in low tones she could barely hear.

  Molly could’ve sworn Remy told Austin to behave. She wasn’t sure what Dylan said, but she couldn’t miss Dylan grabbing Remy’s hand as they stepped back.

  “We should go.” Austin offered his arm. “The limo’s waiting.”

  “Limo?” Molly peeked around him. Sure enough, a black limousine waited in the parking lot. “Wow.”

  “Remy? Would you take Molly’s car back to the apartment?” Austin asked. “I promise to bring her home and to take care of her.”

  “I can speak for myself,” she said. “But yes, Remy? Help?”

  Remy nodded. “You got it, babe.”

  Molly fidgeted, unsure of what to do with her hands. “What time is it?”

  “Time to go.” Austin wound his arm around her and waved. “Thanks, Mom. Dylan. You outdid yourselves this time.”

  “I had a great canvas to work with.” Gretchen leaned against the counter. “Have fun.”

  The world moved by in a blur as Molly followed Austin to the gigantic black car. He opened the door for her and helped her into the back seat. She barely noticed the interior of the vehicle. All she saw was Austin in his tuxedo. He demanded her attention without saying a word. She folded her hands on her lap and focused on breathing.

  Austin settled beside her. He draped his arm around her shoulders. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” She wanted to relax but couldn’t. She needed to get a few things off her chest first. “Ground rules.”

  “Oh?” He shifted in his seat and the corner of his mouth curled. “Shoot.”

  “Well, for one you don’t have to tell me I look pretty. I appreciate the comments, but you tend to take flattery to the extreme.” She shook her head. “Besides, I know the truth.”

  “Molls.” His half-smile fell. “I mean what I say.”

  “Second, when we get to the gala you don’t have to stick with me. I know your game. Play the field and leave a string of broken hearts in your wake. I’ll be fine.” There. She’d given him an out. “Even if Remy threatened to castrate you, you’re off the hook.”

  “He did, by the way.” Austin toyed with her hoop earring. “He mentioned something about also skinning me alive.”

  “That’s Remy.” She’d have to give him a big hug and a bottle of wine when she got her keys back later.

  “Tonight isn’t about worrying about who else is going to be there, who will skin someone alive and all the rest. We’re going to have a blast and be recognized for our hard work—especially you. You save my ass all the time.” He tucked her to his side and pressed a kiss to her neck. “Wouldn’t be where I am without you.”

  The words don’t say what you don’t mean teetered on the tip of her tongue, but she held back. The words of praise were nice, even if she didn’t quite believe him. Yes, working with him was a challenge, but he wasn’t a slouch in the advertising game. He knew a smart marketing ploy and could pump out the right words for a promo spot in seconds. She might make him look good, but he did just fine on his own.

  The car stopped and the driver opened the door. Molly looked at the world beyond the limo and snorted. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected to see, but not the back door of the dining hall. She held Austin’s hand as he led her into the building.

  “Gee. For being honored guests, we’re not being very honored.” Austin kept his arm around her. “But what do I know?”

  “Me, either.” She remained by his side as he navigated through the building to the dining hall. Just like he’d said, her photographs were the backdrop of the stage. Three banners, one of each photo she’d sent, lined the far wall. She bit back a gasp. She’d never expected to see Austin mega-sized. Even gigantic, the man grabbed her attention. No wonder the company loved the images. She fell in love with him all over again.

  Molly held tightly to him, not because she thought he’d get away, but because the amount of people in the room scared her. Her heart raced and she could’ve sworn the walls were closing in on her.

  “Are you okay?” Austin whispered. “We’ll go out to
the balcony and get some air.”

  “Thanks.” She huddled against him until he led her through the French doors to the patio area. The chilly air helped to clear her thoughts and put her at ease.

  “I have no idea how this night’s supposed to go.” Austin gathered her in his arms. “I look at you and my thoughts blur.”

  “Oh.” She fought the urge to roll her eyes at her ridiculous answer. Was he trying to be romantic? She wasn’t sure.

  “That’s how I feel. I want to sound intelligent and it all falls apart.” He curled his fingers under her chin. “I’m so proud of you and even more proud to be beside you.”


  Austin leaned forward until his lips were a whisper away from hers. “You make me feel…shit.” His eyes widened. “Double shit.”

  “I make you feel like shit?” She glanced over her shoulder at whatever he was looking at. As soon as she saw the reason for his shift in attitude, her mood soured, too.


  She should’ve known. She and Austin were having a good time. It stood to reason something or someone would get in the way.

  Iris wound her way through the throng of people and zeroed in on Molly and Austin. She nudged Molly aside and clasped Austin’s biceps.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Iris purred. “You strip down nicely and dress up just as well. I think I’m in love.”

  Molly groaned. She’d been down this road before. Walk away with your dignity intact. She’d earned her entry into the gala and refused to let one woman bring her down. She turned on her heel and blended into the crowd.

  Chapter Five

  Austin offered his best smile and hoped Iris didn’t see through him. He gritted his teeth. The moment he’d spotted her he’d known she’d swoop in. He’d planned to make things up to Molly, not shove her aside. He surveyed the crowd and noticed she’d gone. Fuck.

  Iris wound her arms around his biceps. “I’m glad you arrived. I’ve been lonely.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He disengaged from her. “I came with a date and she deserves my attention.”

  Iris’ eyes widened then narrowed. “You should entertain her for a while, yes.”

  “I knew you’d understand.” He didn’t believe she did but he wasn’t about to argue with her. He eased away from her in search of Molly. He never should’ve let her go in the first place.

  Austin spotted Molly at one of the tables. She clutched the back of the chair. She stole his breath and sent happy shivers down his spine. Maybe she hadn’t believed him when he’d told her he thought she was adorable, but she outshone the other women at the gala. She arrested his attention. All he could think of was getting her alone.

  “Hi, pretty lady.” He snaked his arm around her and kissed her temple. “Come here often?”

  “Hi, and no, I don’t.” She gripped his forearm. “I can’t sit down in this dress.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “I’m afraid I’ll ruin it. Your mom never said if it was on loan or anything and I’m sure I’ll spill something down my front,” she muttered.

  “I’d tell you not to worry about it, but I know you. Worrying is your thing.” He held her tighter. “I’m sorry about Iris.”

  “She’s making her rounds. It’s part of her job,” Molly replied. “She’s got a thing for you.” She patted his arm but didn’t pull away from him. “You don’t have to stick around here with me. I know you’re dying to get back to her. I understand. She’s the beautiful one.”

  Austin turned her around and kept her in his arms. “I’ve already got a date. I might be an ass, and usually can’t make up my mind, but I’m not abandoning you.”

  “I’m not your date. I’m your design partner and friend. Big difference.” She smoothed her palms over his chest. “Don’t worry about me.”

  Austin kissed her forehead. He needed to buy a few more seconds to think through what he wanted to say. Fuck. “You’re my date and my partner. Much as you don’t believe me, I refuse to ignore my date—meaning you. Let Iris push in again. I’m here with you and I’m going to have a good time with you.”

  She leaned back in his embrace and met his gaze. “I knew you had manners.”

  “You’re shocked, though.”

  “A little.”

  When she touched him, even through the layers of fabric, she seared him to the core. She was his best friend but she also flowed in his soul. “Sounds like you’re secretly pleased I’m using my manners.”

  “I am,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad.” He held her closer and breathed in the scent of her perfume. “Dance with me.”


  She allowed him to whisk her away from the table. She snuggled up to him and swayed to the music. The more they danced and laughed together, the more he saw her in a different light. He was closer to her, sure, but that wasn’t the change. They’d been close for quite a while. They worked long hours together, fell asleep on the couch in the office together and argued with gusto more times than he could count. He’d seen her naked and craved making love to her. He’d seen the various sides of her and couldn’t see doing his job without her. He liked the way she fit beside him and in his arms. He wanted her to stick with him but he also wanted her to succeed.

  Was he in love with Molly? He wasn’t sure but he wanted to give their relationship outside of the office a chance. God, he’d become wishy-washy. Because of her? Could be.

  “Excuse me.” Iris wound her fingers around his wrist. “May I cut in?”

  Molly tensed in his arms and met his gaze. The worry returned to her eyes. She eased away from him. “Ms. Sommerville.”

  “No, wait,” Austin said. “We’d like to finish out the song.” He smiled even when Iris shot him a dirty look and her lip curled in a sneer.

  Although he’d upset Iris, she regained her poise in an instant. Molly was another story.

  “You’d better go,” Molly said. She toyed with the hairs at the base of his skull then let go of him. “She’s the one paying the bills, and if she demands some of your time, you owe her. In some bizarre way, this is probably how she feels I owe her,” she whispered.

  “Molls.” He hated having to play the game. Before, he wouldn’t have cared but now he had someone special. Being with Molly trumped anything he had to do with Iris, but he understood Molly’s position. Keep the client happy.

  “Are you coming?” Iris snapped her fingers. “I don’t have all night.”

  “I’ll be right back. Promise.” Austin feathered a kiss over Molly’s lips. “Right back.”

  “Go.” She poked him in the ribs. “I’m not leaving without you. I kind of can’t—I don’t have a ride.”

  “Smart aleck.” He kissed her again then left her alone on the dance floor.

  Iris sidled up to him and smoothed her palm over his ass. “Tired of your date? You should be.”

  “No, but you did request my presence.” He cradled her hips and moved with her as Iris danced. She had rhythm and grace but she wasn’t Molly. Where Molly would let him take the lead and work with him, Iris demanded his attention and expected him to follow her. Would that be his fate if he went out with her?

  “I see great things in your future.” Iris held him tighter. “You’re the star of the campaign.”

  “I am?” He’d dreamed for half a moment about maybe being the center of the campaign but then he’d been knocked down to earth. He’d rather be happy in his own little corner than showing off his ass.

  “You are so much more than you think.” She nodded. “We want you to be the focal point. You sell my clothes better than the other models.”

  “Wow. Thank you?” He wasn’t sure if he was flattered or appalled. He wasn’t a model. He paused. The photos and the magic wouldn’t have happened without Molly. “You’re going to have Ms. Neff photograph the rest of the campaign, correct? She’s the reason I looked good.”

  “I’d prefer one of my photographers to do the sh
oot.” Iris eased the sides of his tuxedo coat apart and rubbed his abs. “I can’t wait to unwrap these.”

  He gritted his teeth. He couldn’t do anything without Molly. “I refuse.” He was crazy and turning down a great opportunity but he wouldn’t chase this dream without her by his side.

  “You what?” Iris snapped. “You can’t turn me down.” She yanked him off the dance floor and to a quieter corner of the room. “I own you.”

  “Of course I can turn you down because you don’t own me.” Austin shoved his hands into his pockets. He gazed over to where Molly stood. Three guys were with her. Although he had no claim on her, he couldn’t help the jealousy filling his brain. Molly smiled and laughed with the three men, and if he wasn’t mistaken, the guys weren’t slackers in the appearance department. He wanted to be the man who made her shine.

  A raven-haired man turned enough for Austin to see the guy’s face. He couldn’t read the guy’s lips but he got the general idea.

  “Excuse me.” Iris grabbed him by the chin and turned his head. “I’m right here.”

  “I need to go.” Austin shrugged away from her.

  “Why? Did you see those men?” She turned her back on him and rested her head against his shoulders. “They’re models. They saw—like everyone else—the photos. I’m betting they’re asking her to take their pictures, too. I’m using them for the campaign, too. Personally selected.”

  “You really think they want her to photograph them?” Austin asked.

  “It was mentioned a few times. If she made an ad man look good, then she could do wonders with them.” Iris wriggled against him, rubbing her ass over his crotch. “I told them it was a fluke. She can’t do wonders every time.”

  “I disagree.” He scooted back a bit to put space between them. “I felt comfortable with Molly. That’s huge.” Because Molly had made him feel that way.

  “If I allowed her to take the pictures, would you do the campaign?” Iris whirled around and faced him. “I could convince you?”

  “It’s possible.” The only way he’d wear anything by Aura was if Molly was there with her camera.


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