Pride and Passion

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Pride and Passion Page 17

by Tracey Mellert

  Brynley’s aunt let her stay with Reed that night in the hospital. Reed fell asleep from the pain medicine he was receiving. The next morning, he went to visit Skylar. “Dude, you’re alive!” Skylar laughed at Reed’s remark.

  “Thanks to you, man. You saved my life! Thank you for saving Kendra, too. I owe you, and I love you, man.” Skylar started tearing. Reed walked over to his friend and hugged him.

  “I love you too. You don’t owe me anything. I know that you would have done the same thing for Brynley and me. That’s what we do; we take care of one another.” Skylar was too choked up to speak. He just shook his head, that he agreed with what Reed was saying. The boys looked over at the girls, who were sitting together. Kendra wasn’t going to leave Skylar’s side. The doctor said that he could possibly be discharged in another three days or so. Kendra would only go home to shower and change; then, it was right back to Skylar’s room. Skylar’s parents hugged and thanked Reed for saving their son. Reed felt tired and wanted to return to his room. Brynley walked him back. Reed wanted her up in bed with him. She easily complied with his request. Reed and Brynley fell asleep for several hours. Brynley awoke, feeling her hair being stroked. She looked up, and Reed was smiling at her. She kissed him, with all the passion in her. Reed accepted it and matched it with his own deep affection for her. “I love you, Reed, and I thank you so very much for saving me.” Reed wiped the tears from her cheeks, and he kissed her nose.

  “I know of a way you could repay me.” He had such a mischievous look that Brynley was afraid to ask what it would be.

  “Name it.” She looked just as impishly back to him. He smiled

  “Promise to marry me as soon as we graduate. Vow to me that you will.” His grin faded away, and he was now very sober. He meant what he said. He was never going to lose her again. He wanted her forever!

  “Yes, I will marry you; just as soon as we graduate. As long as you don’t change your mind.” She hoped and prayed that he wouldn’t because she would seriously marry him. He was everything to her; her heart, her hopes, her dreams, and her future!

  “I will never change my mind about wanting you, Brynley. I suggest you use this year to plan our wedding. I plan on marrying you in June. You set the day and make plans. I’ll take care of everything else.” He kissed her deeply, sealing his promise to her.

  Kendra came by to visit them while Skylar was getting a bath. The nurses were walking him back and forth to the bathroom now. Skylar moving around was a new step to getting to go home. Kendra was telling Brynley and Reed that the news publicized what happened to them. Everyone was aware that Reed help catch a serial killer.

  School was going to start tomorrow, and Reed was going to be about a week late starting. The doctor wasn’t going to release him home until tomorrow. He wouldn’t be able to use his hand for several weeks to a month. He had several pins surgically placed and a cast to protect it for now while it healed. Skylar was going to be discharged two days after Reed. He probably wouldn’t start school for two weeks.

  Reed looked at Brynley. “Don’t start school until I can return with you. I don’t want you there by yourself. Just tell them that you’re still traumatized; and that you will return when I do.” Brynley smiled, but tears started streaming down her face. There was something that she needed to tell Reed but just didn’t have the heart to do it. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Kendra excused herself. Reed noticed that she had tears in her eyes, as well. When the door shut behind Kendra, Reed demanded that Brynley tell him what was wrong.

  “Now isn’t the time Reed. Let’s wait until you get home and feeling better.” Reed’s stomach started to feel nauseous.

  “No, Brynley! Tell me now! What is wrong?” Reed was getting angry. They had been through so much. He wanted things to be calm and easy now. What could possibly be wrong this time?

  “Alright, my parents are, of course, very upset over what has happened. They are flying in tomorrow to come and get me. They will be taking me back to Germany with them. Since Kendra can’t stay here alone, she decided to go to Germany with me; instead of returning to California. But I want you to know that I will call and text you as often as I can. If you still want me, after graduation, I’ll come back to you.” Reed felt numb; this couldn’t be happening! He couldn’t let this happen; he wouldn’t let this happen! He wouldn’t let anyone take her away from him! He had to find a way to stop it!

  “No, Brynley. I can’t let you go, and I simply won’t lose you now! I’ll speak to your parents. I have to try to keep you with me. I don’t think I could function without you; I need you with me. I need you!” Reed felt panicked. His body was shaking with fear and anxiety of what was to come. He needed to speak with his father. He needed help to keep Brynley here, with him. He wanted his father to help him find a way to make it happen.

  Brynley’s heart felt like it was tearing into pieces. Reed looked so helpless and scared. He held on to her, tight. He didn’t want to let her go. She felt sick over the whole situation. Everything started out so perfectly and then suddenly ruined in a matter of moments.

  Reed continued to hold on to her, and he couldn’t let go. He felt hot tears slide down his cheeks. He could feel Brynley sobbing softly against his chest. He stroked her hair methodically. He would find a way to make everything right.

  The doctor eventually returned and assessed Reed one final time. Discharge orders were written for Reed to go home. His father had arrived to pick Reed up. Reed wanted Brynley to come home with him, but her aunt was expecting her home by two. Brynley promised to come to see him later that evening. She told Reed that he needed time to get his medications and settle in. After he rested for a while, she would come by to see him. He didn’t want to be separated from her, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Reed was transported to his father’s car, with Brynley at his side. When Reed was placed inside the vehicle, Brynley kissed him. “I’m going to go up and see Skylar again. I’ll be riding home with Kendra. I’ll text you in about an hour or so.” Reed was still holding on to her hand. Brynley noticed that he looked so forlorn, and it broke her heart. Brynley released her hand, and she shut his door. She watched the car pull away. She turned and headed back to Skylar’s room.

  The mood was very somber when Brynley entered inside. Kendra had spoken to Skylar and told him everything that was happening. Skylar had been crying.

  “Du hast es ihm gesagt?” Brynley spoke in German to Kendra. She didn’t want to upset Skylar.

  “Ja, er ist sehr verargert. Er will dass ich bei ihm bleibe.” Tears were clouding her vision. Brynley had asked her, if she had told Skylar about the situation. She said that she did and that Skylar wanted her to stay with him. Brynley knew that she desperately wanted to.

  “Bleib bei ihm. Ich mochte Sie auch. Ich werde fur euch alle.” Brynley was telling Kendra to stay with him. She wanted her too. She told her that she would come back for all of them soon. Kendra’s mom would rent her an apartment. Kendra was eighteen and could stay to finish school here if she wanted to. Kendra was trying to be loyal to Brynley. She didn’t require that of her.

  “What is she saying, Kendra. I want to know what the two of you are talking about.” Brynley smiled at Kendra and left. She dialed for a cab. When it arrived, she was taken to the airport. Brynley had lied to Reed one last time. Today, she was leaving for Germany, and she didn’t want him upset any more than what he already was. Once she was in Germany, it would be easier for him. Brynley’s aunt was waiting for her at the airport. She had already checked some of the luggage for Brynley. She was going to Germany with her, to see her sister, Brynley’s mother.

  “Where is Kendra?” Brynley smiled through her tears.

  “I told her to stay. I told her that she could pick her luggage up from the airport. I gave her a copy of the key to your house that you had given us. I also told her that she could stay; until she got her apartment. She loves Skylar too much to leave him. I couldn’t be selfish enough to keep her from him. I love her; I’ll be b
ack for her and Reed.” Brynley’s aunt hugged her.

  The time came for them to board the plane. The flight was about eleven hours. Brynley couldn’t receive any texts from Reed because she would be on the plane. When they finally arrived in Germany, her parents were waiting at the airport for them. Brynley’s mother and father smothered her with kisses and hugs. It was a bitter-sweet moment. She loved her parents, but she left a part of her heart in West Virginia. A sudden weight fell on her shoulders. She felt so depressed and sad that she didn’t think she could recover from it. Brynley followed her parents to the car, and they traveled to the apartment they were staying in.

  Brynley couldn’t really respond to anyone. She couldn’t laugh, she found it hard to smile, she didn’t want to eat; honestly, she didn’t feel like existing. She went to her bedroom and fell asleep. All she could think about was Reed. She knew that he would be angry with her for leaving without telling him the truth. He was so emotional that she didn’t want to make the situation worse. He didn’t need any more heartbreak or problems. A few hours later, she awoke.

  Brynley turned her phone on, and she had eight messages from Reed; there were two from Kendra. She read Kendra’s first.

  “Thank you, Brynley, for being my best friend. Thank you for understanding and allowing me to stay with Skylar. I cannot even express how happy he is that I’m staying. I told him that you returned to Germany. He immediately called Reed and told him what you have done. I could hear Reed’s voice over the phone, and he was hysterical, Brynley. That boy is seriously in love with you! He will wait for you, Brynley; I know that he will. Keep heart, that all will be fine. Ich liebe dich!”

  I cried; I loved her too! My heart broke for missing Reed and hurting him. Kendra’s second text followed:

  Brynley, Reed is out of his mind for you! He is so angry that you left without telling him. Is there any way your parents would let you come back? Please, try. We all need and miss you.

  Brynley cried uncontrollably. She had to calm down before she could read Reed’s messages.

  Brynley, how could you leave me without telling me? Do you not care about me? I was going to speak to your parents. I was going to explain how much I love you! I was going to explain how I was going to be able to take care of you. Please, Brynley! Please, come back to me.

  She couldn’t bear to read anymore. She felt sick, and she sobbed until she wretched. Her mother and her aunt came into her room. They tried to console her but couldn’t. Brynley was heartsick. She fell in love, and now she was in pain! Her mother continued to rock her in her arms. She finally fell asleep with exhaustion. Brynley’s aunt had explained to her parents about how Kendra met Skylar and Brynley met Reed. Her aunt told them how she fell in love with him, and he with her.

  Chapter Fifteen:

  Days passed her by. She didn’t intermingle with anyone, and she had such a flat affect. She felt devoid of any emotion. Brynley simply didn’t care anymore. Her parents tried so hard to get her to engage with them and enjoy Germany; She didn’t want to. There was nothing here that she wanted or could enjoy. Her best friend and her love were so far away from her. She didn’t want to endure any more grief. She felt no pleasure with anything. She was just simply existing for the sake of her parents. She felt guilty when she saw the concern on her mother and aunt’s face but couldn’t do anything about it. She hated the school that they were making her go to. She wouldn’t do the homework. She supposes that she was rebelling.

  It had been two weeks now, and Kendra was the only one texting Brynley. Reed was furious with her and wouldn’t respond to any of her texts. That just pushed Brynley into a greater depression. There were times that she just didn’t know how she would make it through all of this. She just tried to continue to hold on.

  Another painful day went by, and once again, she returned to her bed, trying to escape the world that she was being forced to live in. Brynley was lying in the dark, praying that God would have mercy and allow her to fall asleep. She was tired of thinking about Reed and how he gave up on her. She heard her door open. Brynley quickly closed her eyes because she didn’t want to talk to anyone. She knew that her family was worried about her, but she just couldn’t care. She heard the door shut. The lights never came on. She felt a weight settle onto the bed. Then, she felt fingers moving wisps of hair from her face. A kiss was dropped onto her shoulders.

  Brynley thought how odd of an action that was from any of her family members. She was curious and turned around to see who was with her. She thought her eyes were deceiving her! It was Reed! Brynley immediately started sobbing at the sight of him. He was here, with her! She sat up in her bed; before she could even say a word, he was kissing her. She didn’t stop him. She relished in every moment of it. When the kiss broke, Brynley turned on her bedside lamp. The details of his face were glorious. After her initial shock of him being here with her, she asked, “Why are you here? How did you find me?” He had such a mischievous grin on his face.

  “When you left me, I went into a terribly deep depression. My father was so concerned about me that he tracked your aunt down and sent a message to her. She responded that you were also very depressed. He was given your parent’s phone number, and he called to speak with them about you and me. They were very concerned about you, too. My father begged your parents to allow you to return to West Virginia, so you and I can be together. It took some real persuasion, which my father is excellent at, but your parents finally consented. You’re coming back home with me, Brynley. I love you! There will be some rules for us to follow, but I will do anything to have you back with me.” Tears flowed uncontrollably. Brynley hugged him and held on for dear life. She never wanted to let go. “I also spoke to your parents, and I told them that I wanted to marry you as soon as we graduate. They weren’t thrilled, but I reminded them of their love story that you told me. They gave me their blessing. My father promised your parents that you would be protected at all costs. We’ll talk about all of that later; right now, I just want to hold you.” He held her and kissed her. She felt alive again! Her parents were going to let her go home with Reed! She was going to be reunited with Kendra, too!

  Reed made her get up and get dressed. They both emerged out of her bedroom and into the family room. Mr. Hinton was seated next to Brynley’s father. They were deeply immersed in conversation when she first appeared. Everyone smiled when they saw her clinging to Reed, and she was smiling for the first time since she had arrived. Her mother started crying.

  Brynley looked to her father, “Is it true, are you going to let me go back home, with Reed?” I saw the moisture in my father’s eyes. He continued to sit there, with my mother and Mr. Hinton.

  “Yes, Brynley. There will be some rules, but I will let you return and stay with your aunt. I know that you will not be happy here, and your happiness is everything to me.” I cried. Reed held me close to him.

  “Mr. Parks, I give you my word that I will take excellent care of Brynley. She’s not just my fiancé; she’s my life. There’s nothing more that I want than her. I know we’re young, but I have no doubts. I want to be married to your daughter before we go to college. Know that I will do everything to make her life happy.” Even Reed’s father had tears in his eyes.

  The plans were for us to leave tomorrow. I had already missed a week and a half of school in West Virginia. I needed to get back, unpack, and get into school. Most of all, I needed to get back to Reed and Kendra! We spent the next hour listening to Mr. Hinton. He was explaining that he bought watches with phones built into them and had tracking abilities. I would have a curfew of one o’clock on weekends. That was because I would be at the football games, and they lasted until close to eleven o’clock. At least twice a week, I had to call my parents and let them know how I was doing. I didn’t care about the rules; I would do anything to be with Reed again!

  I was so excited! Reed helped me pack my things, and then, he and his father returned to their hotel. We were going to be leaving at five in the morning.
The thrill of going home with Reed made it near impossible to sleep. Five o’clock didn’t come fast enough! I may have closed my eyes for an hour or two; I was running on pure adrenaline! My mother and father took my aunt and me to the airport. I met Mr. Hinton and Reed there. All of us boarded the plane. I sat with Reed, of course. I did notice that Mr. Hinton and my aunt seemed to get along quite nicely on the plane ride.

  We arrived in West Virginia around seven that evening, and we were exhausted. Kendra was there waiting for us at the terminal, and she ran to me and encapsulated me with a bear hug! Skylar was there too! He hugged Reed. Mr. Hinton and my aunt went to go and get the luggage.

  “I missed you, Brynley! I am so glad that you are back. I prayed so hard for all of us!” I hugged her again.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here!” Skylar walked to me and hugged me.

  “It’s so good to see you back, Brynley. I can’t express how glad I am that you and Reed are together again.” I thanked Skylar.

  Reed continued to hug and kiss on Brynley. Reed and Brynley were going to have to be separated again, but at least she had the confidence that she would see him tomorrow and every day afterward. She wasn’t returning to school tomorrow, but hopefully, she would the day after that. She would do her paperwork tomorrow and get everything ready. She was excited and nervous. At least she had her fiancé and her best friend to help her.

  Kendra took Aunt Jimena and Brynley home. Brynley left her suitcases in her bedroom and passed out on her bed. It was the best sleep that she had in a long while.

  The next day, she awoke with Reed waiting for her in the kitchen. He looked fabulous; she did not! She was thrilled that he was hers, though! He smiled at Brynley’s mussed hair, sleepy-eyed look, and her prairie-style nightgown. She didn’t care; she knew that boy loved her! She gave him a sheepish grin and took a bite out of her toast. “Look at my gorgeous girl. Hurry up and eat your breakfast, darling. We have to get you signed up for school today. I have a doctor’s appointment if you want to go with me.” Brynley gave him that ‘of course, I will’ look. He just grinned. She finished her breakfast and then scrambled upstairs to take her shower and get ready. She knew that kids from the school would see her; so, she wanted to look really nice.


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