- Oh, Emma, do not be so bloodthirsty, so it will not come to your beauty. The poor boy is not to blame, that the accident arose between you and inheritance. Poor thing.
- Arthur, you're so cute. By the way, given our suddenly arose understanding, can we cancel our previous agreement?
- Of course, what could be the monetary relations between people who are so strongly attracted to each other? Especially now, when we are together, we have and so all things in common, is not it?
- Arthur, dear, you understand me perfectly! And, since we're talking about the inheritance, testament Jeremy because you kept?
- Oh sure.
- Then you have to correct this gross injustice! I'm sure Jeremy was not himself when bequeathed all his possessions to the puppy, not me, who almost pulled him from the dead after his wife's death. After all the effort I think I can count on a small compensation.
- Of course, Emma, I'm sure you're right, but what can I do?
- a sheer smallness! Just to add me to his will, as the second heir, after his nephew. You understand that the house and all the property, just ... - suddenly there was a quiet click, recording ended.
To say that the record I was shocked - to say nothing. This woman is a monster, it generally no concept of good and evil. On the one hand - an amazing cunning and cruelty, on the other - a strange naivete and gullibility. Was she so believes in the power of her beauty, he has no doubt that the man, in a couple of hours of communication with her, ready to go on the terrible crimes? The head does not fit, to be honest.
- Sherlock, what do you say? - I interrupted my thoughts question the lawyer.
- I do not know what to say, sir. Besides the fact that this woman - things fiend? Do only what you gorgeous actor, sir, I was just amazed.
- Of course, my young friend, - laughed Mr. Jobson, - I'm a lawyer.
- Now I will be wary of lawyers, Sir, - I allowed myself to joke nervously.
- you have nothing to fear me, believe.
- I know, just a stupid joke, I'm sorry, sir.
- So, what did you decide? - old lawyer wisely changed the subject, for which I was grateful.
- What to do with the information?
- Exactly.
- You know, even though I am afraid that the snake tries to escape, but, nevertheless, the credibility of the law. Recording must be passed to the police, and there, albeit much they determine punishment.
- The right decision, Sherlock. I, on the other hand, is ready to give any evidence that would be required of me.
- Thank you sir! - I suddenly felt a burning impatience, desire to act as quickly as possible. - Sir, you are now ready to go with me to the police?
- Of course, - old lawyer did not hesitate got out of the chair.
Saying goodbye to Mrs. Jobson, we left the house. On the street abruptly turned cold, icy wind blew along the pavement past the fallen leaves already brown and completely dry, and fine grits snow. I shivered. Oh, and already in June, the heat in the real world.
Immersed in a cab, I called the address of the police station. I do not know if I did well, I should probably apply to the Office for the Western District, but there I did not know anyone, and detective Marcha I have seen in the case, and trust, as anyone else.
All the time it has taken the road, a lawyer dozed, his nose buried in the raised collar of his coat, and replayed again and again in my head the events of recent days.
I do not know why, but it seems to me that all that was happening to me and around me, connected to each other. And I mean not only the events, but even then, how this world, and why it was done this way and not otherwise. I have no evidence, not even a specific thought, a vague feeling that everything around, and created works in the name of a particular goal, far from winning the competition tasks. And the murder that took place in the real world - the links of the same chain.
Suddenly, I felt incredibly tired. It seemed that the goal is so close, so he house, just a few steps away, a little bit of effort, and I can go back there, but the power seemed drunk vampire. She just wanted to sit for a few hours in silence, alone, read a good book, just for your pleasure. And that, perhaps, what I will do, in the end, after all of the experience, I have the right.
- Mr. Jobson, sir, - old lawyer immediately woke up from sensitive dozing. - Tell me, you will be able to represent me to the police?
- Of course, Sherlock.
- Well. Thank you sir. I need to sign something?
- You do not have right now.
Well, that's wonderful. Probably, if we look from the outside, it might seem that I abuse a good attitude towards me Mr. Jobson, but I was later officially formalize our relationship as attorney-client.
In the meantime, we have reached our destination. Kebmenom paid the lawyer behind me walked into the police station building. Fortunately, the detective was on the scene, and a minute later he smiled and walked towards us.
- Sherlock? It is you again? I have a feeling that you come in here more often than I do. What this time? If for transfer, then I have it yet.
- Hello, Detective. Can we talk in your office? I need a few minutes of your attention.
- I think I'll find a couple of minutes to spare.
Having followed the detective into his office, I first presented Mr. Jobson, as a lawyer and a close friend of his uncle. Hearing this, the detective who knew my story, perked up noticeably:
- Oh, so you still found a family?
Remembering Mrs. Jobson tears of joy and selfless assistance to Mr. Jobson, I nodded confidently.
- That's right, sir. I found the native people, and with this and related business, with whom I have come to you. I need help in the arrest of the woman I want to be accused of trying to murder my, as well as incitement to murder another person, and to commit even more crimes. I have a witness and undeniable evidence.
- I'll listen carefully - from the face of the detective instantly lost all signs of joy.
Trying to speak, as brief as possible, I told the detective about everything that I have learned in recent years - their observations, facts and suspicions. Then took the floor Mr. Jobson, told about his visit to Miss Volfish. The final chord of the entire story, was the demonstration of a bird with a record housekeeper recognition.
As soon as the story unfolds, the detective eyebrows rose higher and higher, until finally realizing that the story is over, he did not jump, and, albeit with a smile, but quite seriously and sincerely, do not shake my hand:
- Sherlock, I'm amazed. You do not say that you're too smart for a guy your age? I understand that now in your life will be other interests, but keep in mind, if you think about a career police officer, you will be able to reach great heights, I'm sure.
- Thank you, Detective, I think. What do you say about all this?
- Terrific, your bird - it's just a magical device. I can see several ways to use in their work - to my surprise, March detective suddenly winked to me. - But seriously, Miss certainly deserves prison, and even ropes. I am ready to contribute, though, there may be problems with colleagues from Western control. May try to take the matter itself.
- Do not worry detective - his voice, Mr. Jobson. - Head of the Police Department West District - my close friend. You will be no obstacles. If a boy trusts you, and then I am too.
- Well, it makes things easier. Then we will not pull, and how would the bird not flown away from the cell. I - for a warrant, you can yet be free. And yes, Sherlock, I'm afraid your miracle-device will have to leave here, this is our most important and the only proof.
- Of course, the detective - of course, I'm not going to pick up the bird.
- Then, see you, gentlemen - Detective March solemnly shook our hands with Mr Jobson and escorted to the exit.
- Interesting young man, not he investigated the case of the Night Strangler? - said the lawyer, as soon as we were on the street.
- Yes, we had that's when they were introduced.
- Wait, you did not
mention it, how did you get involved in a murder?
- Well, I would be at the crime scene, found a piece of evidence. Then, they killed my ... One girl who helped me a lot. Sir, it's a long story, I will tell you. Later, when it's over. I, frankly, very tired.
- Come to us? March tuck you in our beautiful guest room.
- Sir, can I have a shelter? I there is still the case, and in general ... I would not want to burden you, - I really would have been awkward to use hospitality Jobson. Of course, they are very well treated me, and, in general, seems to be wonderful people. But I needed some time to get used to new people in my environment. And it's not too easy to me to give, to be honest.
Fortunately, Mr. Jobson all understood correctly, and did not insist. Catching a cab, he took me to the shelter. In parting, the lawyer said that from now on all my contacts with the police will pass through it, and is likely to cause me even a couple of times to testify. I was willing to do anything, only to now leave me alone. The brain was overloaded with information, and I felt the need to have simply just sit and break it down.
Before dinner, there were still a couple of hours, and I decided to spend this time in the library. In the studio, for some reason, it is not drawn. Ah, the old man is not right Shaw comes out of me the brilliant mechanic and inventor. I'm not ready, like him, to spend all my free time absolutely, fanatically collecting mechanisms. Yes, I agree that the process of any creative work is always fascinating. The feeling that you are literally out of nothing, is creating its own object captures. But I see it more with the practical side, that is, work with mechanisms to me, in contrast to the same Mr. Shaw is working. Yes, very interesting, but all the same - work. Rest, I still prefer to book in your hands.
Climbing up the steep stairs to the second floor, I went to the library, anticipating how fully engaged in some old adventure novel, for example, about pirates. What? A thousand devils, southern seas, Cursed Treasure - romance! Maybe it will take a few hours out of my head the idea that the three of us have been killed, and at any moment I might be next. Settling there, this idea is fought, fought, fought like a fly on the glass, trying to drown everything cold, tacky horror. Oh, no, do not let you! But I really need to briefly escape.
Already opened the door, I suddenly heard a strange sound from the opposite end of the corridor. Rooms that were there, used by some economic needs and were always closed. However, turning to the sound, I found that one of them is not completely closed, and out of a small gap is clearly heard voices. I do not know what made me come and listen, but I did it.
Approaching the door, I froze. Inarticulate bubnezh gained clarity:
- Now listen, are massive. Do you think we forgot about you? Well, I do not. Everyone knows that you are friends with this upstart Sherlock. That's only you that will not help your friend Rich soon topple from here, and you'll stay. Can you imagine what a sweet life do you begin? - rough, have already begun to break down the teenager's voice seemed familiar.
- Ronnie, maybe it just once to move to faster income?
- Wait, I'm sure our Mr. cinnamon bun and so will understand. You do not want to be beaten again, and Mr. fat donut?
In response came the muffled bellowing, I could not hear voices but have no doubt - the door was none other than Donnie, he was the fat kid in the orphanage, although thick frankly I would not have called. Local grub quite difficult to be corrected. Most likely, wishing the boy fed up Mrs. Rose.
In principle, it was possible to intervene, but I decided to wait a little longer. Donnie, like, do not touch, and I wanted to understand what they are making of it? Soon, all became clear:
- Now, listen to me carefully. The second time I will not repeat. At this shit, Sherlock, is the golden tchotchke - watches, and money, certainly deep. You're friends with him, visited his room - so they can quietly steal. This is the first. Second - we will unfasten every week for 10 silver, and just try for once not to pay. Do you remember when you last month fell down the stairs? Hand has healed? And maybe even break times.
Again he heard the lowing, this time more intense.
- Ronnie, take a minute hand. It seems that our sugar donut wants us to say something. And look, are massive if zaoresh - sorry, that were born!
Hand, apparently, removed, since immediately after this came the voice of Donnie. He spoke softly, but his words rang with such hatred that I involuntarily shivered:
- Nothing I will not do, I can even kill. All will be revealed and you will die in prison, okay?
Wow! But Donnie had already crossed the line, only these idiots do not see it. It seems that the more he will be the whipping boy. Only now the situation had breath-taking, and can no longer pull. Already throwing open the door, time to hear the words of Ronnie: "Oh well, bitch ..." and see poised to strike a fist. The second enemy, as I suspected - turned out to be Bob, my friend Ronnie. He kept Donald from behind the seizure of his neck, his free hand clutching his mouth.
Before his eyes flashed translucent strips of health and endurance. Aha! That is, the system is also recognized them as enemies, instantly switching the interface in battle mode.
Do not hesitate to not more than a second, I jumped at the door on the Ronnie. By surprise, he lost his balance, and we flew head over heels to the floor with a thud dropping mops, shovels, baskets, hit shelves in the fall with a bunch of boxes and even some trash. Cracked swung back on the floor, half buried things, Ronnie, it seems, for a moment, I lost orientation in space. Not wanting to lose the advantage that I got at the expense of surprise, I awkwardly but sincerely and with great pleasure punched him in the face. He spurted blood from a cut lip.
Fierce and desperate lowing of fuss behind, made me throw a knock out the enemy and turn around. Bob, did not let out of the capture Donnie, now just simply choked, the maximum force grip. Seeing his face and rolled his eyes nalivsheesya blood of another, I rushed to the new opponent.
Compared with me, Bob would be just enormous, with almost a man's complexion, but I still was rather puny teenager. So when I jumped on his back, hoping to topple him and somehow free Donny, he seems to have even noticed my weight. Not paying attention to me, Bob continued to strangle each other. Donald has already rattled, the floor is approaching a new threat. Came a Ronnie shook his head, eyes focused, and began, as yet uncertain, get out of the rubble of boxes and baskets.
The situation became critical. My weight and strength is not enough to cope with one opponent, and even a few seconds, and they will have two. But I was not going to give up! If you can not win in a fair fight, then, to save his life, you can afford to deceptive tactics. It is no longer up to the nobility. Stop trying to straighten hands Bob, I'm just from all the forces that poked in the eye with your fingers. I do not know much I eventually damaged his sight, and do not care, to be honest, but the result was immediate.
Momentarily releasing neck Donnie Bob with a terrible scream seized hold of the face, he bent over and burst into tears. I did not hesitate for a second, until the noble impulse not finish off the wounded did not take the upper hand, with a sweep kicked him between the legs. I must say that I put into the blow as much passion and hate that Bob even as it seemed to me for a split second was thrown into the air. Then he silently fell to the floor, curled up in a fetal position, and appears to have lost consciousness.
Donald also lying on the floor, trying to catch his breath and still wheezing. Count on him in the coming battle, it was impossible. The situation, meanwhile, was still not in our favor. Ronnie, looking at a bunch of little, behind her, pulled out her thick wooden stick is likely to chip the cutting shovel or broom. And now very bad. Given that he already was a head taller, had longer arms, but still, this club ... Oh. No, I was not afraid, but rather just to realistically assess their chances.
A couple of times throw the stick from one hand, Ronnie stepped forward. Given that, the room was quite small and in the maneuvers, we were severely limited, the only chance for me was to reduce the distance. Therefore, do not h
esitate, do not try to run away or avoid, I on the contrary, he rushed to the rendezvous, under the swing. Fortunately for me, Ronnie did not have a clue about the right fight short poles, therefore, seeking to inflict maximum whack, made a wide swing with a long trajectory. This allowed me to shorten the distance, and, taking advantage of not fully repaid the inertia of his own body, to make a near perfect classic shot through the shoulder. I mean, for me it was definitely perfect, as was the first in my life.
Once again, with all his landing back on the floor, Ronnie let go of the stick hand.
- get the achievement: "David and Goliath!" - you could win obviously stronger opponent without using guns. Open skill:
- Dogfight 1 (1)
Do I have won? All the enemy has surrendered?
In his eyes lying on the floor Ronnie shone fierce hatred, but for a split second, it seemed to me that there flashed fear. Or maybe it seemed ... But it was clear that the enemy was clearly not ready to continue the fight. I do not know how long we would have so exchanged glances, but suddenly the door burst open and burst into the room, Mr. Robinson. Behind him, in the hallway, I saw Miss Emily and Mrs. Rose. Yes, it seems that the battle is over.
- What's going on here!?
Good question. In the room all turned upside down, on the floor are three people, one of whom is still unconscious. Fortunately, Miss Emily, correctly assessed the situation and immediately headed for the Donald and giving the command to Mr. Robinson to see what Bob. That is not a special ceremony, several times strongly shook him by the shoulders, slapped a few slap in the face. Bob reluctantly came to his senses. When you try to open the eyes of them again a flood of tears.
- Mrs. Rose, urgently send for Dr. Watkins. Mr. Robinson, help Bob get up and take his room. Donnie? Can I help you? Try to get up - she held up Donald's shoulder and grabbed him by the belt, he puts on his feet.
Donny has not croaked, though still breathing heavily and his face still has not acquired a normal color. But, despite the fact that he had not yet fully recovered, each immediately began to intercede for me:
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