Pride and Passion

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Pride and Passion Page 11

by Tracey Mellert

  Chapter Ten:

  Reed pulled himself together. He splashed cold water on his face and knew that he needed to face Jamison. He was embarrassed, but Jamison deserved another apology. Reed opened the door to the bathroom and walked over to the couch, where Jamison was still lying. Reed felt horrible! His friend’s face looked distorted, and he was responsible! Jamison’s nose was broken and swollen. The bleeding had stopped, thank God! Both of Jamison’s eyes were bruised and swollen too. Reed rubbed his face, feeling repulsed, for his impulsive actions. He had never lost control like this before. He had never felt the rage that he did today. He had convinced himself that Jamison was after the girl that he believed he could fall in love with. He couldn’t control the anger and fear of losing her. “Jamison, I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you, especially like this. I was so blinded with fear and anger to think about any other possibility concerning that phone call. I let it ravage my brain until I just stopped thinking with any common sense. I let my jealousy overrule me, Jamison, and I let myself hurt you. I can’t apologize enough to you, man. I’m praying that you will find a way to truly forgive me. I should have used some common sense and come talk to you first. I wished I could do everything all over again.” Jamison saw tears in Reed’s eyes. He knew his friend was truly remorseful. He tried to smile, but he wasn’t too successful because his face hurt too badly.

  Jamison patted Reed’s leg. “You were jealous because you think you could fall in love with her, and her only. I can sympathize with that. I’m your friend, man, I wouldn’t hurt you like that. Yes, I forgive you. This was a terrible mistake, and I understand why you were jealous. You were scared. I know what it feels like to lose someone you desperately want. I felt that jealous at one time, Reed. Lucky for the other guy, he lived out of town; so, I didn’t have the chance to smash his face, or I would have.” Jamison tried to smile again, and Reed smiled sorrowfully with him.

  Skylar was standing there, listening and watching his friends become friends once again. “So, we good guys?” Skylar was always the comic relief. Jamison and Reed smiled and said in unison, “Yeah, we’re good.” Skylar hugged Reed and then looked down to Jamison and said, “Dude, I can’t touch you looking like that.” Everyone laughed. Skylar’s mom was a nurse. He called his mom and asked what he could do to help Jamison. She was going to be off work in an hour. She told Skylar to keep Jamison there, and she would bring him some medicine. She instructed Skylar to call Jamison’s mother and ask if he could spend the night; that way, she could help him heal a little before his mom saw him.

  When Skylar hung up the phone with his mom, he told Reed and Jamison that he would call Kendra and cancel their date. Reed spoke up, “No, Skylar. Keep your date with Kendra; this is my fault. I’ll stay here with Jamison and help take care of him. Just do me a favor, please. Would you ask Kendra how upset Brynley is with me, and if you get the chance, explain to her what a terrible mistake I made? I’m going to try to call Brynley later and see if she will talk to me.” Reed felt sick again. He knew how upset Brynley was and wasn’t confident that she would speak to him again.

  Jamison spoke to Reed. “Go over to her house, before too much time passes by, letting her anger intensify. Fix it now.” Reed knew that Jamison was right, but he was actually afraid. He didn’t know what he would do if she denied him. This was unfamiliar territory to Reed, and he didn’t know how to handle it.

  “What do I say? What if she won’t see me? What do I do if she screams that she hates me? I won’t know what to do.” Jamison and Skylar saw the uncertainty and distress in their friend’s face.

  Skylar spoke this time, “Just own up to your mistake, man. Tell her you were a complete ass, and you are sorry. Tell her you want to make up for your stupidity, and you’ll do anything she wants for her forgiveness.” Skylar was pretty proud of himself; he thought his advice was pretty good. Reed appreciated him, but he knew it would take a lot more to appease Brynley. He was brutal, and he was sure she probably hated him. He didn’t blame her.

  Reed shook his head, ‘ok.’ “Alright, I’m going to go over there. Pray for me, because I’m going to need it. Skylar, don’t tell Kendra. I don’t want them to know I’m coming and refuse me.” Skylar promised he wouldn’t text Kendra, yet.

  Jamison wished him luck, and Reed left. Reed went to the florist shop first and bought a dozen red roses. He chose a sweet card and wrote his apology inside; in case she wouldn’t speak to him. He prayed they would help soften her enough to hear him out. He then stopped at his house. He wanted to look good and smell good; so, her senses would appeal to him. Maybe, that too would give him a little advantage. He wore a dark blue shirt that was tight enough to show off his muscles. He knew girls loved looking at him. He fixed his hair and used his best cologne. He wore jeans that showed off his derriere quite nicely. He just needed a chance and an advantage to get to see her. He would confess his stupidity and beg her to give him another chance. He would promise her that he would never screw up again! He would promise her anything! He wanted and needed her forgiveness. He wanted and needed her.

  The closer that Reed came to Brynley’s aunt’s house, the more nervous he became. He was so afraid he was going to get flustered and say everything wrong. He parked, took a big breath, and found the courage to knock on the door. It took a few minutes, then the door opened. It was Kendra, and she had a wicked look about her.

  “Get out of here, and stay away from her! Remember when you said ‘you didn’t want to see her face?’, well she doesn’t want to see yours. Kendra slammed the door in Reed’s face. He stood there in shock. He felt ashamed that he told Brynley that. He just couldn’t leave without trying again. He needed to see Brynley. Reed knocked on the door a little more confidently this time. Kendra swung the door open quickly. Her eyes filled with contempt for him. “What is your problem? You hurt her, you embarrassed her, and you probably traumatized her from liking another boy in this town. Get away from here and stay far away from her. Don’t look at her, and don’t try to talk to her!” Kendra went to slam the door again but felt the resistance from Reed’s hand. Now he looked focused, intent, and slightly annoyed.

  “Kendra, you and Brynley have every right to be angry with me. I acted like an idiot, but I want to apologize to Brynley. She deserves an apology. If she doesn’t want to forgive me, she has that right; but she does deserve an apology from me. What I did and what I said was wrong, and I want to tell her how sorry I am for my rash, reckless, and foolish behavior, but I want her to hear it from me.” Kendra could see that Reed was determined to speak to Brynley. Aunt Jimena wasn’t here to make him go away.

  “Wait here; I’ll ask her if she is interested in hearing anything you have to say.” Kendra had an acid tone to her voice. Reed knew that she was just protecting her best friend, but Kendra was frustrating him greatly! It was Kendra who came back to the door. Reed knew what she was going to say.

  “She doesn’t want to see or talk to you, Reed. She told me to tell you not to worry about an apology. It is done and over with, and she doesn’t want any further interaction with you again.” Reed’s heart literally felt like it sunk into his stomach. He couldn’t let this go.

  “If she doesn’t want to see me today, then tell her I will be back tomorrow, and if she doesn’t see me tomorrow, then, I’ll keep coming back every day until she lets me apologize to her face to face.” He could feel his throat tightening. He tried to swallow, but it was hard. “Please, give her these; and tell her she can call me, and I’ll come over anytime tonight, that she will see me.” Reed turned around, feeling defeated and sick, that she wouldn’t see him. He deserved it. He hurt her and embarrassed her, just like Kendra said. If she needed time, he would wait; but he would apologize to her and beg her forgiveness.

  Reed got in his car and drove away. Kendra went upstairs to Brynley’s bedroom. She handed Brynley the roses and card that Reed had given her to deliver. “He told me to give you these. He also said that if you wa
nted to call him, he could come to you at any time if you wished for him too. He said that he was going to apologize to you face to face, no matter what. He said something about a misunderstanding? Do you remember what he could have possibly misunderstood, to make him act like that to you?” Kendra seemed curious. She could see that Reed was upset and wanted to apologize to Brynley desperately. His eyes were glassy, and he was trying not to cry; she had seen the look before.

  Brynley shook her head ‘no.’ She pulled opened the card, and this is what she read,

  “Dear Brynley, I cannot even begin to explain how sick I am, of how I mistreated you and spoke to you. You did not deserve any of my repulsive behavior, and I am begging you for forgiveness. Please, allow me to explain to you what happened. You deserve a proper apology, and I want to give it to you. In this card, all I can say is that my jealousy made me an unconfident and ignorant fool! I lashed out at you, unfairly, because I was afraid and angry. I am totally at fault and beg your mercy! Please, allow me to see you again. I need to speak with you. Know that I am sick with grief for what I have done and said. I will come to you any time that you wish. Text me, and I will be at your door waiting for you.

  With sincere and deepest regret,

  Reed Hinton

  Brynley couldn’t think what could have possibly made him jealous and upset. She was curious to speak with him, but didn’t think she could look at him. She had never felt the pain and embarrassment as she did at that moment with Reed. She never wanted to experience that again, either. Brynley looked up to Kendra, “What do you think? What would you do?” Kendra felt torn on what to tell her friend. She was furious with Reed for how he treated her, but she knew there had to have been something to set him off like that. Kendra knew that Reed was seriously into Brynley. She could see it on his face the other night at his house.

  “Let me talk to Skylar. Let me find out what’s going on; then we’ll talk about it, ok?” Brynley looked like a sad little girl. Kendra’s heart was breaking for Brynley. “Go take a hot bath. Let’s go out and get something to eat. We’ll figure this out.” Brynley agreed and did as she was commanded.

  When Brynley finished with her bath, she dressed and fixed her hair. She didn’t feel like wearing much makeup; so, she didn’t. She felt so forlorn and restless. She was going out for Kendra’s sake, they had decided on a Chinese restaurant just outside the mall. It was kind of busy, but they were seated within fifteen minutes. The girls had ordered their meal and decided to talk about school, anything but Reed for right now. In the middle of the conversation, Kendra seemed to stop in mid-sentence. Brynley noticed that Kendra’s eyes were wide and heard a ‘no’ escape from her lips. Brynley turned around and saw Reed picking up food with Tabitha by his side. The nerve of him, begging her for forgiveness and then catching him with his go-to- girlfriend! I’m sure he figured she would never be out and about; so, he probably felt safe with Tabitha tagging along. It was the final insult! He would receive no forgiveness from her, ever! He could rot in his supposed guilt, for all she cared. Brynley turned to face Kendra. There were no tears, only disgust.

  “That’s my girl! You don’t need a loser like that.” Kendra watched Reed and Tabitha talk dynamically. There seemed to be a lot of passion in their conversation. Reed was handed his food, and Tabitha followed him outside. Kendra hated Reed. She would support her friend, and Reed would not be a part of her group. If Skylar couldn’t agree to that, then there would be no Skylar.

  The girls ate their food, even though it seemed to have lost its taste after seeing Reed. Brynley and Kendra made a pact that they would not talk about Reed. He was going to be put far from their minds and forgotten. Kendra brought up the idea that maybe Brynley should give Jamison a chance. She knew that he was interested in Brynley. “Why don’t you text him tonight? Feel him out and see how he responds to you. If he asks about Reed, tell him that you are not interested in him”, Brynley didn’t know. She thought it was too soon to be talking to another guy, especially right after feeling so close to Reed. It just seemed wrong.

  “I don’t know; it doesn’t seem like good timing. I don’t want to talk to Jamison; find out that I don’t feel romantic towards him, and his feelings get hurt. He’s a sweet guy. I will text him and let him know that I’m not going to the fair, nor am I speaking to Reed.” Kendra understood.

  Brynley pulled out her phone before it got too late. She texts Jamison back. “Hey, Jamison. Sorry, it has taken me so long to text back. I just wanted to let you know that I am not going to the fair tonight, and I am not exactly on speaking terms with Reed. As far as you worrying about upsetting Reed over me, don’t; because there is no ‘us’ nor will there be. Don’t want to go into details; just wanted to let you know. Go talk to your friend, and if you’re wondering if we can still be friends, the answer is ‘yes,’ but I won’t hang around Reed with you. I hope your date tonight goes well. See ya!” Brynley felt good about the text. She and Kendra finished their dinner. Brynley was encouraging Kendra to go out tonight with Skylar. She was assuring her friend that she would be alright. She was going to do her toes and fingers tonight, then watch something good on television. On the drive back to Brynley’s aunt’s house, she heard a ding on her phone. “Got to know what’s up with you and Reed. He’s crazy about you, Brynley, and you seemed pretty interested too? Something happen?”

  Ugh, exactly what Brynley didn’t want to do, was to explain herself to Jamison. Oh well, she didn’t think he would let it go unless she gave him some sort of an explanation. “Reed and I just decided that we didn’t have what it would take to have a good relationship. Besides, I’m pretty sure Reed is still interested in Tabitha. That’s a good thing because I really want someone different, anyways.” There, maybe that would appease him.

  “Brynley, I just talked to Reed not long ago. He is spellbound with you! He told me that you were the most charming, beautiful, and pleasurable girl he’s ever met. He even told me that he thought you were the girl to his heart. He’s never felt that for any other girl, Brynley. Whatever has happened has to be some sort of misunderstanding. Have you spoken to him recently? That boy is crazy for you. He’s not perfect, Brynley, but Reed would be honest, loyal, and loving to you. I know him and how he feels about you.”

  Brynley felt so confused. None of this conversation lined up with what she has experienced today. “I appreciate your concern, but Reed is not for me, Jamison. There’s a guy out there perfect for me; I’ll find him someday. Enjoy yourself tonight!” Brynley hoped that Jamison would just drop the subject. No such luck!

  “Look, I don’t want to upset you, but give Reed another chance because you are definitely missing the real Reed. I know he can make you happy, Brynley. It’s rare that he becomes a jealous idiot because it’s rare that he finds someone that he likes enough to get jealous over! You’re also wrong about Tabith; she means nothing to him, other than a casual date. That’s it!” Brynley knew that she needed to respond. She was telling Kendra everything that was being said. Brynley decided how to reply back.

  “I appreciate the concern and advice. I’ll think about it, but I’m just not ready to see or talk to him for right now. Maybe, if I give it some time, I’ll re-evaluate the situation and him. I’ve got to go. Bye!” Brynley breathed a sigh of relief. There was no reply.

  What Brynley didn’t know was that she was not talking to Jamison. She was actually talking to Reed. After Skylar’s mom gave him some Benadryl, Jamison was asleep on the couch for the swelling. She also had an ice pack on both his eyes. Even if the swelling went down, he would have two big, black shiners in the morning. When Reed saw Brynley’s name on Jamison’s phone, he couldn’t resist. He had to pick it up and talk to her. He would tell Jamison about it later. Reed was so disappointed that she was not interested in speaking with him any time soon, possibly never. He felt a sudden sense of doom loom over him. He had to fix this; he could not stand the thought of not being around her. He definitely could not stand the thought of another guy a
round her instead. That thought alone made him feel sick again. And what was this Tabitha crap? He hasn’t mentioned Tabitha to Brynley since the party. He hasn’t even seen her until today, and that was strictly an accident. He went to pick up food for everyone, and Tabitha just happened to be there and see him. She was trying to flirt with him and get him to go out with her tonight. He tried to nicely explain to her that he wasn’t interested in going out with her anymore. She became very upset, and they started to argue. He finally told her that he wasn’t interested in her and to leave him alone. He had planned on fixing everything with Brynley, and he didn’t want distractions or anything that would upset her. Tabitha stalked away from Reed, cursing his very soul. He was fine and could live with that. He was going to have to find a way to trap Brynley alone; so he could have a chance to talk to her. He knew that it would upset her, but if he could just get her to listen, he may have the chance to change her mind and give him another opportunity to make her happy and his.

  Chapter Eleven:

  Kendra didn’t feel like going to the fair. She had called Skylar and told him that maybe they could go out tomorrow night. School would start in about four more days, and she wanted to see him as much as possible. She wanted to be considered his girlfriend before school started, but she would wait and see. Tonight, she wanted to comfort her best friend. They were going to do pedicures, manicures, and face masks. They bought some stuff to do an at-home-wax system for their legs. The ice cream had been purchased, and the night was set. Aunt Jimena was supposed to be off tonight, but her department was short two nurses; so, she went in to cover staff for them. No wonder she had such a nice home; she worked all the time!

  “What do you want to do tomorrow?” Kendra asked the question while she was paying attention to the red color she was painting her toes with.

  Brynley thought but really couldn’t think of anything. “I don’t know. There aren’t any movies out that I’m crazy about seeing. I wouldn’t mind going to that rec center. Maybe do a little rock climbing and swimming. You know, I really wouldn’t mind going to swim tomorrow for a few hours. You could go out with Skylar and have some alone time. Then maybe, we could go bowling or something. That sounds fun.” Kendra’s eyes expressed her interest in that thought.


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