- That is, you can, in theory, make herb medicine from any disease?
- Of course not! I am now studying herbalism and phytotherapy - it helps to cope with small ailments like rash, or swollen abdomen, and what is more serious, treats alchemy and the highest alchemy. Only to learn that I can not ...
- Why?
- Well, it's lucky you are with the master ... Mrs. Rose - the gardener, herbalist and chef. Here are just a master of cooking it, not alchemy. In general, travovedeniyu I'm still learning, but in the herbal medicine I know more than her. That is alchemy she could not teach me, and tutorials to get even impossible - they are expensive and terribly rare.
- A supreme alchemist alchemist and what it can do, in addition to drugs?
- Oh, yes, almost all! They can make poisons, potions with different effects, for example, instantly intoxicating, or, conversely, to make a sober second - then I immediately thought Marissa, who instantly sobered up, took me for a long time by the nose. - Or are pills that can calm a person, to make him indifferent to everything, or turn into a berserker, which can not be stopped.
- A lead into gold, they would not happen to know how to convert?
- Sherlock, are you laughing? At that believe only an uneducated old woman, you would have asked about the philosopher's stone and the elixir of immortality!
- What does it not? And I was hoping - I'm a little forced chuckle, hoping to translate everything into a joke.
Well, it turns out there is alchemy quite practical significance. Something between a primitive chemistry and pharmacology unpretentious. Donnie, meanwhile, stung to the quick, with passion continued to prove the omnipotence undeniable alchemy:
- By the way, the jokes jokes and alchemy really gives a person a lot of power. You have not heard about the recent scandal with the murder of the Duke of Yollskogo, his wife and eldest son? About a month ago it was.
- Just I have not heard - about a month ago I did not even imagine that in general there shall appear, not to hear about the murders of some of the Dukes.
- Now! Duke suddenly changed his will in favor of his younger son, and then died in two weeks, such as pneumonia. His wife three days later hanged, and a week later their eldest son had gone mad. And totally, completely and irrevocably. Wrote that he did not know the people, growls and bites the dog. Soon, he smashed his head against a wall, in a madhouse content.
- And how is it connected with alchemy?
- And it's simple. Everything that happened to these people - was due to the action of various alchemical preparations and primitive hypnosis. It was the perfect crime, and it certainly never had not been disclosed, if not observant servants who noticed how the younger son something slipped into the food to his father.
- Wait, is that such drugs can just buy?
- Of course not. To make things forbidden by law, here only there are places where you sell anything, you know.
Wow ... It turns out, that thing about-ho-ho, what a killer. Well, in the real world, at a time when solving problems with the help of spiked wine in a glass of poison was normal, there were no such opportunities. Imagine how delighted to such pills and tinctures Alexander Borgia, or Catherine de Medici ...
In the meantime, I have finished waxing copper cylinders and the complete assembly. In finished form, my creation remotely resembling a drum revolver, but apart from the central axis of rotation, each cylinder of copper can be rotated around its own axis.
Perhaps today you can curl up, the more time was nearing a release. Folded into place the tools, I turned to Donnie. He sat quietly, thoughtfully staring off into the wall. No way, it seems like become famous alchemist and will control the fate. If I have a chance, it will be necessary to help, give money to study something ... Although, this principle can not take it. Okay, I think about it, the more so because so far still has nothing to offer.
- You know, Sherlock - suddenly spoke up Donnie - I dream to become the highest alchemist and learn how to make powder oblivion ... Can you imagine how great it is, eat and forget all the bad things that have been in your life, and you can start with a clean slate .
Forgot! Forgot everything, start from scratch! These words sounded an alarm bell in your head - it's not this happened to me? But ask Donnie about that now would be a frank beastliness, judging by the frustrated person, he thought of his mother. Perhaps it was her he wanted to forget her betrayal, and his love for her. I could not judge him for it, but also what to say - did not know. So I just sat down, hugged each other on the shoulder. We sat so long in silence thinking about her, until Donny finally smiled:
- Thank you, Sherlock.
- I'm with you, my friend.
Perhaps it sounded too pompous, but it was said very sincerely. Indeed, he is still a child in this world, somehow I felt responsible for this lonely, abandoned boy who, like me, once, trying to dissociate itself from the surrounding reality, the barriers built of books. But it was easier, parents loved me, though they were not there, and Donnie ...
No, definitely need to help him! I hurt himself in a cake, but become for him a magician who performs dreams.
Saying goodbye to a friend and returned to my room, I shook for a while in the information head. If you believe Donnie and doubt him there was no reason, then there was a powder of oblivion, which allows you to forget what happened to the man. That's just not clear how it worked. If I understand correctly, that it was possible to selectively lose a memory, ie forgetting process is somehow regulated, but how? Okay, now let's leave ...
Suddenly I remembered today's guest, Lady Elizabeth. I have never seen, so that there even could not imagine that in this world can there be such a perfect, this stunning beauty. Her eyes, they are like a bottomless slough into which you dive and you sucks, pulls in depth, the air is not enough, but you're willing to not breathe, ready to die to get there, to reach, to touch ... Damn you, damn! I shook my head. What a delusion? Even a vague image of beauty that exists in my imagination, evokes a feeling similar to those that caused Lady Elizabeth herself, maybe just a little weaker. Well, I do not, for the sake of clarity of mind, I will not think about it.
A few slow, deep breaths calmed participation was a heartbeat, and I mentally repeating a mantra: "I'm tired, I sleep peacefully, asleep, almost fell asleep ...", indeed, finally fell asleep.
I woke up extremely easily, cheerfully jumped up and began to exercise. I do not know why, but I felt in some unprecedented upsurge and enthusiasm. It was a strange feeling the impending change for the better, some kind of magical surprises and wonders.
Quickly after washing and swallowed breakfast, I gallop rushed to class, surprised and pleased with their enthusiasm Mr. Birkin. And even trigonometric problems we doing today on the second pair of the lessons of the past did not cause rejection in me.
I, like a magnet, attracted workshop. Even yesterday, that feeling was not, but today, I was eager to go all out. After class, I almost had to force to force yourself to go to lunch, because, from the strange excitement without feeling hungry, I am now perceive food as unnecessary obstacles in my way.
And when I finally found myself in it, it's a strange calm. All other thoughts are gone, and I plunged into the assembly process of the internal mechanism of the birds. All parts are ideally suited to each other, in fact, my only goal was to correctly assemble the product according to the drawing, as a designer. Perhaps if I had not spent a few days in the library of "mechanics and mechanisms", this problem did not seem to me such a simple, but now, when I took part in my hands, I immediately understood its purpose and confidence is attached to the desired location.
Not noticing how was lunch, I regained consciousness only from a strong knock on the door.
- Come on!
- And you got a good idea, my friend, is quite comfortable - the room, not used to stumbling on the uneven steps, he went down by none other than Detective March, in person.
- You, sir? And what are you doing here?
- Well, I prom
ised to visit you, if need your help.
- I'm ready, sir, what to do? - then I remembered that I should be sure to finish the bird tomorrow, and decided to clarify. - Unless, of course, it's not for long.
- No, a young Sherlock, no help from you is not required. The point, consider solved in a few days, it will be finalized and put into the archive. The killer is caught, he confessed, my guide him recognized perfectly, the papers had already thrown a bone. So all you can forget about everything and move on.
- Wait a minute! Like this? And the hedgehog because it is clear that Appleton did not act alone, especially since it came to the daughter, who he did not the daughter, after the visit that he first admitted and then completely died! No one sees that it is all related?
The detective smiled crookedly, sat down on one of the chairs, and crossed his legs:
- Sherlock, you just do not understand how it all works. The most important thing - not to allow the public was dissatisfied with the work of the police, and the case has gone to this. If the newspapers got wind that one of the suspects had committed suicide, but the second we lost, would have risen incredible howling, would start riots, riots! Therefore, the chief of the police department for the Eastern District decided that you just need to close your eyes to all the oddities in this case, and believe the recognition of Appleton. The more that we can not prove that an unknown old woman found in a cave - it is Molly. That is, it turns out that the series is over and we can report on the disclosure.
- What nonsense! And traces of the dungeon? Another pair of tracks, does it not prove that there was someone else?
- Not sure, these traces could be left for a long time, even before there appeared Appleton.
- But you yourself said that traces of fresh! How could they appear earlier ?!
The detective sighed. I hate to look like the man who, it seemed to me, had quite an adventurous nature and a sharp, quick mind, obediently bends under the system well while seeing where the real truth and falsehood.
- Listen to me, Sherlock. Believe me, we can do nothing, everything has been decided. Now, the course of the investigation could change, perhaps only giving oneself an accomplice Appleton. And it would be a miracle, in which I do not believe it.
- So, it's really all over?
- I'm afraid so, Sherlock ... The official version, which is exactly what will appear tomorrow in the newspapers, is that - Mr. Appleton, which is known to everyone in his circle, is a collector of all sorts of rarities and antiquities acquired on the occasion of a manuscript . This manuscript describes the ceremony, allowing to extend the life of a person, at the expense of the lives of several brought by victims. Having decided to conduct an experiment, he produced six crystals, runes, that the victim had to wear for some time before his death. And on a certain day, he lured them at night to the city where the throat, drew on his cheeks and took away the right rune crystal after death.
- After the fifth victim, he could not find the crystal on the body of the girl, and when, after some time, they brought him the Trickster Osh and Ray Stavinskaya, just ordered his servants to kill them, panicked and not thinking about the consequences.
- And Molly?
- Since it is slightly more complicated. If you believe the testimony of Appleton, Molly he paid a lot of money per night I spent with him, and she decided to leave the city, starting a new life. And the old woman, whom we found in the cave, just a crazy city, which he had picked up somewhere in the slums and decided to conduct the first experiment on it.
- What kind of nonsense, Detective! Molly would not have gone never like this, without saying goodbye, and it is clear from her letter that she was going to return. And you do not think that it was too monotonous come all the girls who have met with Mr. Appleton - they suddenly decide to start a new life in the middle of nowhere! And if we found in the cave is not Molly, why her her dress?
- Yes, I understand that everything is sewn with white thread, but it does not matter, I will not change anything, all of the con-Th-but Sherlock, resigned.
I was not going to resign ourselves, no really! Yes, now I have not had the opportunity to conduct an investigation, but later, when I get home, I was hoping to do it in earnest. Too much was unclear. Girls, which clearly ruled that it is - mind control? And here Dagon, there are sacrifices to him? What, after all, happened to Molly? And the strange words of the old witch, who did not make the picture easier, but only the matter worse. In all of this was to find out, and I did not think to retreat.
- Tell me, Detective, you've got a translation of the text of the papers that were found in Appleton?
- Not yet.
- Sir, would you please allow me to read when you get it?
- Sherlock - Detective smiled - you are very similar to how I was when I first came to the police. I beckoned to the mystery, I thought the search for truth your higher purpose and was ready to sacrifice everything - his career, wealth, even love. That is why all think I'm odd, eccentric, a bit of a rebel. Only this is not so. I honor the laws and follow the rules, I'm no longer trying to jump out of the rut. But I like that you're not what I had become. I'll show you the translation of the text, when he will have me. Moreover, I will help you to catch the criminals, if you yourself will be able to understand who is the accomplice of Appleton and somehow justify it. It will be sufficient circumstantial evidence.
- Additional conditions for the quest "The Puppeteer":
Detective Marchi provide a logical justification for your choice alleged accomplice Appleton, supported by circumstantial evidence.
Reward: Experience (2000), a detective assistance in criminal detention unit of skill.
Penalty failure - no.
- Thank you, detective.
- Do not mention it. Oh yes! Almost did not forgot. Here, take this and do not leave - the detective reached into his vest pocket, and pull the chain, he took and gave me uncle's watch. - It is, actually, one of the two real reasons why I came to you.
- Thank you very much, sir! Just awesome! - I was really very happy, not that I was afraid that the detective leave them myself, but it was uncomfortable - watches, after all, the key to the loss of my parents, and I was determined to find them. - What's the second thing, sir?
- The funeral.
- What, sir?
- You know, Sherlock, all the dead girl until the end of the investigation, were in the city morgue. Today, their bodies were given to relatives, who have them, the other will be buried outside the city by the cemetery Tower Hamlets. Ibid buried and Molly. I thought you would want to spend her last journey.
- When? - the voice of reason, refused me, so this is the word I whispered hoarsely, and then coughed.
- Today. Actually - Detective fished out his watch, looked - now. You will go?
- Yes, - I coughed a couple of times, and has firmly continued - yes! Of course, I'm going.
Looking back on the table littered with parts, I jumped from the chair back jacket. It's okay, I can continue to work at night.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, sir.
- Well, let's go. Emily I know I first came to her.
Stepping behind the detective, and later, in a carriage, I was thinking about death. Honestly, until the moment when the detective told me about the funeral, I did not think about what has become of the body in this world. As far as I knew from the stories of other guys in different virtual worlds, this problem is solved in different ways.
In some - body disappeared immediately. It was justified, because in games where the player grew up in the levels, killing hundreds of different enemies, without such a mechanism, in a short time, the entire world would be littered with corpses. In others, where character development was not required to organize extermination of all living things, a body existed for some time, then still disappeared. And cemeteries, and funeral ceremonies, even if they were present, there were only due to the needs of the game story, and, in fact, were only props.
Here it was d
ifferent. I can not explain why the feeling was completely irrational, but awareness of this caused me a strange fear. Why Proteus created the world that way?
- Here we are, - the detective looked out the window. Crew, driving a few meters and stopped. We went outside, stasis is immersed up to his ankles in the mud, which turned the dirt road that had fallen the day before yesterday and has long had time to melt, the first snow.
Cemetery constituted enclosed iron fence wasteland. Leaden sky sowed fine rain, gusts of icy wind forced to raise the cap to hold the collar and hand. Two sullen men with shovels, probably gravediggers standing near lying on the ground wooden coffin, completed the picture.
With some difficulty pulling his legs, tied up in a mud mess, and constantly at the risk of losing balance and shoes, we approached them.
- Sherlock, do you want to be with her?
- Yes.
- Open the coffin, I hope you have not yet nailed? - detective turned to gravediggers.
- No, sir, that you, as much as possible? We're not exactly wild, we're aware - continues to mumble something unintelligible, one of them took the coffin and placed it next to one end of the sinking in the mud.
Motioned the men to follow him, the detective walked a few steps. I'm holding my breath, looked at Molly's face, trying to find in it the features of that girl. A girl who was dragging me, barely alive, to her home, she is not having anything, I was ready to share the latest, which is genuinely loved by everyone lucky enough to meet her on the way.
I did not take his eyes off her face, and suddenly, the features distorted by old age and death, began to magically change, and now in the coffin is not old old, and the old Molly - amazing beauty with porcelain skin and delicate blush. "Molly!" - I breathed ... But the tears finally rolled down from his eyes, no longer dim view and Molly again became what it did a killer - a small, lonely, dead old woman lying in a cheap coffin somewhere in the wasteland on the outskirts of the city . All alone, no friends not relatives, who died a horrible death, having seen nothing in life except poverty and suffering.
Named Sherlock Page 28